By aquarius_21

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I'm Scarlet Rose Brooks, a girl who never intended nor expected to fall inlove with a guy who's beyond my exp... More

Chapter II: Blast from the Past
Chapter III: Why you so flirt?
Chapter IV: Story Time
Chapter V: Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Chapter VI: Meet and Greet?
Chapter VII: Talkative, Pervert and Big Head
Chapter VIII: Added to 'The List'
Chapter IX: Your Silence Worries Me
Chapter X: A Day Off
Chapter XI: Drama at the Coffee Shop
Chapter XII: State of Confusion
Chapter XIII: He's a Killer
Chapter XIV: My Cheesecakes...
Chapter XV: Discordia
Chapter XVI: Expectedly Unexpected
Chapter XVII: Woo You
Chapter XVIII: Spiderman Vs Superman
Chapter XIX: Doomsday
Chapter XX: Talk that Talk
Chapter XXI: I hope it Rains
Chapter XXII: Clueless
Chapter XXIII: The Black Ball
Chapter XXIV: Not Again
Let me grieve.
Chapter XXV: Mistaken Emotions
Chapter XXVI: An Ominous Scene
Chapter XXVII: Losing the Battle
Chapter XXVIII: Fickle-Minded
Chapter XXIX: Going Home
Chapter XXX: Merry Drunken Christmas
Chapter XXXI: Presents and Surprises
Chapter XXXII: New Year's Eve
Chapter XXXIII: Confusion all over Again
Chapter XXXIV: Unlikely Classmate
Chapter XXXV: Weird and Weirder
Chapter XXXVI: Sickly Sexy
Chapter XXXVII: The Billion Dollar Question...s?
Chapter XXXVIII: Disclosure
Chapter XXXIX: Fearless
Chapter XL: The Art of Assumption
Chapter XLI: Turtle Hill
Chapter XLII: Love on Top
Chapter XLIII: Beautiful Goodbye
abs abs accident accident again again age age angel angel angry angry argue argue ball ball battle battle bestfriend bestfriend bighead bighead birthday birthday black black blackmail blackmail blue-eyed blue-eyed bracelet bracelet brothers brothers call call certified certified cheesecakes cheesecakes chest chest choke choke christina christina christmas christmas class class coffee coffee coffeeshop coffeeshop college college confess confess confuse confuse cooper cooper cough cough court court cry cry dad dad dance dance day-off day-off dense dense depress depress discordia discordia doomed doomed drama drama dream dream dress dress drunk drunk elina elina endearment endearment eyerape eyerape fag fag fashion fashion fight fight first first flirt flirt flowers flowers fun fun gay gay genius genius gift gift girl girl girlfag girlfag girlfriend girlfriend goodbye goodbye gown gown graduation graduation grumpy grumpy guy guy hands hands happy happy held held highschool highschool hit hit hold hold hospital hospital hot hot hotness hotness hug hug humiliate humiliate hurt hurt inborn inborn jealous jealous kaiden kaiden karmiy karmiy killer killer kiss kiss lake lake laugh laugh lean lean liam liam like like lingerie lingerie look look lose lose love love mad mad make-up make-up man-whore man-whore merry merry miss miss movie movie new new nonsense nonsense park park past past perfect perfect pervert pervert photos photos piano piano picture picture plane plane poem poem prepare prepare present present punch punch pursue pursue raf raf rafael rafael rain rain ramble ramble real real ruby ruby rupert rupert sanfrancisco sanfrancisco scarlet scarlet seat seat sebastian sebastian shock shock shoelace shoelace shop shop sick sick silent silent sister sister sleep sleep sleepy sleepy smile smile son son song song spiderman spiderman storytime storytime stupid stupid superman superman surprise surprise tease tease teddybear teddybear tension tension truth truth unknown unknown victorian victorian weird weird woo woo worry

Chapter XLIV: Something Stupid

1K 40 7
By aquarius_21

Merry Chritmas my ever beautiful readers!

It's the last chapter and if I'm in a good mood, I'll post the epilogue tomorrow.

read away! :)


‘Wait for me’

After Three years, six months, twenty one days and four hours…

Here I am, still waiting.

I would have known the minutes and seconds passed but it’s an exaggerated move on my part.

Who am I kidding?

It’s still exaggeration that I’ve been counting hours, days, months, and years from the time… he went away.

