Hating Him Was Always The Pla...

By ShayWritesFanfics

6.4K 143 59

❝I hated him, and he hated me. That's just how things were meant to be.❞ Full description inside. |Completed|... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

631 18 13
By ShayWritesFanfics

Original Stats:
2.15K Views. 82 Votes. 44 Comments.


Chapter 2


I rushed out of class to make sure Chase couldn't catch up with me. That was my one advantage, I was fast. I made it outside and ran over to the parking lot where my car was continually parked, by Chase's car. I jumped in and drove off just as he had caught up to me.

"Bree!" He yelled. I sighed. He should have known he ticked me off. He always does. This time, was worse though. This time, he had crossed the line he was already so far over.

"Oh come on, you want me." Chase whispered. I sighed and threw my head back. This had been going on for 10 minutes. I will admit, I get a weird feeling when I think about Chase with another girl. But I would never tell him that.

"No, I actually don't. You know who I want?" I whispered back. Chase turned worriedly to me.

"Who?" Chase asked in complete seriousness. I smiled.

"Owen." I whispered back. His face hardened as I mentioned his name. Owen had been my boyfriend for the past couple of months. He sighed and began to copy down the notes for the rest of class. I ignored him as we walked out after the bell for our first class rang. I made my way outside before he caught up to me again.

"Why would you want Owen?" Chase whispered as we walked into the math building. I turned to face him head on.

"Because he's my boyfriend." I replied in a duh tone as we continued waking to our math class. He took hold of my arm before we entered. Owen was already safely inside.

"He's not good enough." Chase mumbled. I frowned back.

"What do you mean?" I asked, not knowing what he was getting at.

"He's not good enough for you." Chase answered, more clearly this time. I stood there dumbfounded.

"Why isn't he?" I asked genuinely confused. I had thought Owen was the perfect guy for me.

"Does he ever pay attention to you? And he always leaves when the "inspiration" calls. What kind of guy would do that to a girl he likes?" Chase thought aloud. I found myself nodding along before I even realized it. It was sadly true.

"I get what you mean, but he does like me. Maybe not a lot, but he does. And after what you did to me and Ethan, he is the only guy that even wants to talk with me." I let my mind fall to my long time boyfriend, Ethan. Chase told him some rumor that isn't even worth mentioning, and he broke up with me.

"It's not a rumor if its true, Bree." Chase whispered with a smirk before walking into class. I sighed. He was right, we did kiss.

"Hey, Owen. Did you know that in high school-" Chase started, only for me to cut him off.

"That in high school, Chase and I still hated each other?" I finished with a duh tone. Chase rolled his eyes playfully. Owen laughed.

"That's funny." He said simply before returning to his drawing.

"What are you drawing?" I asked as I took my seat next to him. Chase sat down on my other side.

"Oh, it's the inspiration of what life is. The deeper meaning to yolo. I'm trying to show the kids what it's supposed to mean." Owen explained with overenthusiastic hand gestures. I rolled my eyes as I saw Chase actually look interested. Then, Chase looked as though he had gotten an idea.

"Owen, why not draw a picture of Bree. She is your girlfriend." Chase suggested sarcastically. The only thing was, I was the only one who could tell Chase was being sarcastic.

"No, I would never draw a picture of Bree." Owen said, brushing off the idea. He returned back to his drawing without a second thought. This caught my attention.

"Why not?" I asked trying my best to not sound desperate and upset. We were dating, why wouldn't he want to draw a picture of me?

"Because, we're not that serious." Owen replied simply. I frowned in confusion. He had asked me to be his girlfriend. How does that not classify as serious?

"Well if we're not that serious, then maybe we should break up." I suggested in a threatening tone. He stopped drawing and turned to me.

"Maybe we should." He replied calmly, seeming completely un-phased by all of this. I held myself together, trying not show how upset I really was about this.

"Fine." I hissed as I turned back to Chase.

"So, what's up with you?" I asked in a snide tone. Chase smiled slightly at me before he gestured to his phone. I nodded and got out mine as well.

Are you okay?

Kind of. I didn't really like him all that much, anyway.

Then why were you going out with him in the first place?

I don't know. I guess I just wanted a boyfriend.

Or did you want to make someone jealous :P That's what I do with Danielle, use her to make the other girl jealous.

I actually liked Owen a little bit, unlike you and, that thing. Besides, I had, and still have, no one to make jealous.

I think you do.

Well who would it be then?

I think it would be...

Spit it out Chase


I sat back and looked at the text before turning off my phone and getting out my book. I did not want to make Chase jealous. We kissed once senior year, that was it. It didn't even mean anything. And then Ethan broke up with me for it. We were playing truth or dare! I didn't want to do it. It wasn't like it was all I had been thinking about my whole life. Kissing Chase Davenport. I had absolutely no reason to make Chase jealous.

