Fnaf Fan Fic: Five Nights at...

Oleh DezFlameFox

272 3 22

In this fnaf fan fic i made, will be based off the afterlife of the charaters in the fnaf games, cause they a... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 2:Finally Home
Chapter 3: The Way It Goes Round'
Chapter 4: A Killer's Battle
Chapter 5: Better Together
Chapter 6:Not Just A Few Stitches
Chapter 7: Quiet, Too Much
Chapter 8: Why We Keep Nightmare
Chapter 9:I'll Be By Your Side
Chapter 10: Forgive Me

Chapter One: A False Hit

68 1 3
Oleh DezFlameFox

Spirits:we meet again Purple guy...

Chris:...oh my gosh I wanna die...

Spirits: If you wanna die so badly then go get your head crushed...

Chris:Just leave me alone! Does it look like I'm stupid!

Spirits: Maybe...hehe...

Chloe:Just leave us the heck alone please! We're spirits too! Does it seem like you can hurt us!

Spirits: Maybe your thinking so wrong Chloe...what if we ca-

Chris:I just...ok look your not getting my damn point here, I am going to have a total mental breakdown if I here a single word from your mouth!

Spirits: Oh wow I'm so scared...

Chris:You better get out of this fucking room right now or your gonna have to go to the place you don't wanna go.

*The spirits leave*

Chloe: Did you really just cuss them out?

Chris: The only thing that there scared of than  being beaten by a crowbar is getting cussed out. I'm serious.

*Foxtrap accidentally hits Chris because she thought he was one of the spirits, and he falls to the ground slowly*

Chris:Ooow...Foxtrap what the heck.You actually almost gave me a concussion...oh my god...

Foxtrap:Oh my gosh Chris I am so sorry! I just thought you were one of them!

Chris: No no...it's fine. *sighs*That went well.

Chloe:I was wondering anyway are we going to stay with you,Foxtrap?

Foxtrap:Actully...Yes. But of course We're Going to have to the afterlife.

Chris:Oh yeah. I've seen that place before...its qutie surprising.

Foxtrap:Exactly what I thought when I got there!*pulls Red the Bunny Into the room*Hey Red Have you booked those planes yet?

Red:No The Plane alreadly left for Japan were gonna have to wait a few days before we leave.

Foxtrap:Great...Now im gonna have to pay another ripoff rental bill.

Chris:I thought animatronics didn't pay bills...

Foxtrap: HaHaHa!! You silly, you see I'm still kinda considered a human even though I'm possessing this thing!*Does a cute face*

Chris:Foxtrap again with the face come on!

Foxtrap:Sorry. Hey Red Try booking the flight tomorrow!That plane actully only takes one day to get there!

Red:Okie Dokie!

Chris: Hey Foxtrap How did you die?

Foxtrap:It's a...its a hard..subject to talk about...i used to be a human but i died....

*Chris Thinks of Ennard and gets a nervous feeling so he sits down on one of the crates in the room so he can remind himself to pretend like it didn't end "that way"*

Chloe: Chris, you okay?

Chris:I'm fine ,I'm fine. Just trying to make sure I don't remember "it" again...

Chloe: Oooh yeah...we shouldn't talk about that.

Foxtrap: Yeah it gives me a sick feeling....auuuugh!its reminding me of spring locks damn it!

Floppy: Foxtrap clam down it's ok.

Nightmare Foxtrap:Hey guys!

*Chris scurries towards the wall from shock and hits his head*

Chris:...oh jeez...ooow...it's the same spot too and...it was the second time I was hit today...

Nightmare Foxtrap:Wow,tell me how did I do that?

Chloe:Oh my gosh are you ok?!

Chris:...ow,um...not close to ok...but fine I guess...

*Chloe helps Chris up*

Chloe: sit down so you can get yourself together. You sure your okay?

Chris: Yeah just need to stay right here for a few.


Nightmare Foxtrap: I'm sorry man I forgot he gets scared easily! Plus he did base me off a inde horror game!

Chris: Yeeeaaaah...'bout that... no.


Chris: Foxtrap...shut it, your making my headache worse...

Foxtrap: I'm sorry. I was born after they let me live in the west where mutated animals lived. I was born for shooting things.

Flippy:Heard that ten-million times!

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