Your going to miss me when I'...

By sophie_c2909

35.6K 1K 76

There is a life threatening accident after regionals and it might be to late to undo mistakes More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 8

1K 31 7
By sophie_c2909

Aubrey watched as fear quickly overtook her best friend. She hated herself for waking her up when she had looked so peaceful before.

"Chlo, the doctor just came out from the OR." Chloe's heart thudded painfully in her chest as she waited to hear Aubrey's next words. "Chlo, I'm so sorry but Beca's not going to make it through the night. They have her on life support at the moment and will let us say goodbye before they switch it off..."

Chloe felt numb. There was a ringing in her ears. She couldn't hear what Aubrey was now saying. The rest of the Bellas looked on in sadness. Aubrey couldn't have heard the doctor right. Beca would be fine. Her Beca was strong and full of life. Why was everyone looking at her like this? Then she realised. Beca had never been hers. Chloe had never got the chance to tell the brunette how she felt about her. Beca will die hating them for abandoning her. They never even got to apologise.

Chloe summoned all of her strength. She let out a shaky breath and looked into Aubrey's eyes. She nodded that she was alright and stood. She wanted nothing more than to cry and scream at the world that it wasn't fair. But she couldn't. She had to be strong. For Beca. For Beca's memory.

Aubrey knew what her best friend was doing and she loved her for it. Chloe was so fragile at the moment and she had pushed all of that down so that she wouldn't break. The blonde knew that this was how the redhead dealt with the worst situations. Aubrey took Chloe's hand, for her sake as well, and led the Bellas to the room where the hospital had placed Beca for her last night.

When they reached the room, it took all Aubrey had within her not to throw up. Beca lay in a large bed which dwarfed her and made her look even smaller and more vulnerable. Chloe's grip on her hand tightened and her face became even more drawn at the sight before them. Beca was hooked up to at least a dozen machines. There were drips with IV and blood hanging from them. The small brunette was paler than the girls had ever seen her; a clear sign of the effects that night had had on her. It was clear that she was not breathing on her own as a tube was taped to her mouth and was feeding her the oxygen that was keeping her alive.

Chloe choked back a sob. She was trying to be strong but seeing her small friend like this was almost too much.

The Bellas crowded into the room, staying silent in their shock. Nobody knew what to say. Nobody knew how to break the silence. That was until a doctor came in. the girls all turned to him.

"I understand that this is a very difficult time for you. If there is anyone that you want to call so that they can say goodbye then now would be best."

The doctor couldn't even bring himself to try to smile at the heartbroken girls in front of him. Instead he turned and left.

Aubrey was the first to recover. She turned to the others. "I think we should start saying our goodbyes. I'll go and call her parents." With that, the blonde left.

There was an unspoken agreement with the girls that they would each say a private goodbye. They took it in turns, going into the room and saying their goodbye to their small, talented friend who had so much potential but was taken away far too soon.

Beca's parents arrived at the hospital when it was only Aubrey and Chloe who hadn't said goodbye. After seeing their only child in that state, the two had broken down into heart-wrenching sobs. Beca's mother had then fainted. Aubrey took this time to go in.

She walked up to the bed and looked down at the figure that had caused her so much distress and amusement in the time that they had known each other.

She sighed. "Beca. I know that I am probably the last person that could claim any right to being here. But I had to tell you the truth. I'm so sorry about everything." A few hot tears escaped her eyes. "I always admired you for being different. For sticking with your choices. Even if it meant you wearing those ear monstrosities. But I never hated you. I want you to know that. I was an aca-bitch towards you when you really didn't deserve it. And now it's too late to make amends. But I promise you, I will do everything I can to make it up to you and your memory. And I will personally find the bastard who did this to you and make him wish that he had never been born." Aubrey's conviction was only marred by the tears that fell fast and heavy now from her eyes. "I'm so sorry Beca." She whispered before leaving.

The other Bellas looked up as their blonde captain exited the small DJ's room. She had tears in her eyes but looked determined. Stacie stood and led the blonde to a seat whilst Chloe shakily stepped into the room.

The redhead closed the door before turning to look at the girl who had stolen her heart. She let out a strangled sob before going and sitting in the chair next to the younger girl's bed. Chloe gently took Beca's IV hand within her own and kissed it. "Beca. I don't even know where to begin. You came into my life so recently and made such an impact on me. I will never forget you. It's unfair how little time we had together. I know you probably hate me for what I did at Regionals, and believe me when I say I hate myself. But one thing is certain. I love you Beca Mitchell. You stole my heart and now you will be leaving with it. I don't even want it back. It's yours forever. You never realised how beautiful you are. Both inside and out. You always acted so badass but I saw the side of you that cared about everything and everyone. And I fell in love with you because it was who you were. You had so much potential and talent that it was practically coming out of your ears. I'm so sorry Beca..."

The redhead dissolved into body-wracking sobs. She leant over and gently hugged the small girl, relishing in her familiar smell one last time. Finally, she stood and looked down at the small girl. "I love you Becs."

The redhead leant down and kissed Beca's forehead before straightening and leaving. Aubrey stood when Chloe reappeared from the room. She looked awful. Her hair was knotting, her eyes were bloodshot which contrasted horribly with her sky blue irises. As she left, Beca's parents went into the room to say their last goodbyes. Aubrey stood by Chloe's side as they waited, knowing the inevitable time was approaching.

After what felt like no time at all, the door opened again and the Bellas slowly walked in, dreading what was about to happen. Beca's parents were distraught but knew they had to be there for what was about to happen. Chloe felt her heart break as the doctor walked in. This had all happened so quickly. She was still trying to come to terms with it. But time wasn't on her side today.

The doctor and the nurse stood on each side of the brunette's bed. The nurse slowly extracted the breathing tube whilst the doctor turned off the machines that had kept Beca alive so far.

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