The Crafting Dead Short stor...

By Evilvixen05

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A mere collection of novelizations of random moments from the RP series The Crafting Dead by SGCBarbierian ... More

S5 - E10: Losing a Friend
Bonus Scene: Barney's Death
S3-E4: End of Days (Nightmare)
Sneak Peek: 3 Days Later
S9 -E1: 3 Days Later
S11-E1: Similar Interests
S6-E10: A True Hero
S11-E6: Striking Back
S10-E10: Red Wedding
S5-E5: Saying Goodbye
Sneak Peek: Intermission - Character Dossier
Intermission: Character Dossier - Original Group
Intermission: Character Dossier - Secondary Group
A/N: Happy Thanksgiving!
A/N: Happy New Years!
A/N: Bad News

Intermisson: Song Explanations

371 9 5
By Evilvixen05

A/N: Vix here and figured you guys were curious of why I chose the songs I chose for each of the characters of the Crafting Dead. At least for those that have them, others are pending and I might spoil some songs for our lovely two favorite villains.

Now I'm telling, I didn't choose the songs to make it sound all edgy and cool, I truly sat here, listening to these songs on loop when writing these profiles for each character. Or listen to the songs that best fit for the villains in that case. Now my interpretation might be wrong for these songs, but I believe they best fit each character in my mind.

You might object and feel differently for those songs, and that's perfectly fine, it'll happen. Hell, I would ask for those songs you listen to. I'm always on the look out for new songs. :3 But please remember that its just how I feel and see them. Again, share the songs you think best fit them and I'll love to listen to them. :D

So, anyway, here's my explanations for the songs I chose for the characters.

Enjoy! :D

(And I know you guys are bored with the intermissions, and I'm sorry. D: I just haven't found a way to word the moments I do have in mind to write. These ain't easy to write, y'know. But still, I apologize for so many intermissions.)


~ Nick

It's My Life by Bon Jovi I chose this song because it describes Nick's view of life in the current world of The Crafting Dead the best. Least in the beginning and still applies now currently in the series. Nick is one to try to make life as best as possible for himself and his group with how things are currently in the series. He doesn't want to live in constant fear, doesn't want his group to constantly look over their shoulders as they survive, its already a struggle enough as it is; they don't need more stress. So as leader, he decides its up to him to give his group that best life.

He's an open book, people can read him easily and he doesn't try to hide anything from people he tries to help, extending his hand to other good people because that's what he believes in. That there is still good in the world, even though his faith in that can waver, but he holds onto that hope because that's all they have left to hope for.

And because of that, this song describes his will to survive in his own way. Fuck what Ross thinks or Red says, they can say there's nothing left but beauty in death or the thrill of chaos. Nick will stick to living life as he wishes and what he wishes for his group, to hold onto hope. He will not bow to anyone and he will not relinquish his way to live to anyone else' ideals.

Enemies by Shinedown – Now this song describes Nick's hatred for Ross, Red and The Strangers. Everything that has gone wrong when dealing with these enemies is really stretching Nick's patience thin. All the loss, the sorrow, the deaths caused by these people is digging deep into his mind and forces him to vow to wipe all others like them out completely.

Basically, Nick is sick and tired of their bullshit and his trigger finger is itching to put bullets into their heads. Tired of their mind games, tired of the deaths they cause, tired of them destroying everything he tries to build for his group... So tired of it all that his temperament is getting darker, his mood swings from pleasant to outright hostile the second he sees either of them.

Ross has forced the world to its knees with wiping out nearly all Avatars with his virus. Red is taking anything he pleases, supplies, bases... people for food and with his army behind him, he's nearly impossible to stop. The Strangers enjoy the destruction they bring, burning bases down, slaughtering any survivors they find and move on with happy smiles on their faces. They don't have a reason to do so (as far as I know) aside from enjoying the pain they cause.

