We Are (A Peterick Fanfiction)

By RaisinAPhoenix

117K 4.1K 2.9K

Patrick has been in love with pete for a long time, but will he finally have the courage to tell him? And if... More

We Are (A Peterick Fanfiction)
Don't Pretend D-D-D-D Don't Pretend
A Wonderful Caricature Of Intimacy
Our Songs Know What You Did On That Tour Bus Pt 1
Our Songs Know What You Did On That Tour Bus Pt 2
Thanks For The Memories They Were Great Pt 1
Thanks For The Memories They Were Great. Pt 2
The Boring About Me
We Do It For The Scars And Stories
Sleepin On Your Folks Porch again
Tell That Pete He Just Made My List Of Things To Do #IGD
Is It Still Me That Makes You Sweat? #IGD
I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get On You ;) Pt 1
I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get On You Pt 2
We Are The Beginning Of The End. We Are. Wild. Pt 1
Final Chapter: We Are The Beginning Of The End. We Are. Wild. Pt 2
SOOOOO. Sequel...

Sending Postcards To A Plane In The Ass

5.7K 209 386
By RaisinAPhoenix

Dedicated to Him <3 ;)

Patrick's POV

"Get up! get up, get up! We are so late!" Pete yells, shaking me awake. "Whaa?" He picks up a pillow and throws it, hitting me in the face. "What was that for?!" "It was for you to wake the hell up! Get dressed!" "What time is it?" he glances at his watch, "9:27!" "Are you serious?! Our flight leaves in an hour!" I jump off the couch, still naked, and run to my bunk, where I had already laid out my clothes. I put on my boxers, and a pair of half black half white skinny jeans; one leg being white and the other black. Then I throw on a Black Panic! at the disco muscle-t with white writing. I put on my black fedora, brush my teeth and wash my face.

"Pete! Are you ready yet?" "Yeah, let's go" It's 9:36 when we get into the car, rushing for the airport. I am driving, and Pete is giving me directions, which I'm not sure was a very good choice. But we get there at 9:49, grab our luggage and rush inside. Luckily the  people at the security checkpoint recognize us, give us a quick "star treatment" run through, and get us on board in just over 20 minutes! Wow, sometimes this fame thing pays off. We get on the plane at 10:23 with almost 10 minutes to spare. Joe and Andy are in the seats behind us, Which I now know was a mistake because Joe whispered in my ear "I'm gonna kick you chair the WHOLE flight". Greeeeeeaat. "Well, this morning didn't go as planned" I say resting my head on Pete's shoulder. He rests his head on mine "But any moment I'm with you, is perfect" he says tapping my nose. I smile, and kiss him on the cheek.

Joes POV

"How long is this flight again" I whisper to Andy. "6. Hours." he says, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "I don't know if I can wait that long" I say, my hand slowly drifting down his leg. "Stop," he moves my hand away and continues "Someone might see" I pout and cross my arms and he kisses my forehead. "Babe, we agreed to wait until we go to L.A to tell them." "I know, I know. I love you Andybear" "Love you too Joebunny" he gives me an Eskimo kiss, and interlocks our hands.

"Guys where Were you last nIght!" Pete says. I look up to see him leaning over the back of his seat. Andy quickly pulls our fingers apart, I give him a look, and he can tell I got sad. "We just took the money you gave us and stayed in a hotel" I say looking at Andy. "Really? You guys got two hotel rooms for 200 bucks?!" "Oh no. We just got one room" "Oh. One of you slept on the bed, and the other on the floor?" *Flashback to me and Andy making Love on the bed, and then accidentally falling off the bed and rolling onto the floor* "Yeah. Something like that" "Pete sit down! We're about to take off!" Patrick says slapping his ass.  "Alright sheesh!" he laughs and turns back around. Andy just looks at me, and then puts in his headphones. This is gonna be a long plane ride.

Petes POV

We're landing in 20 minutes and I'm so excited! I haven't been to L.A in moths, and I missed it. I think tomorrow night, I'm gonna set up a nice little picnic on the beach for us and the guys. We get a whole day and a half here in L.A before the concert! So lets live it up! We land and make our way back to the hotel. Joe you're room 227, Andy you room 226 and me and Patrick are 228 "You got us seperate rooms?" "Yeah! You never know, you might meet a special someone, and your gonna need your own room for that!" I say, winking and nudging Joe "I doubt that" he whispers and looks at Andy. We all pick up our things and head to the room. Although Trick had to help me because I had so many bags. "What did you bring? A BABY ELEPHANT?!" "Aaaaw man, thats what I forgot!" we both laugh and set my 4th suit case on the bed. We get settled in, and I find a bottle of Champagne that says "Champagne, from your real friends. Complimentary bottle" "Cool! The hotel left us free Champagne! Turn up!" "Turn what?" "Turn up! It's kinda like saying, Awesome! or Cool!" "Don't ever say that again" He laughs kissing me on the cheek. "Damn, we haven't eaten all day. You hungry?" I yawn. "Yeah, lets order room service" 

