Revenge Isn't Always Sweet!

By damonsfuturewife

28.5K 465 268

She came to Mystic Falls with one goal - Revenge. I can't say much more as it would give the story away. Hope... More

Welcome To Mystic Falls
Good Time = Bad Times (Part 2)
Uncle Nik!

Good Times = Bad Times (part one)

5K 72 35
By damonsfuturewife

Hey! I am so sorry about the long update, I have been super busy with Christmas coming up. There's only 5 weeks to go... yay!!
I have tried a little something different with this update - telling it from other people's point of view - and I would love to know what you think.
Do you prefer it when it is just Kayla's, or do you like it like this? It is still mainly Kayla's, but I would appreciate your feed back, positive or negative!
Thanks for sticking with me (if you are haha) and I hope you enjoy! ❤️


Kayla's POV

I wake up feeling extremely well rested. That has got to be the most comfiest bed I have ever slept in! I feel around the bed for my phone to check the time. It's 7:24am. I hear a clattering sound in the kitchen, as if someone is preparing something to eat.

As I stealthily make my way downstairs, I overhear a conversation between Damon and Stefan.
"Don't do that, Damon! You can't just act like nothing is happening!" Stefan says.
"Save it Maury, this has nothing to do with you!" Damon replies.
"Nothing to do with me? Are you serious right now? Kayla is my niece, it has everything to do with me!" Stefan argues.

I quietly sit down on the third to bottom step, wanting to hear how this plays out.
"She's your daughter, Damon. You need to do the right thing for once in you damn life!" Stefan carries on.
"No. I don't, Stefan. I don't do the right thing. I do the wrong things, I can't be a father!" Damon returns.
"Yeah? Well too late! You already are, so suck it up! You murdered her Mom, Damon. She has nobody else."

It was silent for a short time. I consider going into the kitchen, thinking the conversation was over, but the sound of Damon's voice stops me dead in my tracks.
"I didn't!"
"What?" Stefan asks him.
"I didn't kill her! I would never have harmed a hair on her head. I loved her!" My heart stopped beating hearing him talk about my Mum.
"What?" Stefan repeats, in an unbelieving tone. "What do you mean you didn't kill her? Why didn't you say that yesterday, instead of letting everyone, letting Kayla think you did?"
"She wouldn't have believed me, and I don't blame her. I almost killed her, Stefan. Why would she believe me?" Damon said.

I can't believe what I am hearing right now. I can feel anger rising up inside of me. He is lying! Why is he lying? I can't control myself any longer. I burst through the kitchen doors, my hands balled in to fists.
"LIAR! YOU KILLED HER AND YOU KNOW IT!" I scream at him. "WHY ARE YOU LYING?" Tears start to stream down my face, leaving glistening tracks where they have been. Damon just stands there, staring at me, saying nothing. This infuriates me even more.
"Answer me goddamnit!"

Stefan speaks for him.
"Kayla, sweetheart, calm down." He says as he reaches out for me. I step away from him, not wanting him anywhere near me.
"Calm down? Are you joking? He's lying and I want to know why!" I retort.
"IM NOT LYING!" Damon shouts, making me look back at him.
"YOU ARE! She went to meet you, and never came back. How do you explain that?" I ask.
"I don't know." His voice is low. He is looking around as if he is trying to find something.

Tears are leaving my eyes by the bucket load, to the point where I can barely see. My legs feel like jelly before they give in completely. Within seconds, I am sitting on the floor, my knees pulled up to my chest and my arms wrapped around them. My forehead is resting on my knees to block out the sight of my surroundings. Heart wrenching sobs are escaping my mouth. I want my Mum!

I feel myself being lifted off the floor, cradled in strong arms. I look up, expecting to see Stefan, but it's Damon who is carrying me. My first instinct is to fight him, get myself out of his arms, but right now, I need the comfort. I need to feel someone close to me.

Damon sits down on one of the sofas in the living-room, and instead of putting me down, he keeps a hold of me, sitting me on his knee. He wraps both arms around my upper body, and just holds me, letting me cry it out.

