The Split

By samevans17

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What would happen if PTX were to split up? Could they end up getting back together or will one member's life... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 8

525 24 15
By samevans17

A/N: If this seems rushed, then I'm sorry, that was not my intention, there was just a lot of dialogue I wanted to get in, plus things do seem to be moving fast at the moment, that could be why I feel like it's too quick. Nonetheless I hope you guys like it.
     Also sorry it's a day late, I practically fell asleep when I got home from work last night :P

Chapter 8:

A few days later after the inevitable happened, I didn't end up leaving by the way, I was at work. And for the first time in forever I realised I really didn't want to be there, I always loved work, I got to cook barbeque all day, but not today: I was cooking barbeque of course, but I didn't want to be there.
     I missed singing and music, it'd been two years and now it chose to sneak back up on me, right when everything couldn't possibly be worse.
     On my break I rang Kevin, him and I hadn't talked in too long, by that I meant a few weeks, and that was nothing on Scott and Mitch's months but Kevin is Kevin and that's just how it is.
     "Hey Kev, we should do something."
     "You want to hang out? That's a surprise."
     "Yeah haha. I didn't mean hang out, well I did, but we should do something for youtube, I haven't posted something in forever and I miss your beatboxing."
     "Well aren't you kind, I guess I maybe kind of missed your bass, but don't go getting a big head." I can hear the smile in his voice.
     "I won't, I mean even if it did expand a little it still wouldn't be as big as yours."
      He laughs, "Oh please. So is this project just me and you or is Kirstie getting involved too?"
     "Why would Kirstie be involved?"
     "Because her facebook feed is full of pictures you her and Marcia."
     "You know about Marcia?"
     "Of course I do, we've had some chats since she's been back, what you think you're the only one she's been talking to?"
     "Well no, I didn't, I knew she did a video with Scott and Mitch. But that's beside the point, her and I aren't really talking right now. Long story short I didn't something stupid, don't ask."
     "Okay, I won't now but I expect the full run down later, got it?"
     "Got it," I sigh.
     "Alright, well I'd better get going, I'll be over tomorrow, you still don't work Monday's right?"
     "Nor Tuesdays."
     "Well I don't work Monday's so I'll see you tomorrow."
     "See you."
     I hang up my phone and stare at it for a moment. Great now Kevin was gonna know what a horrible person I am too.


There's a knock at the door and I immediately jump up and open it to see Kevin's smiling face.
     "Hi," he says as he steps past me and I close the door behind him.
     "Just say it, you miss living here," I joke, clapping him on the shoulder.
     "I do actually," he turns back to face me.
     "What?" I ask confused, because last I'd known he'd been very happy with Alyssa in their new house.
     "I'm staying with Kellon at the moment."
     "What?" I ask again, because I don't know what else to say, first Kirstie and Jeremy, then Kevin and Alyssa, well I'm assuming, but even me because that slap had to mean she was done with me. What the freaking hell is going on.
     "What do you mean what? Do I really have to say it?"
     I shake my head, "No I get it, but what happened?"
     "I don't even know, one minute everything was great, the next she's telling me she's not happy anymore," he sighs. "But I didn't come here to talk about me, although now that I have talked about me, you should have to talk about you. Why is Kirstie not talking to you, or why are you not talking to her... I mean what happened?"
     "We slept together."
     "I did not think you'd come right out and say it... but why is that a problem, besides it being a sin," he half laughs.
     "I hadn't broken up with Jessica at the time it happened."
     His eyes widen, and it looks like he's about to swear, he doesn't of course but I can only imagine what's going through his head, none of it's good.
     "How could you do that?"
     "How? Well let me see. I like Kirstie, always have, that's how."
     "But you're better than that Avi, how could you do that to Jessica?"
     "I don't know, it just happened, okay. And in my defense I have been trying to break up with Jess since before Kirstie was even back, I just couldn't do it."
     "You still like Jess?" Kevin asks.
     I shake my head, "No, no I don't, she just wouldn't take the hint. I swear I said I wanted to break up and she just told me no. Kevin, Kirstie was my way out, I'm pretty sure Jess gets it now, she slapped me, I'm pretty sure we're not together anymore."
     He frowns, "Jess was there?"
     "Yes, she showed up when I was trying to leave."
     "But Kirstie was there-"
     "Yes she was, she brought back my beanie, would you please just shut up stating the obvious, please?"
     "Avi I don't know what's going on, all I know is that you've managed to upset two women who really didn't deserve to be messed with."
     Looking down I don't do anything, Kevin's right, Kevin's always right, typical Kevin.
     "I like Kirstie."
     "I know you do."
     "I like her a lot."
     "I know that too. So what are you gonna do about it?"
      I have no fucking idea what I'm gonna do, but I'm not going to say that to him, because then the lecture on swearing will happen and I don't have time for that.
     "You have to remember though Avi, that with Kirstie, it's not just about Kirstie anymore, Marcia too. Mucking over two women is one thing, but if you muck around that poor little girl Kirstie will never forgive you. You have to know what you want, if that's Kirstie then it's Marcia too because we all know you, you won't be able to help but be a father to that girl. Are you ready and wanting to be a dad?"
     "But that would be up to Kirstie, she might not want me to be that person in Marcia's life. Because that could be how it is, if Kirstie ever forgives me and if she even wants to date me at all, she might want me to just be Avi, Marcia would call me Avi just like everyone else."
     "So you're say in this long term future we both know you've always had mapped out in your imagination with Kirstie, where you and her get married and have children, that if it got tweaked just a little that you would not end up being a father to a little girl who has never known anyone else?"
     Well when you put it like that Kevin, I still have no fucking idea what's going on because Kirstie god damn hates me right now. He's basically spewing shit and I'm nodding along like an idiot, like I actually have a chance.

A/N: Yeah I don't really know what it is about this chapter, but I don't like it all that much. It makes sense to the story and it's exactly what needs to be here, I hope it's just me and that you guys enjoyed this like bit of meat and potatoes and Kevin's advice session :)


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