Mirror Image

By cupcakediamondx

41.8K 1.8K 725

Michael and Mike are twins. They look exactly alike but they couldn't be more different from one another. Mik... More

MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 1
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 2
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 3
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 4
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 6
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 7
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 9
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 10
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 11
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 12
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 13
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 14
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 15
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 16
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 17
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 18
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 19
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 20
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 21
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 22
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ FINAL PART
Mirror Image ~ THANK YOU!! ♡
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 8 (republished!!!)

MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 5

1.7K 84 37
By cupcakediamondx

. . . I can't believe I'm letting him drive us home . . . . 

We're both drunk . . only difference is that I know can't control myself and he thinks he can. I pray to heaven that this drive home ends well . . I know Mike's a good driver, I'm not saying he can't drive well but who can when under the influence? . . that's just plain stupid and irresponsible. . . I guess I wanna show him how much I love and turst him but I have a feeling that I will soon regret it . . . . very soon . . .

Mike turns up the music real loud. "Could you please turn it down a little?" He turns it off. "Can you do something else than complain for a change?! seriously . . you have been nagging and stressing me out ever since we got out of the bar!!! just shut the hell up, will ya?" I hate how aggressiv he gets when he drinks . . I guess that's one of the reasons why we dont go out together that often . . . Mike likes to drink . . . not only when he's out partying but also when he's at home . . . by himself. . . . he drinks a lot . . .

He rolls down the window "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?? MOVE !!!" . . . now he's yelling at strangers on the road . . .  this night can't get any worse . . . "Stop yelling at people!! they're driving is just FINE, you're the one being crazy!!" - "This dude in front of me is provoking me! that's what he's doing!! he wants me to get out of the car . . and you know what? I'm gonna do that!!" - "Mike, NO!!!!" He gets out of the car . . . . I can't believe it . . . . he actually got out of the car . . . what the heck is he doing now? . . . 

he walks up to the guy's window in front of us and starts yelling at him . . . . oh boy . . . I wish for this night to be over  . . . I just wanna go home! . . . a minute later he gets back in the car. "What a fucking asshole . . . I was about to punch the shit out of him!!!" He starts the car and turns up the music . . I turn it back down . . . . "Mike . .can you please slow down a little? you're going way too fast!" - "I'm not going to fast!!!" - "YES YOU ARE!!! SLOW IT DOWN!!!!!" . . I can't believe how fast he's going!! "SLOW DOWN!!! I'm telling you . . DRIVE SLOWLY!!!!" . . . . too late . . . . the cops are right behind us . . GREAT . . !!!!!! I can't believe the cops caught us . . . well, I'm not surprised actually . . . Mike was going way too fast  . . . I guess this day can get worse . . . . .

"FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!" Mike punches into the steering weel . . . "DAMMIT!" He stops the car on the side of the road. "Good evening . . drivers licence and registration card please" My heart is beating so fast and loud . . . I'm sure the officer can hear it . . . it's a woman . . . "Lady I was in a hurry because my brother doesn't feel good, he needs to get home!" - "It's Officer Keagon to you and that's no excuse . . you were going way too fast . . you are risking your own life and the life of others . . . I will have to get you a ticket!" - "Come on . . . why a ticket? I just wanna get my brother home, that's all . . he doesn't feel good" The officer writes him a ticket. "Here you go . . and here is your dirvers licence and your registartion card. . . I better not catch you speeding again or your licence will be gone!" Mike rolls up the window and starts his car . . . "The ticket costs 150 dollars . . . here you go!" - "Are you serious? . . you want ME to pay for the ticket that you are responsible for?! no way . . . you are paying for it!" 

10 minutes later we finally arrive at my place . . . 

I get out of the car . . . my eyes are already closed . . . I'm walking to the door probably looking like a zombie. "Can I stay at your place? I don't wanna take the bus" - "Yea sure" We walk inside. I close and lock the door . . . The first thing I wanna do is take a shower and then go straight to bed. .

I can't believe we got a ticket . . . but I'm glad we made it home safely . . 

10 am. . .

I get up and take a shower . . . it's 10 am . . . I'm still tired from yesterday evening. After showing and dressing myself, I sit down and make myself some pancakes. I have to go to work in an hour . . . I hope Mike will be up by then. . . . at exactly 10:35am he comes walking down. "Do I smell pancakes?" - "Yes you do. . . want some?" - "Sure!" He sits down and starts eating. "I have to go to work in half an hour" - "I'm coming with you" I give him a confused look "Why do you wanna come with me?" - "I don't know . . I wanna see what you do all day" I sit down and take a sip from my coffee. "You know what I do all day . . and you hate the hospital . . you always complain about the smells" 

At the hospital . . . 

