Accidental love

By nochillmad

125K 3.9K 1.8K

Some times love is accidental literally More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chappter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34 part 2
Chapter 34 part two and a half
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
39 part two
Chaper 40
40 fuckin5
The end
Youve been blessedโ€ผ๏ธ
And it begins, sequel out now

Chapter 17

2.2K 75 74
By nochillmad

Lmao y'all I read all my comments y'all really hella funny especially DaddyDei and mskyla123 😂😂😂, y'all some mvps fam.
-----------------------------------------I pulled her close as she cried on my shoulder,

"she's not going too hurt you anymore" I whispered rubbing her back, I didn't even know that Camila had it in her too kill a fly and hear I find out she's beating her girlfriend, Dinah's twice as big as she is too so she had too be using every ounce of energy in her.

I really don't understand how this could happen, two weeks ago she was telling me how she loved Dinah and she wanted too marry her, and now she's beating the hell out of her, I've never seen anyone so scared in my life, an I just saw Dinah yesterday she had too do this in the past twenty four hours.

"How long had this been happening?" I asked curiously.

She pulled away just a shaky confused mess, "9 days" she said in a whisper, I gasped.

"I just saw you yesterday though" I said confused, her eyes roamed up too mine briefly before being stuck too the floor, she unzipped her hoodie slowly before lifting her shirt. There were dozens of bruises all over her abdomen, some big some small, it's sickening how someone can do this too another person.

"She changed, all of a sudden and she's so strong, she just gets so mad that she can't control anger" she said choking on her words.

"I- I- I'm sorry i didn't know"I said feeling so bad for her.

"Lauren, I think she's sick" she said starting too cry again.

"Don't make excuses for her, you guys are both female but that doesn't give her the right too put her hands on you or touch you any any way you don't want too be, shes supposed too protect and provide for you" I said getting angrier.

I swear to god I better not catch her in the street or she's dead, I've know. Her for ten fucking years, we were practically raised together, she always had a temper but never go as far as too hurt people, a couple of her pets did come up missing though.

"I'm I could take you too get these looked at" I offered carefully.

"Actually, if you could just take me home, I'm really exhausted" she asked in a whisper through her tears.

I think she should get checked out but I nodded not wanting too make her uncomfortable, I grabbed my keys walking behind her too the door.

The car ride was filled with nothing but uncomfortable silence neither of us knowing how too properly address the situation. I pulled up to her house then just looked at her for a moment as she stared blankly down at her feet with tears streaming down her face.

"Dinah" I said lowly putting my hand in her knee, she jumped quickly scooting as far as possible away from it she looked around for a second before opening the door, she really was spooked,

"please don't tell Mani" she asked in a pleading tone.

"Dinah, I-" I stuttered trying not too come off like a total ass hole.

"Please" she said looking me in my eyes as she putt her hands together in a prayer formation.

I nodded feeling the pain and agony in her voice. She put the sun glasses on before walking into the house, I looked around before pulling off, I saw that my gas light was on so I went too the nearest gas station, there were police cars there probably harassing some innocent black person.

I walked inside then stopped looking around, there was something not right about this entire situation. There was a police officer in the corner just scooping the store.

There were two more taking too the store clerk and a last one by the door practically breathing down my neck. I walked waiting patiently behind the officers. The door chimed and slid open causing every single officers head too snap at the door, I looked up from my phone at the door.

My face dropped seeing who it was, she and I made eye contact for a couple is seconds before she walked into a isle, I know that little hobble of a limp anywhere, she's packing she had a nervous look In her eye and she was mighty Antsy. She looked dirty as well like she slept out side the night before.

This had too be the worst situation possible, there a four white male officers who just look like they want too ruin someone's life in a gas station with a black female who looks shifty while her entire presence screams probable cause.

