Loving My Two Room Mates

By LittleDemix2072

168 76 4

A girl named Catherine Brooks lost her beloved brother who had a brain cancer. He was the only brother that C... More

Chapter 1:The Introduction
Chapter 2:The First Day
Chapter 3:The First Day pt.2
Chapter 4:The Watson's
Chapter 5:My Dearest, Jeremy
Chapter 6: My Dearest, Jeremy pt.2
Chapter 7: My Dearest, Jeremy pt.3
Chapter 8: Our Secret Love?
Chapter 10:Is it a Date? pt.2
Chapter 11:Mr.Teddy Bear
Chapter 12:Mr.Teddy Bear pt.2
Chapter 13: More Love Drama&Pain?
Chapter 14: The News
Chapter 15: Friends Help Each Other
Chapter 16: The Truth
Chapter 17: Thank you
Chapter 18: Victor's Comfort
Chapter 19: The Result
Chapter 19: New Life
Chapter 21: My Love
Chapter 22: The End

Chapter 9:Is it a Date?

5 3 0
By LittleDemix2072

After all of the drama ends, school's session was over. Our science teacher leaves the class, and realize that Jeremy is staring and smirking at me?!? Oh my God! Is this the 'love' feeling that I'm experience, right now? Suddenly, someone tries to shakes hand with me and I was shocked because it was Victor, Tori's twin. "I'm sorry that we didn't had the chance to introduce ourselves properly" said Victor softly. I took his hand and smiled to him. "I hope that we would get along and be good friends" added me.

        "How about me?" asks Tori, smiling next to me. "Tori!" shouted me. "Wow, I miss that nickname of mine. 'Tori', huh? It sounded better when you call me by 'Tori'" said Victoria. "Look, I just want things settled, between us. Do you have time?" added Victoria. Victor smiles and leaves us, alone. "I w-" said me, an incomplete sentence when Jeremy pulled my shoulder as if he doesn't want me to talk to Victoria, my old friend. Jeremy pulled me hard, making myself to stumble, but then I noticed that Jeremy was embracing me and I closed my eyes, shut. "It's okay, I'm not going to let anything happen to you!" said Jeremy while he still embracing me!

        "Umm, yes. I'm fine" added me, stood up and release myself from Jeremy's embraces. "C-come on, Jason's waiting for us" said Jeremy nervously. We both waited and finally, Jason shows up. "Let's acted like nothing happened between us, okay?" Jeremy whispers softly to my ear to prevent Jason's overhearing. I nodded and we both got in the car. Jason smiles at the both us and he was expecting a respond from Jeremy, but Jeremy was sitting in the back seat of the car, stone cold. Jason brings his face to me and shines with his beautiful smile. "So, how was school?" he asks. I answers "School was fine, it was fun though. We made new friends". "Wow, first day and you two already made new friends! I'm so happy for you guys!" added Jason while he stares at Jeremy, but still, he ignores Jason's 'happy conversation'.

Jeremy forces himself to smile, it looks kind of weird but in the same way, he's cute. As for Jason, he drove the car, leaving the school's property with a sighing. "Cathy?" asks Jason, wondering where's my head is taking me. "Y-yes?". I snapped myself out and stayed focus to Jason's more 'happy conversation'. "Would you like to go to the park, with me?" asks Jason. I didn't know what to respond. So, I took a deep breath and release it, saying "S-sure, but what about Jeremy? Is he coming, too?". It wasn't a bad respond after all, but what's with the "What about Jeremy" part??? Why did I said that???

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