Truly Immortal (On Hold)

By The-Dark-One

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When one hears the word Immortal, you automatically assume that they never die. That's not entirely true. You... More

The Beginning
Unknown Parasite
Once Upon a Time
Chaos Ensues
Death of a Loved One
The Truth is Out There
Death Will Always Follow
To Die For
Raven Black

Punishable by Death

284 24 8
By The-Dark-One

Chapter 7- Punishable by Death

The entire village surrounded me, screaming out their curses and angrily raising their torches and pitchforks. As I looked around at the sea of angry faces, I observed that not one villager wore an expression of compassion, sympathy, mercy, or love. No, their expressions were nothing short of judgement, anger, rage, wrath, and underneath it all was the capability of murder. It was like they were all so completely consumed by their rage that they couldn't see what they were about to do to someone who hadn't actually committed the crime. Yes, I'm guilty of mass murder, but I'm not guilty of this murder... or am I? It was I who transformed my beloved sister that gave way to the insatiable hunger that beckoned her from within.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and the more I tried to force it down, the more it lodged itself in my esophagus. Once I finally managed to clear my throat of its obstruction, I yelled out my pleas.

"Here me out, People!" I hollered loudly enough to stop them mid-scream, capturing not only their attention, but their angry, resentful glares. "My sister has a rare disease that is unstable at the moment. I know that it looks bad that she killed this young woman, and I know that it doesn't excuse the fact that she took away an innocents life," I pointed to the ground where the young lady's body lay. She was grey, her eyes were dull and lifeless, her hair was already beginning to lose its shine, and blood soaked into the thin brown dress she wore giving it a deep rusty red look. "But, I assure you that it was only the disease that has caused this atrocity this night, nothing more. I will take full responsibility for her actions tonight-"

"Devil!! He brought the devil into our home!" A woman screamed from amongst the mob of villagers, her words dripped with cold fear.

"They've brought evil with them. I say we exorcise him!" A man shouted from the front line of the crowd with a mix of fear and red hot anger.

But one stood out in front of the mob of people and took charge. This man was clearly the leader, the one who made all decisions for the rest of the villagers for not only food provisions, but for their safety and that of their place of residence. The man looked wary and tired, old age was certainly showing through his grime covered face, sticking between the creases of his deep wrinkles that sliced through his forehead and neck. But even though he was an old worn out man, he still forced his voice to be heard, he still made sure to lace his tone with a sound determination. This man was an excellent leader for his people, he just judged way too quickly on my end.

The older gentleman was wearing brown cloth over his toros as was everyone else from this village. Attire for us was fur from the animals we killed and if we were lucky, our mothers could grow cotton or purchase it and make us a throw over or we were able to wear it on our feet. It seems that this place is just as poor as ours was, but ours seemed to be a little poorer than this village. Their color of attire is brown, at least they could afford material to have cloths they were wearing, that's more than we ever had.

"People, I will deal with this as I see fit. Now, he says his sister has a disease and the killing of one of our own could not be stopped, but I say a man could easily over power that of a woman!" He started getting worked up the more he ranted, and the more worked up he grew, the more ravenous the crowd grew. He went on about how my sister killed the young woman and I should pay for it, that I should pay for it with my life.

"Who's to say he and his sister did not come into our village with the intent to kill one of us, or maybe all of us? He brought a devil into our village, killed one of our own and she drank the blood of Lilac Polli, our friend and neighbor, your daughter and wife."

The mob began to scream and yell, spouting their words of disgust. Fire was frantically being jousted into the air, being waved through the air. Pitchforks and axes were jabbed into the air with anger fueling their strength. Faces were filled with disdain, some were fearful, and some were just plain murderous.

"Kill him! Kill him dead! Murder that devil!" The crowd started chanting, growing louder and louder. Their cries echoed through the village making it sound as if more were on their way, and in truth, there probably was.

The man looked around at his people and nodded his head once in confirmation. He had made his decision and now he was going to reveal what my sentence was. I was shaking like a leaf, an intense burning in my stomach began to root itself before slithering up towards my chest causing panic to seize my lungs. My breathing came out in short hot bursts and no matter how much I inhaled slowly and deeply, I could not shake it. I'm not afraid to admit that I was scared, I was afraid I would actually die and not just a regular normal death but a terrible and painful, gruesome death just as my sister had killed Lilac.

