(VanossxReader) Unintentional...

By Ameliaress

195K 6.2K 6.4K

Life was amazing while living in Los Santos. You had a great job, a nice apartment, lived in a breathtaking c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 19

6.8K 241 279
By Ameliaress

You woke up the next morning alone. Confused, you turned to glance at where Vanoss had been, only to see nothing. He must have snuck off to take a shower or exercise, deciding to leave you behind. Slowly, you sat up while a headache made your head to pound.

I wonder where Vanoss went.

You stood from the bed and walked over to the door; meanwhile your headache slowly began to perish. With doubt the door would be unlocked, you slowly grabbed the knob and turned it to find out you were wrong. The door swung open, and you stood there taking in what just happened.

He didn't lock it? He always locks the door.

You slowly crept down the hallway, fearing that if you were to be caught you could put yourself in a dilemma. Fragments of a conversation between Wildcat, Delirious, and Vanoss could be heard about half way down the hall. You snuck closer, wanting to get Vanoss but scared of his reaction when he sees you.

"... Did you ask her?..." you heard Delirious speaking, and you paused. Not wanting to make assumptions, you quickly decided they were talking about another female and not you.

You could now clearly hear every word, and you decided you'd be better off not to disturb them. You started back, but you stopped due to being a little nosy.

"No, but listen I-" Vanoss began

"No more waiting!" Wildcat yelled at Vanoss, cutting him off, "Listen, she's clearly right where you need her. Just ask and get this whole thing over with! I thought that's what you wanted."

"Well, yeah but-" Vanoss interjected, only to be interrupted once more.

"Come on! You even kissed her!" Delirious moaned angrily at Vanoss. You paused, coming to the realization it was you they were talking about.

"You said that you would cozy up to her in order to get her to trust you so you could ask. It's well past time to ask," Wildcat said in a tone that told you he was trying hard not to fight Vanoss.

It took a second to process what they were saying. Your heart dropped once you connected the pieces. All this time, you figured Vanoss loved and cared for you. The drive he took you on, all the cuddling, the trip to the beach, winning the stuffed animals for you, even the kiss. It was all an act he put on to manipulate you. He wanted something, so he decided to toy with your heartstrings to get it without caring about the repercussions.

You no longer cared about sneaking around and avoiding being seen. Your heart felt like it had stopped. All this time, the person you grew to love was faking. You stepped out of the hall and where they could see you. They didn't notice until you let out a depressed whimper, feeling the tears building in your eyes. They stopped talking, realizing you had heard everything. Your eyes were glued to Vanoss, not even worried about Wildcat or Delirious.

"Y-you..." you said in a shaky voice and pointed at Vanoss. Delirious and Wildcat backed up, not desiring to interject.

"It's not what you think..." he stood from the sofa, speaking in a calm voice to try and put you at ease.

"You lied to me..." you said, your voice shaky from all the emotions you were feeling. Vanoss shook his head, looking at you with a guilty facial expression. He could see the sadness in your face and hear the anger in your voice.

"No, you don't understand. It did start that way-"

"So... You admit you put on a show, pretending you liked me and watching me believe every lie that escaped your mouth?" your voice began to crack due to a mix of anger and sadness. Your eyes were now clouded with tears, and you were unable to stop them.

"No, please listen," Vanoss called desperately, starting to tear up as well.

"I don't want to hear it! I hate you!" you covered your ears and screamed at him, letting out your anger. Your face was now stained with tears, and they showed no sign of stopping.

Vanoss stepped closer and held out his hand, but you ran down the hall. You went into the guest room, slamming the door shut behind you. Running footsteps echoed from the hall, and you panicked. You pressed all your weight against the door, knowing it was useless against Vanoss but trying your best anyways.

He pushed it open easily, and you ran into the bathroom. This time, you were able to lock the door. You let the tears flow onto your face while Vanoss banged his hand on the door.

"You don't understand, please let me in so I can explain!" he called from the other side of the door but received no response from you. While he continued to hit the door, you curled up in the bathtub and cried.

Meanwhile, Vanoss finally stopped banging on the door. He was looking on the top of the doorframe for the bathroom's spare key. He found it and scrambled to unlock the door. He opened it and tensed up at what he saw. He found you in a ball in the bathtub with your hands covering your face. He could hear every gasp for air you took every so often.

"(y/n)... You didn't let me explain myself," he walked over to the bathtub and sat beside it on the floor. You didn't bother getting up and trying to run, at this point it was no use. He had you cornered, and either way you didn't even have the energy to run away.

He grabbed you and pulled you out of the tub. You didn't resist, only due to the fact you were too tired. He sat you on his lap, resting your head on his chest and holding you in his embrace.

"I did start out pretending. I won't lie to you about that because you deserve to know the truth. But after I started doing it, I felt something I hadn't felt before. When you and I spent time by ourselves, I felt happiness. It was a happiness I had never felt before. It made my heart skip a beat when we were together. I do have feelings for you," he smiled, reminiscing on all the time you spent with him.

"..." you didn't know how to respond at first. The apology first came off as forced bull crap, but as you sat there in his arms you knew he wasn't lying. The only reason you knew was because you also experienced the happiness he was talking about. The kind of happiness that would be associated with love.

"I'm sorry," you muttered, your voice still unsteady from crying.

"No, I'm sorry. You didn't deserve being toyed with like that," he pulled you closer to him, now being fully against his chest and stomach.

"I love you, beautiful," he grinned at you, and you buried your face in his chest and embraced him.

"I love you too," you whispered loud enough for him to hear.

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