"Good morning Doctor Jackson. . . can I bring you a coffee?" - "Yes, please . . no cream, two sugars!" - "Yes, Doctor Jackson" Mike is following right behind me. "Damn Michael . . these chicks are licking your ass man . . you are real lucky to be around all these hot chicks every day" - "Those hot chicks are nurses. . . they're professinal and they get me coffee because they get payed to . . . stop thinking with your penis!" - "Michael I'm not thinking with my dick . . . I'm all over the place when I see a hot woman . . . how can you blame me for that?" - "I'm not blaming your for anything . . but you tend to be quite rude . . . need I to remind you of what happened at the bar . . ?  . . when you got a slap in the face? I'm actually glad she did that" - "You wanna know why she slapped me? because she was so flattered, she couldn't handle it" - "Yea . . that's why" 

"Good morning Mrs. Walker . . how are you feeling today?" - "Oh Doctor Jackson, I feel alright but my back is killing me" - "Did you take your pain medicine?" - "Yes but I think I need something a little bit stronger . . . I couldn't sleep all night" - "Ok Mrs. Walker. . . I will take care of you in a minute" We walk back ouside . . . I sit down on my chair and wait for Cherelle to bring me my coffee. Mike is sitting right next to me, looking at all the nurses. "Mike, I'm telling you . . no flirting, no nothing! these are my nurses, don't scare them away!!" He lets out a laugh "Chill man . . I'm not gonna do anything" Right at that moment Cherelle walks by . . . she's probably the most beautiful woman working at this hospital . . she's a nurse in training and she's gorgeous. . . .

"DAMNNN . . who is she, Michael?" - "Don't you even dare!" - "Why? . . she is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!" Cherelle walks up to us. "Good morning Mister Jackson . . I mean, Doctor Jackson, I'm so sorry" - "It's ok . . I know you're still nervous . . you will be fine!" I give her a smile . . she smiles back at me. "What are we gonna do first, Doctor?" - "Today I will take you to all my patients" - "Wow . . that's amazing . . I'm very excited" - "I'm glad you are . . I will meet you in front of room 306 in 10 minutes, alright?" She gives me a smile "Alright, I'll see you then, have a nice coffee break, Doctor Jackson" - "Thank you Cherelle" She walks away . . . . Mike looks at me "DAMN. . . she is FINE!!!" 

"Ok Mike . . I have to start working now . . . here are 20 bucks . . take a cab home" - "I have my own money . . don't hand me a 20 dollar bill in front of all these sexy ladies . . . do you wanna embarrass me?" I let out a chuckle "I think you're embarrassing youserlf  . . stop looking around like a honry teenager!" - "Dude . . I am horny . . look at all these women . . . how can you contain yourself here? seriously!!!" He walks towards the entrance . . . . I'm seriously wondering, how can we be twins? . . we're so not alike . . . . . . .  I walk towards room 306 . . Cherelle is waiting in front of the door "Ok . . let's go inside" We walk inside . . "I'm Back Mrs. Walker . . this is my nurse in training, she will be here while I'm here with you, is that alright, are you ok with that?" Mrs. Walker takes Cherelle's hand "Is it alright with me? of course it is . . look at you . . . young breautiful girl . . eager to learn new things . . wanting to become a doctor's helper . . of course she can" 

~ Mike's point of view ~ 

I just came back home . . my apartement is a mess . . seriuosly . . . I don't have to go to work until 5pm . . . what am I gonna do? . . I open a bottle of beer and sit down on the couch.

(on the phone with Cassandra)

"Hey baby . . what are you up to?" 

"Not much . . what are you doing?" 

"I'm home . . spent the night at Michael's . . we were out last night, what did you do?" 

"You were? . . why didn't you tell me? . . and why didn't you take me with you?" 

"Girl I would've . . but it was a brother's night out . . . I didn't look at any other girl, you can trust me . . you're my only girl and you know it" 

"Aww . .  I know baby . . . I know . . . . ummm . . I have to tell you something. . . it's not easy for me. I'm not sure how you're gonna react . . I'm a little scared" 

"What are you talking about? . . just tell me . . "

"Mike . . . I'm late" 

"Late for what? do you have to go to work?" 

"No . . . I'm late . . . I didn't get my period when I was supposed to . . . I one week late . . . " 

"Are you seriuos right now?? are you fucking serious?!!!! you said you're on the pill !!!!" 

"I WAS . . but I stopped and I told you about it!! that's why we were using condoms the last few times . . . but I guess one of them broke . . . . I bought some early pregnancy tests today and all of them were positive . . . . " 

"Are you fucking kidding me?. . . ." 

"Mike . . . *cries*. . . I was hoping you would be happy about it"

"Happy? . . this is shocking to me!!! I'm not ready to have a damn baby. . "

"I'm not ready myself but I think we can do this . . if we stick together . . you know I love you babe. . I was hoping you would be happy . . at least a little bit . . . I didn't expect you to freak out like that" 

"Cassie . . . I'm shocked . . that's really all I feel right now . . ." 

"That's all you feel? . . but do you want it? . . don't you wanna try it? . . . DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME?!" 

"Baby . . of course but . . . a baby? . . . I don't know . . I'm not ready to be a father . . . you know what you gotta do . . ." 

*Cries* "What?" 

"Get rid of it" . . . . . . .

~ to be continued ~

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