The Forest (sequel to The Doc...

By Perfectshipper

31.4K 972 206

Sequel to The Docks: After father and daughter, Hook and Corey were reunited everything in Storybrooke began... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 6

2.4K 81 28
By Perfectshipper

29 years ago

Corey's eyes fluttered open. Everything was blurry at first but it slowly came into focus as she rubbed her eyes. Nothing around her looked familiar. Then she remembered what happened. That person was the one her father had warned her about.

"Finally, you're awake?"a voice said from behind her. The voice belonged to the same person that kidnapped her.

"What do you want?" She hissed as she whipped her head around. Her eyes grew wide as she looked at the person the voice belonged to. Sure she saw him the night before but it had been too dark to see his features. It was a boy he must have been a year or two older than her. His bright green eyes shone in the light. She hadn't been around someone her own age in years. He looked nice. His eyes seemed warm and inviting. Was she even sure this was the boy her father had warned her about? She snapped herself out of it. This is the person her father had warned her about. This was Pan.

"I just wanted to know why you and your father are in Neverland?" He said as he put his hand out to help her up but, Corey ignored it. She didn't need his help. She wasn't just some helpless little girl,

"Why do you want to know?" Corey asked. She had a suspicious feeling in her gut. Although it didn't seem it, he was dangerous and she didn't trust him. She had to make sure her guard was up but, she needed to make it appear as though she let her guard down.

"It's not everyday that new people come to Neverland." He said.

"I'm not sure why we are here. But, my father, the captain, has a reason." Corey answered. Peter was asking her a question and now it was her turn to ask one. "And Why don't people grow old here?"

"The island is full of magic that helps keep everyone here young. I've been this young for one hundred years." Corey nodded. Peter motioned for Corey to follow him. She and Peter walked along the path through the forrest for a while before they came to the beach. Corey took a deep breathe. It felt so nice to have the salty air fill her lungs. She untied her boots and ran to the water. She felt the sand go in between her toes as she ran. Then stood at the waters edge and let the clear blue water lap against her toes but, she kept her senses alert. She listened carefully. She could hear Peter blowing into something. Out of the corner of her eye she saw that Peter was playing a pipe back up by where the Forrest met the beach. She turned her head back toward the water. Peter continued to play but, Corey didn't hear anything. He turned around to look at Felix who was hidden in the brush behind him.

"How come she doesn't hear it?" Felix asked.

"I don't know. It doesn't make sense.....her mother died. She lost someone. She should be able to hear it." Peter said as he turned back around and played the pipe once again. Corey turned around and pretended to have just noticed Peter playing the pipe.

"That's a shame it's broken." Corey called across the sand. She remembered the tales her father had told her about the pipe. She walked back up towards Peter.

"Corey, didn't your mother die?" Peter asked. A look of surprise crossed her face before it became a cold stare. She slowly started to circle Peter.

"How do you know so much about me? It seems as though you know everything." She asked with an icy tone in her voice. Peter watched her intently. She was unlike any other girl who had come to Neverland before. Most girls had thrown themselves at him. All except two..... Wendy and now Corey. Then Suddenly Corey reached in the brush and yanked Felix out by the hood of his cloak.

"I know everything." Peter answered. Corey smirked.

"If you knew. Everything. You would know that just because someone died it doesn't mean that they are gone. My mother is with me every second of everyday. That's why I don't hear the pipe." Corey said. Then before Peter even realized what had happened She had Him by his hair with her sword at his throat. "Now bring me back to my ship." She hissed.


Present Day

Corey woke up with a groan and grabbed her head. It felt like it was spinning. She hugged her knees closely and tried to keep warm in the chilly air. the weather was only cold when Peter wanted it to be. He knew she hated the cold. She looked around slowly, taking in each and every detail. She noticed a thin blanket in the corner. She laughed, like that would ever keep her warm. She glanced around nervously. Corey had been in some tough situations before but she never felt as nervous as she did now. Peter knew all her weaknesses and that's what scared her. She peaked through the bars only to realize she was suspended from a tree. Seriously! She thought, Peter was treating her like a prisoner. Even if she found a way to get out of the cage there was no way to get down without breaking her neck. She turned around and looked out the other side. She saw another cage just like hers. It was only hanging a foot away.

"Hello?" She called. Wondering who help Peter was keeping prisoner. She saw someone move in the cage.

"Who are you?" The person asked their voice sounded coarse and dry but, yet it sounded familiar. Corey couldn't remember who it was. The name was on the tip of her tongue.

"My names Corey. And you are?" She asked as she tried to see the persons face. But, it was hidden in the shadows.

"Corey? Corey Jones? It's me Wendy. You're still alive! Thank god!" Wendy said as she peered through the gap in the bars. Corey's heart almost flew out of her chest.