I’ll scratch the words I’ve said before that you’ll get used to not seeing someone as time passes by. Seriously.

How will you get used to it when you’ll get more and more aggravated asking yourself everyday when will the person comes back? Or the better question would be, is he coming back?

I feel like a hypocrite around people and mostly to myself, wearing a smile everytime I’m around them. Acting like everything’s fine and that I’m okay continuing my life even though deep down inside, I’m shattering to pieces.

If I have more money in my pocket, but no I’m not as rich as Raf’s family since I just started my first job as an intern in a well-known magazine company here in New York, I should’ve bought myself a plane ticket and fly straight where he is right now.

But surprise, surprise… I don’t have any idea where he is!

I breathe deeply to calm myself, feigning listening to one of my co-worker and close friend in the office. Raf would be amaze when he’ll see me with the person I’m with. And I’m thinking about him again! Crap.

Stop it Scarlet. There’s no use in waiting.

I shook my head as I watch him showing me, more like moving excitedly, how would be a nice photo be taken here in Central Park. We were tasked to go on location and find the right place for a marriage proposal cover. How fascinating.

I rolled my eyes at the thought.

It’s not that I don’t want what I’m doing. The theme is what I’m annoyed at.

Or you’re just annoyed about a ‘couple’ theme.

Oh yes I am like I’m annoyed with the voice in my head. After so many years it’s still on my head, annoying the best of me.

I got my dream job. Who would have thought? Maybe because I focused solely on my studies to divert my attention. After graduation, I got a call from the companies I sent my résumé, went for my interviews and viola!

I reminded myself that I should thank him. Because of him, I got an exceptional GPA that led me in landing the job that I really wanted.

But even if I’m happy with my work, I’m getting really well with the people in the office, I’m close enough to see my parents… there’s still missing and people I’m close with know what is it. Or the proper term would be, who is it.

Speaking of the people I’m close with… I wish they were here. I miss them so much.

Ruby went in the same University as me. She went straight after their high school graduation and is now taking up psychology. She said she wanted to be a doctor. She just got back in San Francisco for her third year in college. We still have our endless communication everyday and are very much closer, especially now that she’s the one having a guy problem. Not that I have no guy problems anymore.

Elina went back to L.A. and is now working for her Dad in their company. Just like Ruby, we maintained a constant communication. She always asks me about… him, which I’m getting irritated everytime but answers nonetheless since there’s not much thing to say.

Mr. Cooper is still teaching in the University. He always sends me quotes for me to muse and understand things in life. He already legalized his adoption to Kaiden. They are very much like father and son. I just hope he finds a woman for him. He’s a great guy and the woman population knows he’s hot as hell. I would have been a cupid for him and Elina but I don’t want to see the end of it.

One of the people I miss the most is the other blue-eyed guy. Rupert.

He’s been very busy lately, helping his Dad running their empire. After his last year in college, he started his intern in their own company. But just like what he said, even if he chose to be a good son rather than pursue his own dream, he still manages to play and sing in his own bar that he built. He let his friend, and now a business partner too, managed it while he’s busy in his office work.

Time and time, he would call me. He’d always ask how am I and how am I coping with his brother in the other side of the world, away from me. As I always, I would deflect the question and gives him reassuring words that I’m fine and I don’t care but I know he’s not buying it. I’m thankful he understands how I use my defense mechanisms so I can still live my life normally.

We’re closer than before. I can even say that he’s my bestfriend now. And just like Mr. Cooper, I hope he finds the right woman for him. He deserves to be happy. Everytime I think about his confession, I always feel awkward but think otherwise. He never mentioned it again after that and I’m grateful that we’re still friends. I don’t want to lose him.

Another shocking news that you would think it would be impossible even when the sun expires, but believe or not, I’m now friends with Liam and Christina. And I mean real friends.

Liam opened up to the public and now, he’s a happy, carefree gay working as a businessman for his Dad’s company. As a normal response, people were shock and a bit distant towards him but eventually they’ve accepted him for who he is. And I’m really happy for him.

And Christina, well, that’s another news. She came up to me one time inviting me for a coffee. We had an endless talk about music, fashion and Hollywood gossips. I didn’t even know until that day that we have so much in common. Now, we’re closer than ever. She’s busy roaming around the world, doing medical missions as she pursue her medicine course.

What even got me envious?

She saw him. A year ago.

