supernatural one-shots [reque...

By mckenziecer

39.3K 1.5K 444

| PLEASE ASK ME BEFORE YOU USE THESE PROMPTS | This book will include the relationships between the reader (y... More

dean winchester || "i can't"
[SoullessMiko] castiel || heavenly
dean winchester || first textual experience pt. 1
dean winchester || first textual experience pt. 2
dean winchester || first textual experience pt. 3
dean winchester || first textual experience pt. 4
dean winchester || first textual experience pt. 5
dean winchester || first textual experience pt. 6
dean winchester || first textual experience pt. 7
dean winchester || first textual experience pt. 8
dean winchester || first textual experience pt. 9
[princessofpunkhell] sam winchester || fairly local
dean winchester || amen
[AstralShadows] sam winchester || you need a soul to love
dean winchester || what is and never should be pt. 1
dean winchester || what could have been PART TWO
[AstralShadows] castiel || "what's this?"
sam winchester || sober
dean winchester || east of eden
castiel || say something
sam winchester || small bump
dean winchester || ghost
castiel || even flow
sam winchester || skinny love
dean winchester || i remember
castiel || garden
crowley || f • r • i • e • n • d • s
lucifer || shake it out
dean winchester || time after time PART ONE
dean winchester || time after time PART TWO
dean winchester || time after time PART THREE
[lucinda1990] john winchester || dear john
[AstralShadows] castiel || murder song
[AstralShadows] dean winchester || something wild
sam winchester || but then you remember
gabriel || "no, no, no, it's done like THIS"
dean winchester || plain old
sam winchester || what he wanted
castiel || "these scars tell my story"
dean winchester || "i volunteer"
castiel || "trust me, they'll be hard on you"
The Lion King
"it's me, i swear"
sam winchester || shape of you
castiel || "you were supposed to be my angel"
sam winchester || four walls
Answering Tags
sam winchester || house of wax PART ONE
lucifer || i love luci
sam winchester || in memory
castiel || amnesia
sam winchester || flannel
[AstralShadows] dean winchester || polly
Buzzcut Season
crowley || canon
dean winchester || round here

[ijashanaa] dean winchester || too much

643 29 20
By mckenziecer

|| not edited

"Does anyone want coffee?" Sam asks, walking towards the mini-fridge in your motel room.

"Me," you yawn into your bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios. "Definitely me."

Sam nods and punches a few buttons on the coffee machine, then pulling the cream out of the fridge.

"What about you, Dean?"

Dean walks into the kitchen and throws today's newspaper onto the table before you. He saunters over to the counter and picks up a blueberry muffin, taking a huge bite and spitting crumbs out when he speaks. A normal person wouldn't find it adorable, but you do. Because you have a hopeless crush on him. "Yup. I always take coffee before a hunt."

"You found one?" you ask, pulling the newspaper towards you.

Dean nods the affirmative. "Yup. Look at page 2b."

You comply with him and scan the page. "Woah. Brutal death. Think it could be a werewolf?"

"That's exactly what I think it is," counters Dean, sitting in the chair next to you.

Sam turns around and looks at you with his wide puppy eyes. "How do you like your coffee?"

You smirk. Sometimes the younger boy just made it too easy for you. "The way I like my men. Hot, which rules out the Winchesters."

Sam rolls his eyes and Dean cuffs the back of your head as you laugh to yourself. "Oh, come on, I'm hilarious."

Sam nods his head and brings you your coffee, along with the appropriate creamers and sugar packs, leaving you to flavor it yourself. "You're funnier than Dean, that's for sure."

Dean looks up at Sam, his cheeks swollen, they're so filled with muffin. "What is this, dump on Dean day?" he asks, his voice muffled from the cake.

You giggle. "If you really want it to be."

He cuffs you on the back of the head again and finishes his muffin. "I'll start loadin' up Baby. Be showered, checked out, and outside in twenty minutes."

You nod. "Got it." Dean smiles with satisfaction and leaves the motel room.


The car ride is silent, save for your and Dean's singing along to the cassette that he has chosen for this trip, until hour four.

"Is this going to be hard for you?" Dean asks Sam. Your eyes widen. No. He is not bringing this up.

Sam shoots him a confused look. "Why?"

Dean chuckles. "Remember Madison? Never sleep with the enemy, Sammy." You bury your face in your hands. Why is Dean so stupid?

