Scisaac Love

By nickfhale

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This is more to one shot stories of Scott and Isaac More

AN - Again lol
It's Ending with Kisses
Maybe, I love You Too?
You're All I Have
I Trust You
I'm Correct Anyway
How Sweet (R rated)
Cancel the Dinner Plan
The Night's Watch
You're My Princess
Massive Crush
May I Have this Dance?
Never Again
Youre My Blessing
Youre My Blessing
Youre My Blessing
Youre My Blessing
Youre My Blessing
Youre My Blessing
Youre My Blessing
Youre My Blessing - Final Chapter
I Wouldn't be Naked if I Wasn't
I Don't Mind (I)
I Don't Mind (II)
Should I?? (Please read)
More Like This
Under Your Spell
I love you
Who's Isaac?
The Times I Noticed You
I Dare You
Crash Course - Part 1
Crash Course - Part 2
A New Start
Not an update🙈
XXX (Don't have to read if you think hardcore porn is not for you)

Youre My Blessing

741 18 19
By nickfhale

Chapter Eight

How Scott and Isaac manage to keep things a secret is beyond Isaac.

He's certain they smell like each other. Isaac can smell himself all over Scott. Surely someone will notice?

But no one says anything.

Erica's gaze constantly shifts between the two of them and Boyd clams up whenever they're in the room together. Since the problem with the alphas is on a slight hiatus, Jackson doesn't come around Happy Meadows anymore. And as for Peter, he always gives the two of them a sly smile like he knows something, but he has yet to actually bring it up.

Isaac suspects it has something to do with Scott being an alpha. Without Scott's official approval, no one can say anything.

Even, as it turns out, Derek. Derek is the only one who gives any indication that he knows what's going on. When Isaac came home after that amazing night with Scott, Derek recoiled for a second in surprise. Then he gave a grunt of approval and a look that definitely said, "About time," and went about his business. He looked a little sad, but Isaac couldn't quite place why. He assumes he imagined it.

With finals over, school comes to an uneventful end. It's the end of their sophomore year. They're considered upperclassmen, now. Supposedly this is a big change, but Isaac doesn't feel any different.

Scott and Isaac take great care not to spend too much time in each other's beds. The temptation to go further is too great. They only really get any alone time when Melissa is out at work and they commandeer Scott's couch. They don't kiss at the townhome. They don't even hold hands there. It's still awkward for them. Isaac doesn't think it'll be that big of a deal when they finally come out, but Scott is still worried.

Apparently, because he'd been so head over heels for Allison, he's had to deal with the repercussions of that with Stiles. Now that the two of them are more open, Isaac learns everything that's been going on in Scott's head.

Scott feels guilty about all the times he missed out on either saving Stiles or hanging out with him because he was so caught up with Allison. He doesn't want to do that to Stiles again. In fact, he was so worried about Stiles freaking out about Scott's falling for Isaac, that he deliberately avoided Isaac for a long time.

Isaac frowns and shoves Scott a little at this revelation. They're sitting on the floor of Scott's room, casually playing some Halo. Although, it only seems casual. Every time Isaac so much as glances slightly into Scott's direction, his insides twist up in the worst form of butterflies imaginable. At this point, he's astonished that he can even speak properly. "I was going crazy without you. I wondered why we couldn't at least be friends. I thought I scared you off."

"Sort of..." Scott admits. "I couldn't handle what I was feeling so I kind of took a page from Stiles' book and avoided it."

"Ah," says Isaac, understanding. "But you won't avoid it anymore, right?"

"Right," Scott grins and finishes their conversation by killing an opposing team member and jumping up and down on their corpse before they respawn.

In spite of Scott wanting to spend more time with Stiles, the opposite is actually true. Stiles, of all people, makes up excuses left and right on why he can't hang out. He apparently got bad grades at the end of the school year and has been grounded, even though Isaac knows this to be a flat out lie. His father has supposedly been cracking down on the amount of time Stiles has to do chores lately, too.

Isaac's phone is filled with rejection texts from Stiles. He knows he should be upset that Stiles doesn't want to hang out, but the result of being blown off is that he gets to spend more alone time with Scott, which is always a plus.

When Scott and Isaac aren't at Scott's place, they're at the Beacon hills clinic or the lacrosse field, just practicing. Isaac is glad they can still be friends around each other in public. Friends that just so happen to be fond of kissing each other. Constantly.

And yet, Lacrosse practice usually ends with the two of them making some purposely touchy tackles and involves more laughter than should be allowed. Isaac will take what he can get.


Now that Erica and Boyd are steadily getting back up to their full strength, training has taken on a whole new meaning.

The pack always heads to the preserve to train. It's isolated out there on the Hale property. Now that there are more wolves in the pack, they can undergo proper training techniques. Even Jackson joins the pack at regularly scheduled sessions so long as Lydia can make it. He is never denied her presence. Lydia proves to be a valuable member of the pack. She's just as smart, if not smarter, than Stiles.

Life, if anything, resumes at what Isaac can only describe as a normal pace. The alpha pack is not gone, but their presence has certainly backed off for the time being. It's mid-June, now, and the wolves are all thinking of more pressing matters, like pool parties at Lydia's house or trips to amusement parks. As much as the Hales try to keep the minds of the pack in one spot, it's impossible to get teenagers to think of much else.

Werewolves run hotter than humans, Isaac finds. Making it through the winter was a piece of cake, but now that the blistering summer sun beats down on him during outdoor practice sessions, he finds he sweats more. Clothes quickly become sticky and a hassle, especially during training. It is not uncommon for Stiles and Lydia to drive off in the Jeep only to return with popsicles to help cool down the wolves, so Derek sends them off for some refreshments.

With the humans gone, complete shifting is a must. If any of the wolves loses control, at least there are no humans around to tempt the bloodlust. Derek is testing for speed and agility today-much like the obstacle courses he used to construct in the railroad depot. This time, he's laid out a course through the preserve with various obstacles in the way.

Their task is simple-to go out and retrieve an item by scent. Peter chose the items so they're all obscure things like pumpkin candles or an open tube of Icy Hot. They're easy to track once the foreign smell is identified. What makes it difficult is that each wolf has to race to the item and make it back to the Hale house before their opponent.

Winners are granted a short respite. Losers must clear debris from inside the Hale house. With no power inside and therefore no working AC, the wood doesn't really create a very cool environment. If anything, it's even hotter in the house.

Boyd and Jackson go first. Boyd removes his shirt before he gets himself ready for the shift. Jackson gives him a solid glare and removes his shirt as well. Erica's eyes widen and she looks to Scott and Isaac with her jaw open and her thumb toward them. Isaac gives her a weak smile mostly because he has no idea what kind of reaction she wants from him.

The two wolves bound into the woods when Derek gives the signal and after a few sharp snarls, they're gone completely. It's quiet, so Isaac kicks a few stones around, trying to get them lodged into the trunks of nearby trees.

"Who wants to race me?" Erica asks, pulling her hair back into a ponytail.

