Is this Love? (Daryl Dixon Lo...

By Kiirrsstty

572K 10.9K 2.1K

Sam is a 20 year old girl who was lost and broken, long before the apocalypse. During the outbreak she has to... More

Is this Love? (Daryl Dixon Love story)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven..
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen..
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty..
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four.
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three.
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five..

Chapter Twenty Three

10.2K 181 22
By Kiirrsstty

Sam's P.O.V..

"He's not in the clear just yet." Hershel stated simply before leaving the room and closing the door.

"He's not in the clear." I repeated over anr over until Daryl wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head on top of mine.

"He's going to get through this Sam." Daryl  whispered and I just shook my head.

"Stop saying that. I need to expect the worse not be filled with false hope." I said raising my voice.

I removed my hands from Daryl's chest and tried to pull away from him but he grabbed my shoulders forcing me to look at him.

"It's not false hope. That boy is your family, if he is anything like you then he will pull through this. You're a fighter Sam and he is too." Daryl soothed as he rubbed circles with his thumb on my shoulder.

"I know." I said quietly with defeat clear in my voice.

I felt Daryl lift his weight off my shoulders and he cupped my face in his hands.

"I Love You Sam. I Love the both of you." Daryl whispered as he connected our lips for a brief moment. I paused for a few minutes until I saw the flash of panic go through Daryl's eyes as he dropped his hands. I slowly moved my hands to his side and intertwined our fingers as I pushed my forehead against his.

"I Love You too." I barely whispered. Relief was clear across Daryl's face as he gave my hands a gentle squeeze and I let out a happy sigh leaning in to him.

I pushed myself away from his body after a few moments and went towards Harry's bed and pulled the blankets back.

"Can you go and get him?" I asked him quietly setting the blankets down.

"If that's what you want." He replied as he pulled the door open. I waited for what seemed like forever even though it was just a few minutes before Daryl finally came through the door with Harry in his arms.

"Finally." I muttered before getting up off the double bed.

I stood next to the bed as Daryl carefully placed him down and covered his body with the blankets.

"Hey little man." I whispered even though he was sleeping. I sat down on one side of the small bed and Daryl sat down on the other side. "How are you doing? I've been worried about you, we all have." I said finishing my sentance.

I felt myself wrapping his hand up in mine and Daryl reached over wrapping his hands around both mine and Harry's before removing them leaving us have a moment.

"Now you listen here my good boy, you better not be thinking of giving up on me. I'm not letting you get away from me that easily." I whispered giving his hand a light squeeze in mine.

I closed my eyes and dropped my head until Harr began to stir, I shot my eyes open and looked down at him.

"Mom." He managed to croak out. Daryl reached for the glass of water and held it out for him to take a sip.

"I'm here Sweetie. I'm here." I said whispering the last part.

"Mom, I'm not giving up." He whispered and I let out a slight chuckle.

Daryl smiled up at me and got up ready to leave and give us some time together.

"Don't go Daryl." Harry said gripping his hand tightly.

"Okay buddy. How are you feeling?" Daryl asked whilst sitting back on the bed.

"Better now."Harry whispered looking up at Daryl.

"Can I have a look?" I questied pointing to his stomach. Harry just nodded and I lifted his t-shirt slightly to have a look at what Hershel had done.

There was very little damage just a few stiches along the line of his stomach, I slowly put his shirt back down and kissed his forehead.

"Time for you to get some more rest I think. I'll be right here when you wake up." I said with a slight chuckle as he yawned.

"Okay." He whispered as he closed his eyes and snuggled in to the blanket.

I sat at his bed side for a while and he finally fell asleep, letting out a quiet snore.

"Come on then." Daryl said whilst getting up off the bed.

"What?" I questioned giving him a confused look.

"He's sleeping. We should leave, you need a break." He said softly.

"I'm not leaving him. I said I would be here when he wakes up." I stated simply.

"He'll be fine if we're not here. You need a break, we can come back soon. We should leave him sleep." He whispered heading towards the door.

I shook my head as I stood up from the bed and looked up at him.

"Stop telling me I need a break." I whisper yelled. "Being a mother isn't like that, you can't just decide you want to have a break and leave them on their own. Do want to know what I really need?" I asked looking him straight in the eye.

"W..What?" He asked looking rather confused by what I asked.

"You're right I do need a break. A break from you." I screamed and turned my back on him.


"Just get out." I yelled.

I heard the door open and Daryl sighed before shutting the door behind him.

"Bye.." I said quietly before going over and flopping down on to our bed. The room was quiet and I started to drift off in to a sleep until the door crept open.

"Go away Daryl." I stated loudly.

"It's only me Sam." The familiar voice said softly.

"Dale." I said sitting up slowly on the bed.

Dale came over and sat beside me on the bed before resting his hand on my knee.

"What did he do this time?" He asked soothingly.

"Who?" I asked innocently hoping he wouldn't say anymore.

"Daryl." He stated simply.

"Nothing." I said slowly. I didn't want to go in to detail but I knew I was right to tell Daryl to leave.

Harry was my Son, I didn't want a break from him, I didn't need to have a break all I needed was to be right by his side if he needed me.

"Sam." Dale called bringing me out of my thoughts. "It can't be nothing. If it was nothing Daryl wouldn't be slamming and banging everything in sight." Dale said looking me in the eye.

"He keeps saying I need a break and he always wants me to leave Harry. I know he is a growing boy and he does need his space but I really don't want to lose him." I whispered sounding defeated by my own words.

