Run & Hide ☠ Sequel

By macklemcvey

835K 36.1K 30.9K

∙COMPLETED ∙ Book 2 of the K&R series ☆ DO NOT read this book unless you've read Kill & Run first ☆ ❝ I lov... More

Run & Hide
so close to losing my sh*t rn
Epilogue ☠
Visuals ☠
Q&A ☠
Thank You ☠
Other H.S. fanfics


16.8K 701 365
By macklemcvey

I'm LITERALLY trying my hardest to make this story longer UGH!

Anyways, pls comment my lovelies! It serves as motivation for me to write more chapters and update often ❤️

Happy Reading xx



H A R R Y 💀 (I FINALLY updated my phone and I realised there was a water gun next to his name)

   "What are you doing?" I questioned, noticing how Scarlett was packing a few things away into a small suitcase.

   "Just packing up a few important things, just in case this place goes down in ashes," she mumbled softly, throwing in her journal along with a couple of our photo frames. "Do you have anything specific you wanna throw in here?"

   "Umm my whole closet?"

  She chuckled softly, letting go of an article of clothing and approaching me. Her soft hands cupped my cheeks, lips touching mine in a soft and gentle kiss. My hands held her waist, pulling her closer and molding my lips over hers gently. We pulled away for a short breath, gazing deep into each other's eyes as we both tried to decipher each other's emotions.

   "You okay?" she asked me quietly, eyes showing concern as I nodded slightly.

   "I'm trying to stay positive," I told her, making her smile lightly before nodding.

  Today we were trying to discretely search for the spies; discretely because if the spies find out we're scooping them out they would probably report that to Viola and the whole plan would change. There were a lot of risks we were taking here, but we had no choice. Niall and Zia found the blueprints of the warehouse and apartment building and started sending out people to locate the bombs. Since I've been in The Organization ever since I was three I was one of the people who helped locate the bombs. Even though I knew every crook and nanny of this entire warehouse and apartment building, I couldn't find the bombs.

  I spent the morning doing that as Jade stayed with Scarlett, as her 'bodyguard' just in case Omega decides to randomly ambush us. Nothing was predictable, nothing was certain, and it frustrated me like hell. Words couldn't describe exactly how I was feeling, it was difficult to decipher and I could see Scarlett getting frustrated with it sometimes. But she was patient and understanding, and I appreciated that. I was just worried to be honest, worried about her, and everyone else.

  Scarlett almost died risking her life for me during her first mission, and pretty much did fall off a cliff and survived. What if something happened to her, but this time she doesn't make it out alive? My heart clenched at the thought, my head shaking to make the dark thoughts dissipate. I walked up behind her as she arranged a few personal possessions in the tiny suitcase, wrapping my arms around her waist and hugging her tight.

   "I love you Scarlett," I murmured softly into her ear, tucking my face into the dip of her neck and pressing a kiss to her skin. "Always."

   "I love you too Harry," she whispered, hand coming up to touch my face before she turned around in my grip and engulfed me in a warm tight hug. "Always."

  Hearing her say those words back were like music to my ears; music that I haven't heard in about seven months. To hear them again warmed my heart up, bringing a smile to my lips causing me to hold onto her tighter. There was nothing I wanted more than to take her away right now. I wanted us to run away from all this chaos, to somewhere remote just like she wanted. But we couldn't. Scarlett would never leave her friends in a mess like this. The old me wouldn't have cared, but right now I do care and I too want to stay and help The Organization get through this problem.

   "So," I sighed finally, pulling away to gaze at her. "Where are you gonna keep that suitcase?"

   "Liam offered to keep it at his place, also if the bombs do blow up we can crash at his place, which I thought was kind of him to do so," she told me. "I'm gonna head over there soon with Jade-"

   "I'll come with," I said immediately, making her frown.

   "Don't you have that meeting with Valkyrie in a bit?" she questioned me, making me scowl lightly and nod.

   "I do but-"

   "You want to come with me," she finished my sentence. "To watch over me."

   "Yeah," I nodded sheepishly, making her sigh lightly before nodding in agreement much to my surprise. I thought she'd start protesting, saying that she can take care of herself.

   "Okay," she said, unwrapping her arms from around my shoulders and went back to packing a few more important possessions.


   "Anything?" Vlad questioned everyone loudly, making us all shake our heads. "For fuck's sake."