It takes a couple of minutes, but I eventually stop crying. No matter how comforting it feels, being in Damon's arms, I stand up and move away from him.
"Are you okay now?" He asks me.
"No. I'll never be okay, but I'm done crying if that's what you mean?" I say as I take a seat on the opposite sofa.
"Good!" He responds, before standing up to leave.
"Damon, wait..." he turns back to look at me. "If you didn't kill my Mum, then who did?" I ask him.
"I don't know, but I sure as hell am going to find out!" He says as he reenters the kitchen, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Damon's POV

Seeing Kayla so broken and crying on the floor, stirred up feeling I haven't felt since I was human. Before I even knew what I was doing, I had picked her up and cuddled her until she had stopped crying. I don't know why, but I needed her to stop.

"Damon..." Stefan's voice breaks me out of my reverie.
"What now, Stefan?" I have had just about enough of his self righteousness.
"Are you okay?" He asks me, as if I was the one broken on the floor.
"Of course I am, Stefan. Why wouldn't I be?" I'm not, I don't know what is wrong with me right now. But I'm damn well not going to tell him that!
"Okay. I'm here, brother, if you need me!" He pats my shoulder, giving me a knowing look. I nod my head at him as a silent thank you.

Pulling out my phone, I scroll through my contacts looking for the number to an old friend. I will find out who killed Siobhan, if it's the last thing I do!

Kayla's POV

It's been 11 days since I first came to Mystic Falls, and I have to admit, I kinda like being here. Damon has been gone for 9 days, doing god knows what, so it's just been mostly Stefan, Elena and I. Occasionally their friends.

I really like Stefan, mainly 'cause he is a bit of a pushover. He hates people being sad or upset, especially if he is the reason for it. I just have to give him some puppy dog eyes, or a titty lip and I can get pretty much anything I want.

Elena' little brother, Jeremy, has invited me to a sit off later on tonight. I really want to go, so I'm hoping I can still wrap Stefan around my finger. I head to the kitchen to speak to him. Wish me luck?

"Hey Stefan..." I greet him as I walk in.
"Hey Kay! Is everything okay?" He asks me.
"Yeah, everything is fine." I give him an innocent smile, just for good measure. "Stefan, I was wondering... would it be okay if I go out in a bit with Jeremy? It will only be for a couple of hours." I ask him.

He looks at me like he is having a mental debate. 
"Sorry Kayla, I don't think that's such a good idea. Damon would most likely stake me if I let you go," he tells me.
"Stef, please..." I beg. "Everything will be alright. Besides, Damon isn't even here. He will never know?" I try to convince him.
"I don't know..." he says, which is definitely not a no. I can work him here.
"Please, Stefan?" I put on my best sad face, "I really want to fit in around here. If I have to stay here, I should at least be aloud some friends." He lets out a big sigh.
"Okay, okay! But I want you home by 10:30. Okay?" He asks me.
"Yes, yes. I will, I will. Thanks Stefan!" Before I realise what I am doing, I am giving him a big hug. I quickly pull away once I come to my senses. Well, this is awkward!!

I have just text Jeremy to say I'm coming, now I have to pick something nice to wear. I opt for a pair of white denim hot shorts, a dark green cami top and white Converse. I apply a small amount of makeup and straighten over my hair before I am ready to leave. It's too hot for a jacket, so I don't bother grabbing one.

"STEFAN... I'M GOING," I yell from the front door.
"No need to shout," Stefan says, appearing behind me. "I can hear you perfectly fine."
"Oh, right... sorry!" I say lamely.
"Be back in a couple of hours, and don't do anything you know you shouldn't. Got it?" He orders.
"Yeah, yeah. I got it!" I say as I walk out the door, closing it behind me.

I've been with Jeremy and his friends, at a little sit off in the woods, for almost three hours, and I'm completely off my face. I have drank a few beers, had umpteen jelly shots and I can't even tell you how many goes of joints I have had. I am seriously high and ridiculously giddy.

I leave everyone to make my way home, which was a big mistake, as I don't having a single clue where I am!

