Torn Apart (Sequel to Brutal...

By HockeyisLife87

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Jessica loses her memory, Sid's looking for her like Crazy. She finds herself among the Boston bruins, and be... More

Chapter 1: Runnin Away
Chapter 2: Let Her Be
Chapter 3: Skating Again
Chapter 4: Who's Sid & Burrows?
Chapter 5: Where's Jessica?
Chapter 6: Brandon's Back
Chapter 7:Old Life Flashes Back
Chapter 8: Sid see's Jessica
Chapter 9: Mistakes were made
Chapter 10: Jace meets his mommy
Chapter 11: Oh Captain, My Captain
Chapter 12: Jace,Sid and Me
Chapter 13: My worst NightMare
Chapter 14: Jerk Face Returns
Chapter 15: Saying GoodBye
Chapter 16: Should I trust him?
Chapter 17: Back To Vancouver
Chapter 18: Jace Runs away
Chapter 19: Sticks and Skates
Chapter 20: Start of Something New :)
Chapter 21: I Confess My Love For Sid
Chapter 22: Making Love
Chapter 23: Backstabbing
Chapter 24: Lauren and Ashley
Chapter 25: Love Misconduct
Chapter 26: Off to Montreal
Chapter 27: Let the Game begin
Chapter 28: Truth Revealed
Chapter 29: Twins it Is
Chapter 30: Its Over but We'll start it again
Falling In Love Again
Chapter 31: A New Beginning
Chapter 32: Neglected
Chapter 33: Blinded
Chapter 34: Regrets
Chapter 35: Mysterious
Chapter 36: Big Reveal
Chapter 37: All is Fair except Love and War
Chapter 38: Battlefield
Chapter 39: NHL tryouts
Chapter 40: Jessie Williams
Chapter 41: Acceptence
Chapter 42: New Game, Old Friend
Chapter 43: NHL Seggy
Chapter 44: Dilemma
Chapter 45: Will there ever be a happily ever after?
Chapter 46: Return to Pittsburgh Once Again
Chapter 47: Wicked Witch
Chapter 48: We found Hope
Chapter 49: Jealousy
Chapter 50: Drug Addiction
Chapter 51: Supportive
Chapter 52: Dreams
Chapter 53: Blackhawk
Chapter 54: Awkward
Chapter 55: Adoption
Chapter 56: Love Drives Us Insane
Chapter 58: Boundaries Broken
Chapter 59: No turning back
Chapter 60: Death Awarded
Chapter 61: She's Alright
Chapter 62: Christmas
Chapter 63: Yours Truely
Author's Note
Chapter 64: Sabrina
Chapter 65: Old Times Renewed
Chapter 66: Past Forgetten
Chapter 67: She's Still Mine
Chapter 68: Nightmares
Chapter 69: Are you sure?
Chapter 70: All Of Me
Chapter 71: He trusts me
Chapter 72: Money Can't Buy Happiness
Chapter 73: Purpose

Chapter 57: To Stay or To Go

2.7K 30 8
By HockeyisLife87

Practice At Consol:

Jess's POV: After 5 days of being absent I was finally at practice and everyone greeted me with hugs. I changed quickly and walked into the guys change room. They all had sad looks on their faces and were crowding someone and I couldn't see. I walked closer and asked the guys what was going on and everyone was busy crowding the person. I tiptoed and saw Sid's back and my heart raced. Tyler came over and grabbed my hand and pulled me away "Ty what's going on?"

"Nothing Sid's come down with the flu, he won't be going on the road trip with us" he spoke.

"Wait what? Is it really that bad?" i questioned. Sid was fine last night, how did this suddenly happen.

The crowd cleared and i saw Sid walking to the exit of the locker room. I ran up to him and tapped his back "Sid"

He stopped his steps but didn't turn around. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He stood their and nodded his head. "Do you need anything? Or someone to take care of the kids? I'll come help after practice" I responded.