"I will," Isaac says quickly. He doesn't want to race Scott. It's not a matter of competition or accidentally letting him win-it's more a problem of having his wolf and Scott's wolf run together. So far, the two of them have been able to keep each other at bay, but if either one of them starts to shift, things get complicated. The last thing Isaac needs right now is to pounce on Scott in the middle of the woods and have to explain torn clothing to the rest of the pack. No, racing Erica was a great idea.

Even Scott looks a little relieved. "I have to run against Derek, anyway. His idea. Alpha and alpha and all," he shrugs a bit.

"Do we have to make a big show out of taking off our shirts?" Isaac asks, cringing a little.

Erica laughs, "It's hot enough. I'm about to. I'm not going to die of a heat stroke just because the world is afraid of breasts."

"Well, if you're doing it, I'll do it. I'm drenched in sweat already." Isaac pulls his shirt collar forward to look down at his bare chest and frowns. "I wonder if werewolves get sunburn."

"I don't think so," Scott says and then tugs at Isaac's shirt. "Come on, Isaac, take it off." If Isaac didn't like Scott so much, he'd punch the smirk off his smug face.

Isaac opens his mouth up to retaliate only to find that Scott has already taken off his shirt and tossed it over the porch railing. He's grinning wildly, but Isaac is only just barely registering it. Scott's torso is completely even colored. It's not fair. Isaac's fair skin gives his chest the impression that it doesn't know if it wants to be white or tan or pink, but Scott's is perfect and Isaac just wants to reach out and touch it.

He's seen glimpses in the locker room from lacrosse, but it's nothing compared to now. Isaac now has the memory of how that skin feels under his fingers, his lips, his tongue. He knows Scott's scent. He knows how to make Scott's scent turn sweeter and delicious and full of arousal.

Oh God, he really doesn't want to take his shirt off, now. He would much rather pull his shirt down to hide a growing problem-and right in front of Erica, too.

Erica is no fool. Her eyes glint with knowing, but she still doesn't do or say anything about it. Instead, she helps Scott tug at the shirt. "Come on, Isaac. All the cool kids are doing it," she says in a mocking tone. Isaac snaps his head in her direction, glaring as much as he can but it's lost on her. She smiles in that evil way she has and runs her tongue along the edges of her teeth.

"Erica," he says, knowing that even if he whispered, Scott could still hear. "You're not helping."

"Not trying to," Erica gives his shirt one last tug before giving up and taking a few steps back. She sweeps her shirt off in one quick swoop, revealing the sports bra underneath. "Come on, scaredy. It's almost our turn, anyway."

Isaac wants to look at Erica just to keep his eyes away from Scott, but with Erica in only a bra, he feels like he shouldn't be staring and he realizes right away that it's a trap she's concocted. She really doesn't give two shits about being shirtless or not-but she knows the other members of the pack respect her enough not to make a big deal. Now Isaac is caught in the trap of where to look and how to look and he really would just like to take his shirt and pull it up over his head and cover his eyes and walk into a tree.

There's a commotion in the distance that indicates Boyd and Jackson are almost back with their item. Derek barks out an order from his spot in the yard and Isaac doesn't quite catch it until Scott prods him.

"Isaac," he says, placing a hand on Isaac's shoulder and all but forcing Isaac to turn and face him. "Good luck."

"Thanks," Isaac sighs, the corner of his mouth turning up a little.

They both make awkward movements toward each other like they want to hug or kiss or handshake or just do something, but in the end Scott just grips Isaac's upper arm like they're in some gladiator movie. Isaac only nods and turns to go take his place by Erica, but he stops and quickly lifts his shirt off. He wads it into a clumsy ball and wordlessly stuffs it at Scott's chest.

Scott takes the shirt and gives Isaac a look filled with something so awestruck that Isaac really can't be within a three mile radius of Scott at the moment, so he dashes to Erica's side to get his head out of the clouds. He needs a clear mind so he can shift properly-and to ignore the bloodlust working in the back of his mind, or more recently, just the lust.

The moment Jackson and Boyd burst in from the woods with Jackson carrying the tube of Icy Hot, Derek gives the go ahead for Isaac and Erica to launch.

Isaac gives himself a mental, "Thank god," before he explodes into the woods, creating as much distance between himself and Scott as he can.

He forgets why he's there. He forgets the lesson plan and objective and everything. At the moment, the only thing running through Isaac's mind is the image of Scott's naked torso pressing against his. Not even the rush of cool air over his perspiring chest can help clear his mind.

The preserve doesn't go on forever. It ends eventually, but Isaac hasn't reached that end, yet. He has enough mental capacity to keep himself from populated areas but he can't go back to the Hale house. Not yet. Not while he's burning this hot.

Isaac doesn't stop running until he reaches a creek. He has no concept of time, so he's not sure how long he's been fleeing. He's worked off a lot of energy, so the creek is an excellent source for a drink. Not even bothering to shift back into human form, Isaac splashes the cool water on his face and neck and chest.

This, at least, has an effect on him, and he's able to lie in the cool grass beside the bank and catch his breath. He shifts slowly, his teeth and claws shrinking and his face smoothing out. The trees are thinner along the creek and he can see bits of the blue sky through the foliage. It's quiet out here. Peaceful. No Scott to get under his skin and cause him to go into cardiac arrest.

Speaking of...

An idle hand runs itself down the length of his torso. He feels his chest rise and fall as he continues to let his breathing even, but he makes the mistake of feeling his own naked chest to remind him of Scott's. The image flashes through his mind again and he groans.

"Are you kidding me?" he says to the trees above him. They don't answer, so Isaac closes his eyes. If he can't see them, they can't see him.

With that in mind, Isaac lets his hand wander down to palm the seat of his jeans. They're strained and tight from his recent neglect. Who would have thought that running through the woods half naked and fully shifted would do so little to relieve the wonderful erection Scott had given him before he left on his little journey?

There's a nagging feeling in the back of Isaac's mind that he should probably head back to the Hale house and not do what he's really, really thinking of doing, but that feeling is quickly shoved aside in favor of unbuttoning his pants.

He hasn't done this in a long time. He's even surprised he's made it this far with as little Isaac-time as possible. Apparently living in such close quarters with a handful of werewolves made it impossible to take care of himself discreetly. Peter went out nearly every night, Isaac has practicallyheard Erica and Boyd-and Derek? Derek probably has no sex life for all Isaac knows. It's either that or Derek takes care of himself in his car. Isaac assumes it's probably the latter.

But really, Isaac doesn't want to think about Derek while he's easing the tension his erection is creating by unzipping his jeans. He'd much rather think about Scott. How has Scott handled this? As Isaac tugs down his boxers and pulls his out his cock he thinks about how many times Scott has had to pull out the tissues and lotion before bed. How many times has Isaac left Scott's house with the both of them practically staining their jeans with pre-cum?

Isaac moans when he grabs his stiffened member, giving himself a few much-needed strokes. He thinks about how much he would really like to do this to Scott. How it's not fair that they have to keep everything a secret like this. In the heat of his stroking, he comes to the conclusion that everything is stupid the way it is and that he should just go up to Scott and kiss him senseless just so he can lick him and scent him in the places he really wants to lick and scent.

And it's really like everyone already knows anyway and just won't say anything. No one really cares. No one will care that they want to be together. That Isaac really wants to run his tongue along Scott's inner thighs to taste the flesh there-just to see what kind of difference it makes from his neck and his nipples.