After walking around, aimlessly, for nearly twenty minutes, and tripping over my feet god knows how many times, I slam right in to an unknown chest, knocking me off balance.
"Ah, shit... Watch where you're going, you turd!" I say, my voice slightly slurred.
"Excuse me...?" He looks totally pissed off. "Michaela, isn't it?"
"What...?" I finally take a proper look at his face. "Ugh! Lurch... what are you doing here?" I ask.
"I think I should be asking you that question! And who is Lurch?"
"You know, Lurch... the butler off The Addams Family... tall guy, always wears a suit. A bit like yourself..." I grin to myself.

"I think I should get you home." Elijah says, putting his hand on my upper back, pushing me in a westerly direction to what I assume is towards the boarding house.
"Will you get your hand off me - ya weirdo!" I pull away from him, falling as I do so. Elijah catches me before I hit the floor and stands me upright.
"Um, thanks!" I say before I once again loose my footing.

Elijah lift me into his arms, bridal style, and begins to carry me in the direction he had pushed me.
"Lurch... I feel..." before I can stop myself, I throw up all over Elijah and myself. It is soo no a pretty sight!

Damon's POV

I've just got back from trying to find out who killed Siobhan, to find out my dumb ass brother has let Kayla go out, not only unsupervised, but without even asking where she was going. I swear if he wasn't my brother - I would stake him right now! To make matters worse, her phone is going straight to answerphone.

"Damon, don't worry. She's with Jeremy, and she's only been gone a couple of hours. Calm down!" Stefan tries to placate me.
"Calm down? CALM DOWN? You've got to be kidding me, Stefan?!" I cross the space between us, getting right in to his face. "If anything has happened to her, or if she doesn't come back, I'm holding you personally responsible!" I shove him away from me, before heading out the front door. I need to go and find her!

As I'm about to get in my car, I see Elijah walking towards the house carrying a floppy Kayla in his arms.
"What the hell have you done to her?" I demand. I can feel my vampire face starting to show. I vamp towards them before taking Kayla off of him.

"Damon, I can assure you, Michaela's condition has absolutely nothing to do with me. I was walking through the woods and happened to come across her. I'm afraid she is a little worse for wear. I assume it is due to the alcohol she has consumed, and if I'm not mistaken, I can also smell smoke on her." Elijah completely grasses me up.

I take a close look at her and realise she is just sleeping, not hurt in anyway. I smell the air around Kayla, and to my horror, he is right. She had definitely been drinking and smoking... she is going to be one sorry little girl tomorrow!

Kayla's POV

I am vaguely aware that I am in Damon's arms, and I know I should be scared of what he will do to me, considering the state I am in, but right now - I'm too drunk to even care!
"Yeah, well, thanks for bringing her home." I hear Damon say, although it sound like he is across the room from me, not holding me in his arms.
"It was my pleasure, Damon. I could not, in good conscience, leave her alone in the state she is in," Elijah replied.
"I don't know what the hell has gotten in to her?" Damon sounds pissed. I can hear them talking, but I just can't acknowledge it.
"She certainly needs some discipline... perhaps a spanking of some kind is in order?" Elijah suggests.

Hearing that sobered me up some.
"No..." I manage to blurt out, my eyes still closed.
"Ah, sleeping beauty awakens." Elijah jokes.
"No what?" Damon asks.
"No spanking... I don't want one" I reply, sounding like a small child.
"We will discuss this in the morning. In the mean time, let's get you out of these clothes and into bed. Thanks again, Elijah! I'll probably see you around." Damon says as a way of goodbye.
"Goodbye Damon, Michaela." I hear Elijah say before I hear footsteps fading signalling his departure.
"LATER LURCH!" I shout, knowing he can hear me.

Damon carries me into the boarding house, kicking the front door shut once we are clear of it. He doesn't stop until we reach the room I've been staying in. He unceremoniously drops me on to the bed.
"Hurry up and change, I'll be back in a couple of minutes." He orders as he leaves the room.

I manage to make it on to my feet after a couple of failed attempts. I can't believe how wasted I am! Staggering over to the chest of drawers, I pull out a pair of PJs and wobble back over to the bed. Taking my clothes off was easy, getting my PJs on was unbelievably hard! I eventually got my top on - back to front I might add - but I'm seriously struggling to get my pants on. After getting one leg in, I am pathetically pleased with myself. I give myself a clap. Honestly, it's like it the first time I have ever dressed myself.