These three major enemies tear people apart, believing they can get away with it. Crave for more than what they have, enjoy the pain they inflict, the hate they sow because there is no order anymore. Everything is free game to them.

And Nick figures... he's not gonna have it. You want an enemy? Fine, you got one. You're not taking anything or anyone else from me and get away with it. If I have to be the monster to take you out... so be it.

Just now gotta figure out how to break that habit of him asking too many questions when he ought to be killing these people. But I suppose that depends on the situation, but still, that's a dangerous habit to keep, Nick.

Also this song is shared with Red, Ross and The Strangers. Because they are the enemies and have no intention of befriending Nick or his group. Thus enemies to him and he is their enemy and they enjoy the game. So the song fits with Nick singing, he's sick of their shit. And the song fits the antagonists because they're not hiding anything, they enjoy what they do and the song only makes them smile more.


~ Ghetto

Rollout (My Business) by Ludacris – Okay, this song is kinda funny on its own and perfectly describes how I see Ghetto. In the earlier portion of the series Ghetto had a funny and really a big personality. One such of him thinking he's bigger than he is, which is being extremely cocky and thinks of himself better than his friends (in a friendly manner mind you).

I mean really, play this song and watch one of the earlier episodes BEFORE he was bitten. And then tell me if it doesn't fit him. This fits with him strolling down the street with the others in a supply run. He's not a fool, no, he's just doing this to hide his fear and rib the other guys for laughs. And kinda describes how he banters with Nick often when it comes to peaches or marshmallows.

I don't know what else to say about this song, I mean I sat there for an hour listening to it as I was writing Ghetto's profile and it just fits. I don't know how else to word it. XD

Lullaby by Nickleback – Okay this song is odd for Ghetto but important to how I see him now. This describes Ghetto's mindset in struggling to deal with the fact he's practically a dead man walking; chained to having to take Formula X daily to stay alive with the virus within him. His struggle to worry that one day, he'll run out of Formula X and turn... be forced to be put down by one of his friends. Like how he saw Sky had to do to Barney and he does not want that burden to be on anyone, least of all Nick.

The shock of being bitten has really changed his personality and view of the world. And counts each day he still lives as a blessing, he becomes more careful, mindful of others. Which he does get a bit of his bark back, its still a diluted version of how he used to be. And I don't think, even if he is cured, that he'll ever go back as he was completely.

Being that close to death changes people.

This also describes his attempts of helping Sky go through his loss of his best friend. He understands the loss completely a lot more than the others do. While the death isn't the same, Jordan was blown to bits whereas Barney was turned and then shot to 'save' him; and Jordan's death was dealt by Red, while Barney's was by Ross' hand. He still understands.

In a sense, Ghetto was a bit suicidal given he couldn't careless if he's bleeding out or shot when it came to his revenge on Red. Sky was the same, I suppose, that he couldn't care what happened to himself as long as he achieved his goal. And Ghetto recognized it, seeing a reflection of himself within Sky. And it terrifies him, so he tries to help him like the others helped him.

It doesn't work, sadly, but he still tried and understands why the others pulled him back from that dark path. Saw what lengths he would go to avenge Jordan from just seeing what Sky was doing in his rage. So Ghetto becomes more appreciative of his friends and much more aware of himself as a whole.


~ Jordan

I'm Still Here (Jim's Theme) by Johnny Rzeznik – This song more or less describes Jordan's character as a whole. We don't see much of him so its very... sketchy at best on what information I can gather of him. Most of it is just what I think. And this song tells me that he's strong inner strength wise, I mean he lost his family (in some manner, I don't know) and latches onto Nick and Ghetto then AK as older brothers. That he wants to be like them but still himself. 

Granted he probably avoided other people to try and make it on his own, (the kid is eating rotten food for God's sakes) and realizes that he can't do it on his own. How can he learn if no one will teach him? So he looks up to them and is eager to learn from them, trying his best to make them proud of him and give himself self-confidence. And that's all he really wants, to belong somewhere.