"Bree are you okay?" Chase whispered. I continued to look down at my worksheet. I did not want to talk about this. Not now, not ever. I knew for a fact that I didn't like Chase. I hate him. He's like a frienemy, in a way.

"I'm fine." I whispered back. I couldn't even look at him. I wanted to forget this day ever happened. Chase suddenly walked in this morning, and decided we should be decent with each other, out of nowhere. Then, he claims he has a newfound love. Or not so newfound, at that. From the sounds of it, he's liked this girl for quite some time. And to top off the cake, Chase managed to break up my second relationship. Both of which, were his fault. If he hadn't of suggested that Owen draw me, we would still be together. I would have no reason to regret ever getting involved with him. Finally the bell rang.

Now I'm here. Driving to my place for lunch. Which, once again, was right next door to Chase's place. The kid stalks me everywhere. I parked my car and raced up the stairs. I looked out the window at the end of my floor to see Chase had pulled up. I raced down to my apartment and opened the door just as Chase walked up the stairs.

"Bree, wait!" Chase yelled. He quickly ran over to my door as i was attempting to open it, and stopped me. He placed his hand on top of mine as I tried to turn the door knob. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. Truth be told, I never wanted Owen to break up with me.

"Bree." Chase whispered as he pulled me into him. He wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped mine around his neck. His turned the knob as he led me inside my apartment.

"Chase, why would he say that?" I asked as we sat on the couch. I rested my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me.

"I told you. He's not good enough for you. He didn't know what he had." Chase explained as he played with my hair. I wrapped my arms around his waisted as he got closer to me.

"Who do you always try to make jealous?" I asked. He smiled as he heard my question.

"I told you. The best girl on campus." Chase answered simply with a smile. He must really like this girl.

"Well, why can't you just ask her out?" I asked. I knew somewhere deep inside of me, the idea of Chase asking out this mystery girl, upset me. I couldn't stand the idea of him loving this other girl.

"Because she was taken. She was dating this other guy that I hate, a lot." Chase's face hardened as he thought of his crush's love life.

"What's she like?" I squeaked as the tears finally stopped sliding down my face.

"She's amazing. She has long hair, she always knows what she wants. Well, most of the time. She doesn't know who's good for her, yet. I've known her forever. We've kissed before, but it was nothing to her. It was everything to me, though. I'm always trying to get her attention." Chase finished with a laugh. I smiled and turned up to face him. The tears had started to dry.

"She seems perfect for you." I said simply. I tried to seem happy for him, although my insides felt like they were dying slowly but surely.

"She is. And I hope one day she will finally know. I want her to figure it out. I don't want to have to tell her, and then have her figure it out after that. I want her to know that she likes me, and then figure out that I like her, too." Chase thought aloud.

"I think you should just tell her." I said simply. I don't think she would want to go through with this crap. Especially if Chase will be better for her than the guys in the past.

"I have, indirectly. She still doesn't see it. But she's starting to." Chase said quietly. I got up off the couch and made my way to the kitchen to make us sandwiches. Chase laughed and followed me.

"What?" I asked as I took out the bread. He made his way to the fridge to get the rest of the ingredients as I got the plates.

"I just think its funny that you don't know who she is." Chase replied. He moved a plate over to his side of the counter. I frowned over at him.

"Well you've been pretty vague." I said. He shrugged.

"I just thought you'd be able to tell." Chase mumbled.

"Well I can't. So why don't you tell me, and I'll help her realize that she likes you." I pried. He smiled as he put his sandwich together.

"That's something that you've already been in control of for a while now." Chase hinted slyly. He took a bite of his sandwich before moving to put things away. We put everything away before finishing our meals.

"I'll meet you back at school?" Chase asked. I nodded.

"Yep, I just need to switch out my books. I'll meet you in the parking lot." I said as I made my way to the living room where my books were stacked on the coffee table.

"Thanks for lunch, Bree." Chase called before he left.

"Welcome." I called back before he closed the door. I sighed as I moved my books into my backpack. I threw the bag over my shoulder before making sure everything was where I wanted it. I nodded to myself before I made my way into the hall. I locked the door and walked down the stairs to see Chase had already left. Who was he talking about? And what did he mean when he said I was already in control of it?

I shook my head as I stepped into my car and drove to school. I couldn't shake the thoughts of Chase out of my head. I just kept picturing the way he looked down at me when he saw I was ready to cry. He looked so genuine. Come to think of it, he always has. I mean he always teases me, but its nothing more than that. The only way that he has set hurt me was when he made me kiss him so Ethan would break up with me.

I pulled into the lot and saw Chase leaning against his car waiting for me. That's so sweet of him. Wait... Did I just call Chase sweet?


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