I might be a dumb ass but I'm not stupid Thus dumb bitch, now I gotta save her ass Make sure she doesn't become a hash tag., I thought as one of the officers started too circle, I got out of line walking down the same isle as her. She looked at me again, her eyes begging me not too cause trouble. I didn't plan too anyways, I followed the cops foot steps as he pretended look through the isle her and I both knew he was watching Her.

"Zendaya?" I said acting surprised looking at her with a dint fuck this up look.

"Lauren?" She asked with a puzzled look in her face, I really feel like she's going too fuck this up.

"I haven't seen you in forever give me a hug" I said smiling wrapping my arms around her briefly, I took the gun out of her pants putting it in mine before wrapping my hands around her again briefly. She's a big mother fucker who I can not fucking stand but I'll be damned if she's the next hashtag or locked up because some racist cops. This had too be the most uncomfortable encounter of my life, it had to be painful too watch.

"So have have you been?" I asked watching the cop in the furthest corner. She had her eyes strictly on me her eyes were practically screaming what the hell are you doing.

"I've been good, just trying too make it though the alley" she said smiling.

My eyebrows perked up, alley means the gap between left fielder and center fielder. She's trying too get through the cop at the counter and the one in the far left corner.

I nodded, "well I've got too get going, I've been working back to back and it's eating me up"

I said taking more baseball talk, I told her too run the base or control the fielder. Meaning trying and get past the easiest looking cop or buy something and escape.

"Yea I know how you feel, things are tight around here" she said looking into my eyes, I rolled my eyes reaching into my pocket.

"You still have my number?" I asked hopping to God this dumb ass would follow along.

"No, I just got a new phone" she said In a smug tone, she handed me her phone, this bitch has a I phone 6s plus maybe she's not homeless and doesn't like bathing. I opened her notes typing vigorously fast causing her too take a step closer too me. I only took a step back as I continued too type.

I finished typing before handing it back too her, it read. DONT FUCK THIS UP, but something then CALMLY walk out too the all black Audi r4. I put a 5 underneath the phone before handing it back too her with the fakes smile possible.

She read it briefly before nodding and doing as instructed, I grabbed a stick of gum before waking up too the counter as Zendaya walked too the back too the drinks even though i told her too FUCKING stay away from them.

As I stood there I popped back into realization that I have a fucking concealed weapons in a gas station full of cops, one of the cops in front of me turned around and fully scanned me, If i wasn't sweating bullets before I sure am now.

The other officer turned and walked away while the tall one eyed me down like a hawk. I pulled my now hanging off my ass pants up why the hell is she carrying a big ass 1911. This must be what it's like too have a dick and honestly I could go without, I looked up at the clerk he looked just a nervous a I did.

"Uh 45 on 12" I said handing him the money, this big ass officer was still breathing down my neck, he nodded and I began too walk away when the tall officer stopped me.

"Mam" she said sternly, my heart was practically jumping out my chest as I slowly turned around too him.

"You forgot your gum" he said with a smile, I blew out a breath in relief before taking the gum from his hand politely.

He grabbed my hand looking at my knuckles, they were heavily bruised and cut, Camila had a sharp face.

"What happened too your knuckles?" He asked sternly, my pants started too fall in dead in fucking dead.

"It's a rash" I said nervously taking my hand from his grip, he looked me in my eyes for a second before nodding.

"Stay out of trouble" she said before chuckling and turning back too his partner, I smiled politely before turning too Zendaya, we made brief eye contact before her and I nodded simultaneously, I fast paced walked too the door as the cop by the door decided too step in front of me, he started me up and down hard before letting me out, what the hell was that? I thought walking out too my car.

I could see the whole transition taking place from the window, I put put the pump in the my car and watched, I saw them all circling back around her, she bought some thing then was headed towards the door when they all jumped in front of her. At first there was a peaceful conversation until one of the officers roughly slammed her into the wall and started too pat her down. I cringed at how hard it was.