I can't think much else, we see so little of Jordan that is hard to give much description. I use the song to give me ideas of how he is. That's it, really.


~ Shark

Glad You Came by The Wanted – This song is more or less describes Shark's personality overall. Since he speaks of his late girlfriend often, this song comes to mind as he doesn't regret meeting her and perhaps her being in his life had an effect on him to be more positive. And he passes the positivity to his friends as he meets them in the Crafting Dead. Shark is extremely glad to meet Nick and the others, their lives touched his and he grew to be a better person because of that.

He is more of a balance type to me, the kind who tells you that's okay to reminisce the past but don't dwell on it, its gone; to think of the future but don't worry too much about it, you can't predicate it. That what's important is the here and now, the present, the moment when you're still alive.

True, he gets a little darker and more distrustful but he still hasn't really changed that much from what little we do see of him at times. So I figured there wouldn't be a second song needed for him. He still thinks of the present more than the past or the future, that he tries to be level headed to help balance out the mindsets of everyone else. Granted he's still a worrywart but that's more toward his friend's well being than what to do the next day and such.


~ AK

Indestructible by Disturbed – This song purely describes his personality and mindset. Given that AK is from the military in the Crafting Dead series, his entire being is molded to that being a soldier, a fighter. He will do what is needed to survive or what is commanded of him. And given Nick is the leader, AK will follow his direction, though he can act freely on his own or is asked of his other friends to do something.

As well as describe just how fierce he can be when pushed to fight or die for his friends. He will take as many enemies down with him before he perishes and will continue to fight even if he had an arm blown off or something. This Avatar is fucking scary when he wants to be and twice as deadly and it will damn well be shown in battle. 

And given that he is from the military, many of the horrors seen isn't quite that far off the mark of what he's dealt with far before the Outbreak occurred. To him its another day at the office, which can make it a little hard to approach him but despite the harden warrior aura he puts out, he's a decent and good guy.


~ Jess

Fight Song by Rachel Platten – Fight Song reminds me heavily of both Jess and Shelby to be honest, so they share this song. Despite of what the hell is going on around them, these women will not shirk or shy away from what needs to be done to survive. Be little girly girls and wait for a man to do shit for her? Hell no. They would do it themselves, Shelby with her katana and Jess with her trigger happy finger, you don't want to be messing with these ladies.

The song shows how strong they are in heart and soul, they can't afford to dawdle and wait for someone else to do anything for them. Its the Crafting Dead, there's Walkers everywhere trying to bite your face off and you ain't gonna wait for anyone else to help you. You have to resolve and rely on yourself to survive. That's the thing, Shelby and Jess are very strong and prove their worth very easily but in doing so they still don't lose their soft sides. They just show it when everything's clear, otherwise, power's on, time to kick some ass here.

For Jess here, she lost a lot in her time during the Crafting Dead. She lost her family in more ways than one. She lost her father to the leader of the caravan she was once a part of, and by that she lost the father she knew. That leader turned her father into someone else and had him slaughter her mother and little brother to prove his loyalty to that leader. Yikes. But instead of breaking down and being a shell of herself, she steels herself and takes off to survive on her own.

This song, shows she refuses to buckle under the pressure when things turn against her. The only two times she does have a near breakdown was at Red's base and that was because she was injured and she was about to be turned into food for these cannibals. I doubt anyone can keep their cool in facing THAT kind of death.

And the second time was at Barney's death. I mean really, you spend a lot of time with that person, you saw them alive a couple of hours ago and then you realize you left him with a bad guy that's running around with a needle, turning people into walkers for laughs. Its gonna fuck with your head here. Especially when you see them walk around as a Walker and no bite marks on them at all or any kind of injury to tell you he died from an injury.

But despite the losses she suffered with her family and then Sky and Barney... Jess doesn't shy away. While yeah she blames herself for the horrors that occurred she doesn't run away from it. Instead, she decides to continue living for them and goes off to find her father to get him back hopefully. 

