Golden. H.S

بواسطة Harold_ysl

12.4K 750 419

Sometimes your nightmares turn into your most favourite and beautiful dreams... Veronica Daniel Johns belongs... المزيد

..Fun Day..
.. Eavesdropping..
..The Fall..
..Little one..
..Little Secrets..
..A Big Secret..
..Date.. (Part-1)
..Date.. (Part-2)


139 10 3
بواسطة Harold_ysl

"I could see how complicated it is." Sophia smirked at her, sipping on her wine after the dinner. All the boys were down at the pool and the girls were in the kitchen. They were to go down and join the boys after cleaning, as in managing the dishes. And Bella was asleep.

Veronica was holding a glass of water. She was thirsty for water. She was planning on taking the drink later. Eleanor was washing her hands on the sink. Upon hearing Sophia she looked at Veronica with a smile which told her that Sophia told Eleanor what happened at the terrace.

"Uh-well um is....sort of." She stuttered, blushingly. She hated the fact that she could also blush by the name of boy or the mention of that specific boy. Like Harry was surprised to see her blushing, she was also.

"Okay tell me how you guys met? Did you feel Zing when your eyes met?" Sophia asked curiously after laughing at the way Veronica was blushing.

"Zing?" Veronica asked not knowing what she meant.

"Have you seen Hotel Transylvania?" Eleanor asked back and Veronica shook her head. "I heard a lot about it but couldn't see it."

"Well, it's the spark you feel when you meet someone. You can't stop thinking about him, you can't stop talking about him. You want to see him again and again. Zing is like a signal in your mind which says, ‘yes, this is the one.’ Did you feel it?" Sophia explained.

"I don't know. I hated him when we first met." She refused to believe that she loved him all along.

"Oh come on! Everyone says this. I bet you felt it." Sophia refused to believe her. Eleanor was pouring herself a glass of vine. "Anyway tell me how you met him?"

"We met on a beach trip. I was there with my friends and he was with the boys. One day me and the girls were playing a blindfolded game where I had to catch them with my eyes covered. And the person I happen to catch was...Harry." She told, his name gave her butterflies. She always thought no boy could make her feel this. But how wrong she was!


"I was like....well that sounds very awkward. I was touching him, his face, his neck and his hair. When I felt the stubble, I took off my blindfold to see him. That's how me met." She looked down, smiling at the memory.

"Aww that's so cute!" Sophia gushed. "And so romantic." Eleanor added with a dreamy sigh making Veronica chuckle.

"And how did you guys start hanging out?" Eleanor asked pouring Veronica a glass of vine.

"When we came back from the trip, one day he suddenly just...came to the café I worked at. And then one time he offered me a ride when my car got a flat tyre. And...then he helped me from getting robbed and well.... that's how it all started." She takes a sip of her vine which tastes a tangy cherries. She scrunches her face a little at the foreign taste.

"So are you saying he was stalking you? Because you basically met him everywhere you went." Sophia stands straight, pulling her body off the counter she was leaning on to.

"That's what I think but he never admits it."

"I never knew Harry could be this romantic." Eleanor said, looking at Sophia who nodded, agreeing with her.

"Girls!" They heard Louis call from down at the pool.

"Coming!" Eleanor yelled. Sophia and Eleanor head out of the kitchen, thinking she was following them but she wasn't. Her glass was empty and she needed another one. After some sips she got used to that taste and she liked it.

She walked over to the counter near the refrigerator. She saw a bottle there. She opened it and poured it in her glass. She sipped on it. It was a different taste but she loved it more than the previous one so she drowned it.





And some more.

She stumbled out of the kitchen.

"Hey!!! Anybody here??" She shouted, reaching the living room.

"Harold!!" She yelled, falling on a sofa. The bottle was still in her hand.

And then someone came beside her.


She turned her head to look at the person. Harry sat their, worry written all over his face. "Harold!" She clapped her hands with the bottle still in her grasp. Harry's eyes averted from her face to her hands which held the bottle.

"Damn it!" He said as he tried to free her hands from the bottle. "Veronica, give it to me." He tried keep his tone smooth and calm. And he snatched the bottle from her grip.

"Noo!" She whined. She moved forward when Harry raised his hand to take it out of her reach. She sat on the sofa, on her knees to meet his hand. "Give me that!" She cried waving her hands in the air to get the bottle. And suddenly she came so close and lost her balance, falling on the top of him. The bottle fell from his hand on the floor and a loud cracking noise echoed.

The boys and girls down at the pool had music on so they couldn't hear them.

She stared at his rough, tough and beautiful face.

"Veronica." He breathed shocked of the position they were in. She blinked a lot of times as if she was trying to believe what she was seeing. "Harold." She whispered. Harry took her arms in his hands and sat up straight with her. She stands up as soon as they are out of that position.

"Let me take you home." He took her hand in hers and tugged at it.

"I don't wanna go! I want to stay with you!" Harry stared at her for few seconds.

"Veronica you have to go and sleep. You're wasted." He said in a calm voice.