It was a coincidence, as she explained. She went to Paris last year for her vacation and they accidentally bump into each other. They had a talk and also fixed their feud between them. She said he’s so much hotter now, more confident even.

I so know that. I can see it everywhere in the social media.

His beautiful face is constantly posted in the internet with his shows and exhibits. If not, his photographs were the ones reeking popularity in paper, news, magazine, TV ads and a lot more. Needless to say, he’s now one of the famous photographers in Europe.

I don’t even have to think twice about it. I knew he’d be popular. I knew he’ll make his dreams come true.

I’m the happiest person. I’m so proud of him.

But with this realization, I also knew he’s becoming more distant and apart from me. In terms of miles away and in his achievements.

I feel like I’m one of the little people, staring far away. Just loving the view even from afar.

Some may ask, why I didn’t try to see him or the other way around?

During the first year that he’s gone. His family decided that they’ll be spending their holidays with him. Rupert even asked me if I wanted to come. Of course I wanted to come! I even swallowed my pride and let his Dad pay for my plane ticket. But I didn’t go.

Dad had an accident, fracturing his left leg. I can’t leave him like that. I can’t leave my family when they’re in total need of me. So I stayed and spend my holidays with my family.

The next year was a busy year for both of us. So leaving the country was not an option. Then the next year was the start of his career in the photography world. While he’s busy snapping photos, I was studying keenly for my last year in college.

So yeah, we never had an opportunity to see each other. Boohoo.

Tragic story eh?

During the last three years while he’s gone, every week he would send post cards with the places he’s been through. We had a constant communication through phone, email, Facebook, Twitter and any social sites that we can use.

We even had a video chat but the last time we did it was a year ago since our schedules don’t match.

But all of it stopped, with no word coming from him. Even his family has no idea where he went and what he’s doing.

Six months.

It’s been six months since the last time I heard his voice. It was the last time I heard from him. No call. No message. Nothing.

And it’s frustrating me more than ever.

So what, he finally decided that I’m not good for him because he’s popular? Maybe he realized he doesn’t really love me. But he never misses a beat, saying those magical three words to me.

Worst case scenario, he finally thought that he’s still a gay and he found a new lover.

Argh! This is getting me insane!

It’s hard that we’re not seeing each other but it’s harder when I don’t even know where he is. He told me to wait for him and I intend to do that but at least show me a sign that he’s still there. That he’s still coming back.

“Earth to Scarlet!” A snap of a finger infront of my face brought me back to reality. I shook my head and turn to gaze at the person who was pouting at me, “I’ve been talking for almost half an hour, using all my voice and saliva but then I look at the person I’m talking to, finding her in La la Land”

I smiled sheepishly. Crap. I’m always doing that, zoning out even in public. Damn missing a blue-eyed, hot gay!

“I’m sorry Ali. I’m just thinking about the cover we will do. And please let’s not talk about saliva”

He snorted but smirked afterwards, “You can’t fool me Scar. I know your brain is somewhere in Europe, thinking about a certain gay. And my saliva tasted divine, that’s what I always hear” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively

“Eew Ali! Stop it. It’s disgusting” I made a face while he’s laughing

“I just love watching your expression when I say things like that. You poor innocent child”

That got me rolling my eyes. Yeah, even if I’m a legal adult, I’m still the Scarlet who people laughed at with my innocence and inexperience.

Shoot me now.

“He’ll come back beauty” He spoke softly then hugged me on the side. I gave him a small smile, leaning my head on his shoulders.

It’s really good having someone understanding you even if you don’t tell them how you feel. I’m grateful that I have true friends beside me and true friends who never forget about me even if we’re not together.

“Thank you Ali” I mirrored his tone

He pulled away, placing his hands on my shoulders so I’m arms length away from him. He studied my face for awhile then smiled warmly at me, I smiled back.

“There. You should always smile beauty. It makes your face look more glowing and radiant”

I flush at his remark. Yup, my scarlet cheeks would always be printed on my face.

“Aww. You’re blushing. You should try accepting compliments beauty” He smirked at me then placed a light kiss on my forehead, “Can we continue with our job now?”

I flush more. Knowing, I haven’t been listening to him from the start. I nodded my response as he clapped his hands together and started talking about his suggestions.

“So I think this area is the best location for our photo shoot, what do you think?” He tilted his head to the side waiting for my reply. I nodded once again. He beamed at me and continued talking. He’s more active than Elina.

