Famous: A Malec AU Fanfiction

By lunaryy

218K 10K 3.9K

This is an AU (Alternate Universe) Fanfiction based on the characters from the amazing series written by Cass... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Epilogue (And other stuff)

Chapter 32

4.3K 186 88
By lunaryy

There were pros and cons to everything in this world. Alec had learned that there were pros and cons to becoming an actor. There were some fairly rewarding pros, the higher payment, being able to make people happy with what he did, and seeing Magnus so often when he was working. Then, there were the cons. Busy schedules that made his head spin, and having to be careful not to be recognized when he was trying to spend quiet time with his family. But, the biggest con in becoming an actor was just beginning to dawn on him: having to be social.

For most of Alec's life, everyone else seemed to always do the talking for him. He didn't mind, it just meant less work for him, and not having to deal with people judging him all the time. When no one noticed you, or tried to talk to you, you could easily escape sharp glares that were cast elsewhere. Being an actor didn't let him do that.

Being an actor meant spending time with other actors, other colleagues. It meant making sure that you interacted with fan bases and directors. It meant more interviews and more meetings. It also meant having to attend galas and over extravagant parties, like this one Alec was unfortunately stuck in.

The first thing that had already set him off was the decorations. Sparkling bits of gold and silver tinsel, green trees and glittering ornaments had been set out everywhere. There was even one corner of the mansion that was raining delicate, faux snowflakes on anyone who passed beneath it. A giant, glittering Christmas tree so full of ornaments and wrapped in lights that Alec thought would make the entire thing topple over was scraping the ceiling. He had to tilt his head back until his neck hurt in order to see the very top of it, where a sweeping angel hung from it.

It had a pale, porcelain face and lips the color of blood red roses. It had calculating blue eyes that held little warmth, and Alec found that he was very reminded of the host of this Christmas party herself. Camille, who seemed to be able to see right through to his insides whenever they met. Alec wondered if she knew exactly how chilling and enchanting her stares were to people, and she wondered what exactly she could do with that sort of power over people.

"Hey," Alec blinked, turning his gaze away from the too-fancy Christmas tree when Magnus's hand was at his elbow, "do you think that we should get a Christmas tree at our place?"

"Maybe," Alec felt himself relax, things would be alright since Magnus was there with him, "but definitely not one as over extravagant as that one."

"Of course," Magnus purred like a cat into his ear, and Alec couldn't help but grin a little.

"Magnus! Alec!" came another voice suddenly, "How wonderful it is for the two of you to be able to make it!"

Both of them turned to see a slender, blonde figure coming towards them with a steady saunter. Alec couldn't help but think of a snake, creeping in closer on its prey, getting ready to strike the moment it let its guard down. He would not be the prey that made that mistake.

"Camille," Alec could recognize Magnus's fake smile instantly. None of the warmth reached his eyes. It had taken him a while to be able to differentiate the two smiles, but he had studied Magnus enough now to figure it out.

"It was very kind of you to invite us," Camille spread her arms out too them. Alec stood to the side as Magnus was embraced by the woman. He did not hug her back. Instead, the man stood as rigid as a rock would've, leaning in only slightly to let Camille wrap her arms around him. She pulled away after a little too long, not bothering to give Alec the same, warm greeting.

Alec thought he could smell something strange in the air. The smell reminded him of pressed, dead flowers, their beauty something wonderful and horrifying at the same time. They were beautiful, but they were not alive.

It took him another moment to realize that that was the smell of Camille's perfume.

"I hope you two are enjoying yourselves," Camille's voice was as smooth as velvet, "it really is lovely. I picked out the decorations myself, you know."

Alec nodded to himself, and Magnus muttered something about humbleness being an attractive trait under his breath. He was fairly certain that the woman heard the remark, for her smile twitched slightly.

"We are," Alec cleared his throat, suddenly feeling very dry, "this is a wonderful party."

Camille beamed at them, or rather, she beamed more at Magnus.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot," she spoke in a way that suggested that she had not forgotten at all, "Raphael, he's by the drinks, Magnus. He says that he wanted a word with you, alone in private."

Magnus raised his eyebrow, and then turned to Alec. He gave him a slight nod and a look of encouragement. He should go see what the young director wants, Alec would be perfectly fine on his own.

After giving Alec a butterfly kiss on his cheek, Magnus left. Alec felt his face burn a little, as it always did whenever Magnus displayed small shows of affection to him like this own in the public. It wasn't unpleasant though, and it made Alec feel as if he had flowers blooming inside of his chest.

