The WizaGod Tournament

By AlyceSeafire

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The Triwizard Tournament has returned to the Wizarding world. Along with a power stronger than the Witches an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Overall Summary

Chapter 2

9K 222 60
By AlyceSeafire


                “Do we know you?” Hermione asked looking at me with curiosity.

                I feigned disappointment.  “After all I’ve done, you forget of you one and only Slytherin friend?”


                “The one and only.”

                “Hey mate where have you been?”

                “You know just here and there”

                “Nico? Nico di Angelo? The young man who had saved Ginny Weasley years ago?”

                “Yes sir”

                “I didn’t know you were a demigod.”

                “I always was” I said “Confidentiality was a necessity. I can’t just go around telling people I was a demigod. I could get myself killed.”

                “Well that’s true.” Hermione said “So, are you going to be here for the year?”

                “Pretty much.” I said “More jobs from the gods.”

                “Where are you going to stay?”

                “Probably the Leaky Cauldron.” I said “I was supposed to go directly to Hogwarts but my father seems to forget the one insignificant little detail.”

                “Which is?”

                “School doesn’t start until the first of September.” I said “The staff doesn’t even go back to school till the thirty first. So I’m pretty much stuch in the Leaky Cauldron for the next few days.”

                “You could stay in the Burrow” Mr. Weasley said. “I was told to take charge. I’m sure that you can take care of yourself, but as an adult, and a father of seven children, I prefer if you stay with us.”

                “No, I’m fine.” I said. “I don’t want to cause any trouble.”

                “No I insist.”

                “I’m serious, Mr. Weasley I don’t want to cause any more trouble with your family.”

                “It’s late” Mr. Weasley said trying to change the subject. “I think it would be best if we go back to the tents first then arrange the issue tomorrow.”

                “Alright” I said

                “Come on, Nico. You have to meet Ron’s other brothers.”

                “There are others other than Perfect Percy and Gred and Forge?”

                “Yeah, you have to meet Bill and Charlie. They wouldn’t believe me when I mentioned that it we have a friend from Slytherin house. You know of the house prejudice. And you wouldn’t believe of what happened in Hogwarts.”

                “What happened?”


"Dad what's going on?" a redheaded boy asked "Fred, George and Ginny got back okay but the others..."

“I got them here” Mr. Weasley said as he pushed us into the small tent. I question how so many people could fit in there. Then I remembered where I was.

I entered the tent and saw a warm looking house rather than the inside of a tent. There was a kitchen, a heater, a dining table and a few beds.

Fred and George seemed to recognize me after all these years. I soon had one twin in each arm whilst they continue each other’s sentences.

“Hey Di Angelo.”

“Long time no see”

“You got bigger.”

“And taller.”

“Not like the little kid”

“We saw two years ago.”

“Hi guys” I said unsure how to reply to that.

“So how’ve you been”

“We didn’t see you last year.”

“You know stuff to do for my dad.” I said “I went to Greece and Rome earlier this year.”

“You didn’t happen to go to Mt. Olympus did you?” Percy said in his old pompous self. “I heard there was an issue there the Ministry managed to tame it down though.”

“The Ministry? They were more trouble than help. We had to save their arses when they tried to send spells at the monsters.”

“They helped” Percy insisted.

“Whatever you say Percy.” an older boy with the same red hair said. He had it grown out in a pony tail right at the nape of his neck. He had an earring on his left ear. He held out his hand towards me. “Bill Weasley.”

“Nico Di Angelo.”

The boy who we met by the door of the tent approached. He had large muscles and a large burn on his arm. “So you’re the famous Nico Di Angelo. I heard all about you from the Dragon Reserve.”

I racked my brain when was the last time I went to a dragon reserve. “Uh…the one in Romania? You must be Charlie then. Your dragons helped us a lot in the war last month.”

“Too bad I wasn’t able to meet the rest of you. I met Percy though nice guy.”

“Yeah, he’s the best.” I said feeling the weariness start to sink in. “best cousin someone could hope for.”

“You guys met?”

“Not really.” Charlie said. “It’s a long story.”

“One that we should save till tomorrow.” Mr. Weasley interceded. “We should all head to bed.” He looked at me. “Nico, you are welcomed to stay with us until the end of summer if you want.”

“It’s fine, Mr. Weasley.” I said “I do not want to be a bother.  I could stay in the Leaky Cauldron like the last time.”

