That Butt Naked Godly Being W...

By Silent_Innocence

11.7M 288K 41.8K

After the mother of Corinne (Corey) Tyson, falls victim of a fatal wolf attack, Corey's father becomes extrem... More

TBNGBWALSP...Chapter One
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Two
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Three
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Four
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Five
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Six
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Seven
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Eight
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Nine
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Ten
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Eleven
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Twelve
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Thirteen
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Fourteen
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Fifteen
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Sixteen
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Seventeen
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Eighteen
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Nineteen
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Twenty
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Twenty-One
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Twenty-Two
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Twenty-Three
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Twenty-Four
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Twenty-Five
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Twenty-Six
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Twenty-Seven
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Twenty-Eight
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Twenty-Nine
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Thirty
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Thirty-One
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Thirty-Two
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Thirty-Three
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Thirty-Four
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Thirty-Five
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Thirty-Six
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Thirty-Seven
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Thirty-Eight
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Thirty-Nine
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Forty
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Forty-One
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Forty-Three
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Forty-Four
TBNGBWALSP....Chapter Forty-Five
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Forty-Six
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Forty-Seven
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Forty-Eight
TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Forty-Nine
Sequel News!

TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Forty-Two

168K 3.9K 305
By Silent_Innocence

That Butt Naked Godly Being With A Lovely Six Pack.

FAVORITE COMMENT(s) from last upload!

"Um.... Crap. No. No. No. This cant happen. Oh wait.. Maybe now I can have Seth to myself? Hmmm. * Evil plans forming. * Carry on, Carry on." -baileepip

"Omg psycho b*tch oh I would of shanked her. I'm so mad. Seth!!! You sexy oath save her!.......let her feel your abs one more time." -hotmama4

"Let me at her! Ima kIck that womans butt to china. She needs a taste of her own freaking medicine..maybe Poison too....&&&&& Seth, Seth! Wherefor art thou Seth?????! Come and rescue ye fair maiden. NOW! aghhh"-BalletDancer16

"Awww, poor Corey...wait...if she dies, can I have Seth? Please?? I don't usually encourage the death of the main character, but I want a sexy werewolf!" -fallenangelgirl

"Oh my god. First of all, HOW COULD YOU END IT THERE! Second of all, I miss seth and all his sexiness. I'm having SSWS - Sexy Seth Withdrawal Symptoms!!!" -iloveyoubaby

<<Keep the COMMENTS coming, remember I am picking my favorite comments with each upload and sharing them with everyone! I can't pick yours if you don't comment, so COMMENT AWAY:)>>

Chapter Forty-Two

Sleeping wasn't an option as I sat there, my mind physically wouldn't let me sleep, the fear of never waking back up tortured me as I stayed completely still.

Any sudden movement from my shoulders down had me flinching in pain,  and I was fearful the more I moved, the more my wound would bleed, so instead I refrained from any movement.

When I heard the door open again, I struggled to open my eyes,  and when they were wide enough, I lifted my head slowly, and blinked a few times. Once I could see clearly, I noticed the small girl standing before me, "I'm so sorry she did this," She apologized softly.

I shook my head slowly, "It's not your fault..." I whispered, my voice barely above a whisper.

Not seeming to notice my soft voice, she got closer to where I was, and my body subconsciously flinched, which had a groan slipping past my lips. "Try not to move," She warned me softly. Squeezing my eyes tightly together, I held my breath for a moment, and let it out slowly when the sharp pain passed, "I can't stay long,"  She mumbled after a moment, her voice trailing off. Opening my mouth  to ask her if she managed to call Mel, she cut me off, "Mel promised to pass on the information," She whispered, before turning on her heals and leaving the room without another word.

Sitting alone once again, I sighed softly, even though I was in a hell load of pain in this moment in time, the simple thought of Seth knowing had a smile spreading across my lips.

Bound to the chair,  I continued to fight off sleep for the next few hours, terrified of even giving it a chance.