Sam's nostrils flare. "Why was it necessary for you to bring that up?"

Dean's smile fades. "I don't know, just making a joke. It was years ago, Sam. Didn't think you'd still be touchy about it."

Sam laughs sarcastically. "No, I totally get it. Why would I be touchy about it? Oh, Dean, by the way, I don't think you should sleep with anyone while we're here, because then you'd have to leave them behind, just like you did Lisa and Ben."

You cringe, not only because it was a low blow on Sam's part, but because you hate Lisa. And something that made you hate her more is the fact that you hate her without reason. It's not her fault that Dean's hopelessly in love with her.

"That's different," Dean growls at his brother. "And you know it."

"I'm sorry, how is it different? It was years ago, after all," says Sam, his voice dripping with antipathy. He shoots daggers at Dean with his challenging stare.

Dean opens his mouth, but judging by the set of his jaw, is too angry to speak. He puts his other hand on the wheel and squeezes it until his knuckles are white. You consider saying something, but decide against it. You slump in the backseat and wish that Dean would turn up the volume of the radio so you could listen to Rolling Stones instead of Dean and Sam's silent anger.


Dean pulls the Impala into the parking lot of the motel and kills the engine. "So, let's go check in and then talk to the chick who found the body, yeah?"

"Sounds good," you say at the same time that Sam says, "I'm not coming."

You and Dean shoot confused expressions at him. Sam deadpans back at his brother. "I mean, you wouldn't want me there anyway, what with my emotions clouding my judgement."

"Fine," barks Dean. "Go check in. (Y/N) and I'll go talk to the girl." Sam climbs out of the car without a word, ignoring Dean's glare that burns into the taller boy's back. Dean looks back at you. "Well, are you coming up here or not?" Your heart flutters at the invitation, and you climb from the backseat to the front. "So do you know where this girl lives?"

You nod and rattle off the girl's address. Dean nods and turns the key in the ignition. The engine turns over and the ride to Amy Day's house is silent.


You rap your knuckles on Amy's door frame and step back, waiting for someone to answer. You and Dean exchange puzzled glances when no one answers. After all, there's a car in the driveway, and Amy supposedly lives alone.

Dean rings the doorbell, but there's no answer. You glance in the front window and see the curtains moving. "There's someone in there."

Dean nods and rings the doorbell again. Finally, a girl answers the door. She's small with black hair and a pale complexion. Dean immediately plasters a smirk on his face. You roll your eyes. He's such a pig sometimes. It's really annoying that he's a cute pig, and that he isn't a pig towards you.

"Who are you?" she asks snootily. You and Dean hold up your fake badges and she looks the two of you up and down before letting you in. "Here about the body I found? Because I already talked to the cops." God, you hate this girl already.

"Well, we're not the cops," you shoot back agitatedly.

The girl pouts at you and sits down on her couch. "Well, are you gonna sit?"

You fight the urge to roll your eyes. You and Dean sit on the loveseat opposite of her and you begin the interrogation, because honestly, you just want to get in and get out. She's annoying. And judging by Dean's annoyed expression, he's not that attracted to her anymore. "So you said the body looked like it was 'mauled by an animal?'"

Amy nods. "And there was this gaping hole in the chest. It was... horrible."

You glance at Dean. Sounds like a werewolf, all right. "So how did you come across the body?"

Amy looks at her lap. "Michael... he was my boyfriend. I was just going over to check on him, because usually he calls me every night..." Her eyes well up with tears and her voice breaks. "And then I saw that."

You and Dean nod sympathetically. You're starting to soften a bit. Amy has the right to be prickly. And at least she's beginning to warm up to you.

"Here," says Amy, reaching forward and grabbing for one of the books on the coffee table. "I have a lot of pictures of us in this book." She pushes the book forward and she accidentally knocks a glass coaster off the table. It shatters on the ground with a splintering crack. "Crap. Hold on, I'll get a broom."

Amy disappears and you and Dean leaf through the book. Nothing catches your eye, so you look up from it and watch Amy rush in and sweep up the shards of glass. Once she has it in a pile, she stoops down to brush the shards into her cupped hand. "Ow!" You watch in horror as a shard of glass presses into Amy's fingertip and a thick black liquid oozes out. Dean sees it too and you both leap up from the couch. You watch Dean pull his machete out from under his suit jacket and you pull your own short blade out of from under your blazer.