That takes a lot of inner strength to do. To leave behind people that care for you, to go and find someone you lost mentally to someone else. Especially when she revealed she hated her father for what he did but she wants her father back and realizes it wasn't really his fault but the leader's and she's gonna go and kick his ass to get her father back.

Lullaby For A Stormy Night by Vienna Teng – This song... its a bit hard to describe correctly, but the reason I chose this song... is because of how it shows the softness Jess has. The emotional power she has to help and soothe the others from just hearing them out and gently telling them to calm down. I can actually imagine her singing this to Sky to help him sleep or calm him down at times. Or hell to any of the guys, especially when they're stressed to hell.

While her emotional support didn't help Sky keep his cool long, it still holds a power to reign him in and that ought to count for something. I mean Sky was pissed, he could've just as easily went off and killed Ross on his own during the days Nick, AK, Shark and Ghetto were out. But Jess pulled him back long enough for the others to return. Its a different kind of strength she has, soft and delicate but still very powerful.

I guess it could also count as a bit of a hint of her feelings for Sky. I mean she met Nick and Ghetto and the others before Sky and Barney... but she didn't have the softness towards them even when she was allied with them for weeks. Yet with Sky, she was all aboard in keeping him calm, all her attention and focus on him. And how easily she panicked at finding Sky was missing, I mean with the others she'd be worried enough to wake Nick up to warn him.

But she was all in full blown panic mode, dragging Nick out of bed to find him. Would it happen if it was the other way around? That Red was near and Ghetto was missing since she knows the story? Probably not, worried yes, panic maybe, scream at the top of her lungs and drag the sleeping leader out of bed and start up a man hunt to bring Ghetto back... not likely. Nick and others would be panicking and running out the door to find him. Then she gets angry and goes off to find Ross herself after Sky is infected because of him. Kind hints she had strong feelings for Sky, just a hint... we don't know for sure but hey, head-canons~!


~ Barney

Photograph by Nickelback – Wooh~! Finding a song for Barney was brutal I couldn't find one that described him well in my head. Then again I was probably focused on a lot of everything he was and forgot the basis of who Barney is in the series. I feel that Photograph perfectly describes Barney as he is in TCD. That no matter what happens, how scared he is... how sad he is... he knows its best to move on. It'll take him a while with the fall of the CDC, which I don't blame him. I mean how would you feel if you caused about 95% to 99% of the people living there to die in a massacre because you opened your mouth while held prisoner? Not too great.

But the song to me, show how Barney is in dealing with the loss of everything so far. It fine to remember, to want to relive the old days... but you need to look forward and live for the present. Not to forget the memories but to make peace with them. This also symbolizes that Barney is saying goodbye to his old life, and saying goodbye to his best friend, Sky. It hurts him, oh god does it hurt him to know he died to avenge him but he can't afford to go down that same path Sky walked. He'll do him a favor and live for both himself and his best friend. He will not waste this second chance so soon.

Barney, like everyone else that's survived the Outbreak, misses the old times, the friends and family he lost, the time he lost when he was dead but its not coming back. He knows this, they can rebuild but it won't be the same as it was, so there's no point to think otherwise. Its a new era and they have to live with it, but its nice to... remember the past.

I mean can you imagine if you listen to this song? Seeing Barney remember his times with Sky? Just the two of them surviving... and even before then, just hanging out, laughing, playing, dreaming of whatever. Just being friends, you know? Probably talk about their lives and catch up. It hurts but it helps him give himself strength to endure, to live and keep those he miss alive in his memories. To say goodbye but to never forget them.


~ Sky

If Today Was Your Last Day by Nickelback – Jesus Christ Sky has a shit ton of songs on him. For this one, I believe would best describe how he would've normally been before he met Jess and others and then afterwards but before Barney's death. That he was influenced by Barney to live to the fullest and be happy, regardless of how hellish the days are. And he took that to heart, so he appreciates each day and enjoys himself even though world came to a freakin' end. Its a blow to anyone and hard thing to swallow but he's got his best friend, they're alive and so are other people, everything's fine.

