You Don't Belong Here {Yukine...

By VioletHeartstrings

784 18 21

You are the new regailia to Yato, a low-rank god , and new member of the small family Yato has made. Altough... More

Chapters Coming soon!!!
Chapter 1: And So it begins...
Chapter Two: To Hiyori's House
Chapter Three: Truth be told
Chapter Four: Getting better
Guess who's back??!!!
Publishing Schedule

Chapter Five: My Hero

53 1 2
By VioletHeartstrings

After yelling at Yato one last time, I turned to the Shrine and waddled my way to it.

I was out of breath from the running and yelling, still under the rapid fire of embarrasment, not to mention shock from hearing Yukine actually laugh because of me.

Although, I doubt one little laugh is all it takes to blow over the little talk we had earlier. I wash the dirtied dishes with the slowest pace I could, hoping that I'd be able to forget that moment.

Sighing rather disappointingly, I dry off my hands on the little apron I wore. I hear a little squeak that was nearly inaudible if it weren't for my prolonged silence.

Caring less of the sound I began to search the floor with a slight blush that still remained from earlier. Seeing nothing I walked my way to the attic.

Loud thuds of footsteps barrelled in the room I had just left. A little startled and doing what most would do,"Hello?"....No answer.

Not remembering most of my previous life, I only knew that it was best to leave the house and not investigate.

I creeped along the walls. Staying calm and quiet, I peeked the corner and Ran outside without a second thought.

I looked to the Sakura tree and indeed found Yato and Yukine talking on an upper branch. I could only stare and think of who may be in the house.

Hiyori? No. She has a big test today.
Lady Kofuko?! No, she's opening vents outside of town. And it can't be her Regailia because he is what she uses to open them...

That's all the people I know that would possibly be here. I'm still staring ahead looking straight at Yato and Yukine.

Tension rising higher by the second my voice completely shuts down.

I can only stare. I need to tell them or at least ask them if they saw anybody enter the house. No that's stupid. They would be down here if they saw anyone suspicious!

Yukine breaks eye contact with Yato and spots me staring. He looks at me for a few seconds. It felt like hours before he noticed the slight fear in my eyes.

Yukine quickly informs Yato and they both hop down unscathed. Yato runs up to me first,"What's wrong (Y/N)?!" I felt better to be near them and mumbled,"D-Did you guys happen t-to see someone go inside?"

Yato looks to Yukine for some kind of answer. After a quick 'No' in reply, I shook in fear of who or what may be in the shrine.



The thoughts terrified me if I chose to stay inside.

"Sekki," Yukine transformed into the two blades with the ribbon-like covering flowing outward,"(Y/N) stay behind me and be ready to be called." I nodded shakily and his behind Yato. We made our way back into the home as Yato asked me a series of questions,

"Where did you see them?"

"Well I didn't see it, rather I heard it and snuck out."

"She's probably being delusional Yato. This is a complete waste of time!"

"I heard it as clear as anything! I am not being delusional, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" I retort. We began to bicker over my Sanity for quite a bit. Yato looking like he died a little inside.

Yato quickly hushes our bickering and pushed me on. I quickly felt the fear begin to come back after losing it in the small little 'fight' with Yukine.

"Master Yato. D-do you think it's a ghost?" I clung onto the back of his jacket. Yato chuckled and allowed Yukine to speak for him,

"(Y/N), you dense idiot. You and I are practically ghosts! And phantoms can't get past the barrier of the shrine."

"You don't have to be so mean about it." I say relieved of the fact that Ghosts were scratched off the list. Yato tensed up when we heard a thud from our room, the attic.

Carefully making our way to the room, attempting to not make a sound.

I sneeze lightly, accidentally scaring everything holy out of Yato. Yato turned sharply to glare at me,"Shhh!" He began to run up the attic stairs without me. I hear many thuds and grunts, occaisional glass breaking, and lots of footsteps.

I stare at the empty stairway and only thought if the funny scene that is talking place up there. I giggle slightly to myself and stopped when I heard silence.