Amy smirks and rises from the ground, pulling a knife out of her boot. "Oops," she says, sucking on her finger. "I've got a booboo." She shifts her gaze to look at Dean and draws her lips into a flirtatious pout. "Can you pwease kiss it?"

"Nice try, bitch," Dean growls, adjusting the knife in his grip. "I'm not that easy."

Amy's gaze flickers to you. "Oh, no, I don't think you are. Besides, you don't want to kiss me. You want to kiss shorty over here."

You flare your nostrils and flick your hair out of your face with a sharp shake of your head. "Watch what you say. No one makes fun of my height and gets away with it, and you're already at the top of my hit list."

"She's very touchy about that," adds Dean matter-of-factly.

Amy rolls her eyes. "Does it look like I care? And I think I will get away with it."

You laugh. "What makes you say that? It looks to me like there's only one of you and two of us."

Amy sneers. "Are you sure?" Louder, she calls, "Come on out, girls!" The footsteps sound from the top of the stairwell and slowly approach. You watch as a tall and slender Vietnamese Leviathan struts into the living room, a dagger in hand. And the next one is... Lisa. Well, a lookalike of her, anyway. She saunters into the room and flanks Amy, holding a gun in each hands. Dean bristles next to you at the sight of her. He knows as well as you do that Leviathan's can morph into anyone if they have the right DNA, but you know the knowledge doesn't make this any easier. Lookalike Lisa hands Amy the pistol and Amy tosses aside her blade.

"Shoulda brought Sammy along," says Amy with a cold smile. "Maybe then it would've been a fair fight. Actually, probably not. We're really good at this."

And then she aims her gun at you and places her finger on the trigger. Dean charges towards her, running faster than you've seen him in your life and quickly hacks the machete into her neck. Amy's head topples to the floor and you sigh in relief. That was fairly easy. But there are still two left.

You hear a hissing noise behind you and realize that the tall one is right there. You turn around, brandishing your weapon, but she blocks your hand and punches you. You stumble back and she grabs you by your shirt, turning you around and pressing you against the wall. She leans in close and says to you, "Romantic, isn't it?" You glance behind her and see Dean and Lookalike Lisa just staring at each other. Your Leviathan opens her mouth and it morphs into a gaping hole the size of her face, with a long disgusting tongue and countless sharp little teeth.

"Dean!" you cry, wondering what the hell he's doing. He snaps out of his haze and chops off your Leviathan's head before her mouth can reach you.

"Thanks," you say sarcastically. You look up and see that Lookalike Lisa hasn't moved. She's still staring at Dean. Dean stares back, a pained expression on his face.

"And then there were three," she snarls.

"She speaks!" you cry. "So you gonna make the first move, or do I have to be dominant in this situation?"

Lisa runs towards you and pushes you, sending you flying across the room. "I think this is between me and Dean," she says, turning her back to you. "Isn't that right Dean?"

Dean glares back, but you can see the grief in his eyes. Do something, you silently will him. You look around the room, searching for some kind of weapon, and your eyes settle on the machete that Amy discarded earlier. You grab it and crawl forward to Lisa, who is now raising her gun.

"If you don't do something, I'll shoot you, Dean," she threatens. "I usually like to play with my food before I eat it, but you aren't making it that fun." You slowly rise behind her and Dean's green eyes flick to you. You silently curse him for giving you away as Lisa whirls around and tries to attack you, but it's too late. You slice the blade through her neck and watch as it topples to the floor.

"What the hell was that?" you demand, looking at Dean. He doesn't answer, just looks back at you with those sad eyes. You sigh. "Something could have happened to you. And I...." You contemplate whether or not to say the next part. But you realize you don't care anymore. He's obviously still in love with Lisa; it can't hurt to tell him, even though you know nothing will happen. "I can't lose you, Dean."

What he does next comes as a surprise to you. He rushes forward and pulls you into a hug, burying his face into your hair. "I know," he whispers. "It just... seeing Lisa like that... and she was going to hurt you... it was too much."

You pull back, confused. "What?"

Dean smiles a watery smile. "I'll always love Lisa, because once you really love someone, you never stop. But she was going to hurt you. And I love you more than her, (Y/N). It was just too much."

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