Clapping was a bad idea, 'cause I dropped my PJ pants to the floor around my ankles. As I bend down to get them, dizziness over takes me and I fall forward - flat on to my face - making a huge thudding sound. Damon comes rushing in and sees me on the floor, one leg in my pants and one leg out. I look up at him from the floor, and can't refrain the laughter that erupts from my mouth. This has got to be the funniest predicament I have found myself in for a long time.

Damon, unamused, picks me up off the floor, before laying me on the bed. He gently corrects my pants and pulls the covers over me, ordering me to go to sleep "right now!" For once, I do as I'm told, not by choice, but because the room is spinning and I can't keep my eyes open any longer.

Damon's POV

I can't believe what she has been getting up to. What the hell was Stefan thinking, letting her go out?

Kayla has been asleep for a while now, but I can't bring myself to leave the room. Seeing her asleep, she looks so innocent and fragile. In this moment, I realise that I would do anything for this kid. Protect her with my life. I love her!

I tuck the covers in around her before kissing her on the top of her head.
"Sweet dreams, baby girl!" I whisper before I make my way out of the room, in search of my incredibly stupid brother. I need to set some rules, and we both need to enforce them. I will not allow what happened tonight, to happen again!

Kayla's POV

I wake up with a start. My phone alarm is blaring out 'Panda' by Desiigner, and with every beat of the music, a painful thud is banging inside my head. It feels like I'm being hit with a hammer.

I crawl out of bed, and slowly make my way down the stairs, careful not to move my head in the slightest. Once I am half way down, I feel the urge to throw up. Rushing back upstairs to the ensuite, I immediately empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet. My banging headache doubles in strength. I've never felt this bad in my life!

With my stomach empty, and with only the occasional dry heave, I make my way back down the stairs. I need an aspirin and a blood bag, ASAP!

I have searched every cupboard in the kitchen, with no luck. I decide to check another room. As I turn to leave, I see Stefan standing in the doorway, his arms folded over his chest, his face marred by a look of disappointment. It stops me dead in my tracks.

"How are you feeling this morning?" He asks me.
"Um, not too good, actually. I really need an aspirin. Have you got any?" He nods his head, confirming that he has. He vamps away, returning seconds later holding a box of aspirin and a blood bag. He's so good to me, that I actually feel really bad now for letting him down yesterday. I hope Damon didn't give him a hard time about it.

After swallowing two tablets and draining the blood bag, I can feel my headache slowly disappearing. With every passing second, I am feeling more and more like my usual self.

"Feeling better?" Stefan questions.
"Yeah, thanks! Getting better every second," I tell him.
"Good, 'cause we need to talk. Damon is waiting for us in the study." He informs me. This doesn't sound good. I should have said I was still feeling rough.
"Do we have to do this now? I was just..." he cuts me off.
"Yes we do. Come on." He nods his head to the side, effectively telling me that I should follow him.

I follow him through the house, until we reach the study. It feels like I'm walking to my doom. I enter the study. The walls are made up of bookshelves filled with books. There is a large desk in the middle and Damon is sitting behind it. It pretty much feels like I'm in a headteachers office. To sum it up: eerie and overall scary!

I avoid eye contact with Damon, knowing I am in deep shit.
"Kayla, sit down. We need to have a talk," He instructs me. I obey, not wanting to get myself in to any more trouble than I'm already in. Taking a seat on a chair directly in front of Damon, on the opposite side of the desk, Stefan sits down next to me. Is he back up for me, or back up for him? Only time will tell.

Damon's POV

Kayla looks like a rabbit caught in headlights right now. She hasn't even looked at me since she entered the room.
"Kayla..." I say, but she ignores me. "Michaela, look at me."
"What do you want, Damon?" She asks me, crossing her arms across her chest.
"I would like you to drop the attitude, for a start." She scoffs at me.
"Yeah? Well I'd like you to not be here, so it looks like neither of us will get what we want." She sasses me.

