Heathers // a.i.

By BritishBums

37.5K 2K 2.2K

❝You know what I want, babe?❞ ❝What?❞ ❝Cool guys like you out of my life.❞ _________________________________ ... More

01 - the beginning
02 - heather, the great white shark
03 - if looks could kill
04 - he likes grateful dead
06 - breakfast at heather's
07 - after school mourning

05 - a change of heart

2.8K 170 201
By BritishBums


A/N: the song for this chapter is Cocoon by Catfish and the Bottlemen ;)





- Veronica -



Tonight would be either the worst or best Friday of my entire existence. There would be no in between.

Heather Chandler picked me up in her white, shiny porsche, motioning for me to hurry up.

She wore a tight red dress that apparently showed off her body, her usually straight blonde hair in curls.

I wore a black dress with blue tights, my hair left as it was.

"We're making a pit stop." She rose her eyebrows at me.

I nodded once, shrugging. It wasn't like she would have asked for my opinion anyway.

"Tonight's the night, Veronica. And it's your time. Mess this up, and you're fucking over."

I silently stared out the window, letting out a heavy sigh.

Instead, I reached forward and turned on the radio to tune her out, turning the volume dial up.



We stopped by a gas station for snacks, my eyes falling on a bright blue neon sign that read Snappy Snack Shack on the transparent window.

My fingers grasped the cold metal handle on the door, about to walk in before Heather bellowed out the car window.

''Corn nuts!"

"Plain or BQ?'' I called back, raising my eyebrows.

''BQ." She motioned as I walked into the small convenient store.

Looking around at my surroundings, my heart leaped at the sight of him.

Ashton stood next to the microwave, leaning against the counter, his eyes already on me, a smirk on his face.

His brown hair was slicked back, a black leather jacket adorning his upper body.

I gulped, praying to God to forgive me for my unclean thoughts. I imagined him throwing me down onto the counter and ripping my clothes off me for a few seconds before his voice snapped me out of it.


"Ashton." I breathed out, pulling a small smile. "What you pulled today in the caf was pretty harsh."

He just shrugged in mock innocence, chuckling. "I like to make an impression."

I stared at him, completely phased, until he spoke up.

"You know, seven different schools in a single year can really change your view on everything. My eyes seem to always see this here.'' He motioned around the small room, tilting his head. ''Snappy Snack Shack." He sighed, as the microwave beeped.

I didn't know whether to feel sorry that he was practically a walking travesty, or be drawn to the fact he stood here right now talking so freely.

"That must be.. Terrible." I muttered, furrowing my eyebrows.

I walked over to the snacks section and took a Corn nuts pack for Heather.

"It isn't so bad. I mean it isn't everyday I see someone like you in a Snappy Snack Shack like this one." He smiled, a hot dog in hand.

I pulled a small smile, glancing away. "It isn't everyday I run into someone like you either."

"Why don't we call it a friendship and you let me buy you a slushie.'' He murmured as I walked over to him.

"Sure." I nodded. "And I didn't say, but Cherry." I said, staring up at Ashton as his hazel eyes had raked me up and down.

"Great." He drawled, nodding once.




Ashton leaned against his motorcycle as I followed him out, sipping from my Cherry slushie.

"What do you say you take me for a spin on this thing some other time?" I stared at the black tinted vehicle in admiration.

"Yeah, why not." He chuckled, pulling a cig and a lighter out of his pocket.

"You take this with you everywhere?"

Ashton merely nodded, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared out. "I guess hanging onto this thing while going to places like Vegas, Baton Rouge.. Los Angeles, keeps me sane."

"I bet." I sighed, as I took a big sip of my slushie.

We stood there in silence, until I hear a horn blare a few times a distance away in the parking lot.

"Dammit." I whispered, glaring at Heather who sent me the same icy stare.

"Come on Veronica!" She yelled in annoyance, as my jaw tightened in slight frustration.

"Tell me, Veronica." He took a drag from his cigarette and exhaled the wisps of smoke from his nose. "Is your life perfect?"

I almost burst out laughing at the question, only because I knew the exact answer to it. No.

"Yeah, actually. I'm on my way to a UCLA frat party, for guys to prey on high school girls like me. Really, it's all just picture perfect." I laughed dryly, glancing up at the stars that specked the dark sky.

Ashton stared at me, in the same way I looked at him in the store, his eyes not showing pity, but care.

"No, no my life isn't perfect. I don't really like my friends." I sighed, staring down at the pavement.

"Yeah? Well I don't really like your friends either."

"Well, what can you do, right? It's like they're people I work with and our job is being popular and shit. It kind of sucks the life out of you, you know?"

