Magi: A Tale of a New Beginni...

By AthanasiaKashimashi

210K 6.1K 707

Azami Alttanin was no ordinary girl. She was bestowed with what we call a curse and a blessing. A dungeon con... More

Scroll 1: I am Azami
Scroll 2: Amon and the Kou Empire
Scroll 3: Balbadd and the Lady Killer of the Seven Seas
Scroll 4: Fog Troupe
Scroll 5: Judar and Renewed Balbadd
Scroll 7: Stolas' Dungeon
Scroll 8: Dark Djinn and Dunya's Curse
Scroll 9: Three Fragments
Scroll 10: Different Paths and the Pirates
Scroll 11: Yunan and Azami
Scroll 12: The Crimson Prince and Azami
Scroll 13: Reim and Alibaba
Scroll 14: Yambala Tribe and New Dungeon
Scroll 15: Fourth Djinn and Lucien
Author's Note
Scroll 16: Yunan's Warning
Scroll 17: Setta's Adventure
Scroll 18: The War Starts
Scroll 19: Hope
Scroll 20: The Decisive Battle
Scroll 21: A New Start
Scroll 22: Yunan, Training and Balbadd
Scroll 23: Ren's Plan and Azami's Answer
Scroll 24: Kou, Sindria and the Past
Scroll 25: Solomon's Adventure
Scroll 26: Siblings and Oath
Scroll 27: Solomon and Sheba
Scroll 28: The War and It's End
Scroll 29: End of Alma Torran
Scroll 30: His Change, His Death
Scroll 31: Azami's Plan
Scroll 32: Kou's Civil War
Scroll 33: Aftermath
Scroll 34: Pursuit
Scroll 35: Three Years Later
Scroll 36: Kou Empire's Mishap
Scroll 37: Confrontation
Scroll 38: Big Trouble
Scroll 39: Witch
Scroll 40: International Alliance
Special Scroll: Chocolate?
Scroll 41: His Attack, David
Scroll 42: His Prisoner, Azami
Scroll 43: King of Man
Scroll 44: Azami's Djinns and the Greatest Vessel
Scroll 45: Her Will
Special Scroll: How Azami Met Her Djinns in Alma Torran
Scroll 46: The First Dungeon, Her Shadow
Scroll 47: Second Djinn and Azami's Duplicate
Special Scroll: Sitri, Ipos and Azami
Scroll 48: Zepar and Crocell
Scroll 49: Fourth Dungeon, Azami's Hidden Power
Scroll 50: Protect the Future
Scroll 51: His Sorrow, Her Regret
Scroll 52: Tale of a New Beginning
Character Profile
Author's Note

Scroll 6: Sindria

6.8K 239 26
By AthanasiaKashimashi

Azami tensed when the messenger said that the Kou Empire was near the borders of Balbadd. She knew fully well that Kouen and Koumei will be there. She looked at Alibaba and Aladdin before rushing out towards the shore. Sinbad and his two generals were already there.

'Why is Kou Empire coming to Balbadd? I thought everything was already resolved?'

'That stupid prince must be up to something and Koumei must be here for the talk.' Furcas said with a slight frown on his face.

'They don't know you're here so don't worry. Unless Kougyoku told them that you were here in Balbadd.' Sitri assured her.

"I don't want to deal with them." She protested silently but internally, she was thinking if Kou would invade Balbadd after suffering from civil war. After all, with its weakened state, it will be easy to say that its government was coping with the damage and Kou's vision could easily hold its place.

"Why are they here?" Alibaba asked in astonishment.

"They probably dispatched the army right from the start. That way, they would be able to take advantage of the rebellion and take control over Balbadd." Sinbad replied.

"It's a bit of a pain but Sinbad is right. Kouen would certainly use this opportunity and Koumei will not let it pass since he fully well know what a country needs to sustain. With what just happened, they will have the capability to manipulate them into their bidding. Your country is in quite a pinch, Alibaba." Azami stated with a clear and dignified form. She truly knew what she was saying just by staying at the Crimson Prince's side. It made Sinbad more drawn and curious about her. This time, he was sure that he wanted her to be on his side.

"There is only one thing to do, Alibaba. You have to leave this country." Sinbad proposed. Alibaba looked at him as if he had grown two heads before staring at Azami. She had a remorseful look and said, "I'm sorry Alibaba but I will not be able to convince Kouen nor Koumei." He knew her connections with them but he was oblivious about what happened between her and the Kou Empire.

"What is your connection with Kou, Azami?" Sinbad asked. She looked a little embarrassed before saying that she accidentally fell on their land after conquering Amon's dungeon. His eyes widened and was surprised she was not executed for such audacity.

"You have the guts."

"Don't remind me but what will you do, Alibaba?"

