ColdClan: Sky Of Blood [2]

By thislittlefreak

10.9K 462 381


allegiances and relations [one]
1. Skyleap
2. Sunstorm
3. Skyleap
5. Skyleap
6. Sunstorm
allegiances and relations [two]
7. Skyleap
8. Sunstorm
9. Skyleap
10. Sunstorm
11. Skyleap
12. Sunstorm
allegiances and relations [three]
Author's Note + Plea!
13. Skyleap
14. Sunstorm
15. Skyleap
16. Sunstorm
17. Skyleap
Author's Goodbye

4. Sunstorm

704 30 14
By thislittlefreak

The day was cold, far colder than she had expected. Pale blue and cloudless, the sky stared down at the group with a crisp gaze. There was some sunshine, but it was harsh, not warm. Sticking to the back of the convoy, Sunstorm took her time at picking a route as they went down the mountain. A flicker of her stare glanced upwards, and she noticed two sparrows racing each other above her head. With a short smile, she knew they were approaching the beginning of the forest that divided ColdClan and HeatClan. 

It was the layout of the part of the world they lived in that truly intrigued Sunstorm, and always had. StarClan had gifted her own clan a plateau on the mountain, sheltered by rocky crags either side. Their source of water came from a stream that ran through. On the other paw, HeatClan resided in the barren plain below the mountain. It wasn't a desert as such, but there was no better way of describing the bare, dry land they somehow managed to survive in. It fascinated the ginger she-cat that these cats were hardy enough to withstand everything they did. When HeatClan wasn't trying to kill her clanmates or accuse them of being murderers, she did greatly respect them.

Steadily, the sharp incline of the woodland between the two clans began to level out. Mudstar's supple, spry body slowed down at the front of the group, and Sunstorm could feel the tension that washed over the group like a wave. "Ok, we're almost there. Let me do the talking, and don't get into a fight with anyone! There aren't enough of us -- we'll be as much use as a dead fox."

There was an awkward silence as Mudstar spoke of the 'dead fox', and it was clear he had realised what he had said, as his eyes fell to the ground uncomfortably. "I, uh, didn't say that."

Mosspelt, Mudstar's mate, pushed passed him gracefully. "Good job, fuzz-brain." She snorted, a smirk on her face as she walked past a crestfallen Mudstar. The group pushed on, following the confident warrior, with their leader taking up the rear position to guide his clan members.

They hadn't even reached the border when they smelt a new scent. About six warriors appeared from almost nowhere, taking Sunstorm by surprise , so much so that she leapt toward Redflight for protection. The older deputy's eyes were a little wide, even for a seasoned warrior, but Sunstorm was nonetheless grateful for the protection his thick red fur gave. 

A massive warrior was the first to speak. His size was awe-inspiring; Sunstorm would be terrified to be in a battle against him. She knew that Redflight was a larger than average tom, but this HeatClan cat was like something she'd never seen before. He was completely grey except for his frightening, over-bearing gaze, which almost glowed with his orange eyes.

"I am Bearleap, the leader of this patrol. If you continue on your path, you will be trespassing on HeatClan territory," the aptly named cat took that moment to step forward menacingly. "That is something I would advise against."

Packed tightly together, the ColdClan cats raised their heads defiantly towards the enemies. Mudstar's courage always amazed Sunstorm, and he stepped out in front of the group. His apparent calmness was also quite shocking. After all, there was a murderer on the loose, and HeatClan seemed to want to blame ColdClan for it!

"You know who I am, Bearleap. We come here on formal business. I wish to speak to Cloudmask about the murder of Foxstar."

Tilting his head, the brute of a cat glanced at the other members of his patrol. "That's Cloudstar to you now. He made the journey to StarCave last moonhigh. We will take you to him."

Sunstorm's orange ears flicked forward. So StarClan had accepted her father as the new leader of HeatClan. Wow, she thought, our ancestors work in funny ways.

As the ColdClan array was guided towards the camp, Sunstorm couldn't help but feel like a prisoner. They had been surrounded, huddled together like a bunch of kittypets, and marched onwards. Nerves on high, she knew she would have to hold her guard. As they moved, she found herself being taken into the heart of a circle of thicket. Sharp thorns were the protection for the HeatClan cats, and it also hid their camp incredibly well. She'd only ever been there once before, but she could hardly remember it. It did not fail to impress her once again.

