After The End: Alex Rider Fan...

By AwsomeSauce007

91.1K 3.3K 3.2K

[Book 1] *Highest Ranking #1 in Stabbing* Ever wonder what happens after Scorpia Rising? Alex... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
~Chapter Twenty-One~
I got Tagged......uh, what?
~Chapter Twenty-Two~
~Chapter Twenty-Three~
~Chapter Twenty-Four~
~Chapter Twenty-Five~
~Chapter Twenty-Six~
~Chapter Twenty-Seven~
~Chapter Twenty-Eight~
~Chapter Twenty-Nine~
Tagged once more
.....And Tagged again
~Chapter Thirty~
A new Cover??
~Chapter Thirty-One~
~Chapter Thirty-Two~
~Chapter Thirty-Three~
~Chapter Thirty-Four~
~Chapter Thirty-Five~
New Books!! (Updated: August, 2017)
Bonus Chapters?

~Chapter Seven~

2.2K 94 43
By AwsomeSauce007

Alex's (POV)

             That's all there is. Complete and utter Darkness, slowly sucking you in like a black hole.

              I'm laying on a cold hard floor.

               slowly, I sit up.

              Can't see anything, can't hear anything.

             I can feel the panic start to build up in my throat, choking me, smothering me.

            Where am I?

I hesitantly feel around.

             My hands suddenly bump against what feels like metal bars, and with further inspection I can tell they go around me in a small square.

             I'm in a cage!

            That's when it hits me.

            I remember, and it feels like someone dumped a bucket of ice cold water over my head.

           "Jack." I croak out, my hands tightening around two of the bars. The coldness burning into my palms, burning like the fire deep inside me.

           No, it can't be true. She can't be...dead.

           I gulp loudly, my eyes stinging uncontrollably.

           I've completed my search of the small area, finding only bars that block every direction. Defeated, I sit back in one of the corners, my knees drawn up to my chest as I try to retain some warmth, silent tears falling.

           No more than ten minutes later, I hear a noise. Immediately I sit up, wiping any leftover tears away.

           It sounds like a door being opened.

           Then I hear the unmistakable sound of snarling dogs.

            Scooting as far away as I possibly can from the snarling and now growling dogs, I have no option but to wait and see what they're going to do.

              Soon enough, I find out.

             I hear the sound of claws clicking against the ground as they get closer.

            The whole room is suddenly filled with loud growls as they're let into the room, immediately beginning to circle the cell.

           I quickly crawl to the middle of the cell, the sound of powerful jaws snapping shut directly where I was just sitting, echoing loudly in my ears.

           Curled up on the floor with my eyes shut tight, I start hoping this nightmare will be over.

          But they continue.

         And they've started jumping against the cell bars. Shaking the whole thing as if any minute it might fall apart and leave me at the mercy of these vicious dogs.

         It just continues.......the rattling, the shaking, the barking, the growling.

         It doesn't STOP.

         Snarling, barking, whining, jaws snapping, shaking.........


           I sit up with a gasp.

          My heart beats a mile a minute, sweat streaming down my forehead like a river, sheets plastered to my wet skin.

          I reach up with a trembling hand to brush some hair away from my face, only to feel tear tracks underneath my eyes.

         Sighing, I rub both hands over my face.

         That was actually a pretty mild nightmare for me. Usually they're much-much worse than that.

          I check my watch.

         6:03 A.M.

         Wow, I even slept longer than normal, granted I don't usually fall asleep until somewhere around 12-1 at night.

          Maybe this means it'll be a good day?

         Cause if I'm being completely honest with myself, I'm horribly nervous about going out later for the Picnic/fireworks event.

         Just the thought about it makes my heart speed up.

         Letting a big breath out, I change my thoughts over towards the job of getting up.

         I swing my legs over the side of the bed, standing up with a small yawn.

         I walk over towards my clothes drawer, opening it up.

         Rummaging around, I suddenly stop as my eyes land on something I don't remember packing.

         With trembling hands, I pull my wooden bead necklace out of the pocket it was hanging out of.

  How did this get in here?

        I could've sworn I specifically did not pack this.

        But now that I think about it.....

         Mrs. Jones must've slipped it inside my bag when I wasn't around.

         Making up my mind, I grab some clean, heading out to the bathroom. Inside I proceed with a quick shower, changing into my new pair of dark jeans and a blue plaid long-sleeve-shirt.

          I hold the necklace up in front of my face, eyes completely fixated on it. Then I put it around my neck, tucking it safely underneath my shirt.

           Going downstairs, I see Don is seated at the table, Lucy at the stove.

As I get closer, Lucy looks over at me, a smile lighting up her face.