Falling Inside the Black by Skillet – This song describes Sky's drastic personality shift when Barney died. He could feel that he's losing himself to his rage but he can't do anything about it. Its a huge blow to him, that his best friend, the last person he had as family to him; a pillar of strength and normalcy of days long gone... is gone. And not just by any kind of death. But the worst kind anyone could've gone through, aside from being torn to shreds from bullets or Walkers... but being turned into Walker while still alive. To slowly die, perhaps painfully so and sent to go kill your friends. Can you imagine that? Seeing someone you're close to... be turned into that?

And the worst part was that he was killed and turned by someone Sky had trusted, by someone they ALL trusted. That he, left his best friend in the hands of a maniac... wasn't there when Barney needed him... its a huge blow to the mind. And really tore him up at that. I can see Sky screaming and crying for Barney, right after he shot him. Just sitting there on the floor, holding him close and begging Barney to come back as himself, not a walker. That he's apologizing, over and over... that he's sorry to have left him behind, to let him be killed that it should've been him and not Barney. Wishing that this wasn't happening and that they were back home at their cabin, just the two of them again.

This song represents Sky's fall into insanity of grief and rage... his fall into the black path of revenge.

The Curse by Disturbed – This song, now that I think about it more, fits BOTH Nick and Sky. For Nick this is his struggle to keep to his way of thinking and refuses to let Ross and Red win over him. Given that so far nearly enemy is gunning for Nick, its a curse on him but he ain't letting that overcome him. Despite the fact they try hard to tear everything he has away from him to subject him to more mental and emotional torture.

But we're here for Sky, not Nick. For Sky, this song is more based on his determination to not allow the infection he has beat him. He's infected with a stronger and more aggressive strain of the virus and he'll just have to be just as strong and aggressive to stay alive. He can't die just yet, he HAS to kill Ross before he goes. He can't let go of life until he knows Ross is dead, he suffered too much and held out on his wrath to just let it all slip through his fingers because of some virus. Hell. The. Fuck. No.

This could also be seen as him accepting the fact he's in too deep on his revenge to easily let it go. And regardless how the group will see him, what they will think of him, he's going to kill Ross. Sorry, Ghetto but Ross is too dangerous to keep alive. He needs to die.

He's not sure but he hopes whatever inner strength he has... will be enough to let him carry out his goal. The fact Sky held out this long before getting treatment is a proof of sheer freaking determination he has. Seriously, that virus should have killed him in his sleep, being aggressive as Jin says it is.

Leave Out All the Rest by Linkin Park – This song is purely the description of what I believe is running through Sky's mind as he's pushing himself and Ross off the roof of the White House. An apology that he couldn't be stronger like they were. That he couldn't let go of his hatred, that he couldn't go on without his best friend.

To forgive him for the choices he made, that he knows that he made things worse for them, that he should have listened. But his choice was made, the path walked and this is the result of his actions. To not hate him for what he's done... to let him at least, not avenge Barney completely... but to save Nick's life. He's already doomed, let him go as a hero... to go as he wishes and not become a Walker.

I don't know what else to say about this one, really... this song sprang to mind when I saw that episode, and I had that song play while writing the novelization. I think that's why the piece had more feeling to it at the end. That sorrow as you read him falling to his death. Its because of this song.

Demons by Imagine Dragons – This is more of an alternate song to Sky unable to escape his thirst for revenge. This is also shared with Barney, strangely enough. I feel both Sky and Barney share this song because one side wants to help (Barney's spirit I guess you can say, or his memory at least) and Sky keeps shying away from him because he fears and hates what he became. And as much as he wants to let it go, he can't. He can't stand just dropping the whole thing when the murderer that caused this is still alive and well and not give a damn.