I watched and listened carefully with every word he say. I need to focus more or I might lose my dream job.

He moved gracefully while he’s busy explaining what we’ll be doing for our Mag cover for next month.

“I think it would be best if the man kneels in one knee with a ring on his hand…” He stood infront of me then did what he had suggested as he kneeled in one knee. He took his ring on his finger then held it infront of me. “…Then the man will look lovingly at her with a wide smile on his lips” Again, he do as he said. He smiled broadly with a ring held for me. I was laughing at him that I didn’t even realize we’re in public.

“And I think the caption in the cover should be… Say Yes!” He chirped doing a horizontal line in the air. “What do you think beauty?”

I giggled at his expression and enthusiasm but was cut off by a screaming voice behind me.

“No!! No!!” The person behind repeated breathlessly. I gave a confused look at Ali and he mimicked me but his expression changes to shock and incredulity the minute he laid his eyes at the person behind. He looked like he saw a ghost, with his eyes and mouth wide open.

“No!! Karmiy stop!”

Oh. My. Glorious. God.

I think the time had stopped.

My mind suddenly turned hazy as I hear that word. That voice.

I blanch immediately.

It’s been three years since the last I have felt this. My hands were cold and clammy. My breathing ragged and irregular. And my heart does its usual frantic beating. It’s unnerving that I can still feel this even if years had passed.

His effect on me would never fade.

Before I can turn my head to see if I’m imagining things, arms were around me. Loving arms that were enclosed tightly around me. His familiar scent instantly swift my whole being, making tingles spread all over me.

I feel him hiding his face at the crook of my neck as goose bumps prickles my skin when he inhaled slowly and deeply like his drinking me in.

“Karmiy…” He breathed and it made my knees go weak.

Slowly, my mind processed what’s happening and I jolt in surprise when I realized what’s really happening. Ali looked bewildered and amused at the same time watching us.

He’s here.

Oh my god! He’s here! He’s really here!

His grip loosened when he felt me startle. I squirmed away so I can face him. I turned abruptly and I think I will faint any minute as I stare at the most beautiful blue eyes.

It’s really him.

He looked fresh. He looked more handsome and hell, he looked hotter than before. Christina was right. Shoot. I will never get tired staring at this beautiful man infront of me.

His beautiful face looked wary at the moment, anxiously staring at me. We were just staring in each other’s eyes. I think gauging our reactions on each other. I furrowed my eyes at him when I regained my initial shock.

“Raf” I whispered, not finding my right voice.

He looked taken aback a bit when I said his name, his eyes widen fractionally but narrowed it when he glanced behind me, “What are you doing?!”

What? I’m doing what? He sounded mad.

“So what?! When I was gone, you decided to replace me?!” He growled, looking livid but not directed to me

Whoa. Replace?

“What are you talking about?” I asked in sincere confusion

He scoffed, “Don’t look too innocent karmiy. You’re even getting married! If I didn’t come to find you here, you’d be accepting this gay’s proposal!”

“Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Stop right there Mister!” I snapped back

Oh my god! He thought I’m with Ali? For pete’s sake! Ugh!

Before I can explain myself, a loud booming laughter erupted behind me. Raf looked angrier but puzzled at the same time. I turn to look at Ali and truly, he was laughing his heart out clutching his stomach for his dear life.

I can’t help but hide my smile watching him. Stupid Raf. We watched Ali for a few more minutes before he tried to stop his mirth and breathe hard.

He coughed a bit before looking back at Raf, “I didn’t know your funny” Then turned to look on my direction, “I’ll leave you two for a moment beauty. I just can’t stop laughing watching you both. You’re too cute” He gave us a small wave then sprinted cheerfully away from us

I felt my cheeks burning as I peeked at Raf who looked confused as ever.

“I’m confused” He mumbled more to himself. I stifled a giggle before I remembered what he had said.

“How’d you know he’s gay?!”

He’s the one chuckling. “Karmiy. I’ve known he’s gay since the day he made a move on you at the Coffee shop. That’s my blackmail to him so he backed out. I told him I’ll tell his secret when he ever goes near you” And he chuckled more

Yep. Ali is Alden. The guy who made a past on me when we were still in first semester of our first year. He’s also one of Liam’s friends who he introduced during the Black Ball. And yes, they are all gays. It’s such a shame that they’re all good-looking.

“So…” He trailed looking sheepish, “You’re not together”

I raised an eyebrow at him with a look that says ‘What-do-you-think-dimwit?’

