Famous Last Words

By VampireSuicide69

777 8 3


Famous Last Words
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

92 1 0
By VampireSuicide69

<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">I sighed as I walked down the carpeted stairs and stumbled in to the kitchen. I had just woken up and I was preparing myself for my second day of school, at least I had a friend. I quickly had some yoghurt and went back up stairs in to my room. I looked in the mirror and frowned at my hair, it needed to be straightened but I honestly couldn't be bothered. Instead, I just brushed it quickly and threw it in an extremely messy pony tail. I fumbled around for some purple skinny jeans and white t-shirt. The outfit looked a little plain so I added a necklace and went to brush my teeth and do my make up. I quickly applied my foundation and put some liquid eyeliner on my top lid. Soon enough, it was time for me to leave and get to school. I decided on riding skateboard to school. It was a lot quicker and took less effort. I was at school in under 10 minutes and a little bit earlier than usual. Gee appeared not to have arrived yet so I just went to my locker to check my schedule for the day. When I got there though I was greeted with a surprise. Gerard was at his locker looking very tired and miserable. 

"Hey Gee, what's up?" I asked standing in front of him.

Gerard sighed. "Not much. Just had a fight with Mikey,"

"Oh. Are you okay?" I asked honestly concerned. 

"Yeah," said Gerard running a hand through his messy black hair. "It's just that, Mikey and I are really close and I hate fighting with him,"

I smiled reassuringly. "He'll come around, don't worry," I said walking up to him and wrapping my arms around him. He rested his cheek on the top of my head. 

"I know I know," he said sighing. "Thank you," he whispered.

"No problem, I'm always here in you need me," I said to him as I pulled away. 

He smiled his beautiful smile. "As I am for you,"

I grinned back and turned back to my locker, getting out my books I needed. 

"Hey, um, Grace?" 

"Yes Gee?" I said turning to him. 

"Do you want to come over to my house for dinner? I've seen your house, so I guess you should see mine,"

"Sure!" I said happily. 

"Great," he said ruffling my hair. 

The school bell rang and we walked towards our fist class slowly, trying to waste as much time as possible. The school day went extremely slow as I was looking forward to going to Gee's house. When the school bell rang for dismissal, Gerard and I practically shot out of our chairs and ran to our lockers. I yanked mine open and shoved my homework in to my bag and closed it shut. Gee closed his just seconds after and we hurried through the school corridors to the gates. We started to walk in the direction of Gerard's house. 

"Do your parents know I'm coming?" I asked trying to start a casual conversation. 

"Oh yes, my mum is making roast chicken," Gee said grinning. 

"Oh okay," I mumbled. 

"Urm, you won't get to meet my dad as he will be working a little late," Gee added. 

"Oh, that's okay, maybe another time?" I said poking him in the side. 

He smirked. "Sure,"

I chuckled slightly and we arrived at the Way house, I recognized it from the night before. 

"Come on," said Gee, nudging my in the side. 

I pushed him lightly and he walked up the path leading up to the front door. He fumbled around in his jeans and pulled out a set of keys, shoving a silver one in the lock. The door opened with a creak and Gerard stepped inside, motioning me to follow. 

"No one's home yet, mum's still at work and Mikey's gone to a mates house," explained Gee. 

I nodded in acknowledgement and walked in after him. He chucked his bag at the door and walked towards the stair case. The whole house was vey grand with dark wood and silver ornaments. We walked upstairs and Gee lead me to a room at the end of the hallway. The door was covered with barcodes pulled off items.

I chuckled. 

"What? Oh, the barcodes," 

"Yeah, looks cool actually," I commented. 

"Thanks," said Gee, sitting down on his bed. 

His room was very messy, but awesome. The walls were painted a deep crimson, but you could barely even tell as most of the wall space was covered by either band posters or drawings. Clothes littered the floor and pretty much every surface in the room. There was a shelf in the corner fully dedicated to comics and his desk was covered with hundreds of unfinished sketches. A Cd rack was placed beside a black stereo, and that too, was covered with barcodes. Gerard's room was way cooler than mine. One part of a wall was a floor length mirror.

"Wow," I breathed. 

"Like it?" laughed Gerard. 

"Like it?! It's fucking amazing!" I exclaimed. 

He chuckled and patted the space beside him on the bed. "Why thank you, I decorated it myself,"

"That's brilliant. You'll have to come over one day and help me decorate my room as well,"

"Sure!" laughed Gerard. 

"Thirsty?" he asked me. 

"A little," I admitted. 

"Well let's go then," he said, grabbing my arm and pulling me off the bed. 

We raced down the stairs and I almost fell on the last one, but Gee grabbed my arm from behind, steadying me. 

"Thanks," I said as he came around to my side and looked me in the eyes. His hazel ones pierced mine. 

"You really need to watch out," chuckled Gerard. 

"I try," I said, looking at my feet. 

"You can't help it, I know, Mikey's the same. Always falling over, putting forks in toasters..." continued Gerard. 

"Mikey put a fork in a toaster?!" Even I wouldn't do that! Those things are dangerous. 

"Yep, completely clueless that kid," Gee said shaking his head. 

"Ah well, drinks?" I replied. 

"Oh, er, right!" he said fumbling as he went over to the fridge and looked inside. 

"There's not much, how about coffee?" Gee offered waving his hand in the direction of the kettle. 

"Sure, thanks," I smiled. 

"No problem, happy to be of your service, Miss," replied Gerard in a mock British accent. 

I laughed loudly and Gerard placed a dark blue mug on the bench in front of me. I smiled thankfully and he nodded. 

"Sooooo, what do you wanna do?" Gerard asked as he stirred his coffee. 

"I don't really mind, we can just go back to your room, I guess," I said. 

"Sounds like a plan!" said Gerard, standing up and transforming in to the classic super hero stance. 

I burst out in to fits of giggles and Gerard joined in. After a good 7 minutes of laughter, Gerard finally calmed down and patted me on the back soothingly. I calmed down soon after, and just in time too, as the front door opened and a middle aged lady stood in the door way. </pre>

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