[2] instability ▷ bucky barnes

By -bloodyknuckles

45.8K 1.3K 834

"there is nothing too lost that can't be found again" book 2 [ a story in which a girl tries to earn her lif... More

▷ introduction
[1] ▷ the park
[2] ▷ indecent
[3] ▷ hard worker
[4] ▷ hellwell
[5] ▷ cruzky's
[6] ▷ hurts like hell
[7] ▷ language
[8] ▷ tough
[9] ▷ hungover
[11] ▷ house of wolves
[12] ▷ reunited
[13] ▷ atlas
[14]▷ alliance
[15] ▷ games
[16] ▷ devil
[17] ▷ savior
[18] ▷ repeat
[19] ▷ regret
[20] ▷ reminisce
[ 21 ] ▷ troubles

[10] ▷ reaper

1.8K 51 43
By -bloodyknuckles

"I'M so tired of waiting," The red head muttered, her breathing heavy and unsteady as she glanced back at the two men she was set to work alongside. Jaxson, which was the tall, wide-shouldered one, looked back at her with his arms crossed. "You know that The Damsel wouldn't like that you disobeyed her orders, especially since you're her favorite." He spoke, and the other one, also known as Card Trick, shook his head with a maniacal laugh. "Yeah, Terminus, you don't want to screw that up, don't ya? Don't ya?"

Terminus was quick to give a shroud yell, causing Card Trick to jump back, his frantic speaking coming to a halt as he now stepped back and hung his head like a lost puppy. "I'm sorry, Terminus. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He repeated, his shoulders shaking in sheer fear as the woman, who in his mind was consumed of red from her dark aura, stood over him with the darkest of eyes he had ever seen.

"Shut the fuck up, you filthy cur." She seethed in his face, and at that, he scurried off. Jaxson watched with a face of steel, his emotions not showing through, but his gray eyes watching the red head as she smirked in triumph due to the man scurrying off.

"Let off on the man, will ya? You know he's troubled, just like you and me. There's no need to be a bitch-" "Excuse me? There's no need for you to be talking to your superior like that. I could have your head severed from your body-" "I'm an indestructible man, A. Plus, I don't think you could live without me." He said with a short smirk, and the red head scoffed.

"Like I need a man to get by with my life," She muttered under her breath as she walked away from him, and he slightly smiled. "Fine, you win." He said jokingly as he slowly followed behind her, his foot nearly stepping onto the long black train of her dress.

Suddenly, the door to the apartment was flung open, and a man of Jaxson's height fell through the doorway, heaving for air as Terminus and Jaxson looked at him expectantly. "What's your deal, Nev?" Jaxson asked the large eyed man, who was still heaving for air.

After a couple of seconds, the skinny man finally looked up at the two, taking his large goggles off his head and holding them in his hand. "Sin and Angel X are in the area." He said, then gave another gasp for air. "I saw them about 2 blocks down the road, that's why I ran so fast here." Nev said, and the two shared a look.

"Go grab Card Trick and follow my lead. We need to get them separated and then strike. No, better yet, we take one and make the other walk right in. That's the kind of game I like to play." Terminus said with a smirk as she turned towards Nev who was still leaning on the door frame. "How do you know that will happen? That one would go back for the other?" Jaxson asked as he followed closely behind Terminus. "Because Artemis Schmidt has a heart of gold, lover-boy."


BREXA and Artemis walked side by side down the sidewalk, Artemis' eyes watching everyone she passed intensely as Brexa only laughed. "Chill out, Arty. It's not like anyone can just snatch you up. You've got me and I've got you, there's nothing to worry about." Brexa reassured, and Artemis only cut her eyes up at her friend. "I'm not too sure that we're entirely safe, Brex."

Brexa slightly laughed. "Of course were not, because first of all, this is New York, and second, we're badasses. Everything we want to do isn't safe." Brexa then winked at Artemis who cracked a small smile. "I guess you're right. I'm just paranoid from not being more involved in the world anymore. I think this would be good for me, maybe it'll even help me find what or who I'm looking for." Artemis said and Brexa nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, exactly. Just think positive, even though you're one of the biggest pessimists I know." "Oh, yeah, and you're not a pessimist?" Artemis snapped back playfully and Brexa smirked. "I never said I was an optimist either. I'm something a little more in between." The two laughed as they walked further on, coming in contact with a spiffy looking club.

