Demons Love (Nalu)

By saphirekey

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"Luce...?" His voice pulling her out of her thoughts. "W-what type of deal.....?" She couldn't help her sha... More

chapter 1: hide
chapter 3: Plan of Murder
chapter 4: Suffering to an End
chapter 5: Mornings with a Demon
chapter 6: kiss of emotions
Chapter 7: Forgive Me
chapter 8: Darkness
chapter 9: your mine
Chapter 10: You will love me....
chapter 11: Lisanna
Chapter 12: Healing is Killing
chapter 13: Rage
Chapter 14: Midnight Nightmare
chapter 15: the bottle of the unknown
chapter 16: The perfect Red
Chapter 17: They were onxys not purple
Chapter 18: I'll make you trust me again
chapter 19: A Perverted Tailor
Chapter 20: Black instead of White
Chapter 21: Stalker
Chapter 22: Drunk
chapter 23: Tradition
Chapter 24: Needing you
chapter 25: Wedding of the darkness
Chapter 26: the Power of love
chapter 27: the heat of love
chapter 28: Passion
chapter 29: Sister do me a favor...

chapter 2: saved by a Demon

12.3K 333 182
By saphirekey

From: levy
Meet me at Goldens café

   A bright blaze of light awakens the blonde beauty from her slumber. Her long pure white wings flap open as she stretches.

Her wings once again fold back as she then glances at her phone. The screen

lights up as she press the middle button showing a text message from one

of her best friends. She smiles as she texts her a quick 'okay'. 

The blondes eyes then advert to her open window letting cold chills entering her

room causing  her to slightly shiver.  "..........oh did I leave that open....."

She sighs dramaticly as she lazily crawls out of her over sized bed.

The old wooden floor boards making a creak sound with every step she takes.

Her small fragile hands reach out tords the window as she gently pushes it down, locking it in the process.

She then begins to close the blinds but not before taking a small glance at the town.

Her wings twitch as she stares at the unfinished angles that the demons had left from last night's meal.

The blonde shakes her head as she then quickly closes her blinds.

"Demons are such sick creatures, ....when will the savior get here to end angles suffering....?"

She asked as if waiting a reply from the gods above, but knowing she'd wouldn't ever get an answer.

".....who am I kidding we're all gonna die....there is no God Damn savior....." her brown orbs turning dull and her wings droop slightly.

Her whole life she heard tails of the great savior and how he was the one to protect and save all angels from harm.

Sadly no savior yet has come to save any angels, more like death has come to take away the angels.

She was loosing hope, yes indeed, her hope was very little now a days.

She wasn't going to put faith in something that only was told in fairytails, she didn't want
to believe in something that was never to come.


The blonde quickly spun around only to see her window wide open again.

"Th-that's strange....I thought I shut that....."

She slowly walked back to the window, light breezes wooshing in, her dark brown orbs staring at it for

an explanation but not coming up with any.

"The only way this window can open is from the someone was inside and must have ran o-"

Immediately the blonde slammed the window closed, quickly locking it in the process,

then pulling the blinds down and closing the curtains.

'Someone was in my house....'

She quickly tried to shake it off.

She had to calm down.

------------time skip--------

"Rough night right.....6 angles died last night"

The blonde only nodded her head as she lifted her cup of coffee to her lips.

"I know....I still can't believe no one killed me in my sleep, since you know I left my

window wide open...."

The blunette nodded as she stabbed her spaghetti with her fork and twirled it around,

causing the flexible messy noodles to wrap around it.

"This is why you can't be so careless lu-chan" the bluenette spoke as she then shoved a

fork full of noodles into her mouth.

"You could have been one of them angles that died last night."

The blonde nodded knowingly. "Yeah I guess I got lucky last night huh"

The blunette slammed her fork into her plate. "Your Damn right your lucky, let this be warning to keep your window close cause next time I

don't think you'll be so lucky!" The bluenette then shoved another mouth full of noodles into her small mouth.

The blonde giggled lightly at her friend, noodles where hanging out of her mouth. "What you staring at?"

The blonde then bursted into laughter as she pointed at her friend in a childish manner. 

"Hahah, levy, jeez you pig hahah!!"

The blunettes face bursted with the color red as she glared at her friend. "H-hey don't laugh at me you know when I get worried I eat!!!"

The blonde angel nodded with a bright smile on her face.

"Yeah yeah levy sorry."

The blunette returned the smile and nodded.

"well lu-chan it's about that time where we head home and get ready for the dark hours!"

"Yeah, well see you tomorrow levy!!"

"Yeah, let's meet here again and don't forget to close your window this time!"

"Yeah yeah, bye!"

The blonde rolled her eyes playfully as they both hugged before heading there separate ways.

---------NIGHT TIME----------

The gourgous blonde haired women stared out the window, like she does every single night but this time no opening.

No letting cold breezes in anymore cause now she was afraid.

Afraid to leave it open again.

Afraid to face  a demon who would bring her life to an end and she couldn't allow that.

Her friends needed her, she knew she could never leave them behind, so she had to make sure she was alive.

Her slim fingers gently closed the blinds  blocking her from seeing anymore of what roamed the dark streets.

Her legs finally moving tords the bed.

She gently plops her tired body down on the bed.

She then lazily pulled her blanks up to her shoulders and turned onto her side, wishing that everything could end.


