Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I hate him. Always have, always will. Why did he always have to beat me when it came to school? We're in college now, that kind of competition was supposed to have disappeared. But of course, the lovely and talented (note the sarcasm), Chase Davenport, had to keep it going. This has been going on since middle school. I think the only reason he keeps it going, is because he always wins. Jokes on him though, I can run faster.

"Hey Bree." He said with a smirk. I turned around to face the monster with a smile. Kill him with kindness.

"Why hello, Chase. How are you on this fine morn?" I asked, mocking him. That was the first thing he said to our math teacher on the first day of middle school.

"I feel ecstatic*. But oh, how are you my sweet apple blossom?" He hissed back. That's what my boyfriend called me... Before Chase got in the way of things.

"You know what, shut it." I snapped as I continued walking to class. Chase caught up quickly, though.

"Oh come on. You know I was only kidding. Seriously, how are you today?" Chase asked geuinely. I stopped walking to face him. I frowned as I saw no sense of sarcasm.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He raised as eyebrow.

"I think I asked you a question first." He pointed out. I groaned and threw my head back in frustration.

"I'm doing swell. Thanks for asking. Now you, what are you doing?" I asked trying to get to the point.

"I'm trying to be nice. We've been mean to each other for quite some time now, and I regret that. I've never really gotten a chance to get to know you." He explained with a small smirk. I glared at him again. He had to be kidding.

"You joking right? Let me guess... Your little jock and geek put you up to this, didn't they? They bet you or something? Trying to make a girl jealous by talking to your arch enemie?" I listed as we began walking again. He sighed.

"Bree, I'm being serious." He pleaded. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, because after the years of pain and torture you've put me through, I should just except this. I can sense the sarcasm in your voice, you know." I said. He smiled as he thought back on all the times we've spent bickering. We waltzed into the lecture room and took our seats. Believe it or not, Chase and I actually choose to sit by each other in every class. I have no idea why, but it works. He doesn't cheat or talk so... That's the only good thing about the kid.

"Come on, Bree. What will it take for you to believe me?" He asked with a slight smile. I laughed as the room began to fill. This was our first class of the day, and today, Chase and I only had three classes. It still bothers me that the scheduling people always put us in every class together.

"Nothing. Because I will never believe you." I answered as the bell rang. Chase smiled as he saw his on again, off again, girlfriend walk in. Danielle. She was a blond stick who slept with every guy on campus, and or, every other guy on this planet. Somehow, Chase was able to keep her for two weeks at a time.

"What do you see in her anyway?" I whispered as the teacher began. Chase leaned in so only I could hear.

"Because the best girl on campus doesn't want me, and she's taken. So I obviously take the worst, to make her jealous." Chase explained seriously. I looked over so I could see him directly.

"Who's this lovely girl that the Chase Davenport would proclaim the best girl on campus?" I whispered back in fake shock. Chase laughed quietly. He sighed before he leaned in again.

"Someone... In this room. But you won't know until you figure it out for yourself." Chase replied with a smirk. He pulled away and began to actually pay attention. Who pays attention in class? Oh wait, I usually do. But for some reason I found myself distracted by the fact that a girl, in this room, had actually stolen the heart of Chase Davenport. I'd always thought he'd be that really old guy watching jeopardy one day. I never thought he'd actually settle down. I sighed as I glanced around the room for the tenth time. I could not see a girl in here that would meet his standards. I mean, she had to be pretty, gorgeous even, smart, funny, able to handle his friends, and... Someone who could challenge him. Someone who wouldn't let him be bored with his life. Someone who would drag him into something he would never do. Like the time I dared him to go skydiving with me. That was amazing!

"Don't stress yourself. One of these days, you'll know. I'll tell you if you can't figure it out by the end of the school year." Chase whispered as he saw my attention was elsewhere.

"But that's like... 3 months away." I groaned as I did the math. Three months of trying to figure out Chase's mystery girl? This was stupid, I don't even like this kid anyway. Why was this bothering me? I'm supposed to hate him. I do hate him. But I also want to know who would dare take Chase's time away from me.


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