"I... I don't want to abandon this country! I can't do that!" He yelled furiously. It was obvious due to the frustration on his face. No matter how much he denied it, Sinbad was right.

"I made a promise! I promised Cassim and everyone who died that I'd make this country a good place! I won't run anymore. If it came down to it, I'd rather fight!" He pointed his sword towards the Kou's ships. Sinbad did not agree though and knocked him out. He fell down which made Aladdin and Azami call out to him.


"Was that really necessary, Sinbad!?" She shouted. The king only looked at her before justifying himself. He said that it was the only way he will not struggle against him. She gritted her teeth in anger before looking away. Just then, she felt a hand on her skirt. It was a small one and when she looked at who it was, Setta was looking at her with a curious and sad look.

"Is there any problem, Azami-nee?"

She could not help but smile lightly at the child. Setta tightened his hold before Azami patted his head in reassurance.

"We have to vacate this place, Setta. The Kou Empire is coming."

"Are they bad people?" Setta looked at her and she said no but they were currently not in good terms with them. He seemed to understand before reaching up to her. She carried him before walking behind the magi and the Fanalis. The king ordered them to flee the country and so they did. Soon, they rode the ship towards Sindria. Morgiana was confused as to why before Ja'far explained to her everything. It frustrated her just how useless she was to them but Azami and Alibaba felt more devastated. Setta went towards Aladdin's cabin as Azami ordered him to before sliding down Alibaba's door.

"I'm sorry, Alibaba. I couldn't do anything to help you." She replied in a somber tone. She was sitting outside his door with a frustrated look.

Soon, Alibaba woke up and heard her apologies. He could not answer her because he himself was so frustrated with what happened to his country.

"We couldn't do anything to help you." She sighed before going back towards the deck. Azami stared at the vast ocean when she felt her metal vessel heat up a little. It was then that she noticed a light from far afar. It was a weird shaped dungeon.

"Sitri, Furcas. Is that what I think it is?" She leaned towards the rail with an astonished look on her face. It was definitely another dungeon. It was in the middle of the ocean but there was something peculiar about it. Vines were protruding from outside it, creating a chalice shaped with a lid on top. Then a sun and moon shape insignia was build on top of it.

'Oh! That looks a little familiar! Let's go and visit that!' Furcas said with an excited smile. Sitri was blushing a little but one could see an equivalent smile that was plastered on her face.

"Who's dungeon is that?"

'You'll known soon, dear. Let's go!' Sitri assured her. She reluctantly nodded but looking back at the ship, it made her a little adamant not to leave. A feeling of frustration and sadness washed over her face but she knew she had to do this or she'll lose the opportunity to do so.

"Do you think we need to tell Sinbad and the others? And what about Setta, I can't leave him behind?"

'Just leave a letter and we'll be back before they know it. Don't tell them that you went to the dungeon. Just make up a story. I don't trust that Sindrian King. He look sly and cunning. Too radiant and I don't want our Azami to be sucked in.' Furcas growled a little before sending a reassuring hum with his metal vessel.

'We can ask Setta if he wants to join us.' Sitri suggested. Azami frowned. She was not sure because she didn't want to endanger his life.

"Azami-nee?" She looked behind to see Setta rubbing his eyes of sleepiness. It was too cute so to say. For a seven year-old, he was really something. She carried him before asking.

"I am leaving for a little bit, Setta. Do you think you can handle while I'm out?" Setta stared at her in disbelief before tears poured out of his eyes. He clung to Azami as if he was his dear life.

"No! I don't want Azami-nee to leave! No! No! No!" She giggled lightly before patting him. "I don't want to endanger you Setta because I'm going to a dungeon." She explained but he countered it by saying that he'll accompany her anywhere.

"Alright but you have to stick by my side okay?" He grinned at her before she was engulf in his bear hug.

"I'll write a letter for a while so I'll let Furcas and Sitri talk to you." He smiled before laughing at the voices he hear. They have taken a liking towards him after all.

"I'm done! Let's get this done and dusted! They're still out there so let's take this opportunity. Spirit of Knowledge and Perfection. I order thee and thine to use thy magoi. Engulf me with your darkness, Furcas!" She transformed before carrying Setta with her. Soon, they flew towards the said dungeon with various thoughts.

"I'm sorry Alibaba but I promise that when I come back, I'll be stronger than ever."

They landed softly on the ground, taking in the beauty of the dungeon. Setta looked marveled with its structure before facing her again. "This dungeon is so beautiful and mysterious!"

"That's right. This is a dungeon, Setta." Together, they entered the said dungeon and met the creatures it housed.

Back with Alibaba and the co, he no longer heard the motherly yet sorrowful voice of his friend. He thought that she just went somewhere else so he pushed himself off the bed and towards the deck. He saw the vast ocean and noticed that the land they were reaching to was not Balbadd. Ja'far came and explained to him everything. A sense of failure filled his mind and he was unable to keep his composure as he fell down the floor.