Quickly reaching the point where I was struggling to keep myself from falling under, the thought of Seth became the only thing keeping me awake, and holding on.

 Jumping slightly, I groaned as I heard the door opened.  Struggling to lift my head enough to see who entered the room, I instantly began to choke back tears, when I saw Rania standing there.

"Ready to drop your mind shield dear?" She asked softly, when she caught my eyes.

I blinked a few times, struggling slightly less to keep myself awake, "Even if I did know how to drop this mind shield thing, which by the way I don't, what's the point? It's not like it's keeping you from hurting me," I spoke, pointing out the obvious.

Rania laughed softly under her breath, "I have my reasons, now please don't make this difficult..."She pleaded, her voice growing soft for a moment, giving off the false truth towards her actual personality.

Shaking my head softly, I stared straight into her eyes, knowing me denying "droping" what ever shield I somehow had, would lead to nothing good, but it's not like I was lying to her, I seriously don't know how to drop it.

Rolling her eyes, Rania placed her hands on her hips, and turned her head to the side slightly, her eyes never leaving mine, "You honestly almost had me fooled for a moment, I actually thought you may have not known how to drop your shield..." She laughed, finding herself hilarious, "But then it hit me, why would a girl tied with Seth not know something a simple as a mind shield," She continued laughing.

"I really don't know how," I told her, my voice soft  not rising over her laughter in the slightest, but she still heard me, and her laughter cut short.

Her eyes narrowed on me instantly, and she growled softly. Before I knew it, Rania was standing over me, her hand wrapped tightly around my neck, "This lying game is getting old doll, I won't think twice about ending your life," She seethed through her teeth.

Fighting for air as she held my neck, due to the fact that my brain was receiving nearly no oxygen at all, I felt myself drifting off at a quick pace.

Trying to fight the black, I stared at Rania with partially open eyes, and watched as a smile slowly spread across her lips just as a sharp pain worked it's way through my head. As her hands loosened from around my neck, an ear piercing scream slipped from my lips as I thrashed my body around, avoiding the pain it caused throughout my entire body.

Out of breath from my screams, another pain stabbed at my brain, and through my pain filled sobs, I let out another. 

Hearing a frantic voice call out my name, my eyes opened slowly and the pain cut off completely as I saw an all too familiar figure holding Rania against the wall, before I caved into a cloud of black.


I woke to a soft conversation, the two voices oddly familiar, and one of them sending butterflies through my stomach.

After sleeping what I could only assume was a couple of hours, I shifted slightly, and cried out as pain shot out from my stomach.

The voices I had heard moments ago fell quiet, and left silence surrounding me. 

Opening my eyes slowly, I blinked a few times and found myself staring at the roof of a car. 

Feeling a warm hand caress my cheek, I turned my head slightly, and smiled when I saw Seth staring down at me, his blue eyes shinning with unshed tears. 

"What happened to me?" I asked him softly, my mind coming up blank as I tried to think back on what happened.

Seth continued to run his hand along my cheek, his eyes never leaving mine, "Someone hurt you Corinne, but let's not talk about it now," He spoke softly, "Try and rest some more," He suggested softly.

Nodding slowly, I lowered my hands down to my stomach, and ran my fingers over the bandages that covered the location the pain came from earlier. "Promise to tell me everything?" I spoke softly.

Moving a piece of my hair off my cheek, Seth nodded, "I promise my love," He told me sweetly.

Feeling my cheeks heat up, I bit my lip softly, and despite the pain it caused, I felt myself moving closer to Seth. For some reason, even though I couldn't remember how or why I ended up hurt, I had a gut feeling that I hadn't seen him in a while, and I missed him.

Closing my eyes, I laid there next to him, one of my hands resting over my stomach, the other clutching tightly to Seth's shirt.

When the car came to a stop a while later, I slowly opened my eyes, and looked at Seth, "Where are we?" I asked him softly.