"Damn, those are some bright ass lights." Artemis said as she looked up at the sign which read, "The Zone," in big, bright letters. Brexa only agreed as she pulled Artemis forwards. The two women were lucky, considering they didn't have to wait in line very long, and they happily stepped into the dark room. Artemis looked around with scourging eyes, her mind seeming to swirl and crack at the loud music playing in the background.

Brexa pulled Artemis over to the bar and sat her down, then looked at her funny when she saw the look of nausea on Artemis' face. "Don't tell me you're getting homesick. That trash dump needs to be burned down." Brexa said as Artemis only stared blankly at the marble bar. Brexa kept trying to get her out of her mind, but unfortunately, she was too far gone to realize what was going on in front of her.


"ONE Martini, please," The bartender nodded fondly at Artemis who was opposite of him as she began to scrape at the red of her nails, searching them for flaws as her long brown hair bounced in curls along her back. The loud music was playing behind her as her diamond-crested heels tapped lightly to the beat. Her dress was a low cut v-neck, so when the bartender came back, she snapped her fingers sassily and told him that her eyes were on her face.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. What brings you here at this time of night?" He said slyly, slinging his towel over his shoulder as she raised an eyebrow at him, playing with the olive in her drink.

"Why can't a girl have a little fun on a Sunday?" She said, taking the straw between her two fingers and giving it a twirl before putting it between her lips and taking a sip, all the while eyeing the handsome bartender in front of her.

He smirked at her words, and she mentally rolled her eyes. She had been through this many, many times, and each time it ended with the heel of her shoe being jabbed in one of their eye-sockets and her saying, "Stop being such a fuckboy and shit like this wouldn't happen!"

"I can show you a fun Sunday night, just give me about another hour." He said, smiling almost charmingly as he leaned towards her. Artemis smiled as her long, red fingernail traced his jawline, and she turned his head.

"You've got a jawline for days, baby," She drawled, turning his face back to her own. "But sadly I don't have time for this. My partner's been sitting right beside me this whole time. Have you not noticed how he's been giving you a death glare?" Artemis said as she cocked her head to the side, taking a sip of her martini. Bucky then walked up beside her from the booth he was sitting in, fixing his suit as his jaw clenched.

He cracked his knuckles as the bartender only smiled at the dangerous woman in front of him, cocking his head to the side just like she had done only seconds earlier. "You're a whore," The bartender said, and Artemis only stepped back off of the stool. "Thanks, babe. Show him your arm, hubby. Scare him for me, will ya?" Artemis said as she began sashaying away, and Bucky only smiled. "Yes, ma'am."


"HELLO," Brexa drawled, her hand waving in Artemis' face. Artemis was snapped out of her daydream and looked directly at Brexa, blue eyes wide with anxiety as tears formed in them. "You okay?" Brexa asked and Artemis only nodded. "Another memory, I think. I'm fine." Artemis reassured with a small smile and Brexa returned it, patting her on her shoulder as she sat down beside Artemis.

The bartender took their orders and Brexa recalled that it was Artemis' "birthday," so they received free shots and even a cup that said, "Happy Birthday, Loser" on the front of it. Artemis laughed quite hard at that.

A couple of drinks later, Brexa and Artemis were out on the dance floor, Brexa groping random strangers all the while Artemis was being tugged along. Although Brexa was intoxicated, Artemis had only received the slightest of a buzz from her "Birthday Drink," which tasted oddly of cotton candy from a theme park, and the feeling of being so close to everyone made her want to vomit.

The bodies, the friction, the yelling in her ear. It was fun, though. It didn't feel odd, it didn't feel dangerous. It felt fun, exhilarating, something that was wanting to peek out for a long time. And so they danced with random strangers, and when those random strangers grabbed them, they gave them a slap and moved to another set of strangers.

But eventually, the alcohol had set in correctly with Brexa and she had to go and pee out the remnants of the 10 Vodka splashed Cotton Candy Shooters she had downed just before she started jumping around.