Isaac is stroking faster, now, pumping his hand from base to tip. He stops every so often to work the skin at the tip, pulling it up and over before slamming his hand back down to the base. He flicks his thumb up to swipe at the pre-cum and he knows he's close. He can feel the buildup and he clenches the muscles in his calves.

Just a few more twists and the stray thought of that night with Scott on top of him on the couch sends Isaac over the edge. He spills himself into his other hand the best he can with a tightened moan. Somewhere, in his heightened state of ecstasy, he'd managed to remind himself that he couldn't make it back to the Hale house with semen all over his jeans. He would never hear the end of it.

He cleans up the best he can in the creek, hoping that if he rubs a bit of mud into his abdomen he can mask some of the scent.

Shifting is impossible. Isaac can't get into the right mind for it. He's mentally and physically exhausted and would like nothing more than to curl up in a pile of grass and sleep, but he knows he needs to get back. Slowly, memory of his task comes back to him and he knows that Erica has probably already found the item and made it back to base. Isaac is already in deep sludge.

He trudges through the woods. The coat of sweat on his body is no longer from exertion but from his worked up arousal. He's going to be a mess coming back. He wonders if he should even bother with it at all. His phone is back with his things, though, so it's not like he can call or text to let everyone know where he is.

No, he has to face this. And he has to face this, now.


By the time Isaac makes it back to the Hale house, Stiles and Lydia have arrived with popsicles. Boyd, Jackson, Scott and Erica are still shirtless and sitting on the porch with the still-clothed other members of the pack.

"There you are!" Stiles says, waving a purple popsicle around. "You get grape because no one likes that and you're late."

"Lahey," Derek growls, snapping at him. "Where the hell did you go?"

Isaac treads lightly, keeping as much distance as he can between himself and the wolves. He reaches out for his popsicle and holds it close to him. It's starting to melt through its paper wrapper. "Nice to see no one was worried."

"You haven't been gone long enough for us to worry," Erica says, lazily licking at the base of her popsicle, catching the syrup as it melts and drips. "I watched you run right past the stupid candle. You were ahead of me the whole time. You okay?"

"Yeah," Isaac says, nodding a little. He's still trying to wrap his mind around everything, not to mention still trying to stay away. "I guess I don't have as much control as I thought. That's why we train, right?"

There's a general consensus and Isaac sits on the far end of the porch to unwrap his popsicle. Until that point, he'd made a conscious effort not to look at Scott because he knows he'll just feel guilty. Scott is happily sucking on the tip of his treat and Isaac is very, very thankful he'd just taken care of himself in the woods because he wouldn't be able to help himself, now. There is absolutely no innocent way to eat a popsicle.

Scott catches Isaac's eye and mouths, "You okay?" Even though Isaac had just answered the question, he gives Scott a little shrug.

Really? No one notices? No one can smell the self love Isaac just poured all over himself? Surely creek mud isn't that potent. Everyone must be ten times more considerate of a secret than Isaac ever thought possible.

Just as Scott finishes his treat and is about to make his way to Isaac, he's stopped by Derek who wants to get ready for their training exercise. It seems like he's been waiting for something like this for a long time, so Scott goes with him to prepare. Isaac lets out a sigh of relief. This should give him enough time to hide his scent more. Just in case they really haven't figured it out, yet.

Peter suddenly appears out of nowhere, arms folded and grim. "House cleaning time, Cinderella," he says, handing him a broom. "Too bad we can't just use your head for a mop. Maybe a duster for the cobwebs."

Isaac lets out a cheap ha ha as he takes the broom from Peter's grasp and joins Boyd inside to start their punishment for losing. To Isaac, it's not really a punishment. He's wanted to take a broom to the house for weeks, especially while he lived there. In fact, he starts with the stairs, knowing it will kick up enough dust to hopefully give him a thin coat of filth.

He's about halfway down the stairs when he hears Boyd's over exaggerated coughing and stops to glare at him.

"I don't think you're actually cleaning anything," Boyd deadpans.

Isaac looks at his recently swept steps and shrugs, "Cleaning is really just moving the mess elsewhere, right? I'm just going from top to bottom."

"Just don't move your mess into anything I've just cleaned. I don't want to be here all night," Boyd remarks. He heads far away from Isaac and his dust cloud. Isaac watches him go with a satisfied smirk Everything went better than expected.

Isaac finishes the stairs faster than he thought it would. The pile at the bottom is massive. Who knew that much dust and debris could accumulate on one stairwell? Isaac contemplates briefly on sweeping it into a corner or under a rug, but the corners are in need of a good sweeping as well and there are no rugs. Did Peter even provide trashcans? He sighs loudly.

Boyd then comes in from what used to be the kitchen carrying a trash bag. "Looking for this?" he says, exactly as if he's read Isaac's mind.

Together they fill the bag with the pile of mayhem at the foot of the stairs. It's not until they're finished and Boyd is tying off the bag and hauling it off to the side that Isaac realizes just how little time he gets to spend with Boyd. In fact, he doesn't really even know all that much about him. Isaac was so worried about his friends being taken by the alpha pack that he didn't even stop to consider how horrible of a friend he must seem to them.

"Hey, so..." Isaac blurts out just as Boyd returns again with an empty trash bag. "I never really... had the chance to ask, but... you're okay, right? I mean, it's been a little while, now and I'm sorry I've been a little preoccupied, but I just wanted to know." He looks at Boyd's varying expressions and then hastily begins sweeping at the cobwebs in the corners of the front room.

Boyd is silent behind him, but Isaac doesn't want to turn around to see the reason.

Eventually, he speaks, his voice low, but calm. "I'm not okay."

Isaac pauses with the broom in the air, halfway to the ceiling so he can get the upper corners as well. He doesn't know what to say but it's okay because Boyd continues for him.

"I see them when I close my eyes. I can still hear them. You don't go through something like that and just expect to be just fine once you've had food again." There's some movement behind him and Isaac dares to look only to see Boyd is moving some of the larger and splintered beams off to one side of the room. He sets down his pile, causing a cloud of dust and ash to rise up. "I had a lot of time to myself being locked up over there. I learned a lot of things."

Isaac waves a hand briefly in front of his face, fanning the cloud of dust away as it makes its way toward him. "Like what?"

"Like who I can trust with my life."

Boyd's words cut through Isaac like a spear. He snaps around to look at Boyd and can only take a wild guess at the look of horror on his own face. "I wanted to find you!" he finds himself blurting out excuses before he can stop himself. "Derek said we shouldn't. I couldn't just start looking. I wasn't strong enough, I... I tried, I-"

"Isaac," Boyd shakes his head slowly. "Don't worry about it."

"No," Isaac stands firm. "I know what it looks like. I didn't forget about you. I started working with Scott-to learn how to become a better wolf. I asked Derek if we could look for you. I convinced Jackson to join the pack. I thought we were going to have to sniff them out, break in and save you two. I didn't know they were going to... to mess with us like that."

"Really, Lahey," Boyd says, using his surname to make his point carry more weight. "It's okay. I could tell. When they forced me to track Erica and I saw you that night, I knew."

