Cute Little Psycho (Plutia x...

By Starblaster2000

17.2K 313 130

WARNING BEFORE YOU START READING: This is a story that is, essentially, a story about the writer, me, "hookin... More

First Encounter
Complete Change (2 weeks later)
Her Interest
A Sister?!
The Past Revealed (3 months later)
Trapped (1 month later)
Plans Revealed (1 week later)
Ready To Stir Up A Hornet's Nest?
Too Close For Comfort
Win Something But Forget Everything Else
Erased Mind
Lights Out (1 month later)
New Arrivals (2 weeks later)
The Truth (8 years later)
The Core
Does This Count? (5 days later)
Both Kinds Of Heat (4 months later) (Lemon Warning)
The Game (7 months later)
This Is War (2 days later)

On The Edge of Death (5 years later)

454 13 2
By Starblaster2000

Plutia P.O.V.

     Mike has not woken up ever since he was brought back. Almost no progress on his recovery has been made yet. His arm still missing and his leg still burnt and still insanely hot, almost like fire. At this point, the entire nation has lost all hope that he'll come back to us...except me. My usual visit was interrupted by something unexpected. Mike was flat lining!

     Surgeons and doctors desperately ran into the room and started to work.

-"You might want to close your eyes Lady Plutia." One of the doctors said, pulling out a powered metal saw.

     It kinda made sense since he now had metal skin due to his dragon mode. I kept my eyes open as I saw him cut open Mike's chest with the saw, sparks flying everywhere. Once the chest was open one of the doctors escorted me out of the room. Once we were outside the room he spoke up.

-"I'm sorry Plutia but, we can't risk any interruptions. I hope you can understand." He said to me.

-"Yes, I understand. Just...keep me updated." He started closing the door. "I mean it!" I said as he closed the door.

     It would take some time for them to be done I presumed. I sat down in a chair next to the door and waited.


     I was nearly about to doze off until the doctors came out of the room with a sorrow expression. It looked like they were trying to find the right words to say. Eventually, one spoke up.

-"I'm sorry Plutia. We tried everything we could." He said.

-"Do you mean-" I was interrupted.

-"Sam! Don't say it like that!" Another doctor said, punching the first one who spoke up on the back.

-"Listen, the truth is...Mike will survive...but he may never be fully functional again." He said hesitantly.

I ran into the room.

-"Plutia, I don't think it's wise for you to-"

-"Let her..."

     I ran to Mike's side. His heart rate monitor was normal again but that didn't shake the thought from my head that I had the chance of losing him for good.


     Mike is remaining in a vegetative state, not responding to anything that anyone says or does. Now was not the time for thinking back at that though. The Basilicom has been receiving reports of loud noises coming from underground and from the forest. The forest that the reports were mentioning is a monster habitat so it makes sense that loud noises would emanate from it but I was checking it out anyway. Once I arrived I landed and started walking around, looking for anything suspicious. I was walking around for a while until I found a bright glowing ball on the ground. I picked it up and it seemed to be trying to get away from me. Wait a minute...this is a CPU core! Was this what was making loud sounds? Whatever, I put it in my pocket and kept going. I was searching for a good 2 hours and didn't find anything. I decided to call off the search. I headed back to the hospital and went in Mike's room only to see Histoire and Anna inside, along with other soldiers. 

-"Plutia! You're back! Thank goodness!" Histoire said.

-"What's going on Histy?" I asked.

-"I guess Anonydeath finally wants to get his revenge, because his army is making their way through the city, annihilating our forces!" Anna said.

-"Then what are we waiting for!? Let's go!" I said as I went into my HDD mode.

-"Wait Plutia!" Histoire said. "It isn't that simple, we believe that Mike may be his target." 

-"Fine, you guys! Stay here and put this room on lock down!" I said pointing towards the 5 soldiers in the room.

     I gave one of the men the CPU core I had. I couldn't risk letting Anonydeath have it.

-"Right away!" They said as they started setting up defenses.

     Anna and I ran out from the hospital only to see Neptune and Nepgear there.

-"Hey Plutie! What's the big rush?" Neptune asked.

-"The nation is under attack! By Anonydeath!" Anna said.

-"Then let us help you!" Nepgear said.

