Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"Gosh, you took long enough getting here." Chase complained as I shut my car door. I laughed knowing he had only been here a few minutes. I had driven over right after he left. He was the one who didn't wait for me in the parking lot.

"Yeah, I know. I'm so slow." I replied playfully as I met him by he curb.

"Do you need help with your books?" Chase asked as we began making our way to the main building. I shook my head, here he goes again. The whole nice act.

"No, I just have one for the afternoon. And we only have an hour till we get out." I rambled as we stepped into the building. I shivered at the temperature change. They had the cooler on while it was at least eighty degrees outside.

"Fine, but next time I'm carrying a book for you. Anyways, you ready for more notes?" Chase asked with a smirk. He knew I got tired of writing around this time of the day. Every class we had taken this year, we had to take notes all day. I threw my head back.

"No, can't we just ditch or something?" I groaned. When I turned back to Chase, he had stopped walking.

"You want to?" He asked with a smile. My eyes grew wide in amusement.

"Well yeah, by I'm not sure if we can." I said seriously. We were in college now. Did people even ditch in college? He laughed.

"Bree, we never ditched in high school. This could be our one chance." Chase stated in a convincing voice. I laughed again.

"Alright. Lets get out of here. Can we drop off one of our cars at the building?" I suggested as we turned around. The kids in our class looked at us as if we were crazy. They knew we hated each other, and now we were ditching together. I smiled as Trent, the senior in our class, strolled by us. He smiled back at me. Chase's face hardened as he caught Trent's eyes. I looked back at Chase, confused by the fact.

"What was that?" I asked quietly. We stepped out of the building.

"I hate him, and you know it. He would just hurt you." Chase mumbled as he led me back to the parking lot.

"I know, I don't like him like that. But I do think I like someone else." I added in complete seriousness. I do think I'm starting to have feelings for someone, and I'm not sure if I like it.

"Who is it?" Chase had stopped walking the second he heard me say that.

"Just this guy. I'll meet you at the building?" I asked as I walked over to my car. Chase caught up to me and pushed me up against my car.

"I asked you, who is it? You just broke up wih Owen, and you're already in love with someone else?" Chase hissed as he came closer to me. I felt my heart stop as he leaned in close to hear my next words.

"I think I liked him even before Ethan." I whispered back. I let my backpack fall down to the ground beside me. Chase placed his hands on either side of me, caging me in.

"Well, since you just figure it out. Why did it take do long?" Chase whispered with a smirk. He lowered himself to my level and brought his face inches from mine. I took a deep breath before answering.

"I didn't see the way he looked at me until today." I whispered as Chase was now centimeters from me.

"Who is he? It better not be anyone I know." Chase whispered. The bell startled me, making me jump even further into Chase because of it. He smirked as he glanced down at me. I felt nervous being this close to him, but not in the angry nervous way it usually was. It was the kind of nervous that made my stomach do flips just by being next to him.

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