"What about Derek? And Peter? And Scott? And... Jackson?"

"I don't owe Jackson or Peter anything. I knew Derek wouldn't do anything about it. He made it clear we were not a part of the pack when we chose to leave. But Scott?"

Isaac cringes, "What about him?"

"He was my voice, do you remember? He didn't want me to turn. And yet he didn't lift a finger while we were gone."

"He's been teaching me, though."

"Did he start that on his own?"

"Well, no. I asked him, but he went to Dr. Deacon... and the Argents."

At the mention of the Argents, Boyd's face freezes and goes slack. Isaac feels like he's accidentally stepped on a landmine. "Boyd?" he asks after a while.

"No slacking. We have things to do, remember?" Boyd snaps, hastily changing the subject.

Isaac frowns, but turns back to sweeping cobwebs. Boyd doesn't say anything else for a long time. Isaac wonders what could have possibly happened to make the stoic and strong Vernon Boyd lose his cool like that. He was willing to talk about what happened with the alpha pack, but not about the Argents? What did they do?


Boyd rounds on him. "When you take a step back and just watch everyone the way I do, you see things. When Scott becomes obsessed with something, nothing else in the world matters. Nothing," he snaps.

That isn't anything new. Isaac opens his mouth to say this but Boyd stops him again, his voice softer this time. "Just be careful, Lahey."

There is a loud commotion outside and the unmistakable sound of Peter's laugh grows steadily louder until the front door opens with a loud bang. The removal of the barrier only grants more volume to Peter's loud guffaws. "I should have put money on this outcome!"

Isaac looks up to see Scott nonchalantly walking into the Hale house. He looks beat from running in the woods, but otherwise unharmed. "He's been a wolf his entire life. What did he expect?" Scott grumbles, slamming the door behind him, muffling the snickers from outside. He sees the two of them inside and gives a big smile to Isaac. Boyd's presence is all but ignored; which Isaac takes note of this time. Boyd gives him an eyebrow raise as if to say, See?.

Even though he returns the smile to Scott, he knows exactly what Boyd is talking about, now. Isaac has somehow become Scott's new Allison. While that in itself is a very flattering prospect for Isaac, it's not a very happy one for the rest of the team. Scott is weaker when he's smitten like this. He doesn't make the best judgments. He overreacts to some situations and under reacts to others.

Did Isaac attribute to Scott's general lack of usual concern for the safety of their pack members? As an alpha this is a problem. Scott needs the trust of the entire pack and he can't get it if he's going to be ignoring them in favor of being with Isaac.

Even now, Scott is padding over to Isaac, just to hover. It makes a knot slowly form in Isaac's stomach and his nerves stand at attention. He doesn't know how to bring this up to Scott, especially with Boyd in the room and the rest of the pack just outside. He doesn't want it to escalate into anything he can't handle. He needs to speak to Scott privately.

Until then, he needs to act normal, which turns out to be a very easy thing to do. Scott, as it just so happens, wants nothing more than to just hang around Isaac in the house, even if it means clearing out debris. Isaac even suspects he threw the race with Derek just to get some alone time, but he doesn't bring it up at the risk of sounding conceited. Derek leads the group outside, while Scott sort-of leads the group inside. It's not so bad. Boyd takes the orders Scott gives him seriously, which Isaac takes as a good sign at least.

Eventually, Scott declares their efforts good enough, and they go outside where the rest of the pack has been lounging, enjoying their earned respite. The hood of the Camaro is open and Jackson and Derek are standing over the engine, talking about the parts inside while Stiles hovers behind them, hanging onto each word as if learning about how to fix an alternator is his life goal. The smell of nail polish wafts over from the side of the porch where Eric and Lydia are wiggling their newly painted toes. Peter is gone, which comes as no surprise.

Once they rejoin their pack mates, the group immediately pairs off and dissipates after Derek says a few choice words. They're the same parting words he says after every meeting and Isaac ignores them like the school announcements in the morning. Derek takes Erica home in the Jeep but makes Stiles take Boyd mostly because he's covered in dust and Derek doesn't want the seats of his precious car to suffer. Jackson and Lydia leave in Jackson's Porsche and that leaves Scott and Isaac to head back to Scott's place in his beat-up old car with the missing mirror.

Every mile they put behind them is another mile where Isaac's mirth slowly transforms into dread.


Isaac thanks the ceiling that Melissa is home. They give each other quick greetings before she all but begs for Isaac to take a shower before ruining any of her furniture. She then lets Scott know she'll be using the car tonight and that Isaac will have to find another way home. Scott starts to protest but Melissa gives him a look and his shoulders slump. Isaac doesn't know how to feel. He wants to spend the night with Scott too, but he also knows he has to keep a little distance-for the pack's sake.

By the time showers are finished, Melissa has dinner made and Isaac joins in. He's had dinner with the McCalls several times, now but he still can't get over the feeling of family he gets just from being there. They're a small household, and eating dinner on mis-matched plates is the norm, but Isaac loves it. There's no hostility, especially since Scott managed to pass all his classes, even if someone of them were by a hair.

Once they've finished eating, Melissa wipes her mouth and scoots back from the table. "I need to get ready for my shift. Can I trust you boys to clean up?" She eyes Scott more so than Isaac.

"Yeah, yeah," Scott waves her off. He doesn't mention that they've already spent most of the day cleaning.

Melissa looks to Isaac for confirmation and possibly to plead a little. "Don't let him make you do all the work."

"I'll keep him on his toes, Mrs. McCall," Isaac says. There's a kick at his shin from under the table and it only makes him flash Scott's mom a larger, faker smile.

"Okay," Melissa says, getting up from the table. "I mean it. I want to come home to a clean kitchen."

After reassuring her once again, she retreats upstairs. Isaac and Scott help themselves to more lasagna now that she's gone. Isaac hadn't wanted to look like a ravenous wolverine in front of Melissa, so he'd held back his appetite, but it looks like Scott did the same thing. They laugh and split the remaining dinner.

"I'll wash, you rinse, dry and put away?" Isaac asks between mouthfuls.

"Yeah," Scott confirms offhandedly. "That works. So, hey..." he leans forward, keeping his voice down, in spite of his mother not having super hearing. "Mom won't be back until like six in the morning. You can stay late."

"Won't she know?"

"Not really, no. So long as you're gone when she gets back, we won't get in trouble." Isaac doesn't miss the 'we.' He wants to grin in spite of himself just because he can still get in trouble with Melissa.

"What about sleeping? Won't you be tired in the morning?"

"Worth it," Scott smirks.

Isaac can't help but to smirk right along with him. He can't ignore the flare up of nerves in his stomach. He's very glad he's eaten already because the very thought of food is unsettling. There is absolutely no getting used to being around Scott. "Okay, I'll stay."


They finish dinner with comfortable banter. By the time Melissa comes downstairs all ready and set for work, the two of them are standing in front of the sink, Isaac up to his elbows in suds and Scott rinsing dishes.

She comes up from behind and plants a kiss on each of their cheeks along with a pat on the shoulder. Isaac warms all the way to his toes. Scott is so lucky to have a mother like Melissa. Isaac's own mother-no. He's not going to go there. Not tonight. Each and every time Scott's mom does something distinctly motherly toward Isaac, his eyes threaten to tear up and he's hit with a wave of homesickness for his mother, but he really doesn't want to go there, tonight. "Bye, boys."

