[2] ▷ indecent

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BUCKY'S eyes danced with happiness as he watched the beautiful brunette spin around him, her smile never fading as they came back together to do another spin with the upbeat music that played so melodiously in the background.

Her light blue dress spun elegantly with every stride she made, and everything seemed as if it were a dream to the man. He loved that girl, he was going to marry her. He dreaded telling her his plans for enlisting, but she knew that it was his dream to be a brave man like his father before him. Somehow, she knew it was coming. The war was raging in and now would have been his perfect time.

After their fun dance, the two left. Bucky wrapped his arm over her shoulders as they trekked down the sidewalk under the Brooklyn lights. She smiled up at him, but noticed his hesitance and stopped. "What's wrong?" She asked, taking his hand from her shoulders and holding it comfortingly in her own. He smiled down at how big just his one was compared to both of her's.

"Ellie- I, um-" "-You enlisted, didn't you?" Her guess was a wild card to him and he looked at her bewildered, yet he shook his head yes. She nodded sorrowfully and gave a sad smile. "All I have to say to that is, kick their ass or I'll kick yours. Got it?" He chuckled slightly, bending down to her level and grabbing her slender face in his manly hands. "I promise you, doll." He said and she smiled.

He slowly leaned in, their foreheads resting upon each other before she stood upon her toes to close the gap. He smiled into the short kiss and pulled away, planting kisses all over her face, making her giggle and attempt to back away, but his hands held her waist tightly. "Stop, you egghead!" "Make me, cupcake." He said quickly, then began to kiss her face all over again.

"I'll lick your hand if you don't let me go this instant, James!" She said between laughter, and he quickly backed away. "Please don't lick my hand, that's disgusting." "Then get off me!" She said as she successfully pushed him off. He chuckled heartily as she playfully walked ahead, laughter of her own echoing about the alleys.


HE awoke with a start, his heart slightly skipping a beat as he came to. Ellie haunted his dreams once again like she had the many times before, but they somehow still found a way to bring a small smile to his face. Artemis and Ellie were one of the same, and Bucky never figured out how he fell in love with the two of them.

He sat up groggily from his bed, running his flesh hand down his face in an exhausted manner. Even though the super soldier had slept all night, he still felt as if his sleep went unfulfilled. He gave a quick yawn before standing to his feet, shaking on his coat and starting off on his day of searching.

He knew he was getting close on her tail, and he wasn't going to stop until Artemis Schmidt was back in his arms once more. He walked into the brisk air of Brooklyn, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his coat and pulling it closer to him. Even after being frozen on and off for 70 years, the cold was still foreign to him. He liked it though. It was a nostalgic feeling when the actual feeling of a brisk breeze hit his face, and not the burning cold of the cryochamber he was placed mercilessly in after each mission.

He shook that thought from his head as he began to walk down the occasional ally way, his eyes alert and pondering as he progressed further. While Bucky searched for Artemis, she, on the other hand, searched for more than herself.


HER fists clenched in anger as her eyes scanned the writing in front of her. The words seemed to fall somewhat in place, but there was one block that held all the others from fitting right in. Her eyebrows narrowed in anguish as things around her began to shake with dangerous vibrations, and she clenched her eyes shut. That was becoming something that she couldn't hold back.

Her emotions were once too bottled up and everything around her would have been in danger if she let it out. So she kept it in for as long as she could. Now, she had no remorse. Her slate was clean, but something in the back of her mind told her, "No, take it out on a punching bag. Not a human life." But the girl didn't listen, she was stubborn and didn't care any longer, but now she had realized that her spree had gotten her into trouble. She knew that she had to take it down a notch.

She saw the news reports, the newspapers, heard the radios, everything. And right now, she looked at a file with her face on it.

This file had everything about her on it, it seemed, and her brain worked overtime just to try and figure out why her name was even Artemis Schmidt, or why she was so damn important to this organization called "Hydra."

"Name: Artemis Sinthea Schmidt

Alias: Sin Schmidt

Birthday: November 4, 1987

Mother- Sinthea Johann Schmidt
Father- [X]

Siblings: [X]

The Winter Soldier- James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes
Terminus- Aliah Faith Kilgraves

Mission Team: T143- Team Hostile

Abilities: Superhuman strength, mind control, the ability to seduce anyone, telepathy

Weaponry: Espionage, blades of any sort, artillery, hand guns, mouth

Overview: This patient takes very kindly to using the term, "Fuck you" every waking hour of her days. She uses her mouth against her enemies which will surely get her killed someday. She does share extraordinary abilities, such as the ability to control another's mind. She also can throw things with her mind (Note that Dr. Gillian was thrown into a glass wall.) She also depends very heavily on her strength and power, yet when she is slightly helpless she uses her guns or blades highly to her ability. Very talented, very mean. Slightly amusing."

Her eyes glossed over as she reread the file in front of her. She felt the need to rip the file apart, to scream at it and set it aflame. That girl that she was reading about? That was no longer her. The girl that she was reading about had emotions, happy ones. She seemed that she was never unhappy. The furniture around the frail girl began to shake heavily with the anger bubbling up inside of her, flourishing into the breathtaking black rose that she had become.

Artemis Schmidt died that day, and she died loving someone. This girl shows no remorse, and now, she refuses to be called Artemis. She closed the file calmly, picking it up and tucking it under her arm as she left the abandoned bar even more scattered with furniture and broken glass than it already was.

This girl was no longer Artemis. This girl was searching for a new name, and she wouldn't stop until she found one.

1204 words
o shet waddup

its dat boi again

And also, for anyone who's wondering why Willa Holland is up there as the gif, that's who plays Ellie!! Kaya and her are twins I swear man

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! And sorry for such a long delay, I've been very busy with lots and lots of stuff on my mind. Forgive me, pls. <3

Thanks for reading and I love you all!

Much luv,

[2] instability ▷ bucky barnesWhere stories live. Discover now