Those Darn Sexy Kidnappers

By Ilikebigboooks

8.1M 327K 101K

Cassie Claire was in for quite the pickle. She and her bevy of BFFs decide to go to the store one morning, bu... More

The Day Even Started Off Badly
Goodbye Store :(
Officially Kidnapped
Even More Embarrassment
Meeting Others
Meeting Even More Others
The Deets
The Important Day
Decisions With Katie
I Meet Blake
The Kiss
The Aftermath
A Day At The beach!
What A Day
Kenzie Acts Drunk
It's my Birthday!!
My Chips Are Stolen!
The Breakfast Bunch
Fun Times
Field Trip!
The Mark
My 'State'
Locked in the Basement
The Perfect Couple
June Visits
Mate? Um, No.
Summer's End.
Christmas Bonus Chapter: Letters to Santa
New Book Out
Crying at my birthday
Great News!

My Burger Date

142K 6.4K 940
By Ilikebigboooks


"Wanna grab a burger or something?" Jason asked, poking his head in my doorway. I paused in my act of coloring and looked up at him

"For real?!" I exclaimed in shock and excitement.

Jason nodded, "I figured I could always beat you in a race if you tried to escape."

I tried to keep a scowl on my face, but it was too hard and I quickly gave up, "Where will we eat?"

This time he smiled, "Wherever you want."

And that's how come, fifteen minutes later, we ended up stuffing our mouths at Taco Bell.

I was cramming a huge beef burrito in my mouth while Jason filled me in on his personal life.

"So we had to settle it with our fists," He finished.

"Wow," I spoke through a mouthful of burrito.

He stared at me for a second, assessing my fractures, "You're hair looks nice."

"Why, Jason, are you flirting with me?" I asked.

He leaned across the table, so that his face was right in front of mine, "Maybe."

I smiled and give his head a good natured push.

"Oh," He said, "You'll never believe who I met yesterday."

"Kim Kardashian?"

He cracked a smile, "Close. Brittany."

I frowned, "Brittany?"

"A tramp. She was off with her Ex fiancé in Berlin, but right after he bought her a hundred dollar parka, she dropped him like a hot potato. Anyway, she got back the other day and made it her personal mission to make me uncomfortable."

I smiled, "Believe me, I know her. I hope you gave her a good old fashioned knock on the head."

"I accidentally threw my soup at her."

"On accident?" I grinned and he merely shrugged.

"I accidentally dropped it right as she was walking by and it landed on her head."

"Aha, I see," I said, finishing my burrito. "We should stop by McDonalds on the way back."

"And get fries," He added and I sighed.

"Fries. My second favorite F word."

We threw away our trash, and were about to exit when a fishy smell reached me. I held out a hand to stop Jason as I eyed two suspicious guys blocking the door. "They smell weird."

"Why Cassie, that's not very nice," He scolded, then furrowed his brow. "But I smell it too. They're..."

"Suspicious," I finished.

He shot me a smile, "Look at that, we're already finishing each other's sentences."

I rolled my eyes and walked toward the door. They watched me with creepy eyes the entire way and I tried to brush past them, but one stick out his hand, stopping me.

I looked up at them incredulously, "Excuse me? If you plan on keeping that arm, I highly suggest moving it."

"You heard the lady," Jason said from behind me, his voice terrifying. The guys didn't even bother to look at him, just kept their gaze on me.

"The girl stays," One said, his voice hard and gruff. Jason snorted in disbelief.

"Like heck she is. What do you want with her," He know demanded.

"She stays," He repeated. Jason lost his patience. I saw it comming and I spun around.

"Wait-" I protested, but it was too late.

Jason had rammed his fist into the guy's nose. Then, he grabbed my wrist and ran. I stumbled for a second, but quickly recovered, running alongside him as the guys called after us.

"Smooth," I complained as we reached the car.

He yanked open the door to the drivers seat. "He annoyed me,"

I scoffed and climbed in next to him.

We swerved out of our parking spot and sped away.

"What do you think he wanted with me?" I pondered aloud.

Jason kept his steely eyes on the rode, clenching the wheel so hard his knuckles were white, "I don't know, but I intend to find out."

"Me too," I decided.

This time, his eyes flickered to mine for a second, "Don't get involved, I've got it."

I gave an annoyed huff, "That really didn't work. My mind is already made up."

When he heard that, he groaned and put his head down against the wheel.

"Eyes on the road!" I shouted and whacked his head. He looked up and swerved around the traffic.

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