"No thank you and you are forgetting we are only teammates on the ice nothing else" He responded as he coughed.

He sounded really sick, how did he get so sick so fast?

Sid began walking away his steps seemed uneasy and he was tumbling all over the place. I noticed he was about to fall over a quickly took hold of him "Careful Sid"

"Don't touch me I can manage" he spoke as he threw my hands off of him and pushed me away.

Tyler came over "woah that was rude, she was trying to help you"

I told Tyler to be quiet and he gave me a glare and walked away "Do you want a ride back home?" I asked him.

"What part of leave me alone, don't you get?" he yelled back.

My steps stumbled back "I...I was just trying to help"

"I don't need you" he spoke as he walked away. I turned around and headed back to Tyler. I had no idea what had gotten into Sid, he seemed so infuriated and unlike him.

"Was he really giving up on me? I thought the Sidney crosby always gets what he wants, he can't possibly give up like that" I spoke to myself.

I laced my skates on and headed to the ice, I couldn't think straight and wanted to be with Sid taking care of him. I stepped onto the ice and saw the guys playing ice baseball. I skated over to them, "Jessica wanna give it a go?" asked Kuntiz

"No thanks"I smiled. Maatta was up next and he swung the bat and it went flying out of his hand over the glass. All the guys immediately raced away to avoid getting hurt. "Dude you could have killed someone" I spoke and everyone burst into a laughter

"Yea, sorry about that" Maatta looked ashamed.

Dan came over and told the guys to put the baseball equipment away and do two laps forward and two laps backward and meet at Center ice when done.

I quickly finished my laps and kneeled down at Center ice and soon the guys joined me. "We have 2 more games before the christmas break, lets play these games hard and do our best to win. We are flooded with injury but we have to make these games count" spoke Dan and everybody nodded their head.

"The Christmas party's on the 24th guys, Jessica will give you guys the event list and the names of your secret santa" added The assistant coach.

I nodded my head, out of the corner of my eye I saw Sid sitting on the arena seats and Lauren came down and sat beside him and rested her head on his shoulder.

What the hell was going on ?Did he suddenly change his mind of divorcing her.

The coach split us off into groups, one group worked on power play and the other penalty kill. We rotated between the two.

The guys all kept giving me funny stares "What?" I asked and none of them responded and just skated away laughing.

Neal came up to me and grabbed me from my waist "What the hell?"

I pushed myself away from him, "Jessica are you seriously still mad at me?"

"Are you forreal? I can't believe you are even asking me this question" I spat out.

Sid was looking directly at us, "Can you leave me please"? I spoke.

"I will and you have a fish sticking on your back" he laughed as he skated away

"a what?" I yelled. All the guys burst out laughing again and I pulled my jersey off and i noticed a paper fish on the back "Haha you guys are so funny"

Tyler skated over to me and kissed my cheek "Don't worry we'll get them back"

The practice went quite smoothly, we did a couple more drills and then the coach called it a day. I headed to the girls change room and took a quick shower and put my clothes on.

There was a knock on the door "Come In"

I sat on the bench and began putting my runners on. I looked up and saw Lauren walking in. I was infuriated by her presence. "What are you doing here?"

"Jessica, I just came to talk" she spoke.

"Just fucken leave" I yelled. Lauren came close to me and sat down on the bench.

"LAUREN LEAVE" I yelled. For the second time a sharp pain went through my head and I doubled over. Lauren grabbed my water bottle and gave me some of the water "Jessica are you okay?" she spoke.

I moved myself away from her and sat down on the ground and nodded my head. "Look I didn't come to agitate you more, I just came to ask if you would like to come back to the house."

"wh..why w..would I do that?" I stuttered

"Because christmas is just around the corner and the kids want you at home with them, so does Sid" she smiled.

Why was she acting all sweet, she was definitely up to no good. "Why are you doing this?" I spoke.

"You deserve to spend some time with your family" she spoke.