I vamp around the desk and bend over so are eyes are on the same level.
"I am so not in the mood for your attitude right now. Drop it, or see what happens." I warn her.
"Okay, okay! I'll stop." She says, slowly pushing herself, and the chair, away from me.
"Good girl! Now, do you mind telling me what the hell was going through your mind last night?" Without giving her a chance to speak, I carry on. "Drinking and smoking? You're 14 years old, dammit!"

I notice her squirming under my gaze, I'm internally praying that she doesn't lie to me. She is in enough trouble as it is!

Kayla's POV

I feel sick! I know I'm in deep shit right now, and there is nothing I can do to get out of it. Damon's piercing stare is going right through me. If there was ever a time I wished for the ground to open up, and swallow me whole, it is now!

"Answer me, Kayla!" Damon demands, his voice filled with authority.
"I dunno..." I answer, not really knowing what else to say.
"You dunno? Really? That's the best you can do, huh?" His eyebrows come together, until they are almost a unibrow.
"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't intend to drink, or smoke, I just wanted to hang out with some friends. One thing led to another, and..." I shrug my shoulders at him.

Everyone is quiet for a minute or so, and the tension is building in the room. I could literally cut it with a knife.
"That will NEVER happen again!" He emphasis the 'never'. He is such a dick!
"Fine! Can I go now?" I ask him, about to get up from my seat.
"Nope. We're not finished here." He leans back, so his butt is on the desk.
"God!" I exclaim, slapping my hands on my thighs and rolling my head back.

"Kayla, this attitude is getting you nowhere!" Stefan pipes up.
"Whatever, stef! Don't act like you've never done these things!" I tell him.
"You're right, Kayla, but I wasn't a child when I did!" He tried to reason.
"I'm not a child! Stop treating me like I'm 5!" I'm getting seriously pissed off right now!
"You are a child! And because you are a child, you will need to be punished." Damon says to me.

Really? I would never have guessed! That's his answer for everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!
"Huh, what a surprise!" I mumble, as if they can't hear be, when obviously they can. Vampire hearing and all... Damon gives me a disapproving look.
"Here's how this is going to go. Stefan will give you a spanking now for disobeying him, and then I will give you a spanking tonight for drinking and smoking. Is that understood?" He informs/asks me.

Is he serious? Two spankings in one day? They are going to break my butt!
"No." I say to Damon, "I don't understand."
"What exactly don't you understand?" He asks me.
"I don't understand why I am being punished twice for the same thing?" I tell him.
"It's not the same thing, it's..." He goes to say before I cut him off.
"It obviously is the same thing! I disobeyed Stefan BY smoking and drinking, so..." I try to explain, hoping he sees my point of view and no longer wants to spank me twice.

"You're right, it is two and the same. But, not only did you disobey Stefan, you also broke the law. Smoking and drinking at your age is illegal. And that, my little troublemaker, is why you will be getting two spankings!" He finishes by folding his arms across his chest, sporting the smuggest look possible.
"Oh, whatever!" I give up! I'm resigned to my fate. So long buttocks, and farewell sitting comfortably. We've had a good run.

"Right, I'll leave you both to it," Damon says standing up. "Do it right Stefan!" Are his parting words.

Stefan's POV

'Do it right!' Easier said than done, brother. I have never spanked anyone before, but more to the point, I have never wanted too either.

Seeing the look of trepidation on Kayla's face, is the exact reason I don't want to spank her. At the same time, I know that if I don't do this, she will see me as a pushover and walk all over me.

"Are you ready, Kayla?" I ask her, unsure of wether I'm ready myself.
"Are you taking the piss?" She asks me. Her reply has strengthened my resolve.
"Let's do this," I say, motioning her over to me. "And Kayla... if you cuss again, You will get your mouth washed out with soap! Do you hear me?"
"Um, y-yes sir." She slowly rises from her chair. 

It is obvious that she wasn't expecting me to be so tough on her, as I am usually pretty laid back with her.
"Come on, Kayla. There is no point dragging this out," I tell her, wanting to get this over with.