"Wendy! You're still here!!......YOU'RE ALIVE!!.... I can't believe Peter did this to you!" Corey said in disbelief. She felt anger build up inside her. Wendy was in Neverland before Corey. Corey thought Wendy had escaped the island. If she had known that Wendy was still on the island she never would have left without Her. "Wendy, I am so sorry! I thought you had escaped." Corey said. Her voice shaking. She felt like her insides were breaking apart. She felt her eyes brimming with tears.

"Corey, it's not your fault." Wendy said softly.

"It is my fault. I left you on this horrible island while I went off and lived my life!" Corey said. Her voice shaking.

"Corey, it's ok. That's what Peter wanted you to think. He needed me here. I couldn't leave or he would have hurt my brothers." Wendy said. Then Corey felt a jolt and she realized that her cage was getting lowered. The cage hit the ground with a thud that knocked Corey of of her feet. One of the lost boys opened the cage. He grabbed her arm roughly and dragged her out. Corey looked up at his face. His eyes connected with hers but he looked away guiltily. She knew him. He was on Neverland last time Corey was here. He was one of The lost boys she was friends with.

"Jack?" Corey asked as she sat up. He kicked her back down to the ground. She held in a cry of surprise. Of all the lost boys Jack was the only one who never hurt her.

"No talking unless Pan gives you permission." He said.

"You know better than anyone that I'm not afraid of Peter." She said.

"Leave us." An all too familiar voice said. Jack nodded before disappearing into the woods quickly. Corey looked up.

"After all these years your welcome party hasn't gotten any better!" Corey said sarcastically. As she glared at Peter. "Because if I recall this is the Second time you've kidnapped me."

"Ah, you've still got fire and you know I like that." He said with a smirk. He knelt down beside Corey he put his hand on the side of her face but she shrugged it away. "So how's Storybrooke?"

"Better than this hell hole." Corey scoffed. She slowly was scooting away from him but her feet bumped something. She discreetly moved a hand back to see what it was. Her hand touched Something cold.

"You keep saying you're not happy to be back but, I know you are." He said. Corey reached out and grabbed his hand. She looked in his eyes. He actually looked sincere and genuine. If that was even possible.

"I'm not happy to be back but, I am happy to see you." She said with a smile. She leaned forward so her face was only inches away from his. "But, I never realized what We had until it was gone." She put her hand on the side of his face and slowly leaned in. Peter closed his eyes and slowly move his hand to Corey's waist. Corey continued to lean in till her lips touched his. It had been 29 years since the last time she kissed him. She had a feeling in her chest and she wasn't sure what it was WAIT she snapped herself out of it. She kept her lips locked with Peter's as she reached for the rock with her other hand. Then ........


The rock met Peter's head. He collapsed on the ground. She looked down as his unconscious body. She felt a pang of guilt but she turned her attention to Wendy's cage dangling above her head. Corey looked over to a tree next to her where Wendy's cage was tied to. Corey bent down and untied the rope quickly and lowered Wendy's cage to the ground.

"Corey, what are you doing?" Wendy asked.

"We are going to get off this island together." Corey said. And she examined the knots that held Wendy's cage closed. She looked behind her Peter was still on the ground unconscious but, Corey knew they didn't have much time left.

"Corey I can't." Wendy said sadly as Corey tried to untie the knots.

"Don't worry I can get this untied." Corey said

"No, I mean I can't leave or Peter will hurt my brothers." Wendy said. Corey's hands froze and her heart sank.

"What?" Corey said.

"Go Corey. Just go! You know where Baelfire's old cave is. Go there! They can't find you there." Wendy whispered urgently. Corey heard Peter stirring behind her. "Go!" Wendy urged. Corey started to go.

"But, I won't leave this island without you!" Corey said as she started to run. She was flying through the Forrest. She had to get to Bae's cave. She looked around. Everything was so overgrown. She barely recognized where she was going. Then she was flying and thud. She hit the ground. She groaned and looked behind her. A big tree root was sticking out of the ground. She turned her head forward and went to get up. When she saw him.

"Really Corey, I thought you were smarter than that." Peter said as he stood in front of her. Corey pulled herself onto her feet. and tried to run ignoring the shooting pain in her ankle. She had barely made it 2 feet before she felt her ankles slam together and she hands get yanked behind her. Ropes appeared out of nowhere and bound her hands and legs.She fell backwards onto her butt. She looked down at her feet to see a rope tied around them. She looked up to see Peter. She desperately tried to get her hands free but they were tied together too tightly. She felt a stinging in her right knee. She looked at it and saw her jeans were ripped at the knee and her knee was red with blood. But, the pain in her knee was nothing compared to the awful pain in her ankle. She looked down at her ankle. It looked nothing like an ankle should. It was bent all wrong and was swollen. Peter was standing in front of her quietly. Corey looked up at him guiltily. She forced the tears back. She couldn't and wouldn't cry in front of him. She didn't want Peter to realize that she was in pain because that would mean she had another weakness he could use against her. Peter looked down at Corey's ankle. A look of concern grew on his face as he knelt down beside her ankle. He looked up at her.