He flush a bit but composed himself fast. He moved near me again and made a move to hug me but I took a step back. He looked pained as I did it.

“Karmiy” He looked lost, running a hand through his hair, “I’m so sorry. You have the right to be mad at me but I was tied with a project that I can’t back out. I didn’t had the time to tell you ‘coz they immediately book me a flight going to Africa. In a place were God knows where. No signal. No internet. We were there for six months to make a story about a Tribe. I was the photographer. I wanted to tell you karmiy, I do” He held my hand, looking worried at me, “Please believe me karmiy. I missed you so badly. I’ve wanted to see you the moment I stepped foot in London. Don’t be mad at me karmiy please”

He looked sincere. I believe him of course. I got worried of him too. I thought he had forgotten about me. His explanation cleared everything but I don’t know, I’m still mad.

He looked at me warily. His eyes dancing around my face like he’s trying to read what I’m thinking. Slowly, I removed his hands on mine which change his expression to clear surprise and… hurt.

I stared at him for a moment then in one swift movement…

My hand landed on his cheek.

“Ow karmiy. What was that for?” He rubbed his cheek, looking more puzzled

I narrowed my eyes, “That’s for not telling me where you’ve been” And before he could grasp my words, I gave him another slap on his other cheek, “And that’s for not trying to see me for freakin’ three whole years!!”

Shocked can’t even describe his face right now but I didn’t let him talk as I walked out on him. Serves him right. With my pent up emotions, a lot of different emotions inside me, I needed to release it and the only way I thought was to slap him.

Yay. I really am abusive.

“Whoa karmiy. You can’t run from me” He grabbed my arm so I could face him. I glared up at him and he looked scared that I’m mad. Yah, you should be. “I deserve that”

“That’s not even half of what I’m feeling right now Raf. You think you could just go here then tell me you went to some unknown place in Africa then―”

I wasn’t able to finish my rant as Raf lunged at me, placing his hands on either side of my face, bringing my face up and his lips are on mine. It wasn’t like the shared kisses we had before. It’s far more different. I have never been kissed like this by him before. It’s more frantic, more PG-13. It’s like all our emotions showed in the kiss.

But the kiss mellowed, his lips moved with mine slowly, sweetly, devouring our time to feel each other. His other hand moved to my chin to angle me with him. The kiss says all the things we wanted to say. It showed all the feelings we wanted to show. It showed how we greatly miss each other.

As we need to breathe, he pulled away pressing his forehead against mine. He stared into my face with glint of sparkle on his eyes.

“Oh how I miss that karmiy. I miss you so much” He spoke in his raspy voice. Boy, that’s hot.

And I didn’t try to hide what I’m really feeling, looking straight to his eyes as I spoke, “I miss you too Raf… you don’t even know how hard it was for me”

He placed a chaste kiss on my forehead, “I know karmiy. I know”

We stayed cuddled for minutes, even hours I think, just loving to be with each other’s arms again. It’s so surreal. I can’t even explain how happy I am that he’s here… with me again.

“Karmiy…” Raf found his voice, “I need to ask you something”

I stared up at him with a bewildered look, “What is it?”

He looked like he has an inner battle on his head. I prompted him to go on since he seem like he’s nervous or something.

“You never told me again” He whispered

“Told you what?” He’s confusing me once more.

“That…” He trailed, scratching the back of his neck, “That you love me. I only heard it from you when you confessed your feelings to me. I need to know, ‘coz I’m clueless and inexperience just like you in terms of relationship… are you my girlfriend?”

Oh my god. Oh Raf.

I would’ve laughed at him with the look his giving me and his question… Oh god. He’s actually asking me if I’m his girlfriend.

Isn’t it obvious? I already told him I’m the first one who had fallen in love. Sheesh. He can be stupid sometimes.

Then I thought of something.

Payback’s a b*tch.

I look at him directly in his eyes with a wicked look on my face and a playful smile on my lips. He looked more nervous and it’s a funny thing to watch.

I stretched the silence as time passed by. It’s entertaining making him wait for my response.

Finally giving in, I breathe deeply then smiled with glee.

“Well Raf…”


I know, another cliffhanger. *giggling*

The epilogue will clear things out. thank you for always being there.

I will answer your queries about book two or sequel or anything under the sun after the epilogue.

Vote and Comment dears. <3

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