"Hi can we get, the breakfast platter, and two milkshakes, one strawberry and the other banana ordered to room 228? Kay, thank you"  "You always know what I'm thinkin huh?" he saying wrapping his arms around my waist, and giving me a love bite. "Of couse I do" "What am I thinking now? hmm" "The same thing I'm thinking."  I turn around and push Patrick on the bed, pinning his arms down with mine. I go straight for his neck, trying my best to give him a hickie. I take off my shirt, and he is about to take off his, when there is a knock at the door "ROOM SERVICE" a women shouts from outside. I open the door, and she looks me up and down as she rolls the cart in. "Thank you" I say handing her a 10 dollar tip. "Your welcome," she says pulling out a piece of paper. She looks at Patrick and says "If you need anything," then she looks back to me "and I mean ANYTHING, heres my number" She hands me the piece of paper, with the 10 didgits on it. "Uhm, I think me and my Boyfriend will be fine" "Oh" she says giving Patrick an evil glare "Well bye then!" Patrick says waving to her. She's almost all the way out of the door when she mumbles "Faggots"

Patricks POV

Oh HELL no. I get up from off the bed, ready to cut her, when Pete stops me. "Babe, she's no worth it. Besides, you have me, she doesn't," then he looks out in the hallway at her and says "Besides, she was UGLY anyway" She flips him off and continues walking down the hall. "We are most definatley complaining to the manager about her" "Yes, yes we are". This time he snakes his arm around my waist. "Now where were we?" Right as he kisses me there is another knock. I open the door to see Andy and Joe standing there. "Guys we have some news" They interlock there hands together and walk in. I knew it! 

"Guys me and Joe are... Together." "Aaaaw cute, for how long?!" "Two weeks" "Aaaaaw" me and Pete say in unision. 'Shut up!" Andy blushes. "Ooooh food!" Joe says, helping himself to our breakfast platter. After we finish the food we pulled out the wine bottles we got and  decide to play Truth Or Dare.

"Pete, I dare you to lick Patricks neck!" Joe giggled, mildly tipsy.  He leans over, and gives my neck, a longs, wet lick. "Okay. Andy, truth or dare" "Uuum. Truth" "Okay! But anything you say can and will be held against you!" Everyone giggled at the stupid reference. "Is it true that.... You and Joe had sex in the hotel yestarday night?!" "Well duh!" We all burst out laughing "So did you and Patrick!" Andy points out. Me and Pete stop laughing and just look at eachother. Theres an awkward silence and Joe can apperantly read what I'm thinking. "OOOOOH. The 'Everything But' huh?" I blush and turn away. "Can we just keep playing truth or dare?" I grumble, looking at the floor. "Sorry. Yeah sure" Joe says scratching his head. "Uhm Pete, truth or dare?" "Dare" hes says, looking brave. I dare you to... Take off all your clothes, and leave them off for 5 minutes!" He blushes, and then stands up, beginning to strip. "Two can play at this game! Patrick, truth or dare." " TRUTH!" "Is it true that you used to masturbate to anime gay porn before you came out!" "...Maybe we should play a different game" I laugh nerviously and look around the room. "You have to answer!" screams a now fully naked Pete "Fine... Yes I did" Everyone bursts out laughing, but I just sit there with my cheeks stained red.

Five minutes later, Brendon had joined us, Pete has his clothes back on, and I've learned some Pretty. Odd. Disturbing details about my friends. "Okay, um Brendon" Pete says pointing to him, "I dare you to pull out your penis, and leave in out for 3 minutes" My eyes widen and so do his. "No No No, it's fine Brendon! You don't have to." "Bullshit! If I had to get naked, he can pull out his dick!" I close my eyes, and when I open them, I just  get an eye full of Urie dick. "I call him Jr." He laughs Jr? More like Senior Senior. Dayum Boy

Another 10 minutes pass, and Andy gets to pick the last person. "Uuuuuuuhm" he says rubbing his chin. Joe leans over and says something to him, which gives him an evil grin. "Patrick. I dare you, to kiss Brendon" "Shit" me, Brendon, and Pete say all at once.

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