"Damnit." Just then, they noticed a letter stuck to a post. Ja'far grabbed it and opened it cautiously. In a neatly written letter stated that Azami will be gone for a long time and that she will search for a teacher to teach her about the djinn equip and all. Sinbad heard this and was slightly not amused with how his plan was going against him.

"Alibaba, Aladdin and Morgiana. Can I ask you?"

"Sure?" They reluctantly said. He proceeded with asking them who she really was. What only took them to respond was 10 seconds saying a lot of random skills like good cook, kind and mature and even outstanding. There were not really any useful information until he asked what was her ties towards the Kou Empire. It was evident just how close she was, calling the princes without honorifics.

"Well, we only know that she stumbled upon them and maybe made friends with them. Azami has that kind of tendency to befriend anyone."

"She's very kind and motherly to us."

"Even though I'm older than her by a year though." Alibaba complained. They reached Sindria and was given a warm welcome. Before Alibaba could even go with the rest, he looked up and smile.

"Yeah. Let's meet again."

Half a year later

"Tch." Morgiana rounded another kick towards Masrur but the male Fanalis deflected it with his arm. Just then, she felt a shift in the atmosphere.

"They've returned."

"Yeah." Masrur agreed before they trotted towards the shore to meet the Sindrian King. Sinbad, the King of Sindria, established the country. Its realms lied in the area named 'Savage Land' of the Extreme Southern Zones. Many visitors frequently visited the place which was built after the 'Legends of the Dungeon Capturer' and was widely known around the world as the 'City of Dreams'. The country was prosperous because of its tourism and people who work hard to build the country.

"His Majesty, Sinbad, has returned!" King Sinbad walked down the isle with his generals, Spartos and Sharrkan beside him. All the generals welcomed his return and he thanked them. He reported to them about the status of his talk with Kou Empire and Balbadd's condition. They did acknowledge Balbadd's Republic Autonomy however its people will still be under them and certain customs are to be followed.

Morgiana and Masrur entered the room and reported about the status of her work. Two names popped out of his mind.

"Where are Aladdin and Alibaba? How are they?" Sinbad asked Ja'far. The said assassin smiled sheepishly before saying.

"Well... at first, they thought that they hadn't saved the country and were dispirited after losing important friends. Alibaba was a little disheartened knowing that Azami was gone because of him. They shut themselves in their rooms and hardly ever touched their foods. However, they were a lot cheerful nowadays!"

Sinbad smiled at that. He was happy to know that they were doing well after Balbadd's colonization. Just then, he heard his name being called and when he turned around, he didn't expect this.


"For letting me stay in such a luxurious place after then, I'm indebted to you."

"Well that is fine Alibaba but..."

"Yeah?" The blonde conqueror asked. Sinbad was hesitant to say anything but he did anyway. "You've gotten fatter." The Balbadd prince smiled sheepishly and even agreed with him. He said that the food was good and that it was too hard to resist. It was little cringeworthy for the king. Unfortunately, that was not all. He turned around the corner to see a huge pile of food on the table. Sitting there was a very familiar magi.


"Welcome back, Sinbad!"

"Yeah, I'm back." It was the last straw and Sinbad ordered them to lose weight by running around the kingdom and doing chores. He hoped that it will lose their fats and even encouraged them to have a diet. Alibaba was back in no time but it seemed like Aladdin still had long way to go. The said magi justified that maybe it was from not using his belly power. Morgiana and Ja'far comforted him by bribing food but Sinbad quickly shot down the idea.

"You're guests of my country. As king, I do hope you can share to us your power. Although, you're not the only guest here."

"Lend your strength?" Alibaba questioned. The king proposed his goal which was to defeat a certain organization. He said that those abnormalities of the world was planned by the organization. They seemed a little wary about it.

"They never use the same name but that's what we refer to their organization as Al Thamen."

'Al Thamen.' Aladdin's face contorted into a serious one before Sinbad explained to them that the one behind the civil war was none other hand the Al Thamen. Alibaba shook in anger and asked him what can he do when Sinbad asked them to lend him their strengths.

"You're still weak. If you fight the organization, you'll end in defeated. You have to get stronger first. That is why I have the right person for both of you."

Their talk ended when a messenger came and said that a Southern Sea Monster has arrived. Sinbad smiled at that news.

"Good timing! Let me show you the extent of your future mentors."

"Summon the Eight Generals."

The gang ran towards the shore and were astonished to see a raging sea monster. Sinbad and the others were nowhere to be found and they were slightly disturbed. Just then, people roared in happiness seemingly, never bothered by the monster.

"What the heck is that monster!?" It had an aqua colored body with red horn stuck on the side of its head. It destroyed houses but the people were disturbingly happy?