"Ah, Alec," Camille now was holding a shining glass of dark red wine delicately between her fingers. Alec was reminded of vampires, drinking blood from their victims. It sent shudders up his entire body, and he had to use every ounce of body control not to shudder. He could recall that Camille had once created a detailed vampire costume, being a designer and all. He couldn't help but think that she would fit the part very well.

Her eyes followed Magnus as he made his way to the drinks table to the side, and Alec's eyes followed as well. For the occasion, Magnus had dumped red, green, and gold glitter into his wild spikes of dark hair, and they sparkled whenever he moved underneath the bright lights of the party.

"You truly did get lucky," Camille mused to Alec, "he never really loved me."

Alec knew that he had to be on guard, and he schooled his expression into one of boredom, "I suppose I did. Magnus is the love of my life."

"It's odd," Camille seemed more calculating than thoughtful to Alec, "I always thought that he would end up with Will."

"Will?" despite it, Alec could hear the edge in his voice now. He had to stay alert, he had to be careful around Camille, he knew that all too well.

"Will Herondale," she continued on, and the glee was clear in her voice, "Charming young boy, with the same coloring as you. Magnus always did love the ones with blue eyes and night hair."

Alec felt the tension in his shoulders return, "I know Will, he's a good friend of Magnus's. He's in love with Teresa Gray, though. You can ask him yourself."

"Hm," she took a small sip of her wine, expertly not staining her dark lipstick, "so he kisses all of his friends then?"

He didn't reply to this.

"I bet William was a good kisser though. Magnus looked like he was having a lot of fun with it when I walked in on the two of them. I wonder if he would be willing to share the pretty boy. William is always so exciting, he's like a breath of fresh air. No wonder Magnus took a particular liking to him." she mused to herself, her eyes flickering to Alec thoughtfully.

He had to get out of there.

Some people had stopped, had started to stare at Alec. He could see some of the other people who had been invited, celebrities all casting him different looks. Some of them looked just as amused as Camille did, others were giving him looks of pure pity.

Alec tried to look back at the, in fear that they would see the doubt in his eyes.

"Excuse me," he said, and brushed past her. He could still feel her snake-like smile on his back. He was the mouse who had been caught in the trap, vulnerable, and easy for anything to pick up and destroy.

Alec didn't even bother to worry about the cold. He just stepped out into the world of frost and snow in front of him, the chilling weather seeping beneath his clothes and past his skin. It felt that there was ice surrounding his heart.

Camille could just be playing with him, he thought to himself, she could be lying. For all he knew, everything she was saying were just things that she was coming up with on the fly.

Will, Will and Magnus were close though. They had known each other before Alec had even met Magnus, before he had even started acting in anything at all. Will, William Herondale was daring and bright. He was a burning star that sucked up all the attention in the room. Alec realized how much he was like Magnus, how much they would fit together.

Alec could never be like him.

He was in the back garden of Camille's garden, he realized as he was just starting to take in his surroundings again. All the green plants and colorful flowers that must've been blooming there before were completely covered in snow.

In nothing but his tuxedo and borrowed silk tie from Magnus, Alec felt as if he would freeze over. He hadn't taken his coat when he had gone out, it must've still been hanging by the door. He wasn't going back in now to go get it, though. Alec didn't think he could stand it now if he heard everyone whispering about what Camille had claimed.

Alec, being cheating on by Magnus Bane, because of the younger, brighter actor that stood out more than Alec himself ever would. He ran his hands through his now tangled hair, trying to rub off Camille's words. Had it really just been earlier, when Magnus had kissed him in their home, and promised that Camille would just be messing with him?

Alec didn't know how to read Magnus's smile then, if it had really been as warm as Alec thought that it had been. He could almost see Will and Magnus now together, and the image seemed to burn into his mind. It was sitting in his head, so nothing he could do could possibly get rid of it.

Alec hugged himself tightly, shivering against the wind. It wasn't just that wind and the rest of the weather was chilling him right now though, freezing him so that he didn't seem to be able to move.

He wished, more than anything, that Max might've been there.

Max always seemed to have warmth with him, no matter how cold the weather might've been. Alec could remember Christmas nights back at his old home, when everyone would curl around the youngest member of the family because he was warm. Max would look annoyed when everyone pressed against him on the couch, claiming that he was trying to read. Alec always thought from the gleam in his eyes though, that he was secretly pleased that they all had to rely on him.

Suddenly, some of the warmth disappeared, and Alec realized that a heavy, familiar trench coat had been draped over him. He could recognize the thick smell of birthday cake and candles that drifted from it, and the pockets that were stick with dropped hair and eye glitter.

"Magnus," he said, his eyes widening slightly when he looked up towards the bright, jewel-toned eyes. Alec couldn't read the look in them.

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