I want You all to myself A Kl...

By Stephcurrywife

416 4 2

Keyani is the new trainer and nurse for the Golden State Warriors. Her job has been going great until klay th... More

Chapter 1 First day
Chapter 2 I can Ball too
Chapter 3 My crazy ex
Awkward chapter 5
Chapter 7 BUSTED
Chapter 9 tell me more

Chapter 6 He has a what now!!

34 0 0
By Stephcurrywife

Hey cereals, sorry i haven't been updating i hate school. but here is chapter six a chapter might be dirty coming up.;)

Keyani POV

I was so nervous to help with practice today. You know the reason. I gotta tell him i like him before it kills me. I gonna tell him today.

Klay POV

I was talking to Steph while waiting for Keyani to come. So whats going on between you and Keyani Steph asked. I Blushed a little after he said that. I have a girlfriend I said. Stephs eyes got really wide. Really who he asked. Her name is Hannah Stockman. I showed him a picture of her. Well I thought you and Keyani had something going on,he said. I think she hates me man I said. She doesnt talk to me anymore like she used to. I said. That sucks man Steph said.

Hey there she is Steph Said. I saw Keyani walk in she was so pretty. Stop it klay you have a girlfriend I said in my head. She walked over to us.Hey steph she said, Hey Klay she said in a soft voice. Hey Keyani i said with my head low. There was an awkward silence until Steph said I think Draymond calling me. I better go see what he wants. I gave Steph a look and he was gone.

Keyani POV

I was standing facing Klay with my head low Blushing. So hows it going He said. Nothing much I mumbled. there was an long awkward silence. I broke that silence. Hey Klay i need to tell you something. Here goes nothing I thought. I gotta tell you something too he said. Ok you go first I said. I have a Girlfriend. He said.

HE HAS A WHAT NOW. MY HEART IS GOONNEE. It legit just broke. I felt like crying right then and there. oh thats great i said sarcastically. He obviously didnt hear the sarcasim. Yeah shes awesome her name is Hannah. Heres a picture. I looked at the picture. Gosh she was stunning (LOOK AT THE PICTURE ABOVE)
Wow shes pretty i said. Yeah she is klay said. So what did you wanna tell me he asked. Oh its nothing big I said. Ok well see you around he said. I watched him walk away. Tears were streaming down my face a little.

I asked the coach if i could leave for work early. He said yeah so I grabbed my bag and called My friend Alexia. Hey whats up girl she said. Can you pick me up after you go to the store and buy me something.i said
Yeah what you want she asked. Two boxes of tissue and a bunch of my favorite snacks. and a lot of twinkies. What happened she asked. Ill tell you when you pick me up.Ok bye. Bye i said and left the door without saying goodbye to the guys.


So thats what happened said Alexia. Yeah i said using the second box of tissues. pass me another box of twinkies.Another box. yeah Another one I said in my Khalid voice. I thought you ate like this on your period. Oh hell naw i eat more than this on my period. I said laughing. She rolled her eyes at me. Hey KiKi do you have any spare pajamas she asked me. Yeah why i asked.I dont want you to die of overeating by yourself
she said i laughed a little. Can we order like three boxes of pizza and breadsticks. I asked. Sure i guess she said like a mom.Hey thanks for being here for me. I said. You were there for me when Derrick Broke up with me for My cousin. Your like my sister. She said. Your like a sister to me too. I said

OK guys thats chapter six Next chapter coming up next

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