This is just sad, i hopped in the car putting the gun in between the seat I took the pump out of my car before closing my gas tank, the smallest officer had her against the wall with her hands on her head, I thought he'd be the nice one. I was about too go embarrass the hell out of him but the biggest officer walked out, I could hear him screaming in the other officers face.

He was doing a pretty good job at, Zendaya just looked spooked all around, the biggest officer dusted her off before handing her gym bag. He sent her on her way, I totally misjudged him I thought he'd be a prick and pip squeak, he can't be taller than 5'2. I stayed in my car and waited for her too walk over her.

She walked up too my window, "give it too me" she said in a nervous tone.

I looked up at her, "get in" I said smugly.

"Just give it too me and we never have to speak of this again" she said growing more nervous by the second, I could read her like a book.

"Or you could get in like I said" I replied back smugly Again.

She blew out a deep breath pinching the skin between her eyes before walking around too the other side and getting in. She's lucky I'm a good person and have patience. I turned on the car and pulled off,

"So you wanna tell me why your packing?" I asked suddenly breaking the silence.

"No not really" she snapped back, this little big jolly green giant leprechaun really trying me like I won't slap the hell out of her.

"I just saved your ass the least you could do is lose that fucking attitude" I said sternly.

"I didn't ask you too do a damn  thing for me and your really holding me up from getting home" She said raising her voice.

I took a deep breath and looked out the window, "okay your at a 10 right now I need you too 2 before all hell breaks lose in this car" I said calmly.

"So once again, why are you carrying a concealed weapon?" I stated.

"For protection, okay!" she said through a clenched jaw.

"From who?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"It doesn't matter, just give it back so I can be on my way" she said completely shutting me out.

I nodded stroking my chin, "on your way too were exactly?" I asked politely I know I'm asking a lot of questions but who wouldn't.

"Home" she said lowly. I chuckled humorlessly.

"I'm not stupid, you're walking around with a gym bag, you had a pocket full of money even though you tried too finesse me it's about 500$ suggesting that you sell and you smell like ranch dressing so your homeless, I'm a nice person and need s roommate so I'm willing to stop hating you for no reason and offer you a place too stay"

I said pulling onto my street, she smelled her self self consciously "thanks, but no thanks" she said as I pulled into a drive way.

"My bad, I didn't mean too make it seem like you had a choice" I said grabbing the gun, I tucked it in my pants before getting out.

"This is your house?" She asked in disbelief. Why does everyone do that?

"For now" I said telling the truth.

I opened the door letting the both of us inside, "wait you said I had a pocket full of cash, as in past tense
I chuckled opening the door as she searched her pockets for the cash, "did you take my money?" She asked confused.

I pulled out of my pocket turned out its 800$ i took a five out before throwing it too her, she stood by the door unsure of what too do, I went too the hall closet and grabbed a towel.

"You wanna wash those?" I said pointing too her bag. She looked at me with suspicion in her eyes.

"Why are doing this, we hate each other" She asked confused.

"I really don't have reason not too like you, and I could use all the good luck I can get not too mention your an asshole and I'm a dick head, were a perfect match" I said smiling.

She handed me the bag before snatching the towel from me, "your the asshole" she said chuckling.

I showed her too the guest room shower, before putting her clothes in the washer, then I thought... why and I doing this?
manis pov mf point of view bitch
"Wait he what?" I asked in just udder astonishment as I stood in front of Isaacs teacher for the second time this week.

"Well, he saw the young man from yesterday and sparked up a conflict, he proceeded too call him a, "little beyotch" and back hand slap him so hard he urinated on him self", I successfully disguised my chuckle for a cough, he really did it, I was just kidding. This might be really bad but I'm proud of him, you'd have too pimp slap someone for them too piss themselves.

"As result of this continuous confrontation we've decided it's best if both Isaac and the other young man take time out of school, both of them have been suspended for three days" I ran my fingers through my hair long wavy hair frustratedly,

"is that really necessary?"I asked in a desperate voice.