Did someone hit on the head and make her lose her memory or something "You hate me, why are you suddenly acting like this"

"Ive realized my mistake Jessica, and I'm trying to fix it"


"Yeah well whatever, can you leave me alone?"

She got up "Jessica think about it please and let me know, the kids are desperately waiting for you"

And with that Lauren left me alone, my head was hurting me a lot. I crawled over to my bag and took out a painkiller and swallowed it. I set my stuff to the side and headed to the gym for a workout.

I actually couldn't believe Lauren was acting so sweet, so different. I never thought I would see her like this.

I entered the gym and set my water bottle to the side and turned on the music in the gym and got onto the thread mill and began running. The pain in my head was subsiding. I saw Tyler come into the gym as well and began lifting weights. I took off my yoga jacket and put it to the side. Tyler walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and swung me around.

"Ty stop it, we came to work out" I laughed.

Tyler set me down and pinned me to the wall. One of his hands was set on my waist while the other pinned my left hand above my head to the wall. "Tyler someones going to see us" I whispered.

"Let them" he spoke as he began kissing my neck.

"Ty stop it" I said playfully. Tyler began kissing my lips and I was lost in the moment.

"Sid are you sure you left your phone here?" spoke a voice. I pulled apart from Tyler.

At the gym entrance I spotted Kunitz, Duper and Sid staring down at us. I felt my cheeks burn red and Tyler was smirking as well.

I pushed Tyler off me and grabbed my jacket and water bottle and began heading out. As I was leaving Kunitz grabbed my hand tightly. "I um need to go, can you um let go of my hand please"

"What the hell is going on, why are you two acting so immature" Kunitz yelled.

"I don't know what your talking about" I spoke.

"Kuni let her go" Tyler interrupted.

"You stay out of this" Kunitz yelled.

Tyler immediately backed off, I hadn't seen Kunitz act like this before. Sid began coughing, he looked terrible.

Tyler left the gym after kuni told him to and Sid, Duper and Kunitz and me were still there.

Sid was about to leave but Dupuis stopped him.

I sat down on the yoga mats and leaned against the wall. "Jessica what exactly are you doing with Tyler?" questioned Kunitz.

"He's my boyfriend, you guys already know this, why are we even discussing this" I stated.

"Why don't you two mature up and forgive each other? Jessica your apart of Sid's family, like it or not" said Duper

Kunitz began talking "We all know how much you both love each other, stop acting like it doesn't bother you when Lauren's with Sid. And Sid you stop acting like you could care less about Jessica"

"I Don't have a family" I spoke.

Dupuis sat down beside me "Yes you do, Sid's your family Jessica. You have the kids and everyone, you have all of us"

"Why can't you guys see me happy? I am happy with Tyler"

Kunitz was getting really annoyed with me "Stop lying to yourself, stop hiding your feelings. Like it or not, you have feelings for Sid, admit them"

I looked at Sid and he wasn't even paying attention to anything. He was on his phone texting someone. "He's married" I whispered.

Dupuis heard me "But he still loves you"

"If he did, he wouldn't be sitting there like that, totally uninvolved in this conversation. I told you I could die and he still wouldn't care." I said as tears slipped out of my eyes. I buried my face into my hands.

"Sid say something" spoke Kunitz

"W..What am..I..I suppose to say" he said in between coughs. "She better off without me. We all know that"

"That's it, you two are spending the night here and we aren't letting you out till you solve everything." spoke Kunitz. Duper also got up and ran to the doors.

"You can't do that, he's sick he needs proper care, you can't just leave him here." I spoke. The two didn't listen and locked the door on us.

Sid walked over to the door and knocked on it "Come on guys, let us out"

"Not until you guys work your differences out and We'll drop off the stuff you need for the night" the guys yelled back.

"This isn't going to work, let us out" I stated.