“We’ll figure it out in the morning.” Mr. Weasley said. “Come on we have an extra bed that you could use.”

I do not remember much of what happened next that night other than my knocking out on the bed.


                The next morning I felt someone shake me awake. I opened my eyes and I saw Ron’s face right in front of mine. I jumped my knee on his back and his arm in one of my hands while he lay in the floor on his stomach.

                “Bloody Hell, Nico. What was that for?”

                I blinked. Then noticed what was going on. “Oh sorry Ron.”

                I rolled off him while he stood up his hand going to his back. “Bloody hell.”

                “Sorry, I got…startled.”

                Charlie came into the room with his wand out. “What happened? I heard a thump.”

                “Nothing you need to worry about.”

                Charlie eyed us all weirdly then shrugged.

“Alright time to go everyone.” Mr. Weasley’s voice echoed.

We travelled to some place they called The Burrow.

“Oh thank goodness, thank goodness!” Mrs. Weasley, who had evidently been waiting in the front yard, came running toward us.

“Arthur - I’ve been so worried so worried-” She flung her arms around Mr. Weasley’s neck, and the Daily Prophet fell out of her limp hand onto the ground. Looking down, I saw the headline: SCENES OF TERROR AT THE QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP

“You’re all right,” Mrs. Weasley muttered distractedly, releasing Mr. Weasley and staring around at them all with red eyes, “you’re alive . . .. Oh boys. . And to everybody’s surprise, she seized Fred and George and pulled them both into such a tight hug that their heads banged together.

“Ouch! Mum - you’re strangling us –“

“I shouted at you before you left!” Mrs. Weasley said, starting to sob. “It’s all I’ve been thinking about! What if You-Know-Who had got you, and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn’t get enough OW.L.s? Oh Fred . . . George. .”

“Owls?” I whispered to Charlie. “What does owls have to do with them getting shouted at?”

“It’s a test” Charlie whispered back holding back a yawn. “It’s a test to see whether you have enough scores to get to NEWT level courses kind of like college courses.”

“Come on, now, Molly, we’re all perfectly okay,” said Mr. Weasley soothingly, prising her off the twins and leading her back toward the house.

“Bill,” he added in an undertone, “pick up that paper, I want to see what it says . . .” When they were all crammed into the tiny kitchen, and Hermione had made Mrs. Weasley a cup of very strong tea, into which Mr. Weasley insisted on pouring a shot of Ogden’s Old Firewhiskey, Bill handed his father the newspaper. Mr. Weasley scanned the front page while Percy looked over his shoulder.

“I knew it,” said Mr. Weasley heavily. “Ministry blunders . . . culprits not apprehended . . . lax security . . . Dark wizards running unchecked... national disgrace . . . Who wrote this? Ah . . . of course . . . Rita Skeeter.”

“That woman’s got it in for the Ministry of Magic!” said Percy furiously. “Last week she was saying we’re wasting our time quibbling about cauldron thickness, when we should be stamping out vampires! As if it wasn’t specifically stated in paragraph twelve of the Guidelines for the Treatment of Non-Wizard Part-Humans --“

“Do us a favor, Perce,” said Bill, yawning, “and shut up.”

“I have to go there. See what’s going on”

“Uh. Mr. Weasley” I said “Could you please accompany me to the Leaky Cauldron. I am unsure how to…”

“The Leaky Cauldron?” Mrs. Weasley asked suddenly “Why do you need to go to the Leaky Cauldron?”

“I’m going to stay in the Leaky Cauldron till September 1st.”

“Not on my watch” she said “I insist you stay here it’s only a week away.”


“No ifs, ands or buts. I’m not going to let a fourteen year old stay in a bar all by himself.” Mrs. Weasley said in a no nonsense voice that reminds me of Demeter in one of her you-need-to-eat-cereal rants. She stalked off to the kitchen. I looked at Harry and Ron uneasy and unsure with what just happened. They laughed.

“That’s Mrs. Weasley for you, mate” Harry said

“So I’m guessing that you’re staying with us.” Ron said “Great we have a lot of catching up to do.”


Sorry for the late update. I was planning to update when it was sportsfest but I was a bit tired when I got home. then I went on a sleepover…then came back with some kind of stomach flu. I still have it actually I’m just pushing to finish this chapter. :D

HAPPY JESUSMAS EVERYONE AND THANKS FOR THE REVIEWS (including the ones you guys are leaving

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