Something small sloppily runs down the steps and jumps at me with tremendous speed. Knocking me down, I scream at the impact and hear Yato jolt down the steps and call Yukine out of his current form.

Yato approached me before lifting a small weight on my stomach. He inspects it carefully before saying in a surprised tone,"A pig."

I shoot up from the spot on the floor and look at the small white piglet being held by Yato. Yukine grabs it forcefully and screams at me,"A PIG IS WHAT SCARED YOU?! MAN, YOU GIRLS AND YOUR WEIRD PHOBIAS!"

Seeing the pig squeal at the touch of Yukine made my intincts go through the roof as I scooped up the pig from Yukine's grasp. "And who said I was scared of Pigs? I never knew what it was before we found it!"

I gently held the piglet to my chest petting it lightly. It quickly got used to the feeling and quit its fidgeting. Yato who stayed silent in it all suddenly had the look of Yen signs in his eyes.

"WE CAN COOK IT!" He yelled.

"NO!" I managed to lift my leg up to sloppily kick him in the jaw. Yato fell down with a painful cry of agony as I ran with the piglet in my arms. Yato managed to convince Yukine to go after me and 'Avenge his fallen master'. Yukine was taller than me so his legs had a bigger advantage. Speeding up I ran out and into the yard with a furious blonde at my heels.

"(Y/N)! GET BACK HERE!" He growled through his clamped jaws. I follow his command and stopped to crouch in a ball-like form. Not expecting this new found obstacle, the boy regalia tripped over the small and 'innocent' (Y/N).

I witnessed the blur of blonde and amber land in front of me. Belly exposed to the crystal sky. "This pig shall live, so long as I am here to care for it." I cooly lean in to his line of vision.

"You are the craziest chick I've ever met." He responds with a glare. I shrug and smile down at my new pet...Am I talking about Yukine or the pig?


Definitely Yukine.

"Now what should I name you?" I pull the piglet into my cheek as an attempt to hug. "I already have one it's 'Yukine'." I sit on the concrete next to the still, laying figure.

"I was talking to the pig, but I didn't realise there was two of them here." I watch his face carefully as he stares blankly into the sky.
Thinking he took it seriously I apologized,"Sorry, that was uncalled for." There was another long silence as I tried to keep the pig from running away in all of this tension.

"(Y/N)...?" Yukine whispers. My attention immediately is given to him as we turn to look in each other's eyes. "Y-yeah?" I blush as he stares with emotionless eyes.


"Is the pig a boy or girl?" My blush fades instantly. "W-what?" I look at the pig and lift it up to see the miraculous gender reveal. "It's a boy-I were..." Yukine gives me a questioning look when I cut myself off.

"You thought what?...Look if it's about earlier-"

"Yuki-Junior!" I yell to change the subject.

'Why in the hell did I say that?'


I lift the piglet to his face."Y-Yuki Junior! See? You two are twins!"

Yukine grabs the pig from my hands, only for it to end up screaming for release. "I think he looks more like his mom. Old, chubby, and dumb!" He hisses playfully.

"I think he looks more like his dad! Only so much cuter and smart." I freeze when I hear Yukine's breath hitch. I turn slowly to his red face as my playful words soaked his ears. It took me forever to finally realise I called him 'somewhat cute' and hinted at a 'Husband and wife' trope for the pig. And my dumb self lost all confidence to make a sassy rebuttle against the thoughts he must be thinking.

I hear a loud celebratory yell inch closer as a mess of black track suit filled my vision.

"MY TWO REGAILIA ARE FINALLY GETTING ALONG~! YAHOO! LET'S CELEBRATE WITH SAKE!" My face had decided a little pink would compliment my shocked (E/C) ones. Yukine became a blubbering mess as he grabbed the fronts of Yato's jacket and flung him about.

I state loud and clear for the two of them to listen in,"Master Yato...No. Yato. I have lost all respect for you as a God and man. Also you have a drinking problem." Yato became angry next and gave me a lecture about gods and drinking.



It was mostly drinking.

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