"Just sit here while I go and use the bathroom," Brexa slurred as she fought against Artemis' grip lightly. "You'll probably trip over your own feet and die before you make it there, so I'm coming with you." Artemis argued. "Nooo," Brexa said, putting on a whiny face as she sat down. "I'm not a baby." She said, crossing her arms with a pout as Artemis only watched with drooping eyes.

"Fine. But you better be back in 5 minutes or else I'm coming after you. And I don't care if you're sitting on the toilet taking a piss, I will come into that stall and beat your ass. Got it?" "Sure," Brexa said sarcastically with rolling eyes as she stood up. "Because you definitely want to see my lovely lady groins-" "Loins-" "My lovely lady loins." Brexa slurred as she bumped into a man slightly taller than her who snapped, "Hey, watch it, bitch!"

Brexa turned towards him and yelled, "Suck my non-existent cock, you fucking Donald Trump wannabe!" as he slowly walked away. "Just go use the bathroom." Artemis chuckled as she watched Brexa nearly stumble away into the dancing crowd.

Minutes had passed and Artemis glanced anxiously at the digital clock in front of the bar. It had been more than 5 minutes but Artemis decided that Brexa was probably throwing up everywhere and Artemis didn't want to see any of that, but 15 minutes had been too long. Artemis stood from her seat and began walking towards where Brexa had wandered off, her hands digging deep into her coat pockets as she fiddled with the lint she had found quite nervously.

Things began running through her head as she walked, the terrible things. What if someone walked into the stall with her and killed her? What if she stumbled out the wrong door and fell out of a window? What else could drunk people get into that could kill them?

She finally found her way into the girl's bathroom, her heels clicking softly on the white tile. It was almost breathtakingly silent for a night-club girl's bathroom, and that threw Artemis off even more. She walked further in, seeing white feathers scattered all over the floor.

At that, her mind became sharp and she ran into each of the stalls, searching for any signs of blood or even the slightest of stench that could lead her to Brexa. She finally found no trace of her whereabouts, which caused her to run back out into the crowds of people, her mind swirling as she looked at the hundreds of heads bouncing around her.

She turned and swirled and looked, but nothing could be seen around her. All that she could decipher was the loud music, the yelling of joy, and the heartbeats of young lovers who weren't even supposed to be there. She couldn't hear Brexa nor could she feel her in that heated place, so she began to make a B-line for the door.

While on the sidewalk, she ran in the alleys, searching for any trace of where Brexa could be. She could have left on her own, or she could have been taken against her will. If either of the two happened, Artemis still needed to find her, because not only was she her friend, but she knew things that were confidential. Not even Hydra knew the stuff Artemis had told her and she intended to keep it that way.

Suddenly, Artemis caught a whiff of a metallic aura, and her eyes widened as she followed it. Bending down towards it, she dipped her finger in the tiniest speck of blood and held it to her nose, her eyes flashing red in doing so. Once she had figured out its smell, she wiped it on her pants leg and hoped to God that it would lead her to Brexa Hellwell.

a/n: HI GUYS!!

It's been soooo long since I've last updated/been on wattpad. I apologize to the people who I've practically ignored. I feel horrible for making it seem like I don't want to talk to you, there's just so much stress. The only people I really get to talk to each day are the demons in my head and they're evil to me and they tell me to cut myself off from everyone.

Fortunately for me though, writing helps to silence those little bastards so yeah! Also, the new characters I've introduced are very adorbs but they're adorbs little assholes :/

I'm gonna do a little list of who's playing who so you'll get a better picture of how they look. :)))

Kellan Lutz
Jaxson Anthony Spencer

(Perfect representation of Jaxson and his beanfulness tbh.)

Jesse Eisenberg
Jonathan "Card Trick" Zolan Masters

(This asshole is in everything so I thought, "might as well add him into my fanfic as well.")

Eddie Redmayne
Atlas "Nev" Truitt Lagos

(Ultimate fUCKING BEAN!!! <3 he played newt in fantastic beasts so adorably I caNNOT)

Anywho, thanks so much for reading! Hopefully the next chapter will be up soon.

I hope you guys enjoyed, and I love you all very much.

Much, much, much luv from your author,

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