The guys had walked away and their was no answer. We were stuck in the gym. I had left my phone in the change room and now regretted it. I really didn't want to be locked here and Sid was sick, he should have been home resting.

Sid had his phone and I really wanted to use it to call Tyler to help us. "um May I use your phone" I spoke faintly.

He gave me a quick look and tossed it over to me "Thank you" I dialled Tyler, but he wasn't picking up. I kept trying but it wasn't working. Sid's battery was also running low.

I tossed his phone back to him and leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. Sid had actually given up on me, this was my fault. Kunitz had been right, I had to stop lying to myself that I didn't care about him.

Sid began coughing uncontrollably, I grabbed my water bottle and approached him. I sat down beside him and offered him the water but he refused to take it.

"Stop being so stubborn" I raised my voice. He took hold of the water bottle and drank it. His cough slowed down a bit.

Hours passed and we just sat there not speaking to each other at all. I saw the door opening a little and the guys threw in pillows and blankets and bought medication for Sid and food.

"Just let us out" I yelled.

"Not until you guys solve this out maturely" spoke Dupuis.

"You guys would have been out by now, if you guys talked to each other and worked things out but you didn't so your fault" spoke Kunitz.

They quickly closed the door again, "Oh and we told everyone not to let you two out" they laughed as I heard them walk away.

I looked over to Sid and he had been sleeping. I grabbed the blanket and pillow and set the blanket on him and the pillow under his head. I looked at the food, I was starving. I wanted to eat it but couldn't Sid needed the food, he was sick and weak and could use the energy from it.

I looked at the time on Sid's phone. We had been here for 10 hours now and hadn't spoken a word to each other. The air conditioner turned on and suddenly the room became very cold. I saw Sid shiver, I grabbed by blanket and set that on him. I sat down in the corner and curled up and set my jacket on top of me. I tried to keep myself warm but it was useless, the temperature in the room had dropped fast and I was freezing. I tried not to think about it and closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

Sid's POV: I slowly opened my eyes, my head was pounding but I felt better then before. I looked at my phone and it was 6am. I closed my eyes again and rested on the pillow again.


"Wait how did the pillow get here and the blankets" I muttered to myself. I looked around the room, I had forgotten that we were still in the gym. The room was very cold. I looked around for Jessica, She was nowhere in sight. I got up and began looking for her. The AC was on and it was freezing here. I spotted Jessica, all shrivelled up in the corner, with only a thin jacket on herself.

I approached her, wondering how she survived the cold temperature all night. "Jessica" I spoke. She didn't wake up. I gently moved her "Jess wake up"

She still wasn't moving. I looked at her closely, her skin had gone pale and her lips had turned blue. I took hold of her in my arms and rubbed her hands "Jessica c'mon, wake up"

"Jessica, look Tyler's here to take you wake up" I struggled to wake her up.

I carried her over to were I was sleeping and set her down. I quickly wrapped the blankets around her, trying to restore her body temperature. I slipped off her runner and took off her socks and rubbed the bottom of her foot. She moved a bit, in my hold. "Jessica are you okay" I said, worried about her well being.

She moved again, the door opened and I saw Kunitz pop his head into the room. He had a questioning look on his face. I carried Jessica into my arms and ran out of the gym with her and into the locker room. Kunitz ran after me "What happened?"

"TURN UP THE HEAT" I spoke. I raced into the medical room and let hot water run in the sink. I grabbed a towel and socked it in the water and squeezed the water out and ran over to Jessica. I put the hot towel all over her trying to warm her up.

I saw her eyes fluttering, she slowly began opening them. "What happened? She spoke weakly. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead. "Thank God, you are okay" I spoke as a tear trickled down my face.

"I...i'm fine, just a bit cold, what h...happened" she asked.

I let her go and she just stared at me. "This was all my fault, I once again put you in danger"

"What are you talking about? I am fine" she asked.

"Jessica, just stay away from me, that way you'll be safe" I looked at her one last time and walked away.