Dale nodded his head and gently squeezed my knee.

"You're right. He is a growing boy and in a world like this it is hard to let them do their own thing. Sam it's your choice how you raise your son but sometimes it is okay to listen to other people." He soothed as he stood up and walked towards the door.

"Come on." He whispered holding out his hand for me.

"But what if he wakes up?" I asked feeling really bad about leaving him.

"We won't be long, I just think you need to get out of this room." He said honestly. I nodded mt head in response before kissing Harry on the cheek.

I left the room quietly and made my way downstairs, I knew deep down that I needed to leave the room for a while but it was hard to leave your son behind.

"How is he doing Sam?" Hershel asked from my side as I got to the bottom of the stairs with Dale.

"Much better thanks to you." I smiled as I sat down on the step.

I heard a crash in the kitchen and instantly assumed it was Daryl who was probably still in a mood with me. I slowly stood up and made my way in there and sure enough Daryl was there with his knife in his hand skinning some kind of animal.

"What do you want?" He snapped looking in my direction.

"I just wante.." I started but Daryl cut me off.

"Don't even bother." He scoffed. "You would do anything for that old man wouldn't you. How come you left Harry now then?" He said finishing his sentance.

I was stuck for words for a few minutes but I realised that he was pushing the wrong buttons with me.

"The reason I will do anything for Dale is because he is like the dad that I never had, He is always there for me and I never had a man like that in my life before. I left Harry because I realised I needed to give him some peraonal space, seen as he is a growing boy. You got a problem with that?" I shouted as I slammed the kitchen door not even bothering to wait for a reply

Everyone in the living room looked at mein shock before slowly turning back to what they were doing. I shook my head of any thoughts before going over to the table and shoving my gun, knife and a torch in to my belt.

"I'm going on watch." I stated before opening the door and making my way over to the RV by the gates. I quickly climbed up the ladder and sat down on Dale's chair that was still up there from earlier.

I looked out towards the woods and as usual it was silent and there was no movement at all but still I sat there in the dark waiting with my gun at the ready.

"Sam, it's getting late let me take over." I heard Glenn call from the cabing porch and I shook my head.

"I'm fine." I stated simply before turning m6 attention back to the woods. I heard light footsteps coming my way and I knew Glenn was coming up to take over no matter what I had to say.

I sighed before getting up and fastening my gun back in to my belt.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said before jumping down and heading towards the front of the cabin.

"Goodnight." He called as I opened the cabin door. I walked in quietly when I realised that everyone had gone to their room except for Daryl who had passed out on the couch.

I walked straight past him and headed directly up the stairs to see how Harry was getting on, as I got in to the room I looked over towards his bed and he was still fast asleep in the same position.

I quietly made my way past him and flopped down on the bed whilst kicking off my boots and pulling the blanket over me. I sighed as I let my head hit the pilkow sending me in to a soft sleep.

Daryl's P.O.V..

I heard the door creek open and I knew instantly it would be Sam coming in from watch so I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping. I knew in my head it was a childish thing to do but I couldn't be bothered to fight again, I think we made enough of a scene just houra ago. Sam's light footsteps passed me by and then the stairs began to creek as she walked up them. I slowly flicked my eyes open when I heard the door upstairs close, I slowly lifted my body up and slouched down on the couch.

One of the doors down the hallway unlocked and I quickly attempted to lay back down so no one would know I was awake.

"Daryl." Carol called as she got closer to the couch.

"Yeah." I sighed sitting up and making room for her to sit down.

"What's up?" She asked quietly whilst sitting down.

"Nothing, I'm fine honestly." I said trying to convince her I was okay but she shook her head.

"Ofcourse there is something wrong Daryl, I'm not stupid. I heard you both arguing earlier, why was that?" She asked softly.

I looked at her before lowering my head and wrapping mt fingers together.

"I wanted her to take a break from Harry, I only asked her so she wouldn't be stressed out and tired all the time." I admitted.

"I understand your concern but Sam is a mother, I know what it is like to lose a child and her fear of losing Harry will grow every day it's just something you will have to get used to living with." Carol said slowly as she patted my shoulder

I let out a deep sigh once again and shook my head because I didn't know if I could live with it.

"Well she left him when Dale asked her too. Why would she listen to him and not me?" I questioned more to myself but Carol answered for me.

"Dale has this way of talking to everyone especially Sam. It will take time Daryl but don't give up just yet, Harry is going to make it through this Hershel said so himself so you need to have a think about a way tou two can sort this." She said before standing up ready to go back to her room.

I thought about what she said before finally saying what I was thinking.

"What if I don't want to sort this out?" I asked finally looking up at her.

"That's completely up to you but you should decide soon. I think you know deep down that you want this to work out but you are both too stubborn to be the first one to say Sorry." She whispered. I looked at her and scoffed at her comment. "I know you Love her Daryl." She sighed before finally leaving.

I watched he walk down the hall before forcing myself down on the couch so I was facing the door. I closed my eyes and let my thoughts about the events of today take over my mind, Carol was right I did Love Sam but there was no way I was giving in easily this time. I cleared my head of them thoughts, I knew that tomorrow was going to be a long day so I closed my eyes and drifted off in to a very light sleep.


Author's Note...

So what did you think? It isn't the longest of Chapters but I hope you enjoyed it..

So Harry is going to be okay !!

Let me know all your thoughts and feelings please.. I am going to make the update regular again if College allows me to so I promise the next chapter will be up soon !!

As always Please..
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Keep it Real Normanites!!♡

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