Ashton sighed, the cig resting between his fingers as he tilted his head at me. "Maybe it's time to take a vacation."






Heather and I arrive to the crowded frat, both of us walking up the porch steps and into the house.

As soon as I do, I see people making out all over the room, and downing alcohol here and there.

I rose my eyebrows, knowing I was already expecting a scene like this if it were to be a college party.

"Come on." Heather motioned, running a hand through her blonde locks.

I followed behind her like a lost puppy, regretting not leaving with Ashton on his motorcycle when I had the damn chance.

We both walked into the back room where Heather walked over to two guys who eyed us.

"Hi." Heather smirked. "Veronica, this is Logan and Kyle."

I nodded, just waving slightly.

"This is fucking great, dude." Kyle had laughed rowdily, glancing at Logan.

"Hey, I called dibs on the blonde, dude." Logan nudged, snickering as he held a red cup in hand.

I sighed, rolling my eyes when Heather giggled, Logan taking her hand and dragging her out to the back patio.

"Um, guess you're stuck with not Heather Chandler." I laughed sarcastically.

"It's alright, baby. I'll show you a good time." He chuckled, nodding. "You want a drink, Verona?"

"It's Veronica."

"Shit, I knew that." He shrugged it off, taking me over to where the keg sat in the kitchen.

Of course he did.

He draped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me through the loud room. "What do you want? Whiskey? Beer?"

"Soda's fine." I plastered a dry smile on my face, glancing up at Kyle who stared at me in confusion.

"Don't you want to get drunk?"

''I'm not in the mood.'' I laughed, shaking my head. "I actually don't even know why I'm here, when I should actually be somewhere else."

"Well, I'm sorry. But Logan told me that he'd get me laid. So I think, you should drink this, and maybe we can kill some time upstairs, yeah?" He grinned, his hand resting on my lower back.

"Fucking dick. You're not getting anything from me." I snapped, shoving his hand off of me.

I walked away, grabbing a cup and pouring beer into it before I walked into the hallway and leaned against the wall.

Sighing, I closed my eyes and downed the brown liquid until it the red cup was completely empty.

Feeling slightly lightheaded, I gasped when I accidentally bumped into a random guy.

''Sorry.. Sorry.'' I murmured, setting a hand on my forehead.

My vision blurred, my eyebrows furrowing as I had stared at the white wall across from me.

What the hell was in that beer?

I was completely zoned out, until I heard a voice call me.

"Veronica! Dammit, what is your damage?" It was Heather who neared me.

She angrily stared at me, her brown eyes widened. ''What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm not feeling too hot, Heather. I shouldn't have came, can we please just go?" I whimpered, feeling a bile rise in my throat.

She laughed, staring at me like I had two heads growing. "No. You're insane, Veronica. Now get back over there and be less of a bitch, alright?"

"I am going to be sick, Heather. Please! Can we just--"

I paused, not being able to control myself as I had puked, screwing my eyes closed.

Coughing, I weakly glanced up at Heather who laughed, throwing her head back.

"Holy shit." She snickered in amusement, staring at me like I had been the laughing stock of the night.

We've been here for barely an hour, and it felt like ages.

Ages in hell.



I stomped out of the place pushing through a bunch of horny twenty year olds, my heels clicking against the sidewalk pavement as I felt tears coming.

I didn't know if it was the small amount of alcohol flowing through my veins right about now that made me want to burst into tears, or the fact that I had failed Heather for the first time ever.

She was obviously not going to be happy.

I heard her footsteps trailing behind me, as I let out a sigh. My jaw tensed, as I had balled my fists.

I knew Heather enough to know that the only reason she followed me out in the first place was to tell my sorry ass off.

I stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes closing. I breathed out heavily.

"You stupid fuck." Heather spat venom through her words, narrowing her eyes at me.

"You goddamn bitch!" I angered, walking up to her fearlessly.

I was done. I was done being her little fucking protégé, I was done being her minion. She wasn't going to be the boss of me any longer.

I wasn't going to have it. Not ever again.

"You were nothing before you had me, Veronica. You were a girl-scout cookie. You were a fucking joke before you met me." She said through gritted teeth.

"I got you into a UCLA party, and what's my thanks? I got paid in your goddamn puke! It's on the hallway carpet!"

"Yeah well you know what? Lick it up, baby. Lick. It. Up." I sneered, scorning at her.

She scoffed, a cold look painted on her face. "First thing Monday morning, you're history. You hear me, Veronica? No one at Monroe High are playing your fucking reindeer games."

