Football Love

By New_Prodigy

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Follow the love as it flows through the players of the Atlanta Pharaohs. See the drama unfold with dancers, p... More

Football Love Cast Info:
Chapter 1: Lucky
Chapter 2: Game Time
Chapter 3: Fancy
Chapter 4: Right Now
Chapter 5: Drown In It
Chapter 6: Decisions
Chapter 7: Tired
Chapter 8: Werk Bitch
Chapter 9: Coin
Chapter 10: Boss Life
Chapter 11: Dance For You
Chapter 12: Beg For It

Chapter 13: Foolish

1.7K 49 8
By New_Prodigy

Foolish - Ashanti

Dallas POV:

           I feel like the biggest idiot ever. I can't believe I let that happen.

           I walk around the arena just trying to get mind off of what happened the other day. I'm an asshole. Jay has tried everything I mean everything to get my mind off it. He even gave morning head. He made me shoot about eight good times. I still can't get my mind off of it though. I'm gonna be horrible in practice today cause of that too. Damn! I should just go home and lay up.

           This is this last practice and we gotta be sharp. The only problem is when you got one of the horniest teams in the league; niggas be lagging and bullshit. I mean how you explain having a baby mama and two side niggas. Then you still fucking yo baby mama. I see Alex walking with Tariq.

            "Sup you two," I ask walking up to them dappin Alex and hugging Tariq.

             "Nothing, we just talking bout this trip," says Alex pulling Tariq into him. Oh yeah this the nigga my brother gonna marry.

              "Cool. Just make sure your stuff is packed. When I'm ready to go... I'm ready to go."

                 Tariq gives me that 'you thought face'. "Babe, don't worry. Dallas just like to be on time. Once we was going to Cancun. I literally got us to the point where the flight was taking off in thirty and we weren't checked in yet."

                 T rolls his eyes,"I'll be ready. Just tell your bro not to be trying shit." Alex starts tickling him he falls into him. Yep, definitely marrying this one.

                  We're soon joined by Niko and Mello. He's still not the same. He's still got that far off look in his eyes but they've seemed to change a little. They seem to have some of his old sparkle in them. He looks at us and smiles. It isn't his big goofy one but it's better than nothing.

                 Niko on the other hand has this big smile. I mean Kool - Aid man big. He playfully shoves Mello and as if on cue he hands me an envelope. I open it up and it's sonogram. It isn't much but it's there.

                 "Y'all went through with the surrogate", I ask. I'm trying my best to keep my excitement inside. Alex walk over to me and look and jumps on Mello. I mean he's on him like a baby chimp.

               "We having a baby," screams Alex jumping down. He kisses them both on the cheek. "We're gonna be uncles nigga," he says looking at me.

               You gotta understand Alex has been waiting on this day for a minute. He use to joke that all the sex they had somebody I mean I want me and Jay to have another kid but right now I'm cool. Now for Alex and Tariq, I want them to be next.

                 "Oh we gonna be next. Don't worry about that Dallas," says Alex smirking at Tariq who gives him a quick kiss.

                    "Dallas you text me something about you wanted to talk about Rookie," asked Mello. Damn just when I was feeling good.

                     I notice Alex mood change too. Then Tariq and Niko look lost. "First off he's been initiated so we call hi by his name, it's March." Mello's jaw hits the floor. He shakes his head in disbelief. I simply nod back.

                     "Yo hold up. So you telling me the other night a good percentage of the team fucked him. Him outta all people. They fucked January little brother." Niko and Tariq eyes get big.

                  "You guys, well I know not you two; you guys fucked January little brother. What's gonna happen when he finds out," questions Niko.

                 "Y'all I don't think he'll tell him. He says he's grown and can handle his business. If he didn't want it he wouldn't let it happen. You wouldn't believe the happiness that was on his face when I dropped him off."

              "I bet he had more than that on his face," quietly jokes Mello. Maybe he is getting back to his old self. Niko smacks him upside the head. Tariq, I think is lost for words.

              "Ok so has anyone even seen dude. I mean how was he after the experience," asks Niko.

              I told them everything. For the most part he seemed like he had this void filled in his life. It was crazy. I need to go check on him. Next thing I know I see Jaylon walking up to me. What's up?

              "Hey babe. I think all of you might wanna come with me," he says. We all look confused but we followed. Once we get down to the locker room we notice everyone huddled around one of the TVs. Then it hit me. The headline.

    "Pharaohs Head Coach Busted"

              The reporter basically states that our coach was taking bribes and sexual favors to make sure that certain players were in certain games. Confusing right? Then the reporter went on to say that he blackmailed some recruiters to make sure he got the players he wanted.

               Then they go over to a live feed of the Commissioner saying that the Pharaohs will drop out of the playoffs. Then the team itself will be disbanded until further notice. No one is suspended until the investigation of the franchise is complete.

               I can't take this bull anymore. "So what we not a fucking team anymore?! You know what I'm going home." I look for March and he's talking to Niko. "Aye Niko, March let's roll out."

                 March gets with me and Jay and we head back to my house. I get out and fall back on my couch. Man what the actual fuck?!

                "Dallas chill man it's gonna workout. Hell you never did like coach to begin with," says Alex with Tariq on his back.

               "Alex, that ain't even the problem. It's the fact that until this shit is figured out we basically outta job. Nigga what we gonna do fall back on our degrees?"

                "Dallas, Tariq is right. There is no point in arguing. I know it's kinda a bad time but maybe we should just go ahead on the trip. It'll be a distraction," says Jay.

                 He's right there's no point. Everyone is staring at me waiting on my answer. "Y'all call everybody. We heading out in the morning."

                 They smile and everybody begins to leave but then there's a knock on my door. I yell it's open and in walks January. The last person I want to see right now. This could go south real quick.

                "Sup January, been a long time bro. What's good," says Alex giving him a hug.

                 "Nothing much I was coming into town to see my lil bro but then I heard that stuff on ESPN this morning. What the hell is going on," he questions. We all look lost.

                 "Bro, we don't know what going on. So to get our minds off of it we're about to go outta town," he says pulling his brother into a hug.

                   "You smell like sex. Lemme guess you've been "introduced" to the team," laughs January. Oh shit... Wait he's laughing about it.

                    "Look bro, I didn't know until he said his name and I really looked at him," I started. He puts his hand up.

                    "You don't have to explain it to me. You forgot after we were initiated we had to give it up to the vets on demand. That means you finally made it."

                      I really wasn't expecting him to take it like that. "Don't worry as long as nobody took too much liberty with you bro I'm good."

                     After that we all start catching up and reliving some of our best days. Man I miss these days. I just gotta put my head around possibly not having a career.

                    "Y'all I just really wanna go to sleep right now. I'll see you tomorrow." I left and I knew they would let themselves out. I got to the bedroom took off my shirt and just fell into bed.

                       The room door opens and a weight joins mine on the bed. The person starts massaging my back and I know it's Jay. His hands give me a little relief but I'm still worried. That the life I built for us could be ending. He pulls me into him and I just stay there. He soothes me by drawing circles on my body.

                    Thus is why I love him. The simple shit he does. What the hell are we gonna do. I really think I shouldn't worry about it. I'll go on vacation and have a good time with my family...

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Don't forget to check out my new story: I Read You...

❤!!Love You Babes!!❤

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