"I'm wasted?" She said as if she was comprehending what he meant. "I'm a waste? Yes you are right. I'm a waste. No one loves me." She cried resting her head on his shoulder. Harry huffed in annoyance and anger.

"Okay okay. Let's go in your room." He pulled her away and looked at her face which had no tear. She was just whining. Harry sighed in relief when she started walking ahead of him. She stumbled, opening her arms wide and talking one step after another in a clumsy way, as if she was on the border of a wall or something.

"Twinkle twinkle li'le(little) star." She sang. Harry smacked his palm on his forehead. "How I wonder whayouae(what you are)." Harry walked behind her, extending his arm to help her anytime she was about to fall. "Up above the worrrld so hiigh, liikkee a diamond inn the skkkkyyyy!" Harry opened the door of her room.

"Nohere!(not here)" She said in a screeching voice.

"Then where?" He ran a hand through hia hair in annoyance and anger.

He heard her giggle. He looked up at her. "Yoy are avoravle.( you are adorable)." She slurred, staring at his face. "I wanna go to your room."


"Please Harold..." Harry huffed at her nickname and how difficult she was being, batting her eyelashes and pouting. He took her to his room. He, somehow made her sit on his bed.

"Stay here. I'll be back." He pointed his index finger at her. She lied on the bed, staring at the ceiling, whispering, "Kiss me like you wanna be loved."

Harry came out of the room in a flash and ran down to the pool. "Who gave her drink?" He growled at his friends, turning the music off. All of their heads snapped towards him who was fuming with anger.


"I asked who gave her that much drink?" He gritted.

"We didn't. She said she was coming down with us but she didn't. Is she okay?" Sophia said.

"Okay? She's completely wasted!" He ran a hand through his hair rather harshly.

"Do you want us to check-" Sophia said but he cuts her off.

"No. You guys can leave. I'm sorry but I have to go to her. And it's also getting late." He said. They all nodded.

"See you soon." Liam said as he hugged him. Harry nodded. He didn't like sending his friends but he had to. He had to be with her.

"You really love her, don't you?" Louis asked after hugging him. Harry's face snapped up at him. "What? You think we can't see?" Louis said.

"See what? There's nothing like-"

"Oh shut up Hazz! All of us know how much you care for her. Why don't you admit it?" Louis rolled his eyes at his stubbornness.

"Because I don't." Harry looked everywhere except him.

"Liar. A big liar. I see how you look at her. I saw how hurt you were when she was hurt. I saw how you were going mad when she wouldn't wake up. Stop lying to yourself and to others Harry." Louis placed his hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry was looking at the water in the pool. "You know what's your problem? You always use your mind. You don't consider what your heart says. It's nothing wrong to be in love Harry. It's a beautiful thing. Admit it once and you'll know how great it is to be loved and to be in love." Harry looked at his best friend. He knew but he just didn't want people to know. Because he thought that these emotions were make him weak. People would find his weakness. His weakness because he could do anything to save her, to protect her. Even if he had to die, he would.

Louis patted on his shoulder and walked away.

Harry rushed up to his room. When he opened the door, the room was empty. He walked in the hallway calling her name. He stopped when he saw the door open of his private room.

He walked in. There she sat holding a picture frame.

This room told her that Harry was the TLK. Because in this room, on every wall were her pictures. Pictures of them as children, when he used to play with her and pictures of when he saw her after years. It warmed her heart to see this. No one did anything like this for her.

"Veronica." He called. She turned her head to look at him. "Let's go to bed. You're not fine." He grabbed her hand which fit perfectly against his. She stood up without any word.

"Why did you hang my pictures?" She asked on the way out. This was also the effect of alcohol. First it made her hyperactive and excited and now she was acting thoughtful.

"I don't know." He said. She didn't say anything. He made her lie down on the bed. He covered her body with the warm duvet. As he was about to leave she caught his wrist.

"Stay here. With me." She said and he nodded hesitantly. He walked around to get in the bed after wearing a simple white shirt and sweatpants. He lied down next to her but there was enough room between them. She scooted closer to him. He noticed she was shaking with cold even when it was hot enough with the duvet over her.

"I'm cold." She mumbled. Harry's hand which was tucked under his head, she took it in her hand and placed his arm on the bed, lying her head on his bicep. A perfect pillow for her.

Harry was surprised but he didn't say anything. He had a lot going on in his mind. It got worse when she asked.

"Who needs my blood Harry?" He instantly looked at her, there face mere inches apart as he looked down at her.

"No one. Why?" He noticed that she stopped slurring which meant that alcohol was wearing off slowly.

"Because I had that nightmare again. I'm scared." She clutched his shirt in her hand. Harry gulped and said, "Forget it. It's nothing." He gave her a small smile.

"Goodnight Harry. I love you." She placed a small kiss on his lips before speaking.

Harry couldn't say anything. His mind was jumbled up with thoughts.

The ‘I love you’.

The blood.

And the he whispered to himself,

"It's me who need your blood."


Hello!! What do ya think? Please comment!!

OmG! 1.21K?? Thanks a lot for the love. Thanks thanks thanks!❤

All the love as always. :) x


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