I flipped her off, stumbling away as I had cursed, fumbling for my phone in my pocket. I decided to call a cab, that'd be here pretty soon as I sat at the edge of the curb, burying my face in my hands.




Once I got home, I sat in my room, angrily screaming into a pillow. I can't believe I threw my actual life away to be Heather Chandler's bitch.

I can't believe I threw my actual friends away for the fucking Heathers.

I rummaged through my desk drawer, grabbing my journal and my monocle, sitting in my chair.

Breathing heavily, I grabbed an ink pen, opening my journal to a clean page.



Dear Diary,

I let Heather Chandler take every single part of my dignity left, and I won't have it, not anymore. This is more than a party with these UCLA assholes, it's more than just a spoke in my menstrual cycle. Tonight I'll be kissing her aerobicized ass, tomorrow I'll be doing the world a favor. I understand that I must stop Heather. Every single fucked up thing that has happened is because of her careless and heartless ways. Who's next? Another innocent Veronica who's the next victim to turn into another god damn airhead bitch? I refuse to look into the mirror and see Heather staring at me with a self righteous smirk on her painted face. I refuse to look at myself, seeing nothing else but a programmed robot.

But what have I really become?

- Veronica Sawyer




Dropping my pen onto the desk, I threw my journal across the room, groaning.

Gasping in shock, I hear a thud sound from my open window, my heart dropping.

I immediately relaxed at the sight of Ashton, smiling at me. "You seem a little stressed, Veronica."

"Believe me, stressed is an understatement." I breathed out, running my fingers through my messy dark hair.

"Hey, I saw the game set out in the back." Ashton had brushed his leather jacket off from the few leaves that had fell on him. "You in for a match?"

"Yeah, yeah I am." I smiled weakly, pulling my blue silk robe over my cold body.

I slowly near the window, Ashton holding a hand out to me.

"Ladies first." He motioned, biting his lower lip.

My fingers touch his when he helped me out of the room and onto the roof, my eyes never leaving his.

Clearing my throat, I glanced away with a small smile as we had both climbed down the garden ladder next to my window and down to my backyard.

"What do you say, Sawyer." Ashton breathed out, shrugging his leather jacket off.

My eyes slightly widened at his tight black shirt, his biceps.. Jesus Christ. Help me God.

I pursed my lips, eyeing him before drawing my eyes away.

"We make this interesting, and we strip down?" He murmured, nearing me.

My heart was beating so fast, my breath hitching as I felt his warmth.

"You're on, Irwin." I whispered, looking up at him.

He crossed his arms in mock boast, smirking down at me as I returned the mischievous smirk, tucking a strand behind my ear.

I lean down, grabbing two mallets and ironically, the red one happened to be right between my fingers.

It was Heather fucking Chandler's.




Nearing the end of the game, once I had missed the shot, the only thing I was left in was my bra and my underwear.

Ashton's eyes had hungrily raked my body, making my cheeks heat in.. I don't know. Maybe shyness?

Ashton was shirtless by now, and the next thing he'd take off was his dark jeans-only if he missed his final shot of course.

"So, um it's your turn." I laughed softly, avoiding his eyes.

Ashton neared me, his finger lifting my chin, forcing our eyes to meet.

"You win." He murmured. "Take the shot."

"What? But then you'd lose." I frowned.

"I, don't care. There is one thing I do care about though."

"And what is that?"

As soon as the question had left my lips, Ashton leaned down, his hand cupping my cheek.

I held my breath, closing my eyes as our lips collided in a heavy kiss.

A moan escaped my lips as he encouraged me to lose the bra.

Smiling through the kiss, I unclasped it, tossing it across the grass.

"Come 'ere." Ashton grumbled, motioning me closer.

Our warm bodies pressed up against each other as he leaned me against the wall, kissing me hard.

My arms wrapped around his neck, breathing shakily as soon as we had pulled away.

This had to be the best game of croquet ever.

Our noses brushed, the smirk still on his face as I stared at him out of admiration.

God.. I was drawn to him the second we had locked eyes, how was that even possible? It would have never been something I'd expect to come from me though.

I slowly left kisses on his neck, my legs wrapping around his torso. My fingers combed through his now disheveled hair as Ashton lowly grunted in pleasure.

He threw his head back as I completely unraveled at the sight before sucking at the skin on his neck.

"No fair, Sawyer. How do you do this to me?" He muttered into my ear, my breathing uneven.

"Now it's my turn." Ashton sighed, his eyes not leaving my swollen lips.












- Mia x



p.s. pls vote and comment, next chapter will be up not long from now :))

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