It works as I wanted as she quickly walks over, stopping directly in front of me.
"You know why you are receiving this spanking, don't you?" A ask her.
"Well, yeah." I give her a pointed look. "I mean, yes sir."
"Good girl! It will be over before you know it," I try to reassure her. "Now, bend over my lap."

She does as she is told, carefully draping herself over my thighs. Her petite frame looks even smaller in this position. I wrap my arm around her waist, holding her in position, readying myself for the task ahead.
"Are you ready?" I ask her. She turns her head around to look at me, and she nods her head in confirmation, before once again facing the floor. I raise my right arm, stretching out my hand, ready for the first smack.

I am unsure how hard to swat, with never having to before, so I gradually increase the strength behind each one until I hear a reaction from Kayla. I delivered 12 swats before I heard her breath catch in her throat, so I carry on keeping each spank the same strength. I deliver a further 15 smacks before she makes a visible sign that it is starting to hurt her.

"Straighten your legs, Kayla, and don't bend them again," I instruct, whilst I carry on spanking her.
"Ow! Okay... I'll try. Ah!" She returns her feet as I told her to.

I increase the strength behind each swat, and Kayla starts to wriggle on my lap. I tighten my hold on her waist, and continue peppering her butt all over, occasionally swatting her thighs. I have seen Damon do this, so I am doing the same.

"OOOW! Stefan... please stop... AAAH!" Kayla pleads. It hurts me knowing I am causing her pain. The only thing that keeps me going, even though I feel incredibly cruel, is the thought that is a necessary evil. 

I once again increase my strength. I can hear Kayla audibly crying now. I have easily smacked her 60-70 times.
"Stefan... p-please... OOW! I'm so-sorreee!" She sobs brokenly now. "I AH! I won't do-I won't do it a-again... please...?"

I stop the spanking, worried that I have struck her too hard.
"Stefan... please tell me you're not going to fall for that?" I hear Damon say from by the door.
"Look at her, Damon. She has had enough," I tell him.
"She is playing you brother," he tells me.
"FUCK OFF, DAMON!" Kayla screams at him, her sobbing somewhat subsided.
"See..." Damon says, leaning against the door frame.

He is right. She is trying to fool me so I will stop her punishment. I smack her harder, ignoring her protests. I give her twenty more swats, before I tip her further forward and raise my right leg, effectively raising her butt higher, giving me the perfect access to her sit spots.

"AAAAHHHHH! I'm sorry... I'm so so-sorry, St-Stefan! AAAHHAHOOOW PLEEEEASE? Stefaaaaaaan. OOOWWWWW!" She begs me, kicking her legs and trying to reach back with her hand to cover her backside. I keep up the spanking until she gives in and her body goes limp.

I decide to give her another twenty swats to her sit spots before I finish. This time she is really sobbing. I don't even think she has realised that I have stopped, she is crying so hard. I leave her where she is, but stroke her back to try and help calm her down.
"Shhh baby, it's over now." I try to soothe her. "Please stop crying? We've finished now!" I feel so guilty!

Kayla's POV

Holy shit, that hurts like hell! I know it is over, but I can't stop crying. I didn't think Stefan had it in him.

I eventually stop crying, and lift myself off of Stefan's lap. I try not to look him in the eyes as I'm so embarrassed and oddly ashamed.
"Are you okay?" Stefan asks me.
"Um, yeah. I-I guess." I reply. A traitorous hiccough escaping my lips.
"Kayla, you know that I didn't want to do that, don't you? You just left me no choice. You are 14-years-old, you can't just do whatever you please. You need to follow the rules." He lectures.

Damon walks over, stopping in front of me.
"Come with me," he orders, pulling me out of the room and up the stairs. We enter his bedroom and he guides me into his ensuite.
"Sit." He orders, pointing at the toilet seat. I obey, not wanting to piss him off.

I watch him as he takes a bar of soap out of his soap bowl, and holds it under a running tap, rubbing it to make it lather up. He has brought me in here to watch him wash his hands? He is super weird!

