[8] ▷ tough

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THE two brunettes spent two hours conversing about the history of Hydra after they returned back into the apartment, Artemis soaking up the endless information like a sponge would to water

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THE two brunettes spent two hours conversing about the history of Hydra after they returned back into the apartment, Artemis soaking up the endless information like a sponge would to water. Brexa watched curiously as she spontaneously sipped on the yellowy substance in her cup which Artemis had offered her. It was sad that Brexa had never smelled, or tasted, anything like that before and she worked in a bar.

Nonetheless, she drank it, and it seemed to make her a little more tipsy than she had planned. Artemis watched her meltdown with a small smile, thinking to herself that she would soon have to deal with the hangover of a girl that was just like someone deep down inside of her, scraping to get back out.

It was only an hour later that Brexa was barefoot on top of the counter, dancing with a cup of the yellowy alcohol, (which she refused to call "Jack Daniels," because it did not look nor taste like it,) in her hand, spilling it here and there. Artemis watched from the side of the room with her arms crossed and a laugh knocking at the back of her throat.

Brexa saw Arty standing there and she shook the cup suggestively towards the dark brunette. "Want some?" She said, her voice slurring as Artemis shrugged, waltzing up and taking the cup, throwing her head back and taking a chug.

"Damn, I'm kinda glad I can't get drunk for this." Artemis said as she sat down, watching Brexa move her foot backwards too far and fall directly off of the table, landing on the floor with a shroud 'thump.'

Not even a second later, Artemis heard her echoing laughter, her face still glued towards the floor. When she moved her face up to Artemis, her eyes widened at the weird angle of Brexa's nose and the blood pouring down her face. "Shit, Brexa. You broke your nose." Hearing that, Brexa's smile fell and pain seemed to consume her whole at the realization.

She sat up and touched at her nose, recoiling her hand back immediately afterwards as she stood up and ran towards the bathroom, her hands searching everywhere for something to wipe her nose with since her vision was unfortunately blurry.

Artemis only doubled forwards in extreme laughter, her cackles following Brexa all the way into the bathroom.

"Y-your face when you fell off-" And then she threw her head back into a fit of laughter once more as Brexa glared daggers at the dark brunette through the mirror. "I can't breathe!" Artemis heaved as she once again dove off into laughter again. Brexa sighed as Artemis wiped a tear from her eye.

"That was by far one of the funniest things I have ever experienced in my entire life, I think. God knows how much more laughter I can take." Artemis said, now having to put her hand over her mouth to suppress the onslaught of giggles forming behind her throat.

After about 2 more minutes of holding the towel to her nose, Brexa eventually tossed it into the laundry bin beside the toilet and balanced her weight on the counter of the aesthetically white bathroom that was currently in exceptional shape, considering the place was practically abandoned and the people that actually did live in the place never took care of it.

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