"You think it's time?"
"Hey, it's starting!"
"It's the hunt!"

"Hunt?" Alibaba questioned to himself silently. A sound of gong was heard from up above and there stood King Sinbad and his Eight Generals. Sinbad ordered two of his generals to take care of the monster. They did as they were told. First was a young woman with blue hair and eyes, cream colored skin, and a dress that bared her shoulder. One peculiar thing was that her breast were covered with shells. The other man was different. He has a white hair, golden eyes, tanned skin and clothing that seemed so unusual.

"Yamraiha! Sharrkan! It's up to you to get a good prey!"

"As you wish, Sire!" The woman moved first and when the sea monster blasted water towards her, she deflected it and bound the monster instead. Just then, a shook was felt from her staff where Sharrkan jumped and used his household vessel to slice it into strips. With perfect execution, he served it up and told everyone to share it nicely and fairly.

"And there you have it. This woman will be your magic instructor." Sinbad said as he pointed at Yamraiha. Aladdin smiled pervertedly before walking shamelessly towards the woman. He jumped and ogled at her breast when hot steaming water enveloped him.

"Stop it you dirty little pest!"

Alibaba tried to touch him but it was too hot to do so. Yamraiha scoffed at him for being a drama queen and explained to the prince that it was just steamed water. She was right because right after that, Aladdin stood up and was covered in water.

"You shouldn't have done that Aladdin! You are lucky it was not Azami." Alibaba chirped. The said magi looked a little down, still missing his mother figure. It was until then that the same swordsman came and introduced himself. Without any excuse, the magician and the swordsman started bantering with each other, throwing out spicy words.

"Now now you two, that's enough and don't you forget that today is special. It's Maharagan after all!" The gang was confused and surprised until night came and people partied. Many were drinking and laughing to themselves. It was such a great festivity. Girls were everywhere and so were boys. Just then, they felt someone place a lace of flower in their necks. There was a girl in front of them wearing a mask.

"Thank you."

"Hey Aladdin? Come to think of it, have you see Morgiana?" Alibaba asked. A hand grabbed his sleeves and the girl in front of them revealed her face. It was Morgiana!

"What are you saying Alibaba? I've been right under your nose all this time." She said with a passive face. They stared at her beauty before blushing beet red. With a lot of praises given, she couldn't help but pout a little. Not too long after, they came to where Sinbad is and he introduced his generals. He even mentioned that some were from royalties and that made him wonder a bit about their past. There was Ja'far who was a previous assassin, Masrur who was a gladiator, Hinahoho from the Imuchakk lands, Drakon from Parthevia, Yamraiha from Magnostadt, Sharrkan from Heliohapt, Pisti from Artemyra and last but not the least, Spartos from Sasan.

"I actually have a favor to ask of you. During my talks with the Kou Empire, I accepted a certain request from the emperor. One of their prince will be coming here for educational purpose. It will be difficult for you but I'm asking you to wait and see for now." The said prince nodded before Ja'far asked if Sinbad had already settled things with Princess Kougyoku. He tilted his head in confusion while Ja'far started to panic.

"Airhead of the Seven Seas." Masrur commented. Ja'far asked if he ever laid a hand on the said girl and Sinbad answered in honesty that he just went there for a diplomatic talk. He sighed in relief before Drakon and Hinahoho piped in about his interest in taking a wife. He just smiled and said that he didn't need one because his country was already his family.

On the other hand, it had been weeks ever since Azami completed Stolas' dungeon. Her djinn was a handsome man so to say. With his alluring voice and eyes, there was no mistaking that a lot has fallen for him. Not just Focalor now so to say. She looked into the empty vast of sea before a tap on her shoulder shook her from the thoughts that kept her away.

"Azami-nee? Did you remember something?" Setta asked with worry laced on his eyes. It was a weird thing but after they conquered Stolas' dungeon, Azami lost a part of her memories. She could remember a bit but not all. There was Ugo, Aladdin, a blurry silhouette of a boy, a man with several dark shadows behind him, a girl with red hair and Setta. Only these three were whom she could remember vividly.

"I'm fine, Setta. I'm just trying to remember it." She answered solemnly. The tanned kid hugged her and she allowed herself to be a little vulnerable in front of him. Just then, a warm hum reverberated throughout her body.

'Please remember them soon, Our Queen.'

'I'm so sorry, Queen Azami.'

It was always Sitri's and Stolas' voice she could hear. What pained her was that Stolas still couldn't accept that Azami had already forgiven him. The djinn was a little sensitive. It worried her not only with the how it will affect her djinn but with her memories as well. Setta saw her troubled look and gave an assuring statement that everything will be alright.

'Will it really be Setta? I lost a part of me and it scares me.'


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