Original Anime Themed Book Aw...

By AnimeBookAwards

11.7K 771 2.2K

[All entries are full! Please don't try enter any more books!] Hello, everyone. This book you have opened wil... More

Methods of Judging
There's more?
Well, Well, Well
First Tier Results! Vote Here!
Tag for the 1st Round!
Important Notice
Second Round Results! Vote here!
Tag for the Second Round!
Runner-ups and Winners
Read This! Cover Judging Below!
Reward Giving!
So, it's the end...


982 59 100
By AnimeBookAwards

What rewards do you get?

I'm sure many people are curious, so lets begin!

For the 5 winners and 2 runner-ups for each category, you will recieve a fabulous sticker made be yours truely.

Also, for the winners, you'll get:
1. A follow from this account
2. Votes on ALL your books, even any that are unrelated to anime as a whole
3. Along with some recommendations
4. Getting added to this and my personal account's reading lists (there are multiple judges, but this is a shared account, of which only one of us have a wattpad account. Rest assured, we are all otaku who love anime and don't have social lives. Yay!)

The runner-ups will recieve:
1. Some lovely votes on the book entered
2. Be added to a reading list on this profile.

I wouldn't say they're too bad myself.

Plus, I wanted to announce the categories you'll be running for.

The groups are... *insert drumroll*

'The Good, the Bad and the Badass'

This is for you action folk: the type who can write each scene with skill, express a story with detail and keep a reader hooked. For those of you who win this award, whether it be for plot or written action, well done.

'Princesses, kingdoms and... guns?'

Fantasy writers this is your category. It could be action-fantasy or fantasy-romance, as long as I consistantly stick to your book, even enough to stick around for a sequel, you've probably won an award already. From mystical combat and magical creatures, this is fantasy.

'The characters aren't mine, but the story is!'

My fanfiction writers, this fact may be true, but sometimes your stories are better than canon. Keeping characters in character, making the story interesting and persuading readers to continue: quite a rare feat, I'll tell you that. We like to see our favourite characters in different scenarios and we like to see how you interpret that scene.

'Failed experiments, androids and mad scientists'

In case you didn't know, this is for my science fiction writers. Interesting visuals, dystopians and failed utopias are some of many things you see in this large genre. In such a place, there is a lot of hidden talent, of which needs to be recognised!

'Forests of wonder and boiling volcano magma, we travel far and wide'

For the adventure writers: the ones who explore a world through their words, songs or visuals. They take us on a journey of some kind, with a stunning cast and a new world to look forward to. There aren't many writers here, but it's brimming with talent!

'No shit, Sherlock! Of course he's the killer!'

My mystery/thriller writers, this is your category. You guys are the type who hook a reader in from the start, introducing characters and clues with enigma. I love it! The suspence kills us all when we're left with open endings and unsolved mysteries.

'Ghosts, werewolves and vampire... harems? Nah... just paranormal.'

Lets mix three mysterious genres together, and watch the outcome! From Diabolick Lovers and Vampire Knight, we know that these fang baring creatures have mystified readers alike for bloody ages, and boy are some of the writers talented! From terrifying beasts shrouded in mystery to a force not to be challenged, this genre has become popular.

'Shipping, romance and a whole lot of drama!'

Yes. The classic romance genre, dense with competition and filled with potential readers. Gushy love and cliche stories are typical, but what about something new? There are some of you innovative folk out there, and this is your romance genre.

'Don't cover your eyes, it's the best part!'

We have reached the asylum know as the crazies, where all of our lovely horror writers are hiding. They lure us in with kind smiles, telling us the danger we're walking into. Even so, we follow close behind. Wrapping their fingers around our ankles, they pull us in, and we remain, petrified, until the story is over.

'Give me some ships! Ya know, the good old yaoi and yuri! And make it citrus!'

We're seeing more and more LGBT writers recently, which need recognition in the anime community. As wattpad begins to reach an older audience, we're having more and more mature and adult-oriented topics presented, including parts of the LGBT community. More diversity, more readers!

'My story ain't nothing like these!'

Yes, yes. We are bound to have to insert another category. I call it, fiction. This includes any book that doesn't fit into the categories above. That doesn't change anything though! You are still just as likely to get an award, so don't doubt. This includes general, historical and teen fiction, as they aren't very common on wattpad. By anime themed writers, that is.

If you have any more questions, leave a tag on this line. I'll try to answer as soon as possible :)

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