Rose Thorne ✔︎

By marcie_lou

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Rose's life has order. She knows what she needs to do to stay out of trouble with her always traveling, never... More

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Epilogue: A Glimpse Forward


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By marcie_lou

"How was the movies?" I asked Mia as she took her seat at our lunch table.

She gave me a little smile before shrugging. "It was okay I guess."

"What movie did you see?" I asked and her frown deepened.


"Mia?" I frowned. Sam came over and took her seat next to Mia and I looked at her. She too had the same little secretive smile.

"How was the movies?" I asked.

She looked at Mia and the two shared a look before Sam turned to face me.

"It was okay." She shrugged and I narrowed my eyes at the two.

"What happened?" I asked and Sam covered her face to hide her reddening cheeks.

"Nothing. What makes you think that something happened?" Mia asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Because you're both acting like something happened."

The cafeteria door opened and Liam, Noah and Jonathan walked in.

The girls instantly straighten up and I frowned at them before turning my attention to the three approaching boys.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to invade your table again. I just have a quick question." Liam teased and I nodded.

I don't even know why I bothered giving him my number.

Wait. Shouldn't I be happy that he's not blowing up my phone with unnecessary questions?

"Hey." Noah said quietly to Mia who gave him one of her gorgeous smiles.

"Hi." She replied and I frowned at her behavior.

What is going on with them? Did I miss something?

"Daisy." Liam called my name, to bring my attention back to him.

"What was your question?"

"I was wondering if you could look at my English paper for me. I know you don't tutor me in English but you kind of do everything and I'm kind of failing that class too, so if you could look at it that would be great." He continued to ramble on and I turned my attention to Mia and Sam who were looking at Jonathan and Noah with happy gleams in their eyes.

A little too happy.

"So will you look at it?" Liam asked and I turned to look at him.

"Your English paper?" I frowned and he nodded.

"I'd ask one of these bozos to do it but they're a little preoccupied with your friends." He smirked and I turned to look at Noah and Johnathan who were flirting away with my two best friends.

"When is your paper due?" I asked Liam.

Something is going on between the four and I'm going to figure it out.

"Tomorrow." Liam replied and I nodded.

Why am I surprised he waited the last minute?

"Do you have a paper copy?" I asked and he reached into his backpack to retrieve his paper.

"I'll try to give this back to you in fifth or sixth period, if not definitely by the end of the day." I nodded towards him and he grinned.

"You are a life saver." He said and I frowned at him.

"Are you actually caring about your grade? And being grateful and kind?" I asked with a teasing smile.

"I never said that I wasn't all of those things. You just assumed that I wasn't." He winked before standing up.

"Well that's because we've been going to the same school for the past eight years, and you were always a jerk." I shrugged and he nodded.

"Was I a jerk? Or did you just see me as a jerk?" He asked before he grabbed his friends and walked away.

Well that was weird.

But maybe he's not wrong. I mean, he calls me boring all the time because he's never seen me relaxed and having fun. So maybe I just always saw him as a jerk because I've never seen him as a nice guy?

I turned around and watched as Liam leaned down and tapped a girl's shoulder and as she looked over her shoulder, he quickly grabbed the apple that was on her lunch tray and walked away before she could notice or before her friends could protest.

Or maybe Liam Powers is a jerk like I originally thought.

Turning back around I narrowed my eyes at Mia and Sam.

"Who kissed who?" I asked and they both grinned.

"Maybe it was both of us." Sam replied as she twirled a strand of her dark brown hair and I gasped.



"Could we possibly meet tomorrow afternoon instead of tomorrow morning?" Liam asked as we walked out of biology. Today we had a lab so I had the fortunate opportunity to sit next to him all class long.

I'm being sarcastic.

"We cannot." I told him and he let out a groan.

"My brain does not function until nine o'clock." He whined and I rolled my eyes.

"How unfortunate. I'll see you tomorrow morning." I replied before walking away. But I didn't get very far before Johnathan Cross came beside me and started walking with me.

"Hey Rose." He smiled and I gave him a little frown.

"Hey Johnathan." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Just call me John." He smiled and I nodded. "Listen, I have a question."

"Yes?" I stopped walking because we've reached my classroom.

"What kind of things does Samantha like to do?" He asked and I gave him a small smile.

Per Mia, last night's movie night went perfectly. The girls don't know which movie played because they spent the entire movie making out with Noah and John here.

But it didn't stop there.

After the movies, the boys asked Sam and Mia to go grab something to eat and apparently, they all had a grand of a time.

"Why do you want to know?" I narrowed my eyes at John.

"Because I kind of want to take her out to a proper date?" He questioned and my smile grew.

"Skating. Doesn't matter if it's on the ice or roller skating. Sam loves skating." I told him and he gave me a perfect, straight tooth smile.

His gray blue eyes gleamed with excitement and he scratched at his perfect jawline as an idea came to his head.

"Thanks Daisy." He nodded and I sighed.

"My name is Rose."

"Sorry, it's just Liam calls you Daisy all the time." He frowned.

"Tell me something I don't know." I sighed again and he nodded.

"Alright then, I'll see you around Rose." He clarified and I gave him a small smile before going to my class.


"I hate this, I hope you know that." Liam groaned as he placed his forehead on the desk and I took a sip of my tea.

"Please believe me when I say; I do too." I rolled my eyes and he lifted his head. He pulled back on his jacket hoodie and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Then why didn't we meet this afternoon instead?" He hissed.

Because my father comes back this afternoon and he's expecting me at three forty-five.