  After returning from visiting Liam's apartment, we continued searching for bombs and interrogating people for the rest of the day, pushing the Valkyrie meeting until ten o'clock at night because everything else was taking too long. A yawn escaped my lips as Damien updated Vlad on what was going on. There were just too many people to try interrogating; we started picking out people whom we thought could be the spy, careless of how offended they look when we called them up, showing no mercy in making them confess. We still came up with nothing.

   "We've checked everywhere Vlad!" Niall exclaimed, pouting sadly before I patted his shoulder. Niall spent the whole day examining the blueprints and coming up with the most random places even I couldn't think of, to look for the bombs but they still weren't there.

   "Obviously not because we still haven't found the damn bombs," Vlad grunted in response, dropping his head into his hands as his elbows rested on the table. "What the fuck are we going to do?"

   "We have tomorrow as well, inshallah we'll find the bombs by then," Sami reassured all of us.

   "What does inshallah mean?" Jade asked curiously, making me chuckle as Sami smiled.

   "It means if Allah wills it," Sami explained, making Damien nod lightly. "Y'know if you wanna learn more Arabic you can stop by my place any time-"

   "I'm lesbian," Jade said immediately, making Sami shrug lightly, not caring that he just got rejected in front of all of us.

   "I tried," he said, before pulling his phone out to text on it. "I'm gonna text Donovan and ask him if he's heard anything."

  I sat back in my chair with a sigh, my mind already filled with thoughts about what was going to happen on Tuesday. The pessimistic side of me was emerging the more I thought about the million things that could go wrong on that day. We could be late in finding the bombs or the spies and then Omega would come and ambush us just as we begin to evacuate people.

   "Harry?" Scarlett's voice brought my out of my thoughts, making me turn my head towards her and raise an eyebrow. "Wanna go back? The meeting's over."

  A yawn escaped my lips as I nodded, not even noticing how I had zoned out for the rest of the meeting. I stood up, bidding everyone goodbye along with Scarlett before following her out of the room, only pausing to listen to Vlad's instructions about sleeping with a gun just in case Omega tries to ambush us and abduct Scarlett and Sami.

  Her nimble fingers were laced with mine as we walked out of the warehouse and into the cool night's air. I swung our linked hands back and forth unconsciously, loving the feeling of her warm palm against mine, hands fitting together perfectly like two puzzle pieces. A comfortable silence had fallen over us as we took the lift and entered our floor.

  The apartment was deadly quiet as we walked in, another yawn escaping my lips as I slowly made my way to the bedroom, leaving Scarlett in the kitchen as she needed to drink some water. Tossing away my t-shirt, and stripping out of my jeans, I climbed into bed and under the warm covers, not bothering to brush my teeth, as I was far too exhausted to do so. Scarlett entered the room soon enough just as I buried my face into the pillow with a sigh.

   "Harry, do you have your gun?" Scarlett questioned, making me hum against the soft pillow in reply.

   "It's with me."


   "Under the pillow."

   "Under the what."

  I pulled my hand out from under the pillow, holding up my favorite desert eagle pistol.

   "Harry, you'll kill us both in our sleep," Scarlett muttered, making me pout and protest.

   "No I won't. I've been sleeping with a gun ever since I was sixteen," I responded, making her chuckle with raised eyebrows as she climbed into bed. "You can trust me."

   "You sure?" she arched a brow at me teasingly while I frowned.

   "Actually no," I muttered lowly. "I always break my promises anyways."

   "Baby," Scarlett frowned at my sudden change in attitude. "I was just kidding, don't be like that," she mumbled with pouted lips, cupping my cheek with one hand and kissing my forehead. "I will always trust you."


   "No buts. What happened was not your fault," Scarlett said firmly, patting my cheek. "I love you and I trust you. End of story."

   "Okay," I managed to smile finally, making her smile back, happy to see my grin. "But I love you more than you know."

   "I love you the most."

   "Look at us, being one of them sappy lovesick couples," I teased with a grin, making her chuckle and nod in agreement.

   "We've become soft," Scarlett rolled her eyes, before a yawned escaped her lips. "God, I didn't even do anything today yet I'm exhausted as fuck."

   "Sleep, my love," I murmured back, curling my arms around her as she turned away from me to lie on her side.

