Best Friends With Benefits

By chloessica

3.6M 67.3K 10.8K

Aiden and Peyton are best friends. Just best friends. Are they? Nah. As they both begin to feel their feeling... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three

Chapter Twenty Two

55.7K 1.2K 93
By chloessica

I watched Aiden enter the school and had to compose myself before I followed. I spent the whole of the day thinking about that morning and it had left me in a confused state. His voice, his body, everything had mesmerised me. I didn't know if he meant it when he said he missed me, I think he did but to be honest I believed I missed him more. When lunch came I sat in the usual spot with Alex where we chatted and laughed more than usual. I feel like our friendship was re-kindled but I didn't realise how much time I had spent with Aiden until he wasn't there anymore.

I saw Aiden walking in our direction  but I noticed his group of friends to our left, so it made sense. I looked down at my food, I was too embarrassed from earlier to see him. But instead of stopping with his friends who were calling out his name, he continued towards us. He stood over me, I continued to look down at my food until Alex tapped my knee in silence. Aiden gestured to the ground. "Can I sit?" I simply nodded and he sat next to me, our legs touching. My heart was racing and my mouth was dry. Alex looked between Aiden and I, deciding we needed space she bounced up and floated away. I observed Aiden's face as he looked at me, I had no idea what was happening, what he was thinking or about to say.

"Are you alright?" Aiden touched his fingertips onto my knee then drew them away again.

"Yes, why?" I kept my voice strong and sharp but inside I wanted to squeal and throw my arms around his neck.

"Did you have time to think about what I said earlier?" Aiden tilted his head, looking my body up and down. Beforehand I would have giggled and told him to stop but now I was relaxed and enjoyed the attention. He smirked before touching a hand to my cheek. I was relatively frozen, about to answer when he leaned in. Fast and desperate, his lips collided with mine and I was sucked into the port hole of passion. My body was numb but my lips were very much alive with his. He pulled away quickly though.

"It's your new outfit, it's a  magnet" Aiden laughed as he leaned back, purposely showing of his toned body as his shirt lifted with the breeze.

"Sorry" I said sarcastically as I sat between his legs like before. His scent was perfection and his skin was soft and warm. Aiden soon stood when two members of his team jogged over, he started a conversation with the  boys barely acknowledging my presence. What the hell was up with him. I decided just to leave and head to class early.

The whole of my lesson was taken up by me considering the change in Aiden's behaviour. As soon as I thought he had changed, I was sorely mistaken. He didn't appear to have any hesitation when leaning in to kiss me but as soon as his 'friends' were in close range he turned a cold shoulder to me and I hated it. When the end of school came, I had no intention of trying to hitch a ride with Aiden. The more I thought over his actions before, the more I considered that he wasn't comfortable with a closer relationship and that he just wanted a sex buddy. It made sense, he would only come to me when he had no-one else, I had no doubt that he enjoyed his time with me but he certainly now didn't waste time examining other females.

I was walking across the school lot when Gale, a boy from my English class jogged to my side. I knew Aiden knew him because Gale used to be a member on his team, he was known for being an amazing player, player in football and a player with girls.

"I see you and Aiden are hitting it off" He smirked and nudged his elbow into my arm, pushing me off guard slightly.

"Not exactly" I regained balance and looked around, looking for his usual group of mates but they weren't around, he was alone.

"What's happening?" I felt his gaze on my face so I turned to face him and caught his deep brown eyes staring curiously.

"Did he send you here?" I smiled, I had never spoken to Gale before and now he was suddenly interested in my love life. What was happening?

"No, he talks a lot about you but recently he hasn't said much and I noticed you don't come to school together anymore but I saw you two kiss earlier." He spoke quickly and waved his hands as he spoke.

"Your more observant then me" I joked as we turned a corner out of school. "It's a long story" I mumbled looking to the ground, I wasn't ready to think about it.

"I've got time" Is all I heard before I felt Gale's strong arm wrap around my shoulders in a leisurely manor. 

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