            "Good morning! I almost thought I was going to have to go get you up." She jokes, continuing to flip something over in her skillet.

             I sit down in my normal seat, proceeding with eating once Lucy serves me.

              Don pauses his eating long enough to discuss about later.

              "So I figure we'll leave here at four so we can get a good spot." He says, dabbing his mouth with his napkin as he looks between me and Lucy.

               Lucy nods her head. "Sounds good. I need to get to work on our picnic dinner." She thoughtfully adds.

                She looks over at me. "Does that sound alright, Alex?"

                I nod my head yes, downing all my morning pills in one swallow.

                After breakfast, I sit around the kitchen as I watch Lucy gather things up to fix for later.

               She's stacking things up on the table beside me when she seems to suddenly remember something.

               "Oh Alex!! I forgot to tell you earlier, but my sister has a son that's your age I believe."


                Just great.

               "When you start school in a couple months, he'll be in the same classes as you." She walks over to the fridge, opening it. "It'll be good to know someone there."


              That one word fills me with dread.

              And to think I used to wish more than anything else in the whole world was to just be a simple, everyday-ordinary schoolboy.

              Life never goes as planned.

               Lucy asks me to help place some meat in a couple ziplock bags.

               "Oh, and we need to put your medicine in something to take with us."

                She walks over to a drawer, taking two little sandwich bags out. Then she fills them each individually, putting them down on the counter.

                And soon enough, it's time to eat a small lunch.

                Slowly I eat my ham-sandwich, feeling my stomach twist with nervousness for later.

              I finish about half my sandwich, quietly excusing myself before I take a walk out back.

              I take a seat down beside the big oak tree, leaning my head against the trunk as my eyes grow heavy.


              "Alex! It's time to get ready to go!"

               My eyes snap open.

               I immediately look around at my surroundings, heart thundering inside my chest.

            Peaceful apple orchard, large tree, hills, all the smells of a farm.

            I let a breath out.

            Yawning, I rub my eyes.

            I must have fallen asleep.

            Which is strange for me.

             I look down at my watch.

             3:45 P.M.

             No wonder Lucy called me, it's already late. I get up, heading inside up to the bathroom.

            While I'm washing my hands, I glance up at the mirror.

            My hair is all over my forehead, looking like I just rolled out of bed. Dark smudges mark underneath both my eyes, though they look a tad lighter than the last time I checked.

         My eyes stop on my necklace that you can barely see poking out of the shirts collar.

         I feel a stab of guilt.

        Sighing, I turn to leave as I suddenly catch sight of the right side of my neck.

        My scar seems way to noticeable right now......but maybe that's just me.

        Self consciously, I try tugging my shirt collar up more.

         it doesn't help.

        Frowning, I shrug.

Nothing I can do about it.....

Besides everyone has scars.

         Walking out, I head down the stairs, entering the kitchen. Lucy's standing around all the bags of food, a small notebook in her hand as she checks to make sure she has everything.

         Don walks in, grabbing a cooler.

         "Alex, make yourself useful and help an old man out." Don says, a playful smirk on his lips.

         Lucy walks by him, giving his arm a light smack.

          "You are in no way an old man, Don." She chides.

           I grab a couple bags and head out to the SUV.

            After we've carried everything out to the car, everyone takes their seats. I sit in the back, Don driving while Lucy sits passenger.

           I keep my attention on all the scenery as we travel to town, attempting to ignore my thoughts.

           As we enter town, Lucy looks back at me.

         "So Alex, my nephews name is Mack." She gives me a smile. "Hopefully you two will get along."

           Yeah, hopefully.

           We drive through town, turning somewhere I haven't been yet.

           My eyes widen as we come to a stop, Don parking. There, directly in front of us is a big grassy clearing.

          Filled to the brim with people.

          Some are playing games, others are setting up their picnic spots. Smiles on all their faces.

           I can feel my heart speed up, sweat gathering.

           I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Lucy and Don open their doors, a breath of wind blowing inside. Opening mine, I step out, cautiously looking around.

          After I'm satisfied for the moment, I walk to the back of the vehicle, helping them by carrying a few items.

          "Come on guys! I think I see a good spot." Lucy yells over at me and Don, an excited expression on her face.

           Don grumbles something under his breath, walking on. Following, I find myself repeatedly scanning the crowds.

           Scowling, I try focusing on something besides all the people.

          We reach the spot Lucy apparently likes, then she immediately begins to set up the fold-up table Don was carrying.

         After a couple more loads, we finally have everything unloaded from the SUV.

         Lucy has everything set up; two tables, three chairs, and the coolers stacked up beside the tables.

        Don's working on setting up the mini grill they brought, and Lucy's sitting in one of the chairs looking down at her phone.