-"Awww, really? I was hoping I could play some video games with Plutie!" Neptune said.

-"If the nation falls, there won't be any time for video games, ever again!" Nepgear said. 

-"Fiiiine..." Neptune said as they also went into HDD mode.

     We all flew towards the chaos that started on the streets. We joined Planeptune forces and helped them repel the attackers. It almost seemed like we were winning until a monstrosity of a tank emerged over the hill.

     Anonydeath had developed new technology in his absence. It would be a challenge to take these things down. About half way through our battle, I saw Anonydeath on top of his command vessel.

     Without thinking, I charged towards the vessel. I was just about to slice him in two when he turned around and our swords clashed.

-"Where is he?" He asked.

-"Where is who?" I said sarcastically.


     He swung again and I deflected it. He kept swinging his sword at me until he got too tired to continue. I was raising my sword, getting ready to finish him.

-"Captain, Checkmate." He said under his breath

-"Checkmate confirmed." A voice said over his radio.

-"What? What was that?!" I yelled at him.

     He just pointed at the front of the vessel and I saw hundreds of cannons and missiles firing at Neptune, Nepgear and Anna. I flew over as fast as I could and followed Mike's lead. I threw myself in front of that artillery and I felt every shell hit my back, sending me flying to the ground. I heard Neptune, Nepgear and Anna shout my name in a desperate attempt for me to wake up. I lifted up my head, that much I could do, to see Anonydeath clutching his giant saber in his right hand. He had made a shield around us so that no one else could interfere. I don't have the energy to fight, I couldn't even get up. Someone help me...


     All of us were in our ready positions. Our mission: defend Lord Mike until the nation is secure, we already reinforced the walls and but barricades on the door and the windows. I suddenly felt something very strange coming from my pocket. I reached into it and pulled out the CPU core Lady Iris Heart had given me. Once it was out of my pocket it shot out of my hand and stuck right into Lord Mike's chest! I ran over and desperately tried to pull it out but it seemed to be sinking into his chest faster and faster with each of my tugs. It stung my hand once it was completely in. We all stared at Lord Mike, his body started shaking on the bed. The very room itself started shaking! Everyone took cover in case of any debris falling. Lord Mike's chest began to glow insanely bright as the shaking got worse. I braced myself for the worst. But suddenly, the shaking stopped very abruptly. I got back from under the table and looked over to everyone else.

-"Everyone alright?" I asked.

-"We're good." Everyone else responded.

     One of our men was staring intensely at something.

-"What is it soldier?" I asked.

     He only raised his arm and pointed at Lord Mike's heart rate monitor. I looked over myself and saw that his vital signs were back online! We all approached him cautiously. I looked over to the others, they looked like they were approaching a nuke or something. We all waited patiently.

Mike P.O.V.




     My heartbeat grew strong and more powerful than ever before. My eyes snapped open and I felt something was wrong. The soldiers beside me tried to stop me but I pushed them aside. I charged out of the hospital, my leg slowly reforming itself. Strength returning and power levels rising, I jumped out of the nearest window and transformed. I flew, faster than I knew I could. I saw something terrifying below, that bastard...never again! I charged forwards through his shield and clashed with his sword just as he was swinging down. I looked down to Plutia to see her with a look of shock and joy on her face. I gave her a reassuring smile before facing back to Anonydeath. Two plates of armor covered most of my face before I spoke up.

-"You took my loyalty, you will never rob anyone of anything ever again." I said with a serious tone.

     I swung his sword down and kicked him in the gut sending him flying.

-"''re healed!" Iris Heart said behind me.

-"Get everyone out of here. I'm not willing to risk you guys and my sisters just because I've been out for a while. Now go!" I said to her.

-"What? But you need backup!" Anna yelled.

-"Anonydeath cannot be defeated by sheer force, he wants ME Plutia...this fight must be mine alone." I said.

-"You're never alone Onii-chan." A familiar voice said.

     I looked to my right to see Amy and Maria standing in front of my car. I looked at them curiously.

-"Do you remember us Onii-chan?" Amy said.

-"He probably doesn't but he won't hurt us anyway." Maria said.

-"How could I truly forget my beloved sisters?" I said.