I hated myself once again, I risked Jessica's health again. I didn't deserve her, I was always causing her pain. She seemed so much happy with Tyler and at peace, which she was never with me. I just had to forget about her, it was better for both of us that way.

Jessica's POV: I couldn't remember a single thing about what happened last night. My head was also pounding, Sid had left all of a sudden, so Kunitz offered to take me home. I thought about Sid and the memories I had with him. I loved him and no one could change that.

"Jessica you really need to talk to Sid, you guys are meant to be together." Kunitz spoke.

"I know, but he's not putting in any effort either" I spoke sadly.

Kunitz shook his head "Maybe he would, if you weren't dating Tyler. He thinks you are happier with Tyler then you were with him"

"That's not true, he just doesn't care about me. He wouldn't have left me if he did, he wouldn't have caused me all that pain" I said as I looked out the car window.

"Jessica he was so worried about you, didn't you see it back at the arena, how he did all those things to restore your body temperature." Kunitz reminded me

I smiled "He just did that out of humanity. He himself said we are better without each other."

Kunitz hit the brakes "Why don't you both understand you are miserable without each other. Jessica just admit you are using Tyler to get over Sid, everyone knows it, including Tyler."

"I like Tyler, I'm not using him" i protested.

"Jessica you like him, but don't love him. He's your way of forgetting about Sid, like how Sid's way of forgetting about you was Lauren"

"Our relationships over with, doesn't matter anyways" I replied.

Kunitz seemed like he was losing his temper "You are always complaining about how nothing in your life goes right, but maybe if you tried to set things right. good things would come out of it"

"If you really did love Sid, you wouldn't give up on him this fast" he added.

"Thanks for giving me a ride" I spoke and got out of the car. I scanned the card and entered the building. I stepped into the elevator. I thought about what Kunitz had said. I couldn't ignore the fact that I did love Sid, I couldn't just wait my whole life for that feeling to go away because it wasn't going to.

I reached our floor and headed towards the condo. I opened the door and stepped in. I through my stuff onto the couch and headed into Tyler's room. I opened the door and looked up.

I just stood their with my mouth open trying to process everything. I couldn't believe my eyes. "Tyler" I spoke.

Marshall came in and began barking. I still was figuring out how to react. Tyler moved around "What is it buddy?"

Tyler sat upright and rubbed his eyes. His eyes finally met mine. "How could you?" I spoke faintly

Tyler looked to his left, a bleach blonde girl was laying besides him, without any clothes on.

"Jessica, I...I am soo sorry" he spoke.

"Tyler don't even try, i know your not" I said. I stood their emotionless, no tears or what so ever left my eyes.

"Actually your right, I am not sorry that I slept with her, I am not sorry that I cheated you on you. I am not sorry for anything" he said.

" like him" I stuttered. "I cared about you, I thought you loved me I..I"

"Jessica I did love you, but you never loved me, you are always thinking about loved him not me" Tyler spoke.

"You are just using me to get over him, and I am sorry I can't take it anymore." He added.

I stood their listening to him, every single thing he was saying about me was true. I grabbed a couple jackets and stuff and my purse and headed out of the condo. I couldn't stay here anymore.

I couldn't be mad at Tyler, whatever he said was true, what Kunitz said was true as well. I was just using him to get over Sid.

I walked to the nearest hotel, and got a suite to stay in. I looked through my messages and there was one from Lauren. Asking if I was going to come to the house for christmas or not. I thought about Sid and the kids and then sent Lauren a reply.


So i managed to update again! Hope you guys are enjoying it, couple more chapters and the story ends sadly! Im trying to think of a way to keep it going but can't find one.

so what did you think about Tyler cheating on her?? Do you guys think he did it on purpose so Sid and Jessica can get back together??

Oh and why do you think Lauren's acting all sweet again? do you think she changed?

Comment and let me know your opinions, suggestion, comments and questions!


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