         "They should be here by now." Lucy mumbles out.

         I'm sitting in one of the other chairs, my eyes scanning the area once again.

         Lucy had said before that this spot is a fairground.

         And I believe her.

          It's probably the size of ten soccer fields, and there's a perfect open sky view which is where I'm assuming they're doing the fireworks.


   I'll have to ask if I can sit in the car later, maybe that'll muffle the noise....hopefully.

        Lucy suddenly stands up, shielding her eyes as she looks out over the crowds.

        "I think I see them." She says, still keeping her eyes in one spot.

        Don stands up from his seat, looking also. 

        And sure enough, I make out three people walking purposely towards us.

        Lucy and her sister look a lot alike, only her sister has brown hair.

        Her husband, now he's the type of guy that can pull off being part fat and part muscle without looking just Complete with black hair that's cut short, and a stern face.

        Also with them must be Mack.

        Right away I can tell he's going to be trouble.

        He carries himself with an air of confidence, like he can do anything and get away with it without a problem. He's heavy set, but with more muscle than fat. Probably a couple inches shorter than me, short brown hair and brown eyes.

        Lucy goes to meet them halfway. I just continue to sit and hide my trembling hands.

       Don gives me a glance, but I quickly look away.

       They finish walking up to our spot, and I slowly stand up, tucking my hands in my pockets.

       Lucy starts introducing everyone.

      "Alex, this is my sister Molly." She gestures towards the brown haired Lucy.

      Molly gives me a polite smile.

      "Her husband, Frank." The big guy.

       He gives me a smile, offering me his hand.

      "Nice to meet you, Alex." I reach out, shaking his outstretched hand, thankful that mine has stopped shaking.

        "And this is, Mack."

        He gives me a nod in acknowledgement, but doesn't smile.

         After that, they set up their chairs, and Molly starts chatting with Lucy.

          I look at my watch.

          5:15 P.M.

          I glance around at everyone.

          Both Frank and Mack are on their phones, Lucy and Molly still talking up a storm, and Don has started grilling.

         Molly suddenly looks over at me, her face curious. "Alex, when is your Birthday?" She questions completely out of the blue.

         Startled, it takes me a minute to gather my thoughts. And by the time I find my voice, I see I have everyone's attention.

         "February, sixteenth." I say just loud enough for them to hear.

         "Ah, Mack's is in December."  Molly says.  "Are you excited about starting School in North America?" She keeps her eyes on me.

          I just shrug, keeping my eyes downcast.

         "Not much of a talker." I hear Mack snidely mumble out, still looking down at his phone.

         I feel my face turn red in embarrassment, and I look down at the grass covered grown.

         "Mack, be nice." Frank scolds without looking up from his phone.

         Like father like son I see.

          I hear Mack grumble something under his breath. "When's it time to eat? I'm starved." He questions, looking up towards Don.

         I'm sure he's doesn't even know what starving is.

        "Give me five minutes." Don says.

         Everyone gets up as they begin to gather what they want to drink, setting them in their individual cup holders made into the chairs.

       Don sets a plate of hamburgers and hotdogs on the table, proceeding with a quick blessing.

       Everyone serves themselves, sitting back down. I just sit, waiting until it's just Lucy left by the food.

        After I put a hamburger on my plate and grab a water bottle, I start walking back towards my chair.

While walking, I pass Mack's chair.

   Just in time, I see him stick his foot out to try and trip me.

       I easily dodge it, hearing him make a low growl in annoyance.

        Sitting back in my chair that's beside Lucy and Don, I look over towards Mack, only to see he's glaring over at me.

        I honestly don't know what I did to make him hate me.

        So I ignore his hostile glare, beginning to eat.

        After everyone's done, we clean up.

        "Come on guys, lets play some frisbee!!" Lucy says to everyone, heading out towards a empty spot.

         Frank groans, throwing his head back. Don sighs, but stands up anyway. And just like Lucy, Molly looks just as excited.

         "I'll get it!" Mack yells before sprinting away towards the parking lot.

         When he gets back, we all spread out in a big circle and start passing the frisbee.
Even playing some monkey in the middle.

        Mack even decided to use this opportunity to barrel into me while pretending to catch the frisbee, ending with knocking me flat on the ground.

        But besides that, I was having fun.

       And that's always when the bad things happen.



Sorry I've always wanted to do that:-)

Just wanted to say thanks to all that read/vote on this story.

And wanted to give a special thanks to catog67 , RiptideT1 and goodygoodi for being the first couple people to vote on this story.
Thanks guys:)

Please if you read....Comment, I love reading them!!

And the next update should be tomorrow hopefully.

Gotta go to my little brothers football game now.


Edited: 5/21/17

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