     Amy was overwhelmed with joy and ran towards me. Maria approached cautiously, but eventually gave in. Amy wrapped her arms around my waist in a warm hug. Maria joined in soon after. Our moment was cut short by a loud sound that came from Anonydeath's warship. He was aiming his cannons at me. I had to move before they wipe all of us out! Out of ideas, I got into my car and drove towards the warship, avoiding artillery shells along the way. I saw a ramp to my right and drove at full throttle towards it. I flew off the ramp and went flying into the air. I jumped out of the car and transformed at the same time. I flew towards the command deck and burst through the window, smashing into Anonydeath. He ran, but I maintained pursuit. He ran on top of the ship and turned to face me.

-"Don't look down if you're afraid of heights!" He yelled.

     There was complete war around us. The sound of explosions and jets flying through the sky filled the air.

-"We all know who this is going to end Anonydeath...make this easy for yourself and allow me to end this." I said to him.

-"I'm not like you, I don't see peace as a solution. War never ends in my eyes." He said.

-"Very well." I said.

     I pulled out my weapon, a sword made out of the toughest mineral on this planet with a purple aura emanating from it. Both of us standing in battle positions, we stared into each others eyes. We both ran at the same time and clashed our swords together. We kept swinging at each other while the war raged on around us. Eventually I was able to grab his leg. I picked him up and smashed him on the floor a few times before throwing him up in the air. I flew up there myself. I caught him in mid-air and pushed him back down to the ship with all my force. The impact from my crash down made us burst through the hull of the ship and make him go straight into the command vessel's power core. His armor overloaded the core, causing a meltdown. I quickly jumped off of the ship and radioed to everyone to get away from that thing.


     Once everyone was accounted for and at a safe distance, we watched the ship crash into the ground in flames. Reconstruction began immediately. I sent repair ships and builders equipped with war hammers down to start their work. I flew up to the top of the Basilicom to get a view of our nation. Sure, it was half destroyed, but this cannot stop progress. I heard something behind me and turned to face it. Everyone was there, Histoire, Neptune, Nepgear, Anna, Amy, Maria...and Plutia. I don't know when, but somewhere along my journey, I think I've developed feelings for her. She seemed to be blushing a bit too. Since she was in her normal mode, I de-transformed and approached her. I think we both knew what was going on. She put a hand on my cheek and brought my face closer. She closed her eyes as our faces got much closer I put my arms around her and returned the sentiment. Our lips came together and were inseparable for a very long time. She eventually pulled away to get her breath back. The others watching had sincere smiles on their faces. Plutia's face started to turn red, just realizing that she had an audience.

-"We'll give you two some alone time. Come on Nepgear." Neptune said as they both flew away to help with the reconstruction.

-"Come help when you're ready." Histoire said, flying off with Anna beside her.

     Maria and Amy walked up to me, as if they wanted to say something. I waited patiently for them to speak.

-"Mike, are you sure this is the life you want? Always surrounded by war? There is still room for two more in the house you know. We could just live a normal life and be a family again. With Mom and Dad gone, it'd be nice to have some company, you know? What do you say?" Maria said.

     I looked at both of my sisters then looked back to Plutia who was looking at me with a concerned face, almost begging me to stay.

-"Well, sounds like fun Maria. But my ties are here now, with the nation, with her. You could always just stay with us at the Basilicom. Why don't you come with us?" I said.

-"Oh no no. We wouldn't want to bother anyone up there." She said.

-"Come on, in a Basilicom that big, there's always room for you two. And if you're worried about war, don't be. We just ended it today, there won't be another conflict for a long time."

     Maria looked at Amy who was giving her a thumbs up before turning back to me.

-"I want to stay with Onii-chan!" Amy said excitedly. 

-"Alright. If she's in, I'm in too!" Maria said.

-"Then let's go get your stuff, looks like the Basilicom didn't take that much structural damage so you can move in now!" I said.

-"Come on Maria! Let's go pack our things!" Amy said, pulling Maria by the arm.

     Once they were gone, I turned back to Plutia who had an expression or longing for more on her face. I approached her and engaged in a passionate kiss with her again. After a long time, she pulled away and looked over to the left. The sun was setting over the horizon. We both sat down and she rested her head on my shoulder. We fell asleep on this rooftop while watching the sun set over a recovering nation.

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