Seth smiled at me slightly, "At a hotel a few hours out of town, because of what happened to you this past week, we can't take you back to town until you are healed more,  is that alright, love?" He asked.

I nodded, and bit my lip softly, "Who else is here?" I wondered, suddenly curious as to who was driving, and whose voices I had heard while I was resting.

Chuckling lightly, Seth brushed his thumb along my jaw, "Mel, Hunter, my dad, and a few others from my pack that you don't know yet," He explained quickly.

My eyes grew at the list, "Why so many?" I asked softly, "Something bad must have happened..." I assumed barely above a whisper.

Seth took a deep breath, "It was horrible, you were taken from me, but luckily everyone willingly volunteered to help find you," He told me, drawing his finger tips along my cheek.

"I was taken..." I mumbled, my memory still blank.

He nodded slowly, "Yes, and it was the worst days of my life," He told me, his words bleeding with honesty. 

Just when I was about to let it drop, it hit me, "What about my dad!" I exclaimed, my panic found in my words.

Seth shushed me softly, "It's okay, it is taken care of, he knows you were taken, but he thinks it was a last minute surprise trip by Mel for your birthday," He calmly told me.

Listening to his sweet voice, I nodded my head slowly, "What about school?" I asked, my GPA suddenly on my mind.

Chuckling lightly, Seth ran his fingers through my hair, "It's taken care of, stop worrying Corinne," He all but demanded, his voice light. "Now, I'm gonna help you sit up, tell me if it hurts too much," He told me softly, moving his hands behind my back and slowly lifting me to a sitting position.

Sucking in a deep breath when I was about half way up, Seth stopped suddenly. "I'm fine," I reassured him quickly.

Slowly, Seth helped me up the rest of the way, before climbing out of his door, and jogging around to my side, "My dad already got the rooms, and everyone has headed their own separate ways, meaning we're good to head to ours," He informed me softly, reaching out, and slipping his hands underneath me. 

Letting him pick me up softly, I bit my tongue for the slight pain the movement caused, not wanting to worry Seth, and laid my head on his shoulder.

Slamming the car door, Seth carried me bridal style towards the hotel, and through the lobby. 

Looking around slowly without moving my sore neck, I only managed to catch sight of the ordinary wall paper, and boring paintings that covered the walls, before Seth stepped into the elevator and the doors closed us in.

When the elevator doors opened again, Seth quickly walked us down the hallway, not stopping until he reached a slightly parted doorway. Pushing the door open with his back, Seth maneuvered the both of us inside th door, and instantly brought me to the bed at the far end of the room, and laid me down on top of the blanket.

"Mel wanted to see you, but Hunter told her she could see you at breakfast," Seth suddenly brought up, taking a seat beside me, "That friend of yours is a handful you know, and especially when she went off on me for going and finding Nicole..." He laughed, thinking to the moment.

Staring up at him, in that moment, I remembered Nicole faintly, knowing that she brought drama to our relationship, but to what extent I couldn't remember. 

Nodding, I sent him a soft smile, "Lay with me?" I suddenly asked him softly, deciding to ignore his earlier topic choice.

Obeying, Seth shifted his body to he was laying directly behind, my back curled up against him, and within moments, I felt myself drifting off, feeling safe in Seth's arms.

When I woke in the morning, Seth was already awake, and was sitting up in the bed, his gaze set on the wall away from me. Noticing that he was no longer wearing a shirt, I realized he must have taken it off last night, and a smile quickly spread across my lips. 

Reaching out slowly, I carefully placed my hand on his back, and watched as chills ran down his body as I moved my hand upwards.

Turning himself around when my hand left his body, Seth laid back down, his eyes set on mine, "You are so beautiful..." He whispered softly after he got comfortable.

Feeling a blush take over my cheeks, I giggled softly. "You're not so bad yourself..." I mumbled back.