"Bye mom."

"Bye Mrs. McCall."

She leaves and locks the door behind her. Once they hear the roar of the engine in the driveway, Scott takes the hose from the sink and sprays the side of Isaac's face with it.

Isaac jumps, dropping a plate he'd been scrubbing back into the soapy water. With a cry of retaliation, he scoops up a handful of suds and tosses them at Scott's face where they miss their mark slightly and land on his shoulder.

"Hah!" Scott taunts, brandishing the spray nozzle with both hands like a ray gun from an old science fiction movie. Isaac scoops up another handful of suds and they face each other at a stand-off.

"If you so much as pull that handle, I will rub these suds all over your fresh, clean hair," Isaac warns.

Scott raises his eyebrows in challenge just as Isaac lifts his hands. Isaac watches as the muscles in Scott's forearms tense, indicating his move to press down on the nozzle, so he springs into action before Scott can spray him by acting directly on his threat. He mashes his soap-covered hands on top of Scott's dark hair and rubs the suds around in it for good measure.

Isaac can hear the tiny bubbles popping in Scott's hair and he smirks madly, effectively making Scott's hair stand in every direction. He's about to laugh loudly in his face when a blast of cold water hits his chest, catching him off guard. Isaac shrinks back, pulling his hands away from Scott's head in the process.

Laughter erupts from Scott's lips as he waves the spray nozzle around. "Now we're even."

"Ugh," Isaac grunts as he peels the soaked shirt away from his skin. Each time the chilled fabric hits his chest, he shivers against the icy touch so he has to take his shirt off entirely. The only feasible place to set his shirt once he's taken it off is on Scott's face so he tosses the soaked garment in that general direction. "That was my only shirt."

Scott catches it easily and wads it into a ball. "You can borrow one of mine."

"A bigger one this time?"

"Maybe," Scott grins. He takes a step closer. His eyes are nowhere near Isaac's face. Suddenly Isaac feels incredibly self conscious. It's not like Scott has never seen his chest before, considering what happening during training this afternoon, but there's a difference between artificial and natural light. In fact, just thinking about training reminds him of what he did in the woods earlier and his heart rate spikes.

Scott's head twitches to the side a little and Isaac knows he's picked up on it. Isaac can hear Scott's heart beat race as well. His pupils dilate. His breathing quickens. Isaac knows he's undergoing the same symptoms as well.

Isaac backs up a little, his back hitting the sink behind him. "We still have dishes to do."

"I'll finish them after you leave," Scott says, tossing the wadded up shirt he'd been holding behind him.

"Oh, so you're kicking me out?"

"Not yet." Scott grins and it's more playful than predatory. He's quickly closing the gap between them, raising his head to meet Isaac's. Isaac wants this. Oh god how he wants this. A moment like this is more than he could ever have hoped for. He didn't think he'd ever get this far-to the point that he can just kiss Scott whenever he wanted? Oh, sure he'd fantasized about it, but he didn't think it would actually happen.

Scott wants him. Scott likes him. Scott is looking at him like he wants to do some very, very interesting things despite the fact that Isaac is, well, Isaac. Apparently Scott likes him like he is... however he must seem to him.

And yet, something feels off. Something isn't quite right. It's nagging and pressing at the back of Isaac's mind and it's enough to make him back away from Scott's advances. He knows he won't be able to hold him off for long before he realizes that Isaac isn't just playing hard to get and that there's something genuinely strange about this whole thing.

"Wait. Scott..." Isaac sighs like it's a reflex and Scott backs off immediately. In fact, he backs off so much he hits the kitchen table with his rear and it scoots an inch across the floor.

"I don't get you," Scott says, exasperated. He tries to run a hand through his hair and meets the oil of the soap suds and looks genuinely upset about it. "Everything about you just... it just... I know what I hear, and smell and see and sense and the way you look at me... and then you just, I don't even know. What the hell, Isaac?"

Isaac slumps against the counter, tasting defeat before he has even begun to fight. "I don't even know."

Scott's face falls in such a way that Isaac's heart breaks without him realizing that's exactly what it's doing. "Do you even like me the way I think you do?" he chokes on the words a little bit, like he's not sure if he should say them or not, "Or am I just making this all up?"

"You're not making it up," Isaac says a little too quickly, trying his hardest to make his eyes look at pleading as possible. He can't lose Scott, not now, not ever. He just needs to take the time to explain everything properly, not just to Scott, but hopefully to himself at the same time. "I like you, I do."

"But..." Scott adds for him. He's still waiting for a rejection, Isaac realizes.

"But I'm worried." It's the only thing he can think of at the moment.


"About the pack." This is true, but it's not the entire truth... hopefully it's enough to get Isaac by until he really knows how to sort this out. He just needs time to think.

Scott sighs heavily, "The pack isn't here. It's just us. We don't have to hide anything right now. I'm so tired of hiding. Why can't I fall in love with someone I'm actually allowed to be with?"

Isaac's breath hitches in his throat. It takes Scott a second to realize what he said and he all but clamps his hand over his mouth in surprise. Isaac doesn't know what to say so he lets his mouth dangle open for a second until he realizes what he's doing and closes it.

"It's too soon, isn't it," Scott says with dread. "I know it is. I swear this isn't a rebound. But this isn't just some crush Isaac. I don't just... I don't just crush on everyone that's nice to me-let alone a guy."

Isaac is speechless. Scott's revelation is solid. He's not taking it back or denying it. He's explaining himself. Suddenly, Boyd's words come back to Isaac in a whirlwind of memories. Boyd's warning makes sense now. Scott fell for Allison hard and fast, and now, it seems, the same is happening with Isaac.

He wants to take a second and try to see it from Scott's perspective. Scott had told him he tried to avoid Isaac once he knew what he was feeling. That in itself shows that Scott wanted to make an informed decision before he even tried anything. But now they are here. They are at a junction and Isaac needs to know if he's going to feel safe enough to board this train with Scott or not.

"You were so in love with Allison," Isaac says at length, taking time to choose his words carefully. "Everyone knew it. How can I tell you're not just..." he trails off, knowing what he wants to say, but he's too afraid to say it out loud.

"Faking it?" Scott finishes for him. Isaac feels terrible for making him say it when he couldn't. "Isaac," Scott pushes himself from the table and reaches out to take Isaac's hand. Stiles would call it a romantically cheesy move, but Isaac can only feel awestruck as Scott carefully guides his palm to his heart. "You can tell if I'm lying. Try me."

Isaac swallows loudly. It's too warm in this room, even with his shirt off. Scott's heart is beating wildly under his palm, but it's still a steady rhythm. It's beating hard out of the stress he's going through. He looks both confident and anxious. It's a strange combination. "If..." he starts out and has to swallow again because his throat is dry. "If Allison asks for you back... will you go back to her?"

Scott smiles, "She kind of already did."

Isaac raises his eyebrows in question.

"I told her I would wait for her... and she said she couldn't make me do that, but I think a part of her was still hoping I would. When I gave her back her things and asked her for advice about you... she knew I wasn't waiting any more. She cried. Well, no. She didn't cry. Her eyes got all shiny."