"Because I really wanted to torture you." I told him and he groaned before letting his head drop again.

"We're already thirty minutes into this. We can last an hour." I offered.

"Speak for yourself please."

Letting out another sigh, I grabbed my pencil and wacked him on his hand.

"Ow! Shit, Daisy that hurt." He brought his head up and glared at me.

"We're working on your calculus homework. Stop wasting my time." I told him and he gave me a dirty look before picking up his own pencil.

He ran his hand through his hair and let out a sigh.

I observed as he placed the end of his pencil in his mouth and tried to figure out the solution to the problem on his homework sheet.

He is a beautiful boy.

His long eyelashes fanned his cheeks and I couldn't help the little flutter that I felt in my stomach whenever he moved the pencil from his mouth to his paper and back to his mouth as he tried to solve the math equation.

"Stop staring at me." He said without looking up and I quickly looked away.

"What?" I asked like an idiot.

"I said stop staring at me. It's making me feel like I'm doing the problem wrong." He looked up and I breathed out a sigh of relief.

Okay, he didn't see me shamelessly checking him out.

"Sorry, continue." I nodded.

"Although, I can't say I hate the fact that you're checking me out." He smiled and I cringed inwardly.

Darn it.

"I have a proposition for you." He chuckled and I raised an eyebrow at him

"I think I might've been wrong about you Daisy." He stated and I frowned.

"I think you're a lot more interesting than you show people." He said. "So for every question that I get right on my homework, you have to answer a question about yourself."

"No." I declined.

"And for every question I get wrong, I'll answer one about myself." He finished and I shook my head.

"No." I repeated.

As much as I call him an idiot, Liam Powers is not stupid. In fact, he's very smart, a little too smart. If I dare to let my guards down around him, he will figure things out that I don't want him to figure out.

Liam Powers is a stranger and my home life is something that I do not want him to know about because he wouldn't understand.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because I don't want to."

"Why not?" He pushed.

"Because I don't like you very much." I told him and he let out a laugh.

"I know, I'm trying to change that." He said and shook my head again.

"I'll even give you the option to skip questions."

"Please just continue to do your work." I sighed and he placed his pencil down.

"Just say yes and I will."

"It is not my report card that will arrive with bad grades at the end of the semester." I rolled my eyes and he let out a sigh and picked up his pencil again.

"You are no fun." He rolled his eyes before returning to his homework.

No fun. That's me.

He's just going to ask stupid questions Rose, and if you don't want to answer them you can always pass. There's no harm that can be done.

"Pizza." I voiced and Liam looked up at me with a frowned.

"On Monday you asked me what my favorite food was. It's pizza." I shrugged and he gave me a grin.

"What's your favorite type of pizza?" He asked and I shook my head at him and pointed to his homework.

"That's a second question. Give me a correct answer and I'll give you an answer." I told him and he nodded.

"Fair enough." He smiled before returning to his work.

Maybe this is a good thing after all.


"That's not correct." I told Liam and he ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Then tell me the answer." He growled and I shook my head at him.

"You can figure this out. You just placed the natural log in the wrong spot." I told him and he rolled his eyes before grabbing the paper from my hand.

"Well the natural log can go screw himself." He muttered and I couldn't help the laugh that escaped.

He looked up at me and I cleared my throat and sobered up.

"You think this is funny?" He questions as a ghost of a smile played on his lips.

"Finish your work." I ordered to avoid the question.

I shouldn't have laughed at him, because whenever I'm frustrated at something, the worst thing someone could do to me at that moment is laugh at me.

He let out a sigh before returning to his work and I thought about my question to ask him.

"Do you have any pets?" I asked lamely and he looked up at me with a smile.

"I do, I have a dog name Lucy." He said and I gave him a nod.


"What kind of dog?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I'd have to get the problem wrong." He said before handing me his work.

I scanned the problem and gave him a small sigh before handing it to him again.

"Are you serious?" He huffed in frustration and I gave him a sad smile.

"Maybe we should call it a day. You can always finish this in your free period."

"No, I don't want to open this textbook again until Monday. I will finish this right now or I'm not doing it at all."

"Lucy is a Tibetan Mastiff." He replied as he erased his work to start over.

I don't know what that is.

All I know is, I don't like dogs.

Mostly because when I was five, a great dane chased me for fifteen minutes straight. My parents were dog sitting and they left me in the backyard with Motts the dog.

Well, Motts wanted to play and I didn't. Neither of my parents were in the backyard when Motts decided to chase me. So here I was, five years old, running for my life while a stupid dog chased me.

Finally, I got tired and I stopped running. Well, Motts didn't and he tackled me to the ground.

I had an anxiety attack and peed my pants.

Now, thirteen years later, whenever I hear, see or think of a dog I'm reminded of that awful memory.

"Okay, Daisy if this isn't correct, I will not finish this homework." He said and I rolled my eyes at his unnecessary dramatism.

I checked the work and I almost expected it to be incorrect.

"It's correct." I told him and he threw his hands in the air with a holler.

"Thank God." He sighed before taking the paper from me.

"And that concludes todays tutoring lesson." I nodded as I gathered my things.

"Not yet it doesn't." He said with a smile. "I have my last question for today."

I was really hoping that he would forget.

"Okay." I nodded.

We finished gathering our things and I was about to stand up when Liam smiled at me and asked his question.

"Are you free next weekend?


Tell me how you feel within the comments. (If ya want)




Coming up: Why did Liam want to know what Rose was doing next weekend? Roses dad comes into town and he has some pretty big news.

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