In the centre of the circle was a craggy rock, jutting out from the ground at a diagonal angle. There was a multitude of different cats sitting around it, though none looked truly comfortable. These poor HeatClan cats were likely living on edge after what had happened to Foxstar. Her attention shifted quickly to someone who needed no introduction to Sunstorm. With a cool glare she matched her father's surprised gaze. Oh, how much did she want to lash out at him? He was a traitor, and even a medicine cat's forgiveness had to end somewhere. 

"ColdClan..." Cloudstar began, his voice shockingly sounded relieved to see them. Getting to his feet, he bounced down from the crag to touch noses with Mudstar, who hesitantly responded with a respectful tail flick. "I thought you might come."

Nodding, the brown tom squinted a little at the new leader. It was clear that Cloudstar had yet to earn Mudstar's trust. The problem with her father was that he was so unpredictable, and Mudstar was intelligent enough to know this. "Yes, we came. It is vital that we speak with you, sooner rather than later."

"Of course," he responded, spinning on his claws to face the opposite direction. "This is a matter to be discussed privately. Come." As the group began to follow Cloudstar, barked an order back. "Not all of you. Just Mudstar and Sunstorm."

Glancing at her leader, Sunstorm anxiously stepped forward. They shared a look before continuing on, into a hole in the ground behind the rock. They found themselves underground in a wide cave, the floor covered in soft dry leaves brought back from the forest. At the back of the cave sat two shadowy figures, eyes glistening like StarClan's pelt.

"I appointed Coldfrost as my deputy." Cloudstar commented bluntly, as the shadows stepped into the light. Not only was Cloudstar joined by Coldfrost, but also by his side was Marshfoot. A little taken aback to see the medicine cat, Sunstorm's own gaze was focused on the black and white cat, although the tom couldn't seem to make her eyes.

"So, Cloudstar, what is your opinion?" Mudstar stated, to the point as always. "Who do you think killed Foxstar? And how are you sure it was a cat?"

Marshfoot interrupted before Cloudstar could speak. "It was a cat alright. The marks made were so distinct. He was.. slit through the throat with unsheathed claws." The cat was, in a way, not entirely there. Judging by the look of emptiness on his face, Marshfoot was clearly still in shock. Sunstorm wanted to feel sorry for him, but all she could think of when she looked at him was the little kits growing up without their father. It made her bitter because she knew how it felt to have a father leave.

"There's more," Cloudstar added with a short sigh. "On the day of his death, a message meant for me was given to Foxstar when he was out on patrol. Those who were with him say it was by a rogue, one whom he had never seen before, and they never gave a name. I spoke to Goldheart who joined him on the patrol, and he states that when the patrol questioned Foxstar, he said that it was a message for me. He didn't say what it was about, but instead of telling me... my only guess is, he went to discover it for himself. Wh-why do I get the feeling that Foxstar was just in the wrong place at the wrong time? I think whoever killed Foxstar simply got the wrong cat."

What Mudstar and Sunstorm were hearing was thought-provoking, though neither could get the thought out of their mind that it was all a hoax from Cloudstar to get him into a leadership position. They knew his antics well, and they wouldn't put it past him. His next comment, however, would push their opinions like a monster hitting a deer on a Thunderpath.

"In truth, it is your help I need. I'm terrified that it will be my life next that will be taken. I don't know who killed Foxstar. I don't know if it was a ColdClan cat, a HeatClan cat, or a rogue or kittypet. What I do know is that this cat has terrified my entire clan, and they are in turmoil. They trust nobody, not even each other. Tensions run higher than ever. ColdClan, I'm begging you. Investigate the death further, for your own sakes if not mine."

Pausing, Cloudstar stared deep into his daughter's eyes. Uncomfortable with the gaze of a traitor burning so deep into her, Sunstorm twitched a little, trying to look away from him. "I want to protect the people I love, but I can't do that alone."

Well, thought Sunstorm. Protecting the people he loved? That's a first.


Well, that was a lot of fun to write! I apologise massively for not uploading for what, over a year? Crazy, I know. 

Hopefully, I can update more often. I don't want to make promises I can't keep, but watch this space!

Here's a fun opportunity! Want to have a whole chapter of ColdClan SOB dedicated to YOU!? All you need to do is comment who your favourite character is, with a short reason why! This is a perfect way to get more people reading your own stories, as well as having my appreciation!

Lots of love to you all,


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