Seth reached out and ran his fingers along my heated cheek, "I love when you blush," He commented, only deepening the blush.

Embarrassed, I turned my head away from him slightly, only to notice the hurt expression along Seth's face, and quickly turned back to him to watch a smile across his face.

After staring at each other for a while, our eyes almost glued to each other, my stomach suddenly growled, and I remembered how hungry I was.

 Seth seemed to face palm himself at the sound, and quickly climbed out of the bed,  showing that not only was he not wearing a shirt, but he also didn't have pants on, only a thin pair of black boxers. "I can't believe I forgot to get you food, I'll be back..." He suddenly spoke, quickly slipping into a pair of pants, before throwing a shirt over his head, "I'll be back in mere minutes, love," He told me, coming to my side and kissing my forehead sweetly.

Before I could tell him I wasn't really that hungry, Seth was already out of the door.

Letting out a soft breath, I decided to take a quick shower while I waited for him, and slowly rose to a sitting position, groaning softly at the slight pain the movement caused. 

After sitting for a moment, I carefully rose up to my feet, and slowly made my way towards the bathroom at the other end of the room. 

Once in the small room, I shut the door behind myself, and with one look at the slightly too big shorts, and a clean shirt in the mirror, it was almost as if I unlocked a memory just seeing myself. Standing there, I instantly recalled wearing a baggy shirt and undies when I crawled into bed and was greeted by another individual wrongly mistaken as Seth, who ended up being a deep unknown voice who eventually kidnapped me.

I knew Seth wouldn't lie to me, but actually remembering I was taken hit harder than just hearing it.

 Gripping onto the counter, I let go a moment later, and carefully slipped out of my clothes, letting them fall to the floor, as I turned on the shower, and waited for the water to heat up. Deciding not to take a shower with bandages on my stomach, I carefully pulled it off of my skin, and tossed it in the trashcan. Looking down at my stomach, I could see a cut in my skin, but it was attended to, and had stitches holding it closed. 

When steam began to fill the small room, I let my eyes drift from my stomach, adjusted the temperature just right, and climbed into the flow of water. 

Sighing content, I ran my hands through my hair as stood under the stream of water. The heat of the water sent chills down my body, as I slowly washed my hair and body.

After completing everything, I carefully stepped out of the shower, grabbed a clean towel, and dried my body. 

Staring at the clothes I was wearing earlier, I scrunched my nose up, and since I knew Mel was here, I wanted to call her to see if she had other clothes.

Wrapping my towel around myself, I opened the door slightly, let my eyes scan the room, and once I found it empty, I opened the door completely and made my way over to Seth's phone that was sitting on the nightstand.

Just as I picked up his phone in my hands, and began dialing Mel's number a soft chuckle touched my ears, which had me turning around quickly, Seth's phone tossed onto the bed as my eyes landed on Seth standing at the door, his hands full of random breakfast foods.

Blushing, I pulled the towel tighter around my body, and dropped my eyes from his.


A Little Note From The Author:

Hi lovelies! If you don't know already, I actually hurt my finger on Wednesday, so that is my excuse for taking so long to get this up- I mean I never knew how hard it is to type without my left pointer finger! Haha. Anyways sorry it took a while...

No editing...hope you still like it.

Next chapter will have explanations for everything, I know a lot of you have questions revolving around the reason she was taken, and why Rania wanted her daughter to mate with Seth so badly so next chapter will be for you individuals:)

In the mean time, tell me...

Are you glad Seth's back?

Any ideas on why Corey can't remember what happened?

Now...remember, I'm not a person who has a set goal of votes or comments before I upload the next chapter, and honestly I don't ever see myself doing that, but the only thing I'm asking you to do if you want to see me continue to update this at a regular pace,  I would love to see a constant response coming from this... so, if you want the next chapter really soon....VOTE and COMMENT on this chapter! And if you want, maybe FAN me too;)





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All Rights Reserved


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