Rise Of The Frozen Guardians...

By Unsteady_Ash

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~Life is like a blanket of snow. Be careful how you step on it. Every step will show.~ A Jelsa fanfic More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Trick Or Treat
Chapter 3: Elsa Reborned
Chapter 4: I Lost?...
Chapter 5: New Recurits
Chapter 6: Introductions
Chapter 7: Highschool...
Chapter 8: Jealous Jack?
Chapter 9: Mothers day?
Chapter 10: Special date...?
Chapter 11: Lost?
Chapter 12: Lies aren't pretty
Chapter 13: Fear
Chapter 14: Trust me
Chapter 15: Practice
Chapter 16: Lazy day
Chapter 17: Another secert revealed
Chapter 18: My personal hell
Chapter 19: I need to do this

Chapter 20: His demise

310 10 6
By Unsteady_Ash

Elsa's POV:

*Five months later*

"Are you ready for this little sister?" Pitch asked, eyeing my outfit.

"I'm ready brother." I chuckled, looking at the dark Olaf in my hand.

I think I have turned dark. 99% of me doesn't feel anything anymore. I've spent five months with Pitch and I'm already evil. I spent 300 years with him before and this never happened.

I just hope that the people I once knew can be the 1% to save me. I've been corrupted and I don't think light can save me now.

Me, Pitch and his nightmares are planning on killing the original and Frost guardians tonight.

But the 1% of good in me still had hope. Hope that Tempest knows what to do.

Jack's POV:

Its been five months since I saw Elsa. She left me. She abandoned me here.

She left without a goodbye, but I think she hinted of one. I closed my eyes as I recalled the memory.

"Your brother is gonna kill me if he finds us like this." I chuckled. Elsa hid her face in my chest.

"D-Don't worry about Tempest..." Elsa managed to say with a small smile playing on her lips. A cough came out of her mouth. "Sorry..."

"Its okay." I whispered, pulling Elsa closer to me. Her heat radiated off of her and onto me.

"I love you... You know that right?" Elsa asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, I do. And I love you." I confirmed. My eyes searched hers. "What's wrong Snowflake?"

"Nothing!" She said quickly. "Nothing... I'm just tired." A yawn escaped her mouth, making me yawn. "Yawning is contagious." Elsa laughed.

I closed my eyes for a minute to appreciate this moment. Moments like these don't last forever.

There was a knock on the door. Elsa looked at me. Panic was written all over my face. Elsa kissed my cheek, making me calm down.

My eyes shot open, tears threatening to fall out any moment now. I miss her. I miss her a lot.

She was my snowflake, but now all I can see are storms.

"Jack." Tempest called out, making me look at him. "We get to see her again tonight."

I jumped up at his words. "Are you serious! Will she be the same? Will she still be the Elsa we all love?" I kept rambling on.

"Shut up." Tempest commanded. "I don't know... But I know that she'll be okay soon."

"Let's just hope that everything goes to plan." I sigh.


"Pitch! Where the hell did you go?" I screamed out in annoyance.

The war has finally started. Everyone else is fighting off Pitch's nightmares. I'm looking for Pitch. Elsa is no where in sight.

Pitch appeared right in front of me, making me fly up and hit him.

"Where is Elsa!" I yelled at him. Pitch threw black sand at me, making my back hit a tree. "Where is my girl!"

"Your girl? She's my sister. And my secret weapon." Pitch smirked.

"You! You arsehole!" I barked, charging at him. I grabbed onto his little dress robey thingy and threw him into the air, kicking him in the guts.

He landed on the ground with a bang. "Elsie... Help..." His voice croaked at the end, making me smirk. Something cold pushed into a tree.

I realized it couldn't of been me, but Elsa. Why would she do this? When I looked at her everything made sense.

We took to long to save her. She turned evil because I wasn't with her anymore.

"Hello, Jackie. Its. Nice to see you again."

Elsa's POV:

"I'm so sorry Elsa..." Jack said, his eyes filled with sadness. I looked at him, confusion running around my head.

"Don't be sorry Jackie. Being sad doesn't help your pretty face." I evilly smiled at him.

He narrowed his eyes at me and attacked. I charged at him at the same time.

We both attacked each other using our powers. I was able to push him back, but his magic hit me in the heart.

I shakily stood up and zapped him. He dodged it and flew up into the darkness. I couldn't see him anymore.

I sighed and looked down at my hands. My fingertips were starting to freeze over. I can't use my powers now.

Someone charged at me from above, pinning me down onto the snow. I thrashed around.

"Jackie, let me go." My heart sank as he pressed his lips to mines.

I stopped moving. Time froze. He pulled away and smiled.



"Elsa! Get up and help us defeat Pitch!" Tempest's voice boomed in pain.

My eyes widen as both my hands were frozen solid.

"Coming Tempest!" I yelled, pushing Jack off me, running towards Pitch. I kicked him in his stomach.

"Little sister. How easily a kiss can bring you back to your true nature." Pitch snarled. "But I had a backup plan in case that happened.

He took out a black dagger and plunged it into my heart. I stared at him wide eyed before I fell onto back.

Everything happened in slow motion. Jack made an ice sword and threw it at Pitch. It hit Pitch in his heart.

Tempest ran over to me, tears streaming down his face. "Elsa, you're gonna be okay."

"I... Love you..."

Jack flew over to me, tears furiously running down his cheeks. "Elsa, everything will be alright."

"I... I... I... Love you... So much..."

"Don't close your eyes! Don't close them!"

"We're losing her! Rapunzel!"

"Don't close your eyes snowflake. Please don't..."

It's too late. My eyes fluttered closed and my heart stopped beating. Something cold encased me. My world stopped and darkness welcomed me.

There are no happy ever afters.

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