Death....death was all the poor pinkette could see. He watched as his friends chowed down on the left overs of the angel.

The  angels eyes were wide open, they were dull yet wide. Her facial expression showed horror and death in her dead cold eyes.

Her hair bloody and sticking to the side of her face.

He couldn't bare to look anymore at the sight.

"You okay buddy you look a little green." A demon that was feasting on the angel had lifted his bloody face from his meal. Of course the blood

that wasn't his dripped off his face like rain, his crazy purple eyes showed curiosity for the pinkette.

"Y-yeah fine hey... i-i'mma just go and you know hunt."

"Gotcha see you around buddy!" The demon then went back to feasting on the rest of the lifeless body.

The poor pink haired demon basically ran away from the sight he didn't know why he was acting disgusted about it.

He had seen plenty of angels die and he had been one of them to kill them.

He of course being a demon, had ate them.

But why now?

Why now did the poor blood thirsty pinkette not want to see the looks of their once bright faces become pale and lifeless.

He should hate them.

He should be killing and eating like the rest....but that night...

The night he jumped into that blondes window and saw her whimpering in her sleep....he knew he couldn't kill that one....

He remembered how she shivered lightly from the cold nights breeze, her hair was fanned out on the plushie pillow like a golden halo.

He remembered how the moonlight shined down on her, her light pink lips were parted ever so slightly as she breathed softly.

Oh how he wanted to see her again but this time....awake...he wanted to hear her voice, he wanted to see her eyes.

But most of all he just wanted to make sure no one got to her before he did.

"Which house was was white.....well shit all of them are white!"

The pinkette groaned in frustration as his eyes examined the houses.

'Maybe she left her window open again ' he thought as he ran around most

of the house only to find that all of them were unfortunately closed.

Just his luck.


"H-hello??" The blondes spoke as she shook in fear.

She had woken to the sound of her window breaking down the hall.

She was scared.

Scared to die.

Her heart beating at a mile per second.

her brown orbs were wide and her wings twitched at ever little bit of silence that tormented her.

The dark silence screamed at her, waiting for whatever had gotten into the house to attack.


The sound of the squeaky old wooden boards groaned as the unknown thing moved tords the angels bedroom ever so slowly.

"W-whos there, s-show yourself!"

Her voice was laced with fear, her voice was trembling at every word she had spoke.

"Scared girly?"

The dark voice said as she could tell that it was smirking.

Her big brown eyes stared back into red hollow ones.

"Don't be scared girly, I'll make sure your death is slow and painful~"

She didn't dare to move as the creature came closer.

Silent tears poured down her porcelain skin.

'I am going to the hands of a demon.....should have known...."

She watched as the shadowy figure came closer, her eyes glued to him.

His satanic smile still plastered onto his face as he reached his hand out tords her face.

She wanted to scream as she stared a the dried blood on the demons hand.


The demons head shot up along with his hand retreating to his side.

Blood red eyes stared at the new figure standing in the door way.

The demons red eyes calmed down and his creepy smile had returned.

"Ah, Dragneel care to join me, she's sure to taste divine, the prettier the more tastier."

The demon licked his lips as his eyes glowed brightly at the thought of tasting the sweet blondes blood.

The blonde could only shiver in disgust.


"What's with you n-"


The demon know as Deen stared at the raging demon in front of him.


The demon growled out lightly as he walked past the glaring pinkette and went down the hallway.

He then jumped out the broken window.

They could hear him outside probably running to find some other angel to eat.

He sighed angrily as he shook his head.

"Y-you saved me....."

Her angelic voice spoke.

He watched as her wings extented, his heart fluttered as his dark onxys eyes couldn't stop looking at her.

She couldn't see him very well in the dark, all she could make out was the unusual pink hair but that didn't bother her at all.


She questioned his name as she tried to remember what that creep,  had called the pinkette.

".....that's my last first name is natsu...miss..."

"It's lucy..."


He tried her name out and loved the sound of it.

" for saving me natsu.....I would have been dead if you hadn't came in and scared off that demon..."


She smiled brightly and ran to him and hugged him.

"You have no idea how grateful I am to still be alive....I was so afraid....Afraid to leave my friends..."

His eyes were wide.

Wide with passion.

He had never experienced such an embrace.

He loved it...he loved it so much, feeling eager he quickly wrapped his arms around her, returning the hug.

Her sent intoxicating his sensitive nose causing him to gently nuzzle his face into the crock of her neck.

She then gently pulled away from him.

Only to notice his horns up close, not to mention his canine teeth and his dark black wings that blended in with the blackness of her room.

She could also see his tail beating happily agenst the wooden floor.


She whispered lightly under her breath.

She should have know the way the other demon had spoke to the pinkette.

She had been stupid, she got so caught up in her being alive and thankful that she really hadn't realized what he was until now.

She had just now realized he was infact a demon, the kind that killed her kind.

The type to shred and eat her why was this one being gentle and......sweet...

Why did he save her, unless he just didn't want anyone else to eat her except him.

Chills went down her spine as she took a few steps back from the creature that she once hugged.

Natsu could sense the fear in her System and he didn't like it one bit.

His devilish tail stopped swinging as he whimpered slightly at her actions.



"Yeah luce.....please don't be scared I don't want to harm you.....please I only want to protect you...."

--------TO BE CONTINUED 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😘😘😘😘😘😘😘-----------


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