What if the voice was wrong? What if I actually died and left my sister to fend for herself? What then? But I didn't have time to dwell on my answers, the leader had began his sentencing.

"The time has come, my people. The time for justice! The time for revenge! I shall take his life as his sister has taken our sweet Lilac's! It will not be painless, I will show no mercy..." He trailed off as he turned to me and gave me a deadpan stare, puffing his chest out and standing taller, more confident before he continued in a ruthless tone, "You will find no forgiveness here, nor any sympathy. I suggest you start praying for your soul now, boy, because when your standing in front of over one hundred enraged and vengeful people with a noose around your neck, not one will show you any remorse. Just like your sister didn't show Little Lilac any sorrow." He ground out between heavy breaths almost as if the searing anger was stealing the air right from his lungs.

"Do what you must." I spoke gently — kindly. I did feel terrible that Calley killed that poor girl but there was nothing I could do about it now. I wasn't quick enough to stop her and as for my "powers" the voice keeps telling me about, they've not made their presence known yet, unfortunately, and I don't know if they ever will. I prayed, hoped Calley made it out safely. She knows to stay out of sunlight and she knows that only blood can help her hunger. Then a thought came to mind. I could possibly send her a message telepathically? If I can read minds and so can Calley, then why can't we send each other a message to let each other know we are safe even when we are a great distance from one another?

So I tried it, once, twice, three times and received a confirmation that Calley had received my message. Just as I was about to send another message the leader — whose name I learned was Gregor — grabbed ahold of my arm while a burly man from the front row grabbed ahold of my other and began pulling me to an enormous tree. It had to be one of the tallest trees I have ever seen in my life. It was a real dark wood--almost bloodstained like, and as I was dragged closer I noticed it was bloodstained.

The wood was covered in old and new blood, dried blood, dark black looking blood and I assumed the blacked blood must have been there for ages. It was an intimidating sight to stand before, but not as fearful as a man in a thick black hooded cloth that shielded his entire face under the darkest of shadows. Later on in the future he will be known as The Executioner. A mortal who handles different varieties of death, who is the one responsible for the sentenced death. As for my own exectioner, he held a rope in his palm, a noose specifically. The burly-sized executioner threw the rope over a tall thick bough making sure the noose was laced around my neck while he kept the other end in his hands... Awaiting his orders to pull me up off of the ground, effectively ending my life.

The two men holding my arms pushed me roughly into the tree causing me to bang my head against the rough bark. I fell backward and onto my back which landed against a jagged rock, but it did nothing to me. No pain in my head, no pain in my back and that made me feel a little bit better about the impending situation I was facing. Gregor looked at the executioner and gave a slight nod, signaling him to proceed as planned. The burly man jerked me to my feet and tightened the noose around my throat so tightly that were it any normal human, they would be struggling to breathe. I needed to play it smart and lead on as if I were in pain and as if I were scared out of my mind.

"Do ye have any last words, Devil?" Gregor waited for me to say my parting words and it it rather suitable that I do since I technically did die a year ago in that cave.

"My name is Caen, and yes, I do, sir. I offer my deepest regrets, my condolences for your loss. I have made many mistakes in my life and knowing that I will never be able to redeem myself for my past wrongdoings, or see my mother or sister again... It saddens me. But is it right to condemn an innocent for another's wrong doing? I guess maybe fate has something in store for me after death. Maybe my soul can earn its way out if Purgatory and into the Heavens. I just wish that I could say my final goodbyes to my family. Again, I'm truly sorry for what has happened. I'll pray that her soul be sent to the highest level in Heaven. Mother, I will see you soon, and you, my sister."

I spoke only my first name just to be safe. I wouldn't want any of the villagers to track me down any time in the future. Saying my final goodbyes was harder than I thought it would be, but it felt good to finally get a little bit of closure for the killing, saying goodbye to my mother and sister. And I knew that if I didn't at least try to find a way out of my death sentence that they might become somewhat suspicious. Especially since it was my life that is hanging in the balance. Now, it was time to face my sentencing.

