By cutedrawgirl

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What will happen if you wake up you found yourself in the Kamisama kiss and Mikage (the land god) chooses you... More

(Chapter 1)~ Being the land god
(Chapter 2)~ Meet the Kitsune
(Chapter 3)~ My Familiar
(Chapter 4)~New School and Meeting the Crow Kurama
(Chapter 5)~The Great Encounter
(Chapter 6)~ The Landgod and The Flora and Founa god?!? (part 1)
The Landgod and The Flora and Founa god?!? (part 2)
(Chapter 7)~The goddess of The Swamp
Thank you!
(Chapter 8)~Finding Kotaro
(Chapter 9)~ Micah got kidnapped!!
(Chapter 10)~ Meet Mizuki the snake familiar
15 facts about me
(Chapter 11)~ The gods Lost their home part 1
Thank you
(Chapter 11)~ The gods Lost their home pt.2
(Chapter 11)~ The gods Lost their home pt. 3, fourth wall finally breaking 😭
Q and A and OMG!?!?!


453 10 4
By cutedrawgirl

Eh he he I know I'm late it's not Halloween anymore

I'm sorry guys for not publishing I can't think straight because I have so Manny project to take care of.

We need to create our own story, we need to create a village that resembles the animal plant and create an original song so yeah pretty stressful.

Aaaaaaaannnnnnd....... Tomoe is still mad at me....yup *cough* so anyways guys enjoy!


Your pov

I hate Halloween..... (Sorry if you like Halloween like me but it's the story so yeah your afraid of ghosts in here) I'm sitting on the floor in front of me is the t.v

"Hey (y/n)" Micah greeted walking in the room

"Oh, hey Micah" I lazyly replied with a gloomy aura surrounding me

"Whoa what happen to you?"

"I just don't like Halloweens" I said putting my head on the table so that my forehead is touching the table (whut?)


"I'm...... *mumbles*.."


"I'm...... afraid of *mumbles*"


"IM AFRAID OF GHOSTS OKAY YA HAPPY?!?!!" I said standing up slamming my hand on the table in the proces

"hahahahaha, omg I can't believe this hahahaha" (I'm sorry if I'm offending you I didn't mean too) Micah said between fits of laughter rolling on the ground

"Hey d-dont laugh" I said blushing sitting down

"I'm sorry (y/n)" she said while wiping her tears of joy and sitting beside me

"You aren't afraid of ghosts?" I asked looking at her

"Well kinda but then again what will they do to you they can't harm you they just wanted to scare or bring message and even asking help for other people, just believe in God you can overcome that fear (even thou your already a goddess)"

"Thanks Micah that helps a lot"

"No prob, just call me if you want anything I'll be in the kitchen" she said pointing her thumb on the door and standing up

"Oh and don't look on the TV" she added smirking

"What?" I asked curious turning around so I can see the TV but I regret it

"Kyaaaaaaa Micah why didn't you tell me there's a ghost in the TV?!?!" I yelled covering my eyes

"*giggle* i did say don't look on the TV right?"