"Under all circumstances, yes" "He can comeback Monday" Isaacs teacher said in a soft tone.

I looked around for him and didn't see him there was a clump of a about six girls sitting at a table surrounding someone as the rest of the kids were honestly all over the place, I looked around for him before noticing his converse, he was at the table full of girls, at least one of them has too be his girlfriend, or he's gay.

I snuck up on him, there was a little girl sitting on his lap, what the hell kinda kindergarten is this, "Isaac" i said sternly causing his head too spin around too me,

"what up mon" she said smiling before pushing the little girl off of him, Mom, I am offended what happened too Mommy?

"Come on we're leaving" I said pretending too be upset

, he saw right through me playing along, he hugged the girl that was on his lap, before pecking her on the check. His hand found its way too her little but,

"okay that's enough" I said grabbing Isaac her little thot ass liked it too smiling and all.

She was cute though she long curly black hair that was pulled up into a ponytail, she was also black with light brown eyes so she gets extra cute points.

I got him out side managing too keep and angry,upset look on my face.

"Was that your girlfriend?" I asked with a smile. He looked up at me with a smug look.

"One of them" he said smirking.

"Whaaaat, Isaac the P" I said laughing.

He chuckled, "you know" he said laughing.

I got serious for a second, "you can hug them and kiss them but don't touch them, you might be young but you'll catch a case" I said knowing he wouldn't understand the last part.

"But the booty is nice" he whinnied, i looked at him for a second this has too be Lauren's long lost son because they act just like each other.

I shook my head playfully smiling, I've been in that position before the booty was just so nice you couldn't help but grab it, I get the urge every time I see Lauren.

"So he peed himself?" I asked suddenly as it popped back into my head.

"Yea, he walked up on me and my girl and took my crayons again" he said like it was the end of the world, I get that he's growing up but I don't know about this knows vocabulary.

"He was making me look like a punk so I pimp slapped that little beyotch" I chuckled, this kid really said that.

"He climbed in the car buckling himself in, "welp, what am I gonna do with you the next three days?" I sighed pulling off.

"Let's get lit" he said dancing too imaginary music. The energy in that kid .

I heard the text tone of a I phone text tone, I looked down at mine but it want me. That's when I noticed issac pulled out a iPhone 5 and start texting on it.

"The fuck did you get that?" I asked hella confused.

"That don't even matter, can we get pizza though?" He asked nonchalantly,

"Who are you texting?" I asked in disbelief.

" mom, it just One of my hoes" he said chuckling sticking his tongue out. When I was his age I had hoes but so many hoes I needed a phone, I didn't get my first phone till 11 and he's almost 5.

"The hell-, Mom? What happened too mommy?" I asked sadly.

"I'm almost five what do I look like calling you mommy?" He asked cockily, this is literally Lauren's biological son.

"I still call your grandma mommy" I said slightly offended.

"Well that's because your a girl" he said in a event more cocky tone, I was highly offended.

I pulled into the driveway. "What about my McDonald's?" He asked in a cheated tone.

I groaned forgetting about it, "wait your supposed too be in trouble" I said remembering.

"I'll ask untie Dinah he said chucking nervously. He full speed sprinted to the front door before completely eating the pavement, he hit the pavement so hard his body slid, i couldn't help but burst out laughing.

I opened my arms expecting him too run into them like always but no instead he got up dusted himself off and kept going. I was so proud, my baby boy was becoming a little man.

I unlocked the front door letting him run inside, i walked inside putting my bag down.

"Ugh pretending  too parent is so stressful" I said out loud.

I looked at my phone, 2:18pm, it's five o'clock somewhere I thought grabbing a beer. I took a swig before walking up stairs too my room. I would look through the mail but why probably some bills I don't want too pay in there.

I set my beer down before collapsing on my bed, it's even exhausting sitting around doing nothing I thought tiredly.