"She cried? Why?"

Scott shrugged, "How should I know? Girls are a mystery. Maybe she'd rather I pine for the rest of my life."

"Sounds selfish," Isaac says. He doesn't mean it though. He has a feeling he knows why Allison was upset. She probably thought she was going to lose Scott as a friend when all was said and done-because she'd hurt Scott's new love interest right in front of him. It was, if anything, a guilty conscience. Isaac is fairly pleased about that, and knows that this probably makes him the selfish one.

"Whatever it was, it's over between me and her. I'm not lying about that," Scott urges, puffing out his chest to prove his point.

Isaac smiles in spite of himself. It gives him the courage to ask what's really bothering him. "The pack, though... you won't ignore them when you're with me, right? You are their alpha. They look up to you. I don't want to be responsible for any fights in the group. Everyone is important. We're a family. We've already missed out on helping Erica and Boyd... I don't want it to happen again."

Scott deflates a little, mostly out of relief. It's like he can tell that that was the piece of doubt wedged under Isaac's fingernails. He's smiling back. "I promise not to ignore the rest of the pack. In fact, we can both check our phones right now to make sure no one is dying or wondering where we are, okay?"

"Okay," Isaac agrees. He relinquishes his hand from Scott's chest and they both dig in their pockets for their phones.

"I've got nothing, you?" Scott says, holding up the screen for Isaac to see.

Isaac shows Scott his lack of concerned friends as well. "Nothing."

"That means," Scott begins, "that we have a night to ourselves. No one is in trouble. No one can interrupt us. No one is trying to reach us. What do you want to do with it?"

The look Scott is giving Isaac can melt lead at a thousand paces. The heat it gives off makes Isaac's knees a little weak. Up until that point, he had no idea a facial expression could do so much for one's libido.

"I have a few ideas," Isaac smirks, looking more confident than the feels.

Scott returns the smirk only to have Isaac cover it with his mouth a second later. He kisses his alpha feverishly, as if this is the last time he can do it. He tries to make up for everything in that moment-for all the lost kissing time and the constant waiting. He can't let go of Scott's mouth, even to breath evenly. Their lips and tongues mash together in a way that must not look all that attractive from an outsider's perspective, but Isaac isn't worried about that at the moment. He's more concerned with Scott's hot breath on his lips and the needy caresses spoiling his naked torso.

Their need for each other causes them to move about the kitchen in a mass of limbs and uncoordinated steps. At first Isaac is pressed hard up against the sink, but then it's Scott who is held against the counters, Isaac's hips rolling into his. Scott shoves him forward and into a wall, simultaneously pressing back his shoulders and pulling himself closer.

They somehow stay connected the entire time they keep up their strange dance. At one point, Scott's shirt is removed, but Isaac doesn't remember breaking their kiss. All he knows is that suddenly he has toned muscles under his fingertips and it is glorious.

When Scott trips on a chair and falls backwards into the seat, they finally pause. Breathy laughter escapes their lips and Isaac is overwhelmed with the urge to climb into Scott's lap and bury his face into the heated skin.

His legs do eventually give out, though, mostly because he's been working so hard to hold back both his wolf and his teenage hormones. Scott is splayed across the chair, his legs spread and relaxed and it's only natural for Isaac to fall in between them. He's still laughing, though, and holds onto Scott's thighs for support, resting himself on one of his legs.

"You're so far away," Scott whines, flopping a needy hand at Isaac's curls.

Isaac smiles lazily up at Scott through half-lidded eyes, just letting him toy with his hair. "Give me a second to stay human."

"You're doing fine. You still have your eyebrows," Scott jokes, now letting his hand fall to Isaac's ear, thumbing the rounded cartilage.

"Eyebrows?" Isaac waggles the offending facial features up at Scott. "That's what you're worried about?"

"I'm not worried about anything."


"Not lies."

As they banter, Isaac's hands move up, almost of their own accord. His fingers slowly walk across the denim of Scott's jeans toward his crotch. With each step, Scott's voice grows more and more bothered until he's not even saying words anymore, he's just sort of mumbling.

Isaac can feel Scott's erection, hard and hot hiding behind too many layers of cotton. He palms it, getting a feel for the length and shape as it's pressed against him.

The sounds escaping from Scott's lips are so beautiful Isaac wants to absorb all of them. Being so close to Scott's cock like this is sending so many signals to so many different parts of Isaac's body that it's a wonder he doesn't throw his head skyward and howl. The salty smell of precum and sweat is inches from his face. He longs to run his nose along the seat of Scott's jeans and just scent. Better yet, he'd really like to remove all the barriers and continue his exploration undisturbed.

His hands move to start undoing the fly of Scott's jeans when the moment is ruined by the sharp ringtone of Scott's phone.

Isaac pauses in his ministrations only briefly and Scott groans, but not from pleasure. They both freeze, their eyes finding the source of the annoying sound.

"Ignore it," Scott mutters at last.

"You should get that," Isaac counters, slowly pulling his hand away. When Scott protests, Isaac shoots him a pained look. Here is a test-an inconvenient test but one nonetheless. "You promised."

Scott protests some more, "But this is different! It's-"

"Answer it before it goes to voicemail, or I will," Isaac says, now reaching for the ringing phone. He is determined not to become a distraction.

Scott bats Isaac's hand away and reluctantly scrambles for his phone. When he answers, he practically barks into the receiver. "WHAT?"

"Well, now," comes the tinny voice from the other end of the line. It's Stiles. "What debauchery did I interrupt?"

"What?" Scott looks confused for a second and then-"Did you do this on purpose?"

"Who, me?" Isaac can practically hear Stiles grinning on the other end. "You know me, I only call if I have really, really important news. Like I'm dying and I need you to save me."

"Are you dying and need me to save you?"

"Not really, no."

"Then why are you calling?" Scott just sounds annoyed. Isaac scoots further up in between Scott's legs and kneels up on his knees so he can rest his head on Scott's torso and wrap his arms around his waist. Scott's erection is poking him in the stomach. Isaac can practically feel it twitching. Scott clamps his thighs around Isaac's middle in a strange leg hug. With Isaac snuggling into him like this, he seems only slightly less annoyed.

Stiles coughs. "Oh, yeah, right. Um. Derek wants to know if Isaac is coming home tonight."

"Seriously?" All the annoyance filters right back into Scott's voice. "You called me for that? Of course he's coming home tonight."

"Like... right now?"

Scott looks down at Isaac and Isaac shakes his head. It's unspoken knowledge that Isaac can hear the entire conversation with his head so close to the phone's receiver. "No, not right now. Does he need to be home, now?"

"Nope! Not at all. Have fun!" There's a faint click as the line is cut off. Scott stares at his phone like it's done him a personal injustice.

"What the hell was that about?"

Isaac shrugs. "I guess maybe Derek doesn't want to have to wait up, or freak out if he hears the key in the lock at two in the morning."

"Maybe," Scott agrees nonchalantly, tossing his phone onto the tabletop with a clang.

"It could have been worse. It could have been a real problem."

"Yeah, but it wasn't."

"It wasn't. But you still answered it."