He turns off the tap before turning to face me, the bar of soap - full of suds - still in his hand.
"Open your mouth and stick out your tongue," he orders me.
"What? Why?" I ask him, nervously.
"What did Stefan warn you would happen if you cussed again?" He questions.
"You can't be serious? You want to wash my mouth with soap?"
"Ding, ding, ding. Now open up!" He looks at me with raised eyebrows.

I jump up off the toilet seat and try to run out of the bathroom. Damon catches me before I even make it to the door.
"Damon, no. You can't do that - it's disgusting!" I tell him, struggling to get out of his grip.
"Oh Kayla... I can and I am! Now open up..." he tells me.
"No fucking way!" Before I know it, Damon has me turned to the side and delivers 5 almighty swats to my backside, adding to the fire that is already burning my butt.

"OOOWW! What the..." I exclaim.
"Don't you ever learn?" He asks me.
"No. yes. I mean..." I don't know how to answer him.
"Unless you want to add to those swats, I suggest you open up and do as you're told." I return to the toilet seat, and carefully sit back down before opening my mouth and sticking out my tongue.
"Good girl!" Damon says to me. I just roll my eyes.

As soon as Damon rubs the soap on my tongue, I gag and pull away from him.
"Kayla..." he warns me.
"I'm sorry... I wasn't expecting it to taste so vile." I admit. I open my mouth again.
"Don't move again or I'll bend you over my knee and make is so you can't move, even if you wanted to," he threatens me.

I let him rub the disgusting soap all over my tongue and around my mouth before he holds it in the middle and pushes my jaw shut so my mouth closes around it.
"Keep It there for 5 minutes," he orders me. I nod my head to say I understand.

I watch as Damon leaves the bathroom, but I can hear him in his bedroom. I planned on taking the soap out for a couple of minutes and then putting it back in before he came back, but because he seems to be staying in his room, I decided against it. My mouth fills with soapy spittle after 3 minutes and the last thing I want to do is swallow it.

"AYMUN..." I try to shout, but the soap is preventing me from pronouncing it properly.
"Did you just shout me?" Damon asks, walking back into the bathroom.
"Eah. An I ease pit an en ut uh oap ack in?" I try to ask, knowing by his face he can't understand a word I just said.
"What? I don't know what you're saying!" He confirms my thoughts.

I hold up my pointer finger on my left hand, before taking out the soap with my right one, making it slightly easier to speak.
"I shaid, can I pease spi gis ow of my mouf an den pu gu shoap ba in?" He is still looking at me like I have two heads.

I stand up and go over to the sink, spit out the soapy spittle, then go back to sitting on the toilet.
"I was saying, can I please spit this out of my mouth, then I'll put the soap back in!" I roll my eyes at him. I mean, it's kinda obviously what I was asking.
"Don't roll your eyes at me!" He points his finger at me as he speaks. "Put the soap back in - you've got 2 minutes left."

I keep the soap in my mouth for the remaining time without complaint. Damon comes in and removes it before throwing it in the bin.
"You can rinse now, if you want." I immediately jump to the sink and spit the contents of my mouth into it. I continually rinse my mouth, trying my best to get rid of the lingering taste. It just won't completely go. I give up and wipe my face off with a towel.

I leave Damon's room and head downstairs in search of Stefan. I don't know why, but I feel horrible knowing I disappointed him. Perhaps it's because he has always been so nice to me since I came here, and I've kinda took advantage of him. There is no sign of him anywhere. I go back upstairs to see Damon.

I hover by the door, not wanting to just walk in to his room.
"What's up?" He asks me, as soon as he notices me.
"Um, where's Stefan?" I asks him.
"How the hell should I know? I'm not his secretary!" He still seems pissed at me.
"Geez! Sorry for asking!" I turn to walk away when I hear him call to me.
"Wait... I'm sorry for snapping at you. Stefan went out before, but he said he won't be long. Is there anything I can help you with?" He offers.
"No, um, I'm alright. I'll just wait for him." I tell him.
"Fine. Just, don't go out. You are grounded for today."

I go downstairs and put on the TV. I've not long woke up, but strangely, I feel really tired. I yawn before laying down on the sofa - on my stomach of course - and before I know it, I've fallen fast asleep.

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