"Mr. Caen,"Gregor spoke with an authoritative tone.

I let a lone tear slip out of my eye to make it look more convincing but I knew from reading Gregor's mind that he was set in his ways. Someone has to pay the price and I was that someone. I hung my head in defeat and awaited as Gregor dolled out the death sentence.

"I hereby sentence you, Mr. Caen, to death by hanging. You are to hang from the neck until you are dead. When dawn approaches your body will be taken down and burned disrespectfully and unceremoniously." Gregor spoke to me with disdain and justice laced into each and every word.

I nodded my head and stood strong on my feet, my back rim-rod straight, my head held high, and just as Gregor was about to give the executioner the confirmation to pull the rope, Calley spoke up.

"Caen! Caen, I need help!"

Calley's troubled voice rang clearly inside my mind, fear laced in her cry for help, and from the urgency in her tone, I could tell someone was after her. I could do nothing for her right now. If I left in mid sentence then the entire village could be at stake and I could be exposed. That was not an option. Gregor nodded to the burly executioner and the executioner did what he does best, he pulled the rope that was secured around my neck and I was suspended into the air.

My feet dangled high above the grassy knoll, and even though I was being lifted further and further into the air, I could still breath normally. It was an odd feeling. I felt as if nothing could break my bones. I made it look as if I was strangling, I raised my hand to my throat and tried to claw dramatically at the rope and kept repeating, gurgling as I did and for good measure I kicked out my legs and whirled around as the noose twirled me in the air. When I came back around I heard them all shouting and laughing at my expense.

I thought I was a monster.

I let my body go slack and my dropped my hands to my side, my head lulled to the right as if I really were dead. My skin was already pale and I had a heartbeat that was too slow, but to humans I had no rhythm. My skin was too thick and hardened for them to feel a pulse. Minutes later, I heard dozens of footsteps leaving and soon enough, the entire village had left me to hang until daylight. Unbeknownst to them, I would not be hanging there when dawn comes.

I peeked my eyes open and made sure no one was around before I loosened the noose and dropped to the ground gracefully landing on my feet like a feline. I took off towards Calley's last known direction and soon I picked up on her scent.


Year 2017


I have lived for far too long and watched how he changed the world I once knew to be a safe haven, into something where monsters exist. We can not walk in the sunlight, but he can. How is that fair to the rest of us? Why should we be afraid of his so called "powers." No one has ever seen him use them. Who's to say they are even real?

I want my life back! I want to be human again! I never asked for this.... disease known as Vampirism. I never asked him to save me from death, yet he took it upon himself to do so. He saved me over five hundred years ago. Five hundred years I've been alive, five hundred years I have lived in the shadows like a rat feasting on the filthy humans of today's society. Humans have evolved so much since I was first made into what we now call, Vampire. Back when I was first turned humans were not so skittish of men that wanted to court them or just talk to a pretty young eligible woman. In today's society they are so fearful and every right to be. They are unsure of us men who want anything to do with them.

Some women think all I want from them is sex and sometimes sex mixed with blood is like a drug to us, so I guess they are partly right and then again, they won't live to see the next day. I have no remorse for my killings as I once use to when I was first made. Everyone who is freshly changed feels such guilt and remorse for killing their first few victims and over time, they eventually get use to watching the life drain from their victims eyes. It took me over one hundred years to get use to the look of fear they always gave me right before watching the light fade from their eyes. It was all that haunted my nights and days.

I would occasionally see the faces of some of the women I have killed in the shadows, sometimes even on one of my newer victims as I lay to sleep. It isn't right. I shouldn't have to live like this because of him. I will find a way to kill Caen one way or another. He will suffer just as he has made me suffer by turning me into the monster that I am.

Most importantly, she will get her vengeance for his abandonment so very long ago. Before I was ever born. She will be the true death of him.

AN: Hello, Darklings! Long time no see. Hope you all are enjoying the newer version of Truly Immortal and I'd love to read your comments! So, don't forget to vote, comment and share, guys. If you enjoy it, chances are others will too and in order to do that I need you to vote and share, Darklings! Xoxo

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