DaiSuga - Remember

By peach-lace

7.4K 370 640

Sugawara Kōshi. His life was like one big rollercoaster; Incline. Everything was amazing. Incline. The love o... More

i | Graduation
ii | Treat
iii | Sorry
iv | Why
v | Comfort
vi | Home
vii | Coffee
viii | Visit
ix | Flashback
x | Retrieved
xi | Confession-ish
xii | Daichi
xiii | Drink
xiv | Emotions
xv | Support

xvi | Bliss

447 29 33
By peach-lace

Daichi's POV

Suga just slammed the door on me as I stood in the middle of our living room, devastated.

What. . . just happened? I asked myself, looking down at my body. It felt weird. . . I felt strange.

Just then, a sudden rush of pain was shot through my head.

"Aagh!" I groaned, holding my head in my hands and collapsing to the ground.

My heart raced. The strange feeling I felt before was even stronger now. Almost as something was familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it, though. Not at that moment, at least.

A thought washed over me, and nothing else was in my mind, almost like a trance-like state.

"I have to go find Suga. . ." I whispered to myself.

Instantaneously, I went to go and grab my keys, fix my shirt, and just as I was about to slip on my shoes, the voice of reason I had become to familiar with for the 20 years I've been alive came back.

"W-Wait. . . I can't go after him. He said he doesn't want me to follow him. . ." I whispered. I walked and tossed the keys into the bowl on the table without looking.

"or did he say that as some kind of reverse-psychology stuff to get me to follow him. . ?"

". . .uh. . ."

". . ."

"I'll take the first option."

I walked into my room and laid down on my bed, looking up at the dull, light grey ceiling. It made me think of Suga--not the dull part, but the grey; it was the same shade as his hair. The only difference was that Suga's hair was a lot better. It was soft, and the way that one strand curled at the top of his head was adorable, and--

I stopped.

My heart raced.


No. . . I'm straight!

My stomach churned just thinking about Suga and how he must hate me.

This is not how friends think of each other. What the hell am I doing?!

With a grunt, I turned into my side, facing the window.

Could it be that I. . ?

No, that's not possible.

. . . right?

After a half-hour of contemplation, I gave up because my heat started hurting. Instead, I got out of bed and went to grab my phone, which was placed on the kitchen counter. I then sat down on the couch where the "interesting" experience took place and started browsing Twitter. A few tweets caught my eye. I realized they were made an hour ago.

 [ @ ktetsuroooo ]
lmao @ hoothootb is dancing in the street drunk 😂

⠀⠀⠀ [ @ akaashi.keiji ] @ ktetsuroooo would you stop tweeting and help me stop him from getting run over?!

⠀⠀⠀ [ @ itstooru ] @ ktetsuroooo @ akaashi.keiji hahaha this is just like last time (¬‿¬)

I laughed as my fingers went to type a response, however, I stopped halfway. It seemed too quiet in the house, so I opened my iTunes app and looked through it so I could play something. A certain title caught my eye, however.

Our Songs 

What's that. . ?

I curiously clicked the playlist and looked through it. There was a bunch of My Chemical Romance, but mostly Twenty One Pilots.

. . . doesn't Suga like this kind of music? Wait, how do I know that?

I shook my head, trying not to think too hard, and instead randomly chose a song from inside the playlist. 

I got up to go and grab the wireless speaker from inside my room when the song Ode to Sleep by Twenty One Pilots started to play.

At that exact moment, an indescribable amount of pain shot through my head and travelled all the way down my body, reaching every inch; from my head, all the way to my toes. I fell onto the floor with a loud thud gripping and squeezing my head in hopes that that would somehow ease the pain.

Tears formed at the corners of my eyes as a natural instinct of what I was experiencing. This pain was unlike any other pain I've ever felt. It was so strong that I could practically feel a pulsating sensation through my hands and eyes.

And that's when it hit me. Like a wave from the ocean.

Everything came back.

It was all in the blink of an eye;

I remembered everything.

I remembered the first time we met.

I remembered the times we won games together.

I remembered the confessions.

I remembered the dates.

I remembered the graduation.

I remembered the silliness. 

I remembered the accident.

I remembered the pain.

I remembered him.

The physical pain in my head suddenly stopped and was replaced with my throbbing heart. 