  I pulled the sheets over us as my legs were tangled with hers, my face nuzzling into the crook of her neck where I pressed a kiss to her soft skin. My eyes began to droop as another yawn threatened to leave my lips. Scarlett was already fast asleep in my arms, snoring softly. I soon fell into a deep slumber, only to be woken up later during the night by a horrific nightmare.


  My eyes shot open when I heard an undistinguishable noise coming from the living room. My gaze flickered to Scarlett whom was still sleeping in my arms, clutching one of my hands to her heart. I stayed still for a few seconds, ears perked up to hear a follow-up noise. I heard something again, my eyes darting to the closed bedroom door. It was coming from the living room, yet I was able to hear it all the way from the bedroom. I guess years of training my ears for these types of situations really do pay off.

  I carefully untangled myself from Scarlett, sliding my hand under her pillow to pull out the gun I was hiding there. Curling my fingers around it, I gripped it tightly and loading it. I got off the bed slowly, throwing another glance at Scarlett before approaching the door quietly. My hands curled around the handle, pushing it down slowly and opening it to peep through the crack. I wasn't able to make out anything in the darkness, even though I was trained to see in the dark. I could only see the hallway leading up to the living room where the furniture laid still.

  Opening the door wider, I carefully slipped out, holding my gun up, keeping my eyes wide open and alert as I tiptoed through the hallway. My eyebrows shot up when I heard some shuffling, My feet padded across the floor soundlessly, my bare back pressing against the wall my eyes now focusing on the front door and the kitchen, knowing that the intruder was just the around the corner in the living room.

  Again, I heard that shuffling noise, making me tighten my grip on the gun and grit my teeth. In a spilt second, I rounded the corner, lifting my gun up, eyes darting around to spot the intruder. But there was no one. My brows furrowed, I kept my gun held up, taking a few steps into the living room before I began to explore it carefully. However, I was suddenly caught off-guard when someone jumped onto my back, reaching for my gun. I let out a grunt, bringing my arm forwards, before jutting my elbow out and slamming it into the face of whomever was holding onto me.

  The man let out a sharp cry of pain, the audible crack of his nose filling my ear as I immediately pulled my elbow back and gripped the t-shirt of the man from behind me. Bending my knees, I used all my force to tug the man over my head, causing him to fly in the air over my head and crash onto the coffee table in front of me on his back. The glass shattered into a million pieces, the racket causing the awakening Scarlett who called out from the bedroom.

   "Harry?" she yelled, making me snap my head towards the hallway leading to the bedroom.

   "Scarlett-" I began to shout back before the man had already driven his fist into my face.

  I barely budged, glaring at him with bright glowering eyes before I grabbed his face and brought it down onto my knee, once again causing more damage to his bloodied face and broken nose. He stumbled back, the moonlight shining from the window in the living room hitting his face, causing me to instantly recognize him as one of the members on Omega's assassin team. Hydra.

  I advanced towards him with my fists clenched and teeth gritted, however I was again caught off-guard when a woman this time, clambered onto my back. Her hands gripped the sides of my face, instantly giving me the impression that she was going to snap my neck. I immediately dug my hands into her hair, making her cry out sharply as I tugged her hair harshly before my fingers fumbled to feel her face. Once I located her eyes, I dug the tips of my thumbs into them with a lot of force, making them sink in and cause her an immense amount of pain.

  She screamed out loud, immediately letting go of me and stumbling away with her hands cupping her face in agony. My eyes darted to the man who was now charging at me, before I snapped my head to the side, spotting my gun. I darted for it, almost touching it before I was pulled back by Hydra. He grabbed my shoulder, tugged me down, and drove his knee into my stomach. The impact was more powerful than I thought, smashing my blood vessels together and causing me to cry out in pain.

  I forced myself to keep going, feeling the anger rise in me as I tried to grab him, but a shrill voice ripped me away from what I was doing.

   "Harry!" Scarlett yelled from the bedroom, followed with a string of curses and grunts, as if she was fighting someone.

  I immediately let go of Hydra, bolting for the bedroom, but I was stopped by the woman, whom I also recognized as one of the members of Omega's assassin team: Scylla. I backed away from both of them, gulping as they both smirked. But then I immediately reached for my gun, which was just by my feet, pulling the trigger twice, shooting Scylla in the leg and Hydra in the stomach. I sprinted away just before they could even try and attack me again.

   "Scarlett?" I called out worriedly, running into the bedroom.