"Where does it hurt?" He asked.

"Nowhere." Corey snapped. He raised an eyebrow. "What?" She said in reply to the look he have her. "I'm fine! Now would you please untie me." Peter glanced back down at Corey's ankle.

"If your fine get up and walk." He said with a suspicious eyebrow. Corey scoffed.

"Fine! I will!"

"Go ahead" Peter said as he gestured for her to go ahead.

"Um excuse me. I can't walk if I'm tied up." Corey said. Peter just waved his hand and the ropes disappeared. "Thank you!" Corey said as she stretched her arms out and got ready to stand up. Corey grabbed onto a branch on the tree next to her and hoisted herself up. She balanced on her good leg and only pretended to put pressure on her bad ankle.

"Now walk." Peter said. Corey took a deep breathe and tried to take a step. She let out a cry as left foot touched the ground. She collapsed onto the ground. She looked up expecting to see Peter with a huge smirk on his face waiting to tell her I told you so but, what she saw was very


Different. Peter was kneeling beside her leg.

"Now I will ask you again. Where does it hurt." Peter said. As he looked up at her with sincerity? In his eyes. Corey wondered to herself it it was even possible.

"Nowhere I'm fine." Corey replied. Peter laughed.

"Obviously that's not true or else your ankle wouldn't be swollen up like... That." He said gesturing to her ankle which was now the size of a large grapefruit.

"I don't need your help!!" Corey snapped. Hurt briefly flashed through Peter's eyes. But, Corey couldn't tell what was real or fake with him anymore.

"I'm sorry to hear that." He said. Corey let out a sigh of relief. She had won but Peter wasn't leaving. She hoisted herself back up and picked up a stick to lean on. She headed off in the direction of the Bae's cave. When she felt someone grab her. Corey let out a scream as Peter pinned her to the ground. He held her hands together with one hand as he gently laid his other hand on her ankle she flinched when his hand touched her skin. Her ankle glowed green for a second. Then he removed his hand and her ankle began to feel the tiniest bit better.

"Your ankle should be fully healed in two hours." he said.

"I thought magic was instantaneous." Corey replied.

"I could have healed it instantly but, I wanted it to take longer."

"Why?" Corey asked.

"So I could get you back to camp." He said as he bent down and hoisted her over his shoulder. She screamed and pounded on his back as hard as she could.

"Put me down you ol'codfish!!!!" Corey said a she continued to pound on his back. Peter laughed.

"Was that the best you could come up with?"

"We'll there are children all over this island so I wanted to keep it rated G." She argued.

"What's G?" Peter asked as he continued down the path back towards the camp. Corey didn't reply. "Oh so now you're not talking."

"Will someone please tell Mr. pan that I am refusing to speak to him until he lets me go." Corey said out loud even though there was no one else around. She continued to pound on his back with her fists.

"Will someone tell Ms. Jones. They she will not be put down till we get back to camp." Peter said with a smirk. Corey let out a frustrated groan. Then she got a brilliant idea and She bit him. Peter dropped Corey to the ground. Despite the pain in Corey's ankle getting slightly worse she smiled. She grabbed another stick and hoisted herself up. And began to hobble away.

"Corey, please come back here." Peter said. But, she didn't reply and continued to hobble on. "Corey, you don't want to do this..." He warned but, she kept hobbling along.

He appeared right In front of her. Corey stumbled backward.

"Why do you always do that! Now get out of my way." She snapped

"Camp is the other way." Corey ignored him and pushed past.

Peter appeared in front of her again. But before she could say anything, he threw poppy into her face and she collapsed. Peter caught her so her head didn't hit the ground. He picked her up bridal style and headed down the path.


Peter laid Corey down on a sleeping mat and covered her with a blanket. He sat on a stump beside her. Was he happy that she was back. He wasn't sure how he felt. The throbbing in the side of his head started to get worse but, he just waved his hand and it was gone. She looked down at Corey's face. His eyes were drawn to her lips. That feeling when her lips touched his. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he had actually missed that feeling. He had kissed girls but they were the ones that only came here in there dreams. It meant nothing. He was never sure about Corey though. He could tell what most people were thinking by just looking in there eyes but, Corey was different he could never tell he saw nothing in her eyes. She was almost better at hiding her emotions then he was. He stood up and turned around to see Felix,

"Make sure this doesn't interfere with finding the truest believer." Felix warned.

"It won't" Peter assured him before disappearing into the dark Forrest around them.


Thank you so much for reading!!!! I am SOOOOOO sorry it took me so long to update. I had it finished a week or two ago but I didn't like it so I deleted it all and rewrote it.

I hope you like it!!

Comment and tell me what you think of Peter and Corey!!!!!


By the way I hope you guys know that if you have any questions about the story. No matter how stupid you think it may be. You can ALWAYS comment or Message me and I will try to get back to you ask soon as possible.

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