
By TheCoumie

94.8K 3.9K 6.8K

Deciding to play by his own rules, Dan embodies the dark part of his mind. Phil, wanting the best for him, tr... More

Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 10
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
Unit 16
Unit 17
Unit 18
Unit 19
Unit 20
Unit 21
Unit 22
Unit 23
Unit 24
Unit 25
Unit 26
Unit 27
Unit 28
Unit 29
Unit 30
Unit 31
Unit 32


9.9K 245 139
By TheCoumie

Disclaimer: This story contains violence, gore, sexual content and strong language. Subjects covered might trigger some. If you are very sensible or easily offended, please abstain from reading.

From the outside, Dan looked like one of the most normal people in the world. Dark hair and dark eyes, nothing more normal. He could easily blend into the mass and make himself discrete. He was very articulate and could converse normally with friends. He would politely smile to strangers looking at him and not bother anyone.

Nothing more normal.

But it's easy to categorize someone as "normal" by simply looking at them and analysing the way they dress, walk, talk or look at you for the three seconds you cross eyes on the street. Dan could mislead people.

His mind was far from society's norm. His talking and walking might translate a sense of normality like anyone else's, but if anybody read his mind, they wouldn't stand too long before getting frightened to death.

"L'appel du vide" is a French term which means "the call of the void". This term is used to describe a voice in people's minds that tells them to jump off a high building, for instance. It's the brain's way to take control over a situation. It will always be more appealing to someone to take an opportunity that could completely annihilate them, because it is the strongest decision they could make in that situation.

Everybody has "l'appel du vide". Most people never listen to it. It's normal.

But Dan's "appel du vide" was way more developped than other people's. Dan's thoughts were always about brutal death, violence and dark ideas. He would vividly daydream about his friend and family's death and he would remember everyday that he had the power of life and death, that he had the power to kill.

Dan could mislead people.

His body might give him a one way ticket for the "norm worthy" train, but if his mind was an open book, he'd be sent straight back to freak town.

He couldn't help it, though. He didn't necessarily choose to have this intensified appel du vide. Dan tried as hard as possible to repress all these thoughts, but they just consumed his mind. Nobody knew, he didn't want anybody to know, he didn't need people to know. He lived with it. He always acted like he was completely... normal. But the voices were always there, whispering, begging in the back of his head...


Author's note:

Hello readers, before we embark this adventure, I would like to precise a few things. First of all, while writing this story, I tried to make it as accurate as possible considering it is not completely fictional. The protagonists, Dan and Phil, already have a backstory and I can not go on ignoring them. I am therefore obligated to develop the story in London, which is not a city I necesserily know a lot about. (I have been there once in my life and had the oppurtunity to only learn the basics). I have done a lot of researches, as I said, to make it as accurate as it possibly could. Not knowing Dan and Phil's actual location in the city, I can not be as accurate as I would like to on certain points. I am aware that the traveling from their apartment to different locations could be completely senseless at some points, but I do not have enough knowledge of London to be utterly accurate here. (For the accuracy of the travel, I'm carefully using Underground maps and Google Maps to localize myself in the story. Even though, as I said, at some points, it could be insensate). I am deeply sorry. I am doing my very best to stay loyal to the facts by doing a lot of researches and trying to get as many informations as I can from Dan and Phil's videos, Radio Shows, Liveshows and every possible thing they could leak at least minimal information from.

Thank you very much for your comprehension, and I hope you enjoy this story. If you notice something that isn't quite accurate, and personally know you have more knowledge than I, feel free to let me know my error and I will correct it.

Gladly, Camille.

P.S: Every fact I enunciate in this story have been researched and thought through, and thus are true. (i know my facts thank you :p)

P.P.S: This story is based on Dan's "Psycho Thoughts" video on youtube. I suggest you watch it before reading if you haven't already. (i know this is old i started writing it like last year okay i'm working hard on it)

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