I grabbed my beer before taking a huge gulp.

"Mani, I'm gonna take Isaac too McDonald's" Dinah sailed from my door way, I grunted in response. Before hearing a chuckle and the door shut.

I was dosing off when my phone buzzed, I groaned using my hand too search for it.

Lauren: hey, You free?

Gorgeous😍❣️:yea what's up? I replied immediately.

Lauren:swing by I've got something I wanna show you😉.

I groaned why do I always have to go over there she can't come over here?.

Gorgeous😍❣️:omw I replied sitting up the he'll could she wanna show me anyways? So damn needy I thought frustratingly putting my shoes on and grabbing my keys, better fucking be good.

I pulled up too Lauren's house slightly grumpy but just because I'm tired. I knocked since I don't have the key anymore.

"It's open" she yelled from inside, i opened the door walking inside, I was woken up by the amazing smell of tacos, I turned too Lauren and my jaw dropped.

She was making tacos with an apron and a chef hat on with a little bow tie, the best part was she had nothing under the apron but a pair of boxer. I had too take a moment too just sit there and just thank god and Lauren's parents and who ever the fuck made this beautiful beautiful creature in front of me.

She was covered in baby oil and her tone calfs and arms and her porcelain skin I had never seen this much of her body before, who knew that a female man bun would be just as sexy.

"Come, sit down take a load off" She said smiling, I was star struck,

I couldn't speak I'm surprised my legs even work the i only think I know is working properly is my reproductive system, I just barely made it too the barstool without falling over, she set a plate down in front of me, it smelled so good. I didn't even know she could cook.

She put a passionate kiss on my lips.

"Eat" she said putting another kiss on my forehead she said before returning

I took one bite out of the taco and my eyes rolled too the back of my head, these are amazing.

"You like?" She said smiling leaning against the counter, I nodded moaning at the taste.

She turned too the side too get something when I caught a glimpse of her perky yet cute side boob, I hadn't seen them before but I sure would love for today too be the day I do, she's do beautiful.

I finished the tacos because I'm a fat ass. She smiled at me but I couldn't help but blush.

"You want more?" She asked taking my plate, I gradually shook my head no.

"Now, for what I wanted too show you" she said putting the plate in the sink.

She faced away from me for a second before turning her entire body too me, she reached up and took out her bun letting her hair hang loosely down her shoulders, I have no idea what's about too happen but if she pulled out a knife and stabbed me I'd let her, that's how stunning she is.

She reached up again running her fingers through her hair our eye contact was overly intense right now. She fiddled her apron before it dropped too the ground just like my jaw. Her perky nipples sat perfectly on her cute small breasts. She strutted over too me never breaking eye contact.

"You like what you see?" She asked seductively, her raspy lust filled voice sent chills down my spine, I swallowed the lump in my throat before nodding slowly.

"You know you haven't said one word too me since you've been here, you're starting too hurt my feelings" she said with a pout on her face as she finally reached me.

"Sorry?" I said as my hot and ready levels went through the rough.

She spread my legs roughly causing me to whimper from the pain of my throbbing button rubbing against the soaked cloth of my underwear

She chuckled "that's okay, I'm a very forgiving person" she said into my ear as she slid between my legs.

She hoisted me up wrapping my legs around her waist. Oh Lord Jesus I thought needing a minute too compose myself from her roughness.

She attached her lips too my neck briefly, "there's something in the bedroom I need too show you" she said sweet and low before placing a loving kiss on my neck.

I grabbed the back of her neck as she started too circle her tongue around my spot. She carried me up the stairs into her room as she worked miracles on my neck. She kicked open her door softly. Before throwing me on the bed anyway but softly. She chuckled before licking her lips, "open up baby" she said before lunging on top of me.

I gasped for air sitting up, and looking around. I was in my room a hot sweaty mess. It was just a dream, "god damn it" I said still panting for air.

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