Isaac is beaming at Scott like he's going to stick a gold star on his forehead. Scott chuckles and toys with the curls that frame Isaac's face for a moment, just staring at him idly. He snaps out of his reverie with a sharp shake like he's been jolted awake clears his throat. "We should go back to what we were doing before. I like that idea."

"We should," Isaac agrees. "I should reward you for answering your phone." He can't help the sly grin that breaks across his face.

"I can't believe you actually want me to ignore you."

"It's not ignoring. It's... sorting out your priorities."

"You're my priority," Scott says it with such sincerity in his voice that Isaac's eyes soften.

He can't look directly at Scott and has to shift his gaze to anywhere else in the kitchen. "I'm not more important than the lives of the pack."

"I get it," Scott murmurs, scratching lightly at the patch of skin between Isaac's shoulder blades. Isaac shivers at the touch, gooseflesh appearing all across his arms. "But the only person that needs me right now is you."

Isaac is quiet. He doesn't know how to respond to that. Scott is quiet as well. The silence between them is thick, like they're both holding their breath.

And then the laughter comes, simultaneous and loud. Isaac pushes away from Scott to wipe tears from his eyes and Scott is gasping for air on the chair.

"What the hell was that?" Isaac gasps between fits of giggles. He's holding his side like he's been shot.

"That was terrible," Scott snickers, hiding his face in his hands. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be," Isaac stands up and tugs at Scott's wrists, pulling his hands from his face. He's still smiling stupidly and if he's not careful, he'll erupt into another laughing fit. "You were right. I do need you."

Scott looks up at him, his brown eyes hopeful, "Yeah?"

"Yeah," Isaac repeats, dropping Scott's wrists to point in the general direction of the sink, "I need you to finish those damn dishes so your mom won't ground you and I'll never get to see you again."

Scott groans, "Are you serious right now? How can you think about dishes when this is happening?"

There's pressure on his groin and Isaac gasps a bit when he realizes Scott's hand is on his arousal, much in the same way Isaac was touching him before. Scott's hand recoils at the sound, but then he steels his gaze and reaches more deliberately for Isaac once more. The chair scoots loudly across the floor as Scott stands up. In one fluid motion, he wraps his other hand around the back of Isaac's neck and pulls him down for a kiss, his right hand never leaving the front of Isaac's pants.

This kiss isn't as needy and desperate as the one before. They aren't shoving each other into various pieces of kitchen furniture. It's slow and lazy and wet and Isaac lets himself forget all about the dishes.

Isaac's hands resume their interrupted mission of trying to undo the button of Scott's jeans when Scott makes a noise in the back of his throat and pulls back. "Not here. Not in the kitchen." His voice is low and airy and sends jolts of electricity coursing through Isaac's lower abdomen.


"My room."

"But that's so far away. We have to go up stairs," Isaac whines, not even bothering to hide it. He's finally accepting the fact that he's going to get further tonight and if they get interrupted one more time he's going to get so angry, it'll trigger a shift and he'll have to slaughter a defenseless squirrel to make himself feel better. Taking care of himself that afternoon has had very little effect on keeping him calm right now.

Scott shoves at Isaac anyway. "Just go."

Isaac begins the trudge upstairs but he makes a point to kick off his shoes and socks as he goes, leaving them in a pile in the hallway. He's pleased when Scott does the same.

They don't really make it to Scott's room before Isaac loses his cool and pulls Scott in for another kiss. Scott gets way too happy whenever Isaac is the one to initiate anything. When Scott kisses him, it's deliberate but unsure as if he's still wondering if he's doing the right thing. Whenever Isaac makes the move, Scott responds with so much enthusiasm it clouds all sorts of judgments.

Once they stumble into the room, Isaac takes their general location as a good sign that he can continue undoing Scott's pants. He reaches downward only to find that Scott has done most of the job for him. His button and fly are wide open and Isaac can easily slide his hands under the fabric. He moves his hands around to cup Scott's ass through his underwear and Scott jumps a little in his arms, once more breaking their kiss.

"You ok?" Isaac breathes, giving the skin under his palms a squeeze.

"That's my butt," Scott says like he needs to have it clarified out loud.

Isaac snickers into Scott's neck, stooping down to bury his nose in the dark hair behind his ear. "Yes. Yes, Scott, it is. It's a good butt. An awesome butt." He gives it more squeezes to solidify his claim.

"It's different," Scott's voice is odd. "I feel like I should be the one doing the ass-grabbing."

"No one is stopping you," Isaac is still snickering a little. He uses his grip on Scott's backside to pull him forward, grinding their bare chests together and thrusting his hips into Scott's.

"Holy crap, Isaac," Scott gasps at the motion. Isaac can feel his tongue and lips on his neck, now. Scott's chests presses tighter against his own as his lungs expand. He's scenting Isaac and it triggers that need again.

Once tapped, the primal urges take over and with the two of them combined and lost in them, it's downright impossible to get them to stop. Isaac growls and buries his nose deep in Scott's hair, nuzzling him with his cheek. His hands leave Scott's pants in favor of running his nails up Scott's tanned back.

Scott shudders at the touch and guides the two of them over to the bed. A little nudge in the right direction causes Isaac to fall backward onto the mattress and Scott climbs over him, mouth heading straight for Isaac's exposed skin on his stomach. Each kiss and nip makes Isaac's nerves twitch. He longs to pull Scott to him and fill his nostrils with that delicious aroma of arousal and lust and want, but Scott is so far away. He's making him feel good on that physical human level and lying there and taking it is just as amazing as trying to gain the initiative.

Scott's hands are at his jeans, now, messing with the fly. Isaac looks down to see his brows furrowed in concentration as he works the button. It's hard to work the pants from the opposite direction, Isaac knows this firsthand from about fifteen minutes ago. He's about to offer assistance when finally Scott is victorious and tugs hard at Isaac's now open jeans, pulling them down to his knees, then ankles and eventually Isaac helps kick them across the room. Scott settles in between Isaac's legs, kneeling on the floor in front of the bed.

There's a wet spot on Isaac's boxers from the tip of Isaac's arousal. It's strange-Isaac thought he would be embarrassed about being so turned out from Scott, but it turns out he's not ashamed at all. The scent on Scott drove him absolutely wild and he can see that same primal look in Scott's eyes.

And yet, despite that obvious need, there's still doubt. Scott has had it all night, and it isn't until now that Isaac has figured it out. It's the same feeling Isaac has-the same reason Isaac tries to keep the two of them at first or second base. Scott may not be a virgin, but he's still never done something like this before, and neither has Isaac. It's scary and nerve-wracking and new.

"Scott..." Isaac says, his voice going up only slightly in question. "No one is making you do anything."

Scott tears his eyes from Isaac's erection to look vaguely at Isaac's face. "I know. I want to." He lifts his hand, bringing it to rest on Isaac's abs and slowly moves it downward. His wrist brushes Isaac's hardness and Isaac twitches involuntarily. The movement makes Scott recoil again. "Oh god," he says, suddenly worried. "I didn't even ask you. Do you want me to...?"

