The Bela Grayson Chronicles:...

By SupernaturalAngel67

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Bela Grayson is a 17-year-old girl who moves in with her widowed grandfather Gerard Harrison after the unexpe... More

Chapter One Bela's New Beginning
Chapter Two The Book In The Library
Chapter Three The Legend of The Book
Chapter Four The Resurrection of Lucy Grayson
Chapter Six Maurice's Vengeance
Chapter Seven Dorian's Strange Behavior

Chapter Five Dinner Of Disaster

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By SupernaturalAngel67

'The next night had come faster than we had expected, Lucy in tow, we had gone over to the Ravencrofts. I had worn my favorite black silk dress with the velvet red trim, Grandpa Gerard in the tuxedo he wore to his wedding to Grandma Valerie almost fifty three years ago, Lucy had worn one of my old gowns, I had seen Dorian and Abigayle on the porch of the house, it was already feeling like a magical night none of us would soon forget...' "You're the lovely Bela my Dorian keeps talking so highly of. I'm Abigayle. Your grandmother was one of my dearest friends almost like a sister to me." Abigayle said "I remember you, Abigayle, I would sometimes come over with Grandma Valerie when I stayed here." I said "You're that Bela?" A man said "Dad.." Dorian said, looking over at him looking embarrassed and angry at the same time "You're Dorian's father.." I said "Marilyn Ravencroft. I'm very sorry to hear about your parents." Marilyn said "Come inside." Dorian said, gently shoving my back, leading me into the house "Hello, you must be Bela. It's lovely to meet you." A woman said "Bela, this is Laura Ravencroft, my mother." Dorian said "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Ravencroft, this is my grandfather, Gerard Harrison and my... ...cousin Lucy." I said "Gerard, Lucy. Welcome. It's lovely to have Valerie's family over. The town really hasn't been the same without her here. She was a very lovely woman." Laura said "I know that she loved Abigayle like a sister. I haven't been back here since I was three." I said "I think I'll show Bela the rest of the house." Dorian said "You kids have fun." Gerard said "But not too much fun..." Laura said "We won't be doing anything, Grandpa." I said "So, the bathroom is there, my grandmother's office/bedroom, the guest rooms, and this is my bedroom." Dorian said 'I had slowly followed him in, I looked around, it was just like any other teenage boy's room, semi-messy desk, posters of famous classic rock bands, piles of CDs, gaming stations, a laptop and a flat screen TV.. Nothing I hadn't expected to see...' "Wow, this is a big room." I said "So, where did you stay after your parents died?" Dorian asked "they died when I was 11, so I was placed into foster care until my Grandfather's lawyer called and said he was to be my guardian, you know how excited he got? Because since my grandma Valerie died, he's been alone in that house." I said "At least you have each other." Dorian said "There's something I wanted to ask you.. It's about yesterday, when you.." I paused "Oh, that. I don't know what came over me when I did it.. Something inside me told me to kiss you, and I listened to it. I understand if you wouldn't want to see me again." Dorian said "Why? Because you kissed me? I'm not going to stop seeing you because you have feelings for me. It won't change how I feel about you, Dorian." I said, sitting next to him on the bed, placing my hands on his back, and resting my head on his shoulder "You, Gerard, Abigayle and Tara are the only friends I have. I don't want my feelings to get between that." Dorian said "They won't, no matter what happens, I will always care about you." I said "We should stop before one of us gets..." Dorian said, leaning in close 'It was then, Marilyn had knocked on the door, we had froze, pulling back..' "Dorian, Bela. Laura says to come down." Marilyn said "Thank you, Mr. Ravencroft, we'll be right down." I said "That was too close." Dorian said "If Gerard were to find out, I would never live it down." I said "We should head down." Dorian said "Yeah, let's go." I said, nodding in agreement following him downstairs "Bela, tell us about yourself." Laura said "Well, my parents died six years ago and I was placed in the foster program until they found out about Grandpa Gerard, and I moved in three months ago." I said 'The second Dorian and I had sat down, the table started to spin uncontrollably, the chairs beginning to rise, glasses had begun to shatter...' "Grandpa, what's happening?" I asked "This is the work of one sorcerer.." Lucy said "You mean..?" I stopped suddenly 'Dorian had then screamed with excruciating pain, his eyes went pale, he gasped, I hadn't expected what had happened next...' "Dorian, are you okay?" I asked placing my hand on his shoulder 'He had then grasped my wrist, his grip made it feel it was burning, I then realized Dorian was no longer in control. Like he was a prisoners trapped inside himself...' "Lucinda, my love. I've awoken, and I'm coming for you, any others who try to stop me shall meet their doom..." A distorted voice said as Dorian had gasped suddenly as his he had fallen to the ground unconsciously "Dorian..." I said kneeling to the ground "Bela, Laura, get him upstairs. Gerard, Mom and I will clean up." Marilyn said "Come on, Bela. Grab him." Laura said "Come on, Dorian. Use your legs." I said pulling his arm, lifting him up "That was Maurice Duloche, the most powerful sorcerer in existence. He briefly possessed Dorian to warn us he was on his way." Lucy said "That's why he grabbed Bela.. He mistook her for you. Except, she's 5,000 years younger." Gerard said 'Laura and I had gotten to Dorian's room, we had placed him on the bed, I move a long strand of brown hair from his face, I place my hand on his cheek, I then press my ear to his chest, listening to the beautiful sound of his heart beating..' "Bela, your wrist, it's bruised." Laura said "Ow... It burns." I said holding it "I'll get some ice, you stay here. Keep an eye on him." Laura said "Dorian, I'm so sorry. It's my fault you got hurt. I brought Lucy back from the dead and I unleashed the ultimate evil from a 4,999 year sleep." I said "It's not your fault..." Dorian groaned "Dorian..?" I asked, teary eyed "Bela, what happened? Did I do that to you?" Dorian asked "Hey, don't force yourself to sit up. You were unconscious for about three days." I said "I've been out that long? I'm sorry, Bela. I let him possess me. I let him hurt you. I didn't have a choice." Dorian said "I know. It wasn't your fault. None of us knew that would happen. But Maurice did mistake me for Lucy, while he was in your body." I said "What did he say?" Dorian asked "He said 'Lucinda, my love. I've awoken, and I'm coming for you, any others who try to stop me shall meet their doom...' then he left your body, and here we are now..." I said "Where's Maurice now?" Dorian asked "So far, there hasn't been any sign of him. But Lucy says that, like her, his soul has been cast out from his body, except, his body disappeared, and it hasn't been recovered." I said "If he comes back, he'll be looking for a body to inhabit." Dorian said "Gerard, Abigayle, Laura and Marilyn are working on ways to protect Lucy and ourselves." I said, running my hand up and down his back "I'm going to be his vessel, aren't I?" Dorian asked "No. We are gonna do everything in our power to not let that happen. I promise you that I will keep you safe, Dorian." I said 'Dorian had then taken hold of my hand, I ran my fingers through his shoulder length hair as I spent the rest of the night with Dorian as my grandfather had been with Dorian's family to protect us.. We weren't about to let our guard down especially with Maurice's spirit roaming around, we knew we had to be careful...'

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