Friendship that blossomed int...

By Lucinda_love39

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This is the sequel to the bonds of a genuine friendship, but this is PG 13 more characters are added also Ko... More

Friendship that blossomed into true love (A Josh Hutcherson love story)
Chapter 11 still at their interview on enews.
Chapter 12 The promise.
Chapter 13 their first time .
Chapter 14 the next morning Josh P.O.V.
Chapter 15 Koretta and Amelia's first meeting.
The return of Josh and Koretta doctor's appointment.chappie 16.
Chapter 17 Josh Arrival and Koretta hidden talents.
Author's Note Important read before please!!"
Chapter 19 the unexpected phonecall.
Chapter 20 (getting ready for the double date with Ben and Amelia)
Chapter 21 ( on the date)
Chapter 22 ( the tragic accident of young actor Conner Hutcherson!!)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (Koretta's P.o.v.)
Chapter 25 (Koretta and her mom's convo)
Chapter 26 (Josh reaction)
Chapter 27 (later that night and next morning)
Chappie 28 (Josh wedding proposal and Zendaya's P.o.V.)
Chapter 29 (both Michelle's and Conner discharge and Conner P.O.V.)
Chapter 30 Connor's P.o.v. and his his gift for Zendaya.
CHAPTER 31(still Connor p.o.v On my way home and Koretta and Josh text convo)
Chapter 32( five months later and Koretta getting contraction pains)
Chapter 33( K and J old school friend maddison Gates p.o.v.& the hospital)
Chapter 34( One week later and Koretta's and the twins discharge)
Chapter 35 ( Zendaya babysits London and Paris while K&J on their date))
Chapter 36( The wedding Invitations and Bridal shopping)
Chapter 37 (Koretta's Father and family visit from barbados and P.O.V.)
Chapter 38 ( Jason's P.O.V. and Katherine and Koretta visit to bridal store)
Title: Chapter 39 (Koretta Hen night and Josh stag do and Elena's P.o.v)
Chapter 40 Koretta and Josh Wedding day!!:)
Chapter 41 ( Wedding Reception(aka)the after party
Chapter 43 (EPILOGUE(AKA) THE END OF My Sequel.!!!! :(

CHAPTER 18 Koretta's next appointment with Dr Shaw.

1.4K 10 0
By Lucinda_love39

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THREE MONTHS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Josh remember that today is my Dr appointment  at the hospital and that Dr Shaw said that you have to come  too so you can't miss it" i said letting him know that our baby or babies was just as important as mine and  his work  cause  now that i was signed by Taylor Swift and i  was now a singer so my dream had come true  i had to rehearse today  with Justin me and Justin is rehearsing to be the opening act for Taylor's concert  we are gonna sing over board  so i have been learning the dance moves and all  so i will know all of them and won't mess up now that i had a noticable baby bump i had to wear  bigger clothes to hide it especially if i was doing a duet with Justin 

"Hey Josh its time to go lets go " i said  snapping  him  out of his thoughts  "wow" ok  come then " he said  so i got in his car  he reversed out of his long driveway   but soon we were at the hospital  we got out of the car he locked it we walk inside the doubles of this huge hospital  we went to the front desk "hi good afternoon i've got an appointment with Dr Shaw " i said to the nurse  " what's your name and d.o.b (aka) date of birth please ?" she ask   Koretta Desilva  and i told her my date of birth too she search the system and found my appointment  "oh here it is  you  are next so take a seat in the waiting  area but just as both me and Josh was about to have a seat  my name was called so we walk into Dr Shaw's office "hi mr Hutcherson  and great to see you again Koretta how have you been ? " he ask "you felt the baby kick or move yet?" Dr Shaw ask " "oh yes he's gonna be a football  player" i reply  but Dr Shaw and Josh  chuckle" " ok then Koretta   lydown here on this  for me please  and Josh you can hold her hand for me too  Josh please lift her tee shirt off her baby bumb let me get to put the gel on there " he ask  but Josh did as was told  

"Koretta you will feel the gel on your stomach and its really cold  but  after a while you won't feel it again ok  " he told me  "and both of you could you please watch the screen infront of you while i'm moving the maching on Koretta's belly  there are the babies " he said pointing to them   "there is a boy and a girl  identical twin babies  and they are very healthy  so both you and the babies are healthy  ok  and Josh well done to you " Dr Shaw said  and you too Koretta   "so your next appointment  will be 3 months from now the 16th  so i'll see you in 3 months time " he said to us  we thank him  then  we left once again and went back home soon we arrived at Josh place     soon we were in his house telling his mom and dad the good news

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thanks in advance! @shakile

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