"Seriously," Isaac growls a little, astonished with his own forwardness. His cock is aching and with Scott just centimeters away from him it's torture. He wants to thrust upward so bad he swears it's going to have an adverse affect on him in about ten seconds. "If you don't touch me, I'm going to touch myself."

That sentence is all the pep talk Scott needs because he takes the dive and grasps Isaac's cock through his boxers. They both gasp, Isaac out of relief and Isaac has no idea why Scott even gasped. He's caught up in a whirlwind of physical and emotional reactions.

His brain can't really get past the whole, 'Scott is touching' him part, and when Scott's hand starts to move, Isaac can't really think of anything anymore. He is nothing but sensation. At some point, Scott's hand has gone from outside Isaac's boxers to tugging them down and around his sack exposing him to the air.

Isaac's eyes are shut tight. He wants to open them. He wants to see the look on Scott's face, but he can't. His eyelids are betraying him, the devils. Scott strokes him up and down in languid movements. It's not what Isaac is used to but at this point, it doesn't really matter. It's Scott. Scott is doing this to him.

A low grunting noise brings Isaac to his own mind long enough to make sense of something Scott is saying, "-how you like it?"

"Wh-what?" Isaac asks, trying to force his eyes to open.

"I said you look like I'm hurting you. Is this how you like it?" Scott repeats. There's a bit of worry in his voice and Isaac's eyelids allow themselves to lift.

Scott is hovering over Isaac just like he poured over his history test, brow furrowed in concentration.

"No," Isaac answers and then his eyes widen at the look on Scott's face and he waves his hands to re-start his answer. "I mean, no you're not hurting me! Just... I don't know, just do what you would like because whatever it is, I'll like it and---" As he speaks, Scott starts to move his hand again, but down toward Isaac's balls for a moment. Then he's back to pumping his shaft in a twisted rhythm and Isaac doesn't even know what he's talking about anymore. "That's good and just don't stop whatever you're doing because holy crap Scott you have no idea how far way you are and how much I just want to touch you like thi---" he stops abruptly because there's something warm and wet at the tip of his penis and he cries out in surprise.

Scott doesn't answer the cry and Isaac looks down to see dark lips wrapped around him and sinking lower. It's combined with the slow swirling of a hot tongue and Isaac is pretty sure he can see stars. He didn't expect this. He thought maybe they would get too excited and get each other off before things escalated this quickly. He isn't even sure Scott is ready for something like this, but it's happening and Isaac isn't going to stop it.

Cold air hits him for a moment, but it's swallowed up again by Scott's hand, pumping his slick member even faster. Scott says something, but Isaac doesn't even register what it is. His toes are curling and he's trying to hold himself back-he wants to make this last as long as he can. Scott tentatively licks at the tip again like he's getting a proper feel and then slams his mouth down around him as far as he can go.

His mouth is so hot and wet and moving around him and with Scott's hand still at the base of Isaac's shaft, he can't even control his body's movement anymore. His hands jut forward, grabbing onto Scott's shoulders and his hips thrust upward.

The only reason Isaac even knows he's saying anything is because he can feel the vibrations in his throat. Scott pulls away from him quickly just as Isaac can feel the pressure start to build. A few quick strokes on Scott's part and Isaac is coming hard, spilling around himself and all over Scott's hand. Scott slowly eases his strokes as Isaac's shudders begin to wind down.

Isaac's eyes are kind enough to let him take a good look at Scott. He's got claw marks on his shoulders that are healing quickly. Isaac feels as though he should apologize for that, but the look on Scott's face says he's already been forgiven.

Scott is giving him a strange look. "You're beautiful," he says eventually.

Isaac is taken aback, "What?"

"I know you're not supposed to say that to guys or whatever, but that's the only thing that fits you right now. The way you looked. I'm not sorry." Scott clarifies through half-lidded eyes. Isaac doesn't argue, especially since the room is filled with the satisfying smell of sex-but it's not just Isaac's. ...what?

With a whine of protest, but only against himself, Isaac forces himself to sit up. He's on the edge of the bed, now, with Scott still kneeling between his legs. It forces Scott to remove his hand and wipe it on his pants. The movement catches Isaac's eye and he can see Scott's own spent cock jutting out from his boxers.

"You took care of yourself without me?" Isaac frowns, feeling deprived.

Scott looks sheepishly down at his softening member. "I couldn't help it. The noises you were making... if I didn't do something I probably would have started humping the bed. No lie."

Isaac laughs, "You are brutally honest after an orgasm." Although something Scott said makes Isaac wonder. He knows he must have been saying or doing something because his throat is dry, but he has no idea what he said. "Speaking of honesty, what did I say?"

Scott is grinning now, "It was pretty bad. I don't want to repeat it, but I'm sure porn directors would love it."

All the remaining blood drains from Isaac's face, "No, seriously, McCall. What did I say?"

"I'm not telling," Scott says defiantly, and then adds for good measure, "Lahey."

Isaac pushes Scott away but not out of frustration. He's smiling anyway. He'll figure it all out, later. Right now, all he wants to do lay down with Scott in his arms and hold him until his eyes stop being so heavy. He flops sideways onto the bed, his head hitting an all-too-comfortable pillow. "Whatever."

Scott shuffles around in his room for a moment before climbing into bed with Isaac. Both of them are in just their boxers, now. The residual heat from their bodies helps to mold them together. It's Isaac who is holding Scott this time as they face each other, his nose nuzzling the top of Scott's head.

They are quiet for a while, breathing in each other's scent. Isaac is fighting to stay awake. He knows he needs to go home. He knows he needs to put on proper clothing again. But Scott is so warm and so near and if Isaac so much as tries to walk out of the room alone, he'll feel empty and forgotten.

"Isaac?" Scott is the first to break the silence.


"This means you're my boyfriend, right?"

Isaac chuckles and holds Scott tighter. "After all that, you're asking now? I thought we already were."

"I did too but... I've never done this before. I don't know when we crossed the line."

"Me neither, but we have to tell the pack, now. There's no way we can keep pretending there's nothing going on," Isaac says, trying not to let his drowsiness muffle his words. It's true. Once he somehow makes it back to Happy Meadows, he's going to smell like Scott and sex and it'll wake up every wolf in the house.

"Okay," Scott agrees, yawning. "We'll tell them tomorrow."

"Tomorrow," Isaac agrees, rubbing Scott's back reassuringly. He cannot think of another time where he has ever been more content. Sure, spending time with Scott always makes him happy, but it seems like each moment he's with him, his sadness gets pushed aside and more and more happiness replaces it.

Scott feels heavy in his arms and doesn't respond, so Isaac knows he's fallen asleep.

Isaac has every intention to lay with Scott for a little while and then get up, get dressed, and go finish the dishes for him. He thinks about how he'll run home while shifted and take the woods and back ways to make sure he won't get caught. He thinks about the exact way he'll sneak into the townhome, hoping everyone will stay sleeping long enough for him to curl up in his blankets and pass out.

But he does none of that. The next time Isaac opens his eyes, it's to the sound of harsh pounding on Scott's bedroom door and Melissa McCall yelling sternly from the other side.

Sunlight filters into the room and by its light, Isaac and Scott exchange a startled and very frightened look.

"Oh, shit."


This is the second last chapter so yeah, wait for the last one next!

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