Sky Media One-Shots

נכתב על ידי TheJP20

2.4K 95 166

Just a bunch of one-shots of the sky media crew. One-shot requests are accepted. עוד

Undead part 1
Undead part 2
"Little" help
Undead part 3
Undead part 4
Classmates part 2
The Request part 1
Undead part 5
Classmates part 3
The Request part 2
Classmates part 4
The Request part 3
Classmates part 5
Tagged... how fun...
The Request part 4
Classmates part 6
Classmates part 7
Skin deep
The Exchange Student

Classmates part 1

167 5 34
נכתב על ידי TheJP20

Jacob X Max

This was requested by grizzlyslothsin

High school AU

(Jacob's POV)

Oh great... The first day of high school. Being a freshman is intimidating because of the stories you hear about high school. Such as the upper classmen trash canning the freshman. And the upper classmen being bullies to the lower classmen.

Given I was not that outgoing so I'd be an easy target for them. Another reason why I'd be an easy target is that I'm not like ordinary guys, I like girls but I like guys as well, and most ordinary people don't treat us "special" people that well.

I went to my first couple classes which were all freshman classes and no troubles whatsoever. Then came lunch. I sat with my friends, that know about me being bi, from junior high, at the tables outside. We finished eating and decided to stay at the table and watch as all the people with their licenses tarted to roll in from going off campus to get lunch.

One particular person caught my eye. He was tall, slightly muscularly toned, ginger hair and beard. I stared at him from afar.

"You're staring Jacob." My friend Caleb said.

"Oh! Was I really?"

"You know that he is an upper classmen, a senior to be specific." Caleb said.

"Yeah I kinda figured."

"I'd be careful if I were you. If he knows that you like him, he might make fun of you in front of the whole school." Caleb explained.

"Yeah yeah I know. I'll be careful."

"And four years of humiliation will be tough to live down."

"Alright Caleb. I said I'd be careful."

(Timeskip to after lunch)

I walked to my next class which was pre-calculus. Even though I was a freshman I was really good with math, so I was in the higher level classes.

We got to choose whatever seat we wanted, I chose the seat that was in the back of the class. I waited for the teacher to start the class when the ginger from lunch walked in and sat down in a seat in the middle of the class.

God dammit.

"Alright class I'm going to take roll, so please let me know that you're here." The teacher said.

"Adam." "Here"
"Alesa" "here"
"Michael" "here"
"John" "here"
"Shelby" "here"
"Jess" "here"
"Max" "here"
"Preston" "here"

"Now if I did not call your name please raise your hand."

I raised my hand reluctantly.

"Your name?" The teacher asked.


"And what grade are you in Jacob?"

"Freshman." I said quietly.

"Speak up please."

"Freshman." I said louder.

"You must be good at math if you are in this course. I have high expectations of you." The teacher said.

Great so much for not being noticed.

The class seemed to drag on because I kept on getting stared at by the others because I was the only one answering the questions. Thankfully the class ended and I started to walk to my last class. The seniors stood outside the doorway of the math class waiting for me but I just walked past them

"Hey freshmeat." One of the seniors said. I kept on walking.

"Hey! Don't walk away from me!" The senior said grabbing my backpack stopping me in my tracks.

"What do you want? I'm going to be late to my last class."

"We wanted to have a little fun with you. Y'know rough you up a little." The senior said.

"Please just let me go." I said.

"Hey Adam. Let the freshman go."

It was the ginger.

"Aww cmon Max. Why are you no fun all the time?" Adam asked.

"Just go and leave him alone." Max said.

"Fine. See ya later freshmeat." Adam said walking away with the other seniors.

I looked back at Max, the sun making his ginger hair radiant. I tried to thank him but the words wouldn't escape my lips.

"I'm Max by the way. I'm guessing you're Jacob from the class we just got out of?" Max said holding his hand out.

I shook his hand, his firm grip making me go weak in the knees.

"Thanks for helping me with Adam." I said.

"No problem. He always picks on freshmen. I don't know why he does it though. Anyways I'll see you later Jacob, I've got to get to my next class." Max said walking away.

"See ya." I said.

(Timeskip to after school)
(Max's POV)

I sat in my car waiting for the traffic to die down. I was looking on Twitter for a while then I saw that the traffic had died down completely. I started up my car and started to drive home. As I was going in front of the school I saw Jacob getting bullied by Adam again.

I pulled over and got out.

"Adam. Stop harassing Jacob." I said.

"Not again Max." Adam whined.

"Go away." I said sternly.

Adam walked away with his arm around his girlfriend, Alesa's shoulder.

"Thanks again Max." Jacob said.

"Of course. Are you waiting for anyone?"

"No. I was going to walk home, but Adam stopped me." Jacob said.

"Let me give you a ride home." I offered.

"Uh- okay." Jacob said with uncertainty.

Jacob got into the passenger seat of my car and we drove off. Jacob told me where to go and we finally pulled up to what I'm guessing is his house. Jacob got out and walked up to his porch.

(Jacob's POV)

I walked up to my door and was reaching for my house key in my pocket.

"Hey Jacob. Wait up a second." Max said.

I turned and saw Max run over to me from his car.

"Yeah Max? What is it?"

"This." Max said.

Max grabbed my by the shoulders and brought me in for a kiss. I was surprised at first but then melted into the kiss. His beard scratching my chin. He pulled away and started to walk back to his car.

"See you tomorrow." Max said.

"S-see you tomorrow." I said stunned.

המשך קריאה

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