  My heart dropped in my chest when I spotted a man holding her tightly to his chest, his arm curled around her throat while she struggled immensely against him. My jaw clenched when I recognized him too. Donovan.

   "Let her go," I snarled in an animalistic manner, feeling the anger boil in my veins. "Fuck!" I called out when two men grabbed my arms, catching me completely off-guard.

  Donovan quickly pulled Scarlett to the side of the room; confusing me for a second before two shots rang wildly in my ears, the glass of the window shattering from the outside. Another man kicked away the glass, revealing the outside of the apartment where there was a helicopter hovering nearby. My blood froze in my veins when I realized what was happening.

   "Scarlett!" I roared, struggling against the men but seemed surprisingly strong I couldn't even budge.

   "Harry!" she responded, driving her elbow into Donovan's stomach powerfully, causing his grip to loosen on her.

  She bolted, shoving him away and moving towards me. But Donovan quickly grabbed her, pulling out a syringe from out of nowhere and plunging it into her neck, pushing some sort of liquid into her body. I protested loudly, trying my best to break free from the iron grip these men had on me. My heart was pounding wildly as I felt utterly useless at the moment, watching Donovan carry an unconscious Scarlett away from me.

   "No! Scarlett!" I cried, floundering even more before the men pushed me to the floor, pulling my hands behind my back and pressing a foot to my cheek.

  I could barely see what was happening, but soon enough she was gone, and it was my fault all over again.

   "Harry!" Scarlett's voice broke into my thoughts, making me snap out of my trance, before I stared down at her with my jaw dropping.

  I was straddling her body; one of my hands holding her wrists above her head while the other one was pressing the loaded gun to the bottom of her chin. She was staring up at me with wide fearful eyes, almost tearing up. The sight shattered my heart, immediately making me scramble off of her, jumping off the bed and dropping the gun. She sat up, a hand coming up to rub the skin of her neck as she breathed heavily, dark eyes examining me from the distance. I stood well away from her, clutching my racing heart as I tried to calm down for a second.

   "Harry," she whispered ever so softly, swinging her legs off the bed and approaching me slowly.

  I backed away, immediately thinking I was going to hurt her again. But she moved forwards, eventually pressing her hands against my cheeks and whispering comforting words to me.

   "Hey, it's okay, it was just a dream. I'm okay, you're okay," she kept saying, running her thumbs over my cheekbones as my eyes frantically darted across the room, expecting Omega to be here.

   "Scarlett," I choked on my words, arms curling around her body and holding her close to me. "My baby," I let out a dry sob, overwhelmed by the nightmare I had just had. There were no tears, even though I felt like crying. I never wanted to experience something like that again. Being in a situation where I was helpless and Scarlett was being taken away.

   "I'm here, Harry," she reassured me, pressing her body tight against mine as she roped her arms around my shoulders, hugging me to her.  "It wasn't real."

   "I almost hurt you," I gasped, clutching her tighter with my eyes scrunched up. "Fuck I-I almost hurt you," I repeated, unable to get that look she gave me when I pressed the gun to the skin under her chin.

   "But you didn't okay, and that's what matters," she whispered firmly, turning her head to kiss my cheek. "You didn't hurt me, you woke up."

   "Y-You were being taken away, a-and I couldn't do anything about it b-because I was b-being held down! A-And-"

   "Baby, it's okay, I'm not going anywhere. I won't let them take me," she said in response immediately, pulling back to gaze at me, cradling my cheek. "Hey, look at me," she called out quietly, noticing I was zoning out again, thinking about the nightmare. "I love you."

  As soon as I heard those words, a flood of relief washed over my body. It felt like all the anxiety and fear dissipated for a moment. I gave her a shaky smile, nodding and pressing my lips against the corner of her mouth before hugging her firmly.

   "I love you so much Scarlett."


💀 what did u guys think of that chapterrrrrr? Especially the nightmare? Foreshadowing or nah?

💀Do you guys have any predictions for what's gonna happen when omega comes to abduct Scarlett and Sami? 

💀Also with my question during the previous chapterrrr about which Harry story would u like to read first, the alcoholic Harry is different from whatever's on wattpad.

Like that story is dark and emotional and it's not like humorous or romantic as such. It'll probably be one of the most emotional and intense books I've ever written, cuz I'm a sucker for that kind of shit. 

Until we meet again...


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