I buried my face in my hands. I felt so damn guilty. 

How could I have forgotten such an important person to me?

How could I have put him through such a hard time?

How could he stand to look at me?

I looked down at my shaking, tear-stained hands.

I need to calm down. . . Calm down. . .


I need to go find him.

I need to see him.

I need him.

Without giving it a second thought, I grabbed the keys, not even bothering to grab a jacket, and ran out the door.

My mind raced. I tried to think about where Suga could have gone. Instead of eliminating options in my head, I looked through my contacts and started calling people. Luckily, since Asahi was nicknamed "Scaredy Cat", he was one of the first options.



"Hello?" Asahi's voice answered from the other side of the line.

"Asahi, is Koushi there?" I asked, half shouting.

"Um, y-yeah, why d--"

"Don't make him leave!!" I yelled, my feet starting to move faster as I ran on the sidewalk, making my way to Asahi's house.

"O. . .kay. Daichi, what. . . Are you running?" Asahi asked. His voice was dripping with confusion.

"Yes I am. Now, just do as I said. I'll be there in 5. Bye!" I said, then hung up without waiting for an answer.

On my way, I nearly ran into a few people, but didn't stop to apologize like I usually did. I was determined. I didn't even think about what I would say to Koushi, but I trusted myself that I would be able to figure it out eventually.

I pushed open the first set of doors and jogged towards the intercom, pressing the button linking to Asahi's apartment.

"Asahi, it's me. Let me in."

A few seconds later, the buzzer went off and I pulled the door open. Instead of waiting for an elevator, I just went up the stairs, two steps at a time. During these moments, the only things that were going through my mind were not the fact that my legs ached, or that my lungs burned, but rather the three simple words, "I love him"

Asahi must've heard it in my breath when I told him that I was here on the intercom because he was already waiting with his front door open, a concerned look on his face. 

"What's wrong? Why were you running?" He asked me, meeting me halfway from where we both stood.

"Asahi, I-I remember. I remember everything, and I-I just, I, I need to see him. Where is he?" I stuttered, caused by my joy and nerves.

"Oh, he's--" Asahi started, but was interrupted by a voice i was desperate to hear.


My eyes shifted to behind Asahi. There he was, leaned against the doorframe, his beautiful hair falling and framing his face perfectly.

I love him.

I almost burst into tears just looking at him.

I love him.

My feet moved on their own. 

I love him.

Gradually, they moved faster and faster until I was sprinting towards Koushi, a smile on my face.

I love him.

As soon as I was close enough, I opened my arms and tackled Koushi into a hug, smashing our lips together in a desperate kiss. I didn't care if I didn't seem elegant with it.

Koushi stumbled back a few steps and lost his balance. Both of us fell onto the ground, out lips not ever disconnecting. I could guarantee that without even realizing it, I started crying again.

We pulled away, finally, and Koushi looked at me with a confused look.

". . .Sawa. . ?" he whispered.

I shook my head, my lips quivering. I pressed them together before answering, "Koushi. . . You call me Daichi. You're favourite colour is purple, like the colour of the sky when the sun rises. You were the setter for Karasuno. Your favourite food is super spicy tofu. You really, really, really love MCR and Twenty One Pilots--"

"Daichi, what are you saying. . ?" Koushi asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Koushi, I remember. I remember everything. I loved you so much. I love you so much," I explained, both of our eyes now getting teary, "and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I put you through all that."

Koushi suddenly wrapped his arms around my neck and brought me in for a crushing hug.

"Daichi. . . Daichi, I love you. I love you so much, oh my gosh. . ." he said. I could feel him shaking in my arms.

"I love you, too, Koushi."

We spent a few more seconds just sitting there, whispering "I love you"s back and forth, almost as if we were trying to make up for lost time. Eventually, we got up and noticed Asahi, who was leaned against the door, a sweet smile on his face.

"You know, you guys are just adorable," he said as soon as we made eye contact.

Both Koushi and I made eye contact simultaneously, and a lightbulb light up on the top of both our heads. We got up and charged towards the gentle giant, tackling him into a group hug.

As we stood there, laughing together, I realized just how much love and affection I was missing. 

They do say, however, that ignorance is bliss.

What's even more blissful is knowing that you have an amazing, beautiful boyfriend by your side.

I sure am one lucky man.

 The End 

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