Once Upon Olympia (2nd Book)

By Ayana_blossom

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What happens when Skylar is put out in the real world while everyone she loves is in a town no one knows abou... More



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By Ayana_blossom

This is what Skylar looks like right now by the way

*5 years later*

*Sky's P.O.V*

"Mommy! Harry stole my brownie!" Christina said.

"Harry!" I called.

"Yes mommy!" He said running in.

"Did you take Chrissy's brownie?" I asked.

"Yes." He said looking all guilty with his head down. He is so cute.

"Did you steal the brownie?" I asked.

"No I didn't!" He said. I read his mind. I did take Chrissy's brownie but it was really good. I love how he just explains his lies now and saves us trouble when I read his mind. 

"Why didn't you just ask mommy for another one?" I asked.

"It was on the table! I didn't know it was your's Chrissy!" He said.

"Say your sorry Harry." I said.

"I'm sorry Chrissy." He said.

"It's okay!" She said.

"Alright now go play." I said with a smile.

"Mommy!" I heard Danielle scream. I flashed to her instantly.

"What's wrong sweetie pie!?!" I asked. I saw heat coming out of her hands like lava. She was bawling.

"I don't know what happened! I just was p-playing with p-penny and she went on fire-e" She cried.

"One minute baby, mommy is going to get you something!" I said. 

          I flashed to my vault and searched for a special pair of gloves. My vault is a separate part of the chamber I made. I go here and work on finding more powers. I figured out why my eyes turn different colors here. It's cause each mood can create and control a different element. I can control lighting with yellow. Rain with blue. Snow through my hands. Heat with the red. Wind with the pink. I always thought my eye color was controlled by my moods! But it was really by the weather outside. I can even create different elements if I want. But, why should I? The gloves I'm searching for is like a control glove. It will help her contain her power till she learns how to use it and control it.  I flashed back to her and kneeled down next to her.

"Here baby, put these on." I said as she put them on.

"What if I hurt someone?" She asked tearing up again.

"You won't. I promise I'll be there. Just don't take those gloves off okay?" I asked. She nodded and hugged me. I hugged back, picked her up, and put her on my hip.

"SKYLAR!" I heard Percy yell. I just can't get a break today can I? I flashed to Percy (Danielle still on my hip).

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Code red." He said. I flashed to Harry and Christina and took all three of them to the chamber.

"Babies, daddy and I will be back soon. Just stay here till then okay?" I asked.

"Okay mommy!" They said.

"Harry you're gonna have to be the man of the house for now okay? Think you can that my big guy?" I asked. He nodded. I left the chamber locked under the sleep spell of course. They need to be asleep for whatever is threatening us. I don't want them wandering out of the room. I flashed to Olympus and saw Kronos, dad, and Poseidon fighting. Percy was standing beside our parents with his sword. Just the other day I told him the sword could defeat Kronos. Man time flies! I stepped up. Kronos looked over to me.

"I'm not here to fight! I just want to talk to my dear granddaughter." He said.

"Which one!?!" Poseidon asked.

"Skylar." He said.

"NO!" Percy shot back.

"Let me talk to her or Olympus burns down!" He said.

"N-" Percy started to say.

"Fine!" I said.

"What? Sky no!" He said.

"It's alright Percy, I will be back!" I said pecking his lips.

"Alright." He whispered.

"Go to the great conference room." Kronos said. I flashed there to see Luke.

"Luke!?!" I said.

"Long time no see mommy Skylar!" He said.

"Is Thalia here?" I asked.

"No, I killed her off a while ago. Such a ugly hag that one was. I did the guy a favor." He said.

"You've possessed Luke. Not going to say I'm shocked. But that is a huge risk. It's so easy to kill you now." I said.

"Well did you expect me to walk around looking like an evil titan. Am I an idiot?" He said. 

"Well you wanted to talk, so talk." I said.

"I have a proposal for you." He said.

"I'm not interested in making any deals with you." I said.

"Oh but this one involves your family..." He said.

"What kind of proposal?" I asked.

"There is something coming and only I can defeat it. The thing that's coming is beyond you, the gods, and I. More powerful than anything. It was here even before me." He said.

"How can I trust you?" I asked.

"I would have been taking over Olympus by now don't ya think?" He asked.

"Well okay, but if it's beyond you and I why are you speaking to me right now?" I asked.

"Cause yes it maybe beyond that is true, but there is something even bigger than you!" He said.

"Now you're rhyming." I said dryly.

"I thought I'd try it out!" He said.

"What is bigger than me?" I asked.

"Your power." He said.

"My power??" I asked confused.

"You're weighing yourself down. Your power alone is the most powerful of all." He said.

"Well, how can you get my power alone without me dying?" I asked. Wait! That's the point. I have to die.

"What about Percy my kids?" I asked.

"It's either you or everyone you love. You have to make a sacrifice." He said. I have to do it. For my kids. For Percy. For the people I love.

"How will you take this power?" I asked.

"You just eat this and all the power will be sucked out of you. You will have a week or so to live." He said pushing over a plate with two pieces of what seems like lettuce.

"The lettuce..." I whispered. Remember a few years ago, my visit with future Harry and Christina. That's why they missed me. Oh gods. I've been trying to figure out time travel ever since. I've tried everything I don't know how I did it. 

"So will you do it?" He asked.

"Okay, but where will my powers go as there being sucked out of me?" I asked.

"In the atmosphere, its gonna put a shield over Olympus and the Earth to save everyone and every god." He said. 

         AHHHH!!!! I see the conference hall. AHHHHHH!!! I see Percy and Annabeth. What are they doing together again? I thought I got rid of her. AHHHHH!!! I see Luke, Kronos possessed Luke. He's fighting Percy. AHHHH!!! Luke stabs himself in his weak spot with Annabeth's knife killing Kronos. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time! I need a breather after all of that. I can't make a decision like that within seconds. Man, I have to find out a way that I can see the future without so much pain. Well now I know Kronos can't be lying. He's still sitting here so the pain must have been shorter than I thought. Maybe I see the future pretty fast. I just can't control that power yet. Well anyway, I know Kronos is gonna die. I don't see why he would lie about something greater coming. Percy really is the one that has to be there when he dies.  Just like the prophesy said. The cursed blade....... Annabeth's knife! I can't be involved in this. I have to be protecting all of them at the same time when this all goes down. That's why my body has to disperse into the atmosphere. Maybe one of my babies will inherit my brains and figure something out later on in life. But I can't think about that now I just have to decide. TIME! How ironic, I freeze what I don't have much of.

"Alright, I'll do it." I said. He nodded. I ate the lettuce and flashed home to my room. I saw Percy sitting on the bed. My Percy.

"Percy." I said.

"Sky! Oh thanks gods you're okay!" He said and hugged me. I smiled weakly at him as he pulled away.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Sit down Percy." I said. He sat down and I explained everything to him. 

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