"I HATE HALLOWEEN!!!!!" I yelled

"Good luck with that" Micah said leaving

"Hey, don't leave me here!" I said running after her

Then I just sit there watching Micah bake

~~~~~little time skip~~~~~

Micah baked a lot I mean a lot of different cookies for the Halloween party tonight

(I didn't bake that^^^^)

"Hey (y/n) try it" Micah said

"Okay" I said walking up to her and taking a cookie (pick anything from the pic) and took a bite my eyes widen

"It's so delicious!!" I said in delight I think I'm in heaven

"Thanks (y/n)"


"Hi (y/n)-san, Micah-chan what are you both doing?" Mizuki said walking in the kitchen

"Micah baked cookies for the Halloween party" I said

"Try it Mizuki" Micah said handing Mizuki a cookie he took a bite and....

"ITS SO YUMMY!!" Mizuki said smiling wide

"Thanks Mizuki!" Micah said

"I'll bake too" I said running and putting some ingredients

After awhile ....

(I'm actually hungry right now)
"Oh my gosh (y/n) how did you do that?" Micah said

"Ehehe..." I sheepishly scratch the back of my head

"I'm so jealous right now, it even tasted good" Micah added eating the cookie I baked

"Micah-chan is right it's delicious!" Muzuki said eating a cookie too

"Thanks guys" I said smiling

"What is this commotion going on?" A very familiar voice said

"Ah, hi Tomoe-kun" Mizuki said nervously

"We're baking a cookies for the party" I said

"......" Micah stayed silent well let's just say that Tomoe and her got in a fight

"Hey Tomoe taste this" I said handing Tomoe some of Micah's cookies. Micah's eyes winden

"H-hey--" Micah got cut off by Tomoe eating her cookie

"It doesn't taste bad" he said Micah is fuming in the inside

"Taste this too" Mizuki said putting the cookie I baked in Tomoe's mouth, this time my eyes winden

"You da** snake!" Tomoe yelled

"So how is it?" Mizuki asked

"It's good" Tomoe said, I blush

"Who's better the first or second?" Mizuki asked

"Who's the first and second?" Tomoe asked

"Micah-chan is the first and (y/n)-san is the second one" Mizuki said

"Of course the *mumble*" Tomoe said or mumble....


"Never mind" Tomoe said blushing or is it just me

"Lets get ready for the party!" I said dragging Micah to my room

"So what costume are you wearing?" Micah asked after we're in my room

"The (nature/water/fire) ninja (or you can wear anything you like )

"Oh okay"

"How about you?"

"I'll be a half fox"

°•°•°•time skip night•°•°•°

The party started and Kurama, Ami, Kei(?), Himemiko, Kotaro, fish face (please tell me his name) and many more came

After an hour

"Ehem ummm, guys listen for a second" Micah said to the mic all the people turned their heads to see Micah

"We're having a test of courage and whoever wins has a prize. So I'm going to pick your partners so write your name in this paper" Micah added giving the paper

"Yeah!!" The people shouted

After a while....

"Okay in this paper has your names so I'm going to pick who is your partner" Micah smirked

"Kotaro & Himemiko" many aww can be hear

"Kurama...." Many girls fangirls and listen

"& Ami" all the girls looked sad/disappointed

"Mizuki & me" Micah blushed

"Yey Micah-chan is with me!" Mizuki yelled like a child

"Tomoe &...." Many girls looked up again

"(Random girl)" the said girl fangirls. I'm kinda disappointed wait, what? I'm not going to fall for him!

"Ooops I'm sorry (random girl) your with (random boy). Tomoe & (y/n)" Micah said. The girl looked sad but the boy didn't.

'Ohh I get it Micah is acting like Mikage's matchmaking she's making some of the people get together' I smiled at the thought

'But why me and Tomoe?'

"(/n), (y/n)!" Tomoe shouted on my face

"H-huh? What?"

"Your zoning out, let's go the game is about to start"

"O-okay" da** my stuttering

(Time skip cause of my laziness what a drag
Shikamaru: Hey! That's my line!
Not anymore
Shika: troublesome woman)

I'm really scared right now

"Are you alright (y/n)?" Tomoe asked

"A-ah y-yes. I'm fine" I said

"Perfectly..... Fine...... " I mumbled just then a scary looking skeleton and a headless man popped out of nowhere (it's just a statue not a real one)


"Done screaming yet?"

"No wait...... *inhale* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! There all done"

"Are you that scared?" I nodded

"Here hold my hand" Tomoe said while reaching his hand out for me to take

"Thanks" the whole game we stayed silent and I'm not scared anymore but just a little bit. 

But I know Tomoe is there for me

"You aren't scared anymore right?" He asked

"Yes, thanks" then we reached the end

"Congratulations Tomoe and
(y/n) you both won the game!" Micah said

"What?" I asked as some people are cheering

"Now kiss!" Micah said

"WHa--!!?!" I got cut off by Tomoe kissing me on the lips

I blushed a dark red

Everyone cheered.  I smiled

'Maybe Halloween isn't so bad after all' I thought while watching Tomoe and Mizuki arguing while Micah is silent but a ghost smile on her face

I looked up 'Mom, Dad? How are you doing? I'm fine being in an anime isn't so bad but I missed you both so much, why did you leave me?' I thought tearing up

"Hey (y/n), are you alright?" Tomoe asked from behind me I wiped away a stray tear and putting a fake smile


"Come on (y/n)!" this time I smiled a real smile

'Thanks guys'


Hello reader-san, this story doesn't affect the real one if you want to know who Tomoe pick (cookies)  is you

I changed the story a little so I suggest that you read the first chapter again but if you don't want to then don't I'm not forcing you

Well that's it for no-

???: Neko-chan!!!!

Me: wha-what?

???: can't you remember me?

Me: I don't know

???: it's me!! -ttebayo

Me: ......Naru-kun?

Naruto: yes! Now you remembered!

Me: oh I'm sorry

Naruto: it's ok-ttebayo

Me: what are you doing here?

Naruto: *shrug* I just want to see you! Dattebayo

Sasuke: oi, dobe don't interrupt Miss little Kitty cat here *smirk*

Naruto: teme....

Me: *fuming* and what are you doing here, duckbutt?

Sasuke: *brow twitch*

Naruto: hahahaha!!!!

Me: aww he's angry

Sasuke: tch

Me: well that's it for now

Naruto: see ya!-ttebayo

Peace out😴

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