So I guess, an internal struggle for Sky I guess in a soul sense, the choice was made and he knows Barney would be disappointed in him should he know the truth. But he's bound by his vow to get revenge and goddamn it he's going to keep it. He can't afford to let Ross run wild or else more people will get hurt, especially those in their group. And Barney can't let him go, he wants to save his best friend but he can't. He knows that and it hurts him, so all he can do is just watch, or something to that effect. It's all in Sky's head really.

Like I said, its an alternate song if you think its better fitting and I told you, their friendship is a double edge sword. And I thank LucyGreenfield for sharing the song, granted she popped this out to me when I was struggling to find one for Barney. I told you, he's brutal to find a song for. XD


~ Red (subject to change, Voices, Neverending Strife and Ready to Die will always be there)

Voices by Rev Theory – This song is pretty interesting in describing Red. Perhaps he does have a voice in his head and he's insane. Maybe. Still, this shows his mindset in the world of the Crafting Dead. He sees no order, no good or light in the world. Its all chaos and its best to embrace it to survive or die trying to grasp something that no longer exists. 

In fact, to him, what exactly was there ever anything good? Why want something that was already corrupted? This being the way things were before the outbreak. This also kinda shows how cruel he can be, I mean he eats people but Sky, Barney and Jess did find his torture chamber in Heyworth. So yeah, he's already picturing what he'll do as he drags his victims from their cells to be tortured or maimed to be eaten for dinner. Either way, Red is not one to mess with and this song proves it.

Suffer (DMC3 Cerberus Battle) by Shawn McPherson – This song is well... not much but does give great insight of just how Red could be conquering people and how he gathered his army. At least one method. One not a lot of people want to be under. Again, the man's insane and cruel, driving you insane with pain as he slowly slices into you. Can you imagine that? Yeesh.

Neverending Strife by H8 Seed (The Living Tombstone remix) – Holy shit, a MLP fan song! What the hell is it doing here?! Well, setting aside its a fan song from the world of candy colored ponies, the meaning of this does actually fits Red. Odd I know, right? Anyway, I chose this song for Red is because... well its bouncy and fun, fitting my vision of how he's playful in a very dangerous and chaotic way. It describes of how he sees himself, better than everyone else and that they're jealous of him. 

And I don't mean like petty jealousy. 

This man has a freaking army and can easily take what he wants with little to no trouble. How? Well aside from having the numbers and firepower to back it up, but he can get into people's heads. Just like how Discord can corrupt your thinking, Red does the same only without the magic. Red just picks at your weaknesses, your insecurities... picking and picking... ooh shudders.

I'm serious, listen to this song and you'll get what I mean. Just omit or replace any verses that deal with ponies and MLP with something with the Crafting Dead.

Ready to Die by Andrew W.K. - This song describes both Red and Ross and maybe the Strangers, maybe. But its definitely Red and Ross. Despite its sound, it perfectly tells you how goddamn fucking crazy these two are. Red because he does it for food and sport, he's gotta get his kicks somewhere right? Ross, because well... he needs test subjects and he can learn only so much from testing on Walkers.

And neither one gives a damn about your feelings when you're strapped to their table. So if you're facing off against them (Nick and Co, I'm looking at you) you best bring your A game and well... get ready to die trying. It'll be loads of fun for them for sure.


(Now I have a couple of other songs that would fit Red but with the TCD Origins now up on Nick's channel, I rather not make assumptions. I mean we could be seeing Red's origins on there soon and I want to see that to see if I'm right or way off. So yeah, I only shared the songs that shows the common thing we see in Red. The fact he's intelligent, charming, cruel and dangerous... not to mention bat shit insane. So yeah that's all I got for now on songs on everyone. xD)

(I know I promised Ross too but he's harder to find... like Barney brutal hard